Part 16: Leap of Faith; Samantha LaRusso

                                                              Dedicated to @AbbyWatson4 and @Robby2Keene

“Finally, I might be able to do something without messing it up,” thought Sam as she walked through the open entrance of the park. She had suggested for herself and Miguel to hang out after everything was settled at home with his family. This led to him coming up with the perfect idea of a picnic in the park. It would be the first time they’d really get to have a full conversation about all the events since the end of the tournament without the pressure of a million other people watching them (unless you count texting, but she really didn’t). Of course, she was hoping he’d tell her about why he left during the tournament, but honestly, she was just happy to get away from the chaos of their, her, loss.

I can always count on him to be a shoulder to lean on.

The air blew warmly against her face, passionately urging her towards her desired destination. Her white high-tops tapped gently against the stone pavement as she followed the path to the center of the park. Despite arriving exactly at two, Miguel was already waiting in a grassy patch a few feet away. His bright smile matched perfectly to his casual clothes. In all the time she’d known Miguel, he’d never been late to anything, especially their dates.

“Hey, you,” smiled Sam, kissing him on the cheek.

“Hi,” smiled Miguel back, staring into her light blue eyes.

She felt that they could have stared into each other’s eyes forever, the world withholding any other matter that needed their attention.

I’m so glad that he’s back because no one can pick me up like he does.

“I brought both healthy food my mom cooked and Inn ‘in’ Out, depending on what mood we’re going for on our fine venture of romance” joked Miguel, locking his hand in hers as they sat down on a soft plaid blanket that covered a small section of the grassy ground.

He’d brought the food in a flimsy net basket that bent slightly inward as he held its handle in his left hand.

“How about a bit of both?” suggested Sam, playfully.

“Woah, that is a hard task, but for you, I’ll make it work,” teased Miguel, pretending to be cautious as he plated both their foods.

“So, how’s your dad?” asked Miguel before biting into one of his mother’s tamales, some of the sauce covered tortilla smeared on his lower lip.

“He’s doing okay, especially considering the circumstances of the dojo and all,” responded Sam, distantly.

Sam wasn’t sure she believed that Daniel was really okay, but she was mostly helpless in the situation anyway, so she preferred to just avoid the subject whenever possible.

I just wish my dad would be as honest with me as I am with him. 

She must not have been hiding this thought as well as she’d hoped to, because he leaned over and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, gently, his face wearing an understanding expression.

“If there’s anything I can do, I’m here,” he reassured her, supportively.

“Thanks, you just being here means more than anything I could have wished for,” responded Sam, gratefully.

The next half an hour was spent discussing how they could somehow manage to figure out what Cobra Kai was planning and stop them before it happened (which mostly yielded the results you’d expect. Nothing). Once they’d finished talking (and eaten through almost every bit of food Miguel had brought), they decided to take a stroll around the park before they had to get back home.

Nature blossomed at every corner as they walked. The tree branches swayed slowly in the wind above them. Birds chirped happily as they peaked at the ground for their ate lunch. Joggers ran past them, seemingly unbeknownst to their surroundings. And for the first time in weeks, Sam felt truly calm.

There was only one thing nagging at her. Every time she looked at Miguel, he looked happy, although she could feel his hand’s grip tighten every minute or two. Almost as if something was eating away at him, its attacks getting more and more painful.

If he’s not going to tell me, then I’ll have to ask him instead.

“What’s been new with you, lately?” asked Sam, curiously.

“Um, you know a lot,” said Miguel, vaguely as his eyes suddenly became glued to the floor.

What does he mean by a lot?

She waited several seconds for him to elaborate without any success before she spoke once again.

“Do you wanna talk to me about it?” she pushed, anxiously.

“I, I will, I just need a little more time,” sighed Miguel, apologetically.

“Oh no, don’t worry about it. I totally understand.”

And she honestly did understand, she just wished she could do as much for him as he was doing for her.

Even if he doesn’t know it.

“Can I tell you something?” Sam blurted out suddenly, looking back at Miguel.

“Of course, what is it?” he asked, worriedly.

The next three words spilled out of her mouth without warning, leaving it dry and her insides shaking nervously. 

“I love you. And I know now’s not a good time to say this because there’s so much going on with you, with me, with us, but there really isn’t going to be a good time to say this. So, I love you,” Sam admitted.

The words were true, she did love him. She loved how he showed up to the hospital after a single phone call because he wanted to make sure she was okay, and how he could make her smile at a moment’s notice. She loved how he was able to put a positive swing on even the worst of problems, yet stand up to others when his friends were in danger. Most of all, she loved him because he was well, him.

The words hung in the air without response for several seconds as the couple stopped in their tracks. Anxiety slowly seemed to spread over her every bone.

Why did I have to say this now? Everything was going fine before. Is he not responding because he’s surprised or because he doesn’t feel the same way? Does he not love me, too?

Their eyes once again met, each almost piercing into the other’s soul.

“I love you too, Sam,” he replied, his smile widening as tears formed in his dark brown eyes.

She felt her heart melt as his very words obliterated all the pain that had followed her, consumed her, for so long. 

She placed her hand on his cheek and leaned in, her glossed pink lips touching his.

Nothing else matters, except this.

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