Part 4: A Miracle; Daniel LaRusso

Dedicated to AbbyWatson4

He could still see Terry Silver’s wide grin as he swept Daniel’s legs and knocked him on the rough ground. Flames slowly started to move across the grassy backyard as his enemy’s dark shadow disappeared from view.

 Daniel couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe. He was prey to its fiery hands as they reached outward, trying with its strongest might to burn every inch of his worn body.

No, I can’t die like this! My family’s still in danger as long as Silver is out there!

But it didn’t matter what he wanted because the decision had already been made. He was going to die tonight, in the place where he held his best memories. The very place he’d found himself.  Daniel closed his eyes, finally succumbing to the immense pain felt across his entire body as the flames touched his bare skin.

I'm coming, Mr. Miyagi.

But then, the greatest miracle Daniel could have hoped for occurred. A strong hand grasped his arm and pulled him out of the fire. His rescuer’s face was blurred by the thick smoke layer that covered the air. The person muttered words of which he couldn’t hear over the pounding that demanded his full attention. The last thing that he remembered was the vague shape of the Miyagi dojo’s textured roof as it burned brightly before his eyes.

“Daniel, can you hear me?” called a distant voice that echoed throughout his ears.

All his senses felt disoriented. As he slowly opened his weary eyes, the figure’s shape came into view. He didn’t recognize who they were personally but he could tell that they were a doctor from their thigh-length white coat and the stethoscope loosely hanging around their neck. The name tag pinned to her upper left pocket read Julia.

“What happened?” asked Daniel, blinking twice to try and clarify his vision, though without much success.

He laid in an adjustable medical bed in the middle of a patient’s room at the All-Valley hospital.

I recognize this place from when Sam got hurt in the school fight almost a year ago.

That day was without a doubt one of the scariest moments of his life.

“There was an accident at your karate center,” answered Julia as she felt his pulse.

Daniel had to stop himself from sighing sarcastically. 

She must have meant dojo, not karate center.

“If you’re up to it, your wife would like to see you,” Julia offered gently. 

“Of course she can,” responded Daniel, nodding vaguely.

He’d love nothing more than to know his family was alright.

The doctor nodded back before leaving the room. She did not return for several minutes. Daniel’s mind started to wander as he waited.

What did Silver need so badly from the Miyagi dojo that he was willing to risk losing a fight for it? Or was there no real risk because he’d known he would win?

Silver definitely seemed like the more overconfident of the two Cobra Kai senseis but he also possessed a much stronger ability of deception, Daniel knew that from personal experience.

Whatever it is, I need to make sure the kids are nowhere near it.

“Never scare me like that again!” scolded Amanda as she rushed past Julia and threw her arms around him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” promised Daniel, breathing a heavy sigh of relief as he looked at his beautiful wife’s face.

As he tried lifting his arms up to hug her back, he noticed that his hands were heavily bandaged.

Julia saw his look of confusion and quickly explained.

“You were lucky enough to survive the fire without major repercussions to your physical health but your hands were burned pretty severely. I expect they will take several weeks to heal.”

Daniel nodded understandingly. He really was thankful for how lucky he’d been but knowing that Terry Silver was becoming stronger worried him.

If I can’t use my hands, how do I defend my family?

Julia politely smiled back before giving the couple a minute alone.

“Are the kids okay?” asked Daniel, trying to distract himself.

“They’re worried but okay,” said Amanda, sympathetically.

“Well, at least I’ll be back home in no time,” smiled Daniel, reassuringly.

Author's Note: Firstly, I'd just like to thank all of readers for reading this story.
Secondly, I'd just like to ask if you may comment or vote on my book, if you have the time or the desire, of course.
Love you all

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