Part 18: Tied Together; Daniel LaRusso

                                                       Dedicated to @AbbyWatson4 and @Robby2Keene

"I should have known Chozen would pull something like this..."

"See, this is what I get for agreeing to work with a LaRusso," remarked Johnny, angrily.

He shifted back and forth aggressively as he tried to shake the ropes off his wrists with no effect, unless you count giving Daniel a head-rush.

"Will you just stop it already," sighed Daniel, pulling on his ropes just hard enough to force Johnny backwards so he'd finally stay still.

"So what, you wanna just sit here for hours waiting for your Sensei to come back?"

"He's not my Sensei, we're partners," protested Daniel, exasperatedly.

"Sure as hell doesn't seem like it!" Exclaimed Johnny, sarcasm lingering in his annoyed voice.

Daniel rolled his eyes, frustratedly. It's not that he didn't understand what Chozen was trying to teach him, but rather, the fact of having to work with Johnny Lawrence, again.

And above all others, he is impossible to reason with.

But deep down, he knew this wasn't the truth. There are much worse people to be aligned with such as John Kreese or Terry Silver and Johnny wasn't actually as bad as he'd thought for all those years. Johnny just had a "different" way of teaching than he did, that's all.

"For man with no forgiveness in his heart, living worse punishment than death."

He moaned slightly as he felt the ropes rub painfully against his delicately bandaged hands.

At least I know Chozen's not going easy on me, not that I was ever really worried about that.

His eyes wandered around the room, aimlessly falling upon each object strewn across the floor until he finally landed on an old tire. His mind suddenly jumped to an idea he'd taught over a year ago to Sam and Robby, the wheel technique.

"Okay, if we're going to do this, we need to move at the same time, just like a car's wheels," stated Daniel, aligning his back straight up against the pole.

His intent was for this to give them better traction with their feet.

"Why do you get to come up with the plan?" questioned Johnny, defiantly.

"Fine, Johnny, what's your plan?" scoffed Daniel, testingly.

I highly doubt he even has a plan, but I might as well just give him a chance, after all.

"Thank you. My plan is for us to do that wheel technique thing," explained Johnny, smirking before leaning back against the pole.

You have got to be kidding me!

"Whatever, just lean back against the pole," instructed Daniel.

Johnny barely seemed to move positions, but Daniel didn't have the time nor the desire to tell him as much.

"Okay, then on the count of three, we both stand up."

"Alright, LaRusso, just try to actually pull your weight," responded Johnny, sarcastically.

Daniel decided to just let that jab go for the sake of completing the task at hand.

"One, two-"

But Daniel was suddenly cut off by Johnny's forceful bolt upwards. Their heads slammed against their respective sides of the pole, sending them crashing back down onto the cement flooring.

"Why did you do that! We were supposed to move on three!" scolded Daniel, feeling a painful bump already forming on the back of his head.

"That's what I did!"

How can he be blaming this on me when he was the one who didn't listen?!

"I meant that we'd move after I said three!"

"Well, next time, just say that instead."

As soon as they heard the words aloud, Daniel and Johnny could hear the stupidity of the argument.

I couldn't be more glad that the kids aren't here to see this because there's no way they wouldn't be laughing at us. I'd be laughing at us.

"Look, Johnny, if we're going to take down Cobra Kai, we need to find some way to work together," reasoned Daniel.

"I'm open to suggestions," responded Johnny.

Daniel took a deep breath before coming to the final conclusion.

"How about we do this your way?" offered Daniel, honestly.

Even without seeing Johnny's face, he could tell how surprised his ex-enemy was to hear him compromise.

"Okay, thanks, LaRusso," responded Johnny, honestly.

"You're welcome, now let's just get out of here," said Daniel, barely holding back a laugh.

Maybe we can make this work after all.

"Okay, this time on three. One, two, three!" announced Daniel.

It went better the second time around, for they were at least able to both stand up (even if Johnny still leapt up much quicker). Daniel breathed a sigh of relief at their temporary success.

"Now that we've finished that, we should try and find something to-" Daniel stopped his sentence short, gaping at the sight playing out beside him.

Johnny was fumbling a beer bottle cap between his fingers, slowly gnawing away at the ropes.

That was, pretty smart.

After only two minutes, Johnny managed to free them both from their restraints.

"I have to admit, that was impressive," complimented Daniel as they shook the ropes off their wrists.

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one who can come up with plans," smiled Johnny, taking a swig of his beer in victory.

Daniel just smiled back, biting his lip slightly.

He deserves a win, this time.

As if on cue, Chozen reentered the dojo, a strong, greasy aroma wafting out from the white take-out bag held in his right hand.

"Ah, I see that you have successfully completed your task," congratulated Chozen, nodding respectively to them both

"I guess, but it wasn't that hard," lied Johnny, inconspicuously winking over at Daniel.

"Good, but are you both ready for lesson two?" asked Chozen, sketpically.

"Whatever it is, we can do it," reassured Daniel as he looked over at Johnny, determination covering both of their proud faces.

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