Part 52: A Fresh Start; Daniel LaRusso

Dedicated to LOVESTODOODLE, @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, @madi658, @Krystal1601, @Suz1020, and @milkxlawrence for their amazing support of this story! I truly appreciate every view, comment, and vote any of you give :)

And a special dedication to @AbbyWatson4 and @Robby2Keene for their incredibly awesome feedback on my work! I could've never gotten to the viewership I have without you both :)

"Wow, when you said this place looked bad, you weren't kidding," remarked Amanda as the LaRusso family stepped out of their black Ford convertible, her eyes staring surprisingly at what used to be her husband's sanctuary.

Some of Daniel's most cherished memories were made in the once-beautiful Miyagi-Do dojo that had since been turned to rubble by Terry Silver weeks prior. But even through the enormous amount of charred debris that lay scattered across its lowly-grassed ground, he could still imagine the great memories he'd had within its carefully decorated wooden walls.

I learned my best lessons here, both as a student and Sensei.

"I wish I had been," joked Daniel, half-smiling as he and Sam each used one hand to slowly help Anthony out of the car's back seat.

The birthday brawl had not been nice to the LaRusso men when it came to physical injuries, to say the least. Daniel's right hand had been rebroken by Terry during their fight along with obtaining a multitude of various degrees of bruises that the man doubted would be healing anytime soon. Though, Anthony definitely got it the worst for his left leg had been broken by one of the Cobra Kai students during the confrontation.

I swear, I better not see that Kenny kid come after my son again.

"I hate using clutches," groaned Anthony, agitatedly as he stumbled slightly while walking over to where Amanda stood in what used to be the dojo's glowing green backyard.

"I know the feeling, trust me," agreed Daniel, sympathetically patting his son on the shoulder.

It makes you feel defenseless, though luckily for him, Sam and I are here to keep him safe. Just like Mr. Miyagi was for me.

As these thoughts came into his mind, he felt a wave of guilt sting his heart. Protecting his son was the exact opposite of what Daniel had done during the fight. He'd been so focused on stopping Silver from hurting anyone that he didn't recognize that there may have been other enemies out there, too. Out there hurting the people he loved the most.

And I owe both the kids an apology for that.

"I need to tell all of you something that I should have said a long time ago," started Daniel, sighing deeply.

"Did something happen, Dad?" Asked Sam as the other three members of the family turned their attention to Daniel, looks of concern quickly jumping onto their faces.

Though, Amanda made sure to place a reassuring hand on her husband's shoulder, already knowing what he was going to say before he could even speak the words aloud.

There's no one who understands me better than she does.

"I just want to apologize for what's happened to all of you recently. This whole war between our dojos has grown into something much more than just a somewhat (Amanda shot him a skeptical look) petty disagreement between two old rivals. It's become something truly dangerous. I always knew it needed to be stopped and that I had to be the one to do it, but I got so focused on fixing the problem that I never gave any of you the chance to decide whether or not you wanted to be involved in the first place. I never gave you the chance to decide what you wanted. And worst of all, I let the people I care about the most get hurt in the process," explained Daniel, his eyes slowly drifting from each one of his family member's, tears of regret glistening vibrantly in his own.

We've all grown so much over these past few years and I just wish I could've realized that a little sooner. Maybe then I wouldn't have missed so much of their lives.

"We appreciate that, Dad, but this is our fight, too. And it always has been," stated Sam, understandingly.

"Yeah, one which I should have joined earlier," smiled Anthony, the signature look of LaRusso determination glinting behind his bruised right eye.

"That means more to me than any dojo ever will and I'm so proud of what amazing people you two have grown up to be," spoke Daniel, tears of happiness slipping down his cheeks as he pulled his family into a tight hug.

As long as I have them, I'll always have something to keep fighting for.

"Okay, that's enough, Dad," pleaded Anthony, playfully as he pulled out of his Dad's embrace.

Sam just laughed, smilingly at her brother's joke.

"But in the end, they're still teenagers," whispered Amanda, kissing Daniel lightly on the cheek.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Within what felt like seconds, all the Miyagi-Fang students seemed to flood the open lot (along with Johnny and Chozen, too).

"So what manual labor do you want us to do for you now?" Questioned Johnny, sarcastically crossing his arms over one another.

"Isn't that more your thing, though, Sensei?" Asked Mitch, obliviously.

"Shut up, Penis Breath," commanded Johnny, loudly.

Yeah, no matter what happens between Johnny and I, there is no world in which I'll ever approve of name-calling students.

"Don't worry, I've reserved those jobs just for you, Johnny," Daniel shot back, a knowing grin covering his face.

"Could we actually get started on the whole task thing because some of us have places to be," urged Devon, impatiently from towards the back of the crowd.

Johnny smirked at Daniel, agreeingly.

She is way too much like him for my liking.

"I assume by now that all of you have heard about what Terry Silver did to this dojo a month ago," began Daniel, addressing the large group of excited students in front of him.

There were many bad things that had occurred during the birthday brawl, but an upside was definitely the number of students that had decided to join Miyagi-Fang.

Though, that's not really the type of attention I prefer to be getting.

"Haven't we been training at the Eagle Fang dojo?" Countered Miguel, he and Sam sharing a look of confusion.

"You're right, but Sensei Lawrence and I just thought that after everything that's happened, now would be a good time for a new start, for all of us," explained Daniel.

"So why exactly are we at this place if we're trying to start over, no offense?" Questioned Demetri, curiously.

"Because we cannot start over from nothing, Mr. Alexopoulous," answered Chozen, nodding thoughtfully at Daniel.

Daniel nodded back at his fellow Sensei, always appreciative of the support he gave during speeches.

"Which is why I want all of us to make this dojo just like I did with my Sensei when we first started training, together," finished Daniel, smiling fondly at the thought of his time with Mr. Miyagi.

If come from inside you, always right one.

All the students looked around, gratitude covering their young faces as they admired the open opportunity that stood in front of them.

"You heard him, get a move on!" Commanded Johnny, gesturing towards the many tools the LaRussos had lined out before their arrival. None of which Daniel trusted Johnny to be alone with (especially for Demetri's sake).

As the group slowly dispersed, only one student remained behind, Robby.

I guess more than one thing's changed...

"Robby, is everything okay?" Asked Daniel, rushing over to his side.

He hadn't seen him at all since he was sent to the hospital after the birthday brawl a week prior, though he'd made sure to call Johnny several times to check up on his old student.

I had to learn the hard way that sometimes kids just need space. Even if it hurts us so much to give it.

"I just thought it might be time for us to talk," replied Robby, stuffing his hands into his pockets nervously.

He couldn't remember the last time Robby had come to him for anything, much less actually want his help for something.

"Of course," encouraged Daniel, gesturing for Robby to follow him to his car where things would be a little quieter.

They sat down on the car's bumper, Robby's eyes holding a firm gaze on the ground for several seconds before finally speaking.

"I owe you an apology. I have for so long, Mr. LaRusso. I just felt like after the school brawl, you didn't care about me anymore. But after everything that's happened with Cobra Kai, I realized I was wrong about a lot of things, including doubting you," admitted Robby, regretfully.

Daniel didn't have to see Robby's eyes to know he was already crying.

"No, it was my fault. I should have never made you feel like you had to join Cobra Kai to get help. I was supposed to be the one who helped you," reasoned Daniel, placing a hand on Robby's back, comfortingly.

I really did miss having these moments with him. They were always so special, in the best possible way.

"If you want, the door to Miyagi-Do is always open," offered Daniel, gently.

"Thanks, but I think I'm more interested this time in just spending time with you," Robby politely declined, looking up to meet Daniel's teary eyes before hugging him.

People like him are the gifts life will surprise us with in our darkest of days.

"Now, go have fun with the others. I know they've missed you," smiled Daniel.

Robby nodded, smiling back at his old Sensei before heading into the large group of students.

"I'll allow it, this time," warned Johnny, sipping a Coors' Banquet beer as he sat down next to his fellow Sensei.

He had watched the whole conversation play out and surprisingly, hadn't tried to stop it.

I never thought I'd hear those words come out of his mouth.

"Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to take over with him or anything," reassured Daniel, calmly.

Too many times had they both assumed their kids could only care about one Sensei and he wasn't going to be making that mistake again.

"It's fine, LaRusso. Plus, I don't think you could really say something that would beat my offer for him to join Eagle Fang," commented Johnny, proudly smirking at his frenemy.

Eh, I'll just give it to him this time.

"You did a good job with your kids, both of them," commented Daniel, kindly as they watched the students slowly clearing the debris away from the ash-covered ground.

Daniel took specific notice of Sam, Robby, and Miguel's jovial conversation, small smiles covering their faces.

After everything that's happened, they deserve to just be happy.

"Thanks, and I guess your kids aren't the worst either," added Johnny, honestly.

The setting sun cast a beautiful shine onto their surroundings, seemingly touching every object with its wonderfully colored tones of pink, orange, and yellow. The trees around them swayed gracefully under the warm breeze, their leaves slowly preparing for the fall. The two men leaned back against the car's trunk, fully taking in the scenery. Though, their magnificent view was soon blocked by the mysterious figure of an old enemy.

"It truly is beautiful, isn't it?" Remarked John Kreese as he walked in front of them, his hands folded in front of his chest, casually.

"What do you want, Kreese?" Demanded Johnny, forcibly pushing himself forward in frustration.

"I think a thank you is in order, Mr. Lawrence," answered Kreese, plainly.

"Well, then you're going to be here for quite awhile," retorted Daniel, harshly cutting the older man off.

He might've saved Robby back at the party, but that doesn't mean all is forgiven. And when it comes to him, it might never be.

"Fair enough. But I did come for one other thing; to warn you both," continued Kreese, his eyes lingering on his old student.

"About what now?" Asked Johnny, rolling his eyes.

"Of the plan Terry has put into motion. He's bringing in more powerful enemies than any of us have faced," stated Kreese, firmly.

"Worse than Mike Barnes?" Questioned Daniel, disbelievingly.

"Much worse," answered Kreese, expressionlessly.

Daniel and Johnny both shifted uncomfortably on the car's bumper, sharing mutual looks of worry.

"Even if we did believe you then, why are you warning us? Questioned Johnny, staring his old Sensei down.

"Because you will need my help," responded Kreese, knowingly.

Is he out of his mind?!

"Yeah, no," scoffed Daniel, curtly.

"Ultimately, it's up to you, but when I get out of prison, when not if, the offer will always stand," finished Kreese, mysteriously.

"We'll think about it," replied Johnny, insincerely.

Kreese nodded, acceptingly before leaving the same way he'd come as not to disturb the kids, through the shadows.

"At least we agree on one thing, there's no way we're asking for his help," stated Johnny, gulping down the last of his beer.

Daniel nodded his head in agreement.

Though, something deep inside both the Miyagi-Fang Senseis told them their old enemy might end up being right after all.

But right now, all that matters is spending time with the people I love.

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