Part 43: Clashing Morals; Miguel Diaz

Dedicated to @AbbyWatson4, @NewYorkDoll, @LOVESTODOODLE, @CamrynKissel, @Krystal1601, and @madi658 for their amazing support on my writing journey :)

And a special thanks to my longtime reader @Robby2Keene! You are a true friend who leaves amazing feedback!

(Also wanted to give you a special shoutout because I know that Robby's your favorite character and this is definitely an important chapter for him)

I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I did writing it :)

"How can he just stand there, willing to fight his father? After everything Sensei Lawrence did for him?!" thought Miguel, furiously as he looked across the hall at his old enemy.

He had tried to convince himself ever since they'd returned from Mexico that Robby was truly a good person who'd just made some very bad mistakes. After all, Miguel himself didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to always doing the right thing, especially when he'd first started to train under the tutelage of John Kreese.

Maybe Robby didn't realize who he was hurting, just like the rest of us when we were with Cobra Kai.

But something inside him had resisted, putting up an impossible blockade in his mind that prevented him from fully believing the truth that stood before him, regardless of what Johnny had tried so desperately to show both of his sons. It was an unsettling feeling that had slowly crawled up his body throughout the days, warning him of the danger that would soon be coming towards his friends.

Every time Miguel had interacted with Robby since their return, he'd been quick to avoid any type of real apology. Sure, Robby had sort of given one back in Mexico, though it seemed like more of a temporary peace treaty than anything else given the circumstances involving Miguel's father. Still, he'd take even just a slight notion that he was apologetic for what happened in the school brawl, after everything they'd both gone through over the last two years. But he wasn't sorry, at least not sorry enough to say so.

Mr. LaRusso's right, people can change for the better, but maybe Robby just isn't one of those people.

Miguel suddenly found only himself and Robby standing across from one another in the center of the room, all of his friends already rushing off into a fight with the other Cobras. Or rather, he was taking longer to join in the rumble.

"I thought you actually cared about your dad?" Questioned Miguel, his chest tightening with anger.

"I do care about him," stated Robby defensively, his voice lowering several tones as he spoke.

The two teenagers' gazes burned more violently than ever before as they watched each other's every movement with utmost caution, waiting for the other to strike the first blow of battle.

"Then why are you still fighting for Cobra Kai!" Shouted Miguel, throwing his hand down, exasperatedly.

If he actually cared about Sensei then, he wouldn't be willing to hurt him like this! To continue to train with someone as dangerous as Terry Silver.

"Because it's, it's complicated," sighed Robby, hi words now only a whisper of their usual self.

Both teenagers felt as if everything in the past two months were finally boiling over the edge, threatening to destroy the very thing they'd promised their dad.

"Forget it, it's my fault for believing that you would ever change," stated Miguel, shaking his head, disappointedly.

He was honestly relieved to know Johnny wasn't there to see their fight because after all the things his Sensei had done to help him, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his son.

"I was the one who never changed? You were the one who expected an apology, but never gave me the chance to actually give one!" Robby shouted back, his fists clenching tightly at his sides.

"You never gave me a reason to," Miguel snapped back.

He now stood mere inches from his enemy's face, their eyes still locked firmly.

"Well, you're right about one thing, I'm not the person my dad thinks I am," admitted Robby, his voice rising high with anger.

"And I never will be," finished Robby, something clear sparkling in his hazel green eyes. Was he actually sorry for what happened at the school and I really didn't give him the chance to apologize?

But Miguel's thoughts of skepticism were quickly replaced by pain as Robby kicked him into a nearby potted plant, shaking its artificial dirt over all the polished ballroom flooring.

He felt raw anger burn up his entire body as he readied his fists.

"You're not going to hurt Sensei, not again," declared Miguel, raising one of his arms up to his shoulder in a defensive position.

Sensei told me what happened when Robby was growing up and I felt bad for him. But he has a father who actually, who actually cares about him. How can he just throw all that away because of some misplaced loyalty?!

"I would never," stated Robby, his muscles bulging as he lifted his arms to his upper chest.

And in that very second, the two fighters' fists collided with one another, their spirits clashing as they battled.

Robby immediately jumped into the air, his foot flying over Miguel's head in a spin-kick, but the latter quickly ducked to avoid the mighty kick. As Robby finished the move, Miguel was able to land a hard punch to the prior's shoulder making him stumble backwards slightly.

"Is this really what your dad wants?" Asked Miguel, his hands still held firmly in front of him.

"After everything that's happened, you're the last person who gets to tell me what my Dad wants!" Yelled Robby as he ran towards his opponent, furiously.

He released a flurry of punches to Miguel's ribs, nearly knocking him to the ground.

Okay, that one hurt a lot...

Miguel panted, though needed only seconds to regain stamina because he'd been "lucky" enough to injury his ribs many times before. Most notably, during training with Johnny early on in his career as a Cobra Kai student.

The worst part was by far the tennis balls. It felt like they were coming from all angles.

Miguel kicked Robby in the chest before grabbing his arm and slamming him through the DJ stand that stood towards the front of the stage. Several flashes of light shone from various corners of the room, the few remaining guests snapping fast photos of the fights that filled the room.

Miguel glimpsed Sam and Tory close by, locked in vicious hand-to-hand combat.

She's beaten Tory before in a fight so, I'm sure she's doing okay, right?

Robby used Miguel's momentary distraction to yynk him back first onto the stage, launching him head over heels before leaping off of a table and delivering a double-footed kick to Miguel's stomach.

Miguel crashed into the back section of the stage, the baby pink curtains falling gently on top of his bruised body.

The fighter slowly got to his feet, a loud ringing sounding throughout his jumbled head.

"It doesn't matter what happens tonight because nothing's going to change between us!" Shouted Robby.

Both teenagers now stood once-again facing one another, several dark bruises already forming across their muscular bodies.

"That's because you never wanted them to," retorted Miguel, narrowing his eyes.

They exchanged powerful blows with one another as they slowly moved towards the back of the room until Miguel felt his feet bump into the first of many marble steps that lined the white staircase. Both fighters landed multiple punches to each other in various locations, though the crucial hits were blocked by their respective defenders.

Without thought of their actions, the two teenagers moved up the stairs, Miguel's back turned towards the upper level as he fought Robby without hesitation.

Their blows now echoed in the empty air that was the second floor, leaving the chaos of the rumble to rest below its flooring. The tiles were just as slick as the ones that made up the lower floor, only the scenery that surrounded felt much more foreboding due to its lack of decorations. It was as if they were the last remaining fighters left to defend their Senseis' honor.

Robby punched Miguel against one of the spiral pillars near the edge of the balcony, denting the beam from the impact. For mere seconds, Miguel overheard the shattering of glass and his friends' shouts of anger from below.

Why am I up here fighting Robby when my friends need my help?

A sudden jolt of fear crossed over Miguel's body, shaking his every nerve. This was the exact same way the school brawl had started, only the subject had been his kiss with Sam as opposed to Johnny. And without warning, he felt the all too familiar pain of falling crest over him, filling his insides with dread.

"Miguel!" Tory's words echoed through his head as he plummeted past his fellow students.

The rush of the action had only been seconds for the watching eye, but to him, it could have been an eternity.

Helplessness consuming his every thought about what he'd done to deserve such a cruel punishment. And then, everything had disappeared into complete darkness.

He could have never known what would have happened during that terrible day, no one could have. But if someone had been able to prevent it, it would have saved so many from going through immense pain.

I wasn't able to stop things from escalating then, but I can now. I have to try.

Robby attempted to throw another punch but Miguel blocked his attack with a straight sweeping motion of his own hand. A specialty he'd learned from Daniel while training for the tournament.

They were equally matched fighters, but Robby had the speed advantage.

Robby grabbed Miguel's right arm and flipped him onto the ground, letting his face slam roughly against the hard tiles that lay beneath his feet.

"We don't have to do this," panted Miguel, gritting his teeth through the pain seeping from his twisting arm.

"I don't have a choice, I never have a choice," stated Robby, gripping Miguel's wrist tighter as he pulled on his immobilized arm.

He could feel his bone breaking under the extreme pressure, but persevered past the pain.

I have to trust he'll do the right thing, for all of our sakes.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe no one ever gave you a real chance to be a good person, but that's why I am now and, I forgive you," Miguel breathed, the pain getting worse by the minute.

Robby loosened his grip slightly, confusion hanging on his face.
"What are you talking about? I never apologized to you?" Asked Robby, quietly.

"It doesn't matter if you did or not because I need to move on, we both do. And I'm done hating you for something we both caused. So, I forgive you," admitted Miguel, honestly.

And as he voiced those very words, he felt a heavy weight suddenly lift off his chest.

I've never said that aloud before. Of course, I knew the school brawl was my fault, too, but it feels good to finally talk about it.

Several seconds went by without either one of the two teenagers moving, silence blanketing the once blaring anger that had so harshly radiated from their bodies mere minutes prior. It was almost as if time itself had frozen in obedience to their sudden changes. Nothing moved forward nor back as Miguel awaited Robby's response, the pain getting harder to handle with each breath.

Either way, I did the right thing and that's what Sensei always taught me to do.

But as Miguel shut his eyes, he felt Robby's fingers shift along his arm. His worn hands touched his injured arm as he pulled Miguel to his feet, sighing heavily.

"Thank you, I really needed that," half-smiled Robby, gratefully.

Miguel nodded, understandingly.

"But I do owe you an actual apology, for everything that's happened. All those mistakes are on me, especially what I did to you at the school. But I'm trying to be a better person now, it's just going to take me a little while to get there," explained Robby, tears slowly leaving his tired eyes.

"It's okay, and I'm sorry, too," smiled Miguel, extending his hand.

Robby smiled back, shaking his hand.

And for the first time ever, Miguel actually believed he and Robby were truly putting aside their feud, maybe even once and for all.

No matter what it may seem like sometimes, we should all be given the chance to change.

"Clap, clap, clap," they heard from the corner of the landing.

"What a lovely apology," spat Terry, bright red blood dripping from his upper lip.

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