Worth the Wait

Dedicated to @LOVESTODOODLE for their inventive ideas and mutual appreciation of Daniel LaRusso

Author's Note: This story takes place two years after the events of Karate Kid and is my interpretation of how Daniel first met his wife, Amanda.

Hope you all enjoy!

"Just a few more minutes before you can finally take a break," Daniel reminded himself, making sure to keep his right hand steady as he trimmed the tree's little green leaf.

It wasn't just any tiny tree, it was a bonsai tree. Until just two years ago, those very words would've been lost on his teenage mind, flowing in one ear and out the other as most adults' words do when it comes to kids. But Daniel had come to appreciate nature's little gifts like the innocent bonsai tree he trimmed so delicately because of his karate mentor, Mr. Miyagi.

To say Mr. Miyagi was only his mentor was by all means an understatement. He was the person who helped Daniel stand up to his school bullies after his mother, Lucille, decided to move them to Los Angeles.

Definitely used to be bitter about that one, though my perspective has changed due to some certain circumstances...

Mr. Miyagi was the one person who always believed in him, no matter how many stupid mistakes he made along the way. Daniel had to learn the hard way that there's no way to stop making mistakes, only to move past them.

Not to say that Daniel hadn't reciprocated that level of trust for his mentor. He did fly all the way to Okinawa to help Mr. Miyagi settle a past feud with his former best friend, Sato, after all. Along with giving up his entire college fund to give his mentor the lifelong goal he'd always dreamed of, to run a bonsai shop.

Not that I like to brag or anything. Well, maybe I do just a little.

"How is the tree coming along, Daniel-San?" asked Mr. Miyagi as he walked into the quaint shop's back office, taking extra caution so as not to allow his gentle bare feet step on the tree branch clippings that the young protege had left lying on the floor.

Though, the older man wasn't afraid of such little inconveniences among the many troubles life could bring.

The shop was one of those treasures you'd find at the end of an old town road, hidden from the outside world until just the right moment when you needed a tiny emblem of hope in your life, just like Mr. Miyagi had been the day he saved Daniel from Johnny on one fateful Halloween night.

"Good, just hope it doesn't take too much longer or I'm never going to make it to the airport in time to pick up, Jessica," commented Daniel, struggling to balance speaking while cutting the tree's leaves.

He really was right when he said cutting bonsais was a solitary task.

Daniel had met Jessica Andrews during the fall two years ago when she was staying with her mother. They went on a few dates together before quickly realizing they both needed a friend much more than a romantic partner at the time.

But that doesn't mean I'm not open to having a little fun in that department, I just need to find the right girl.

"Never rush a task, Daniel-San, for it will only lead to more work later on," reminded Mr. Miyagi, clapping his hand on his student's right shoulder.

It always amazed Daniel how Mr. Miyagi's grip was simultaneously firm, yet always felt comforting against his constantly worn muscles.

"Yeah, I know," smiled Daniel, quietly as he placed the finishing touches on the tiny tree, leaning back proudly.

There isn't a nicer feeling than knowing you completed something for yourself.

The bonsai sat delicately placed upon the long oak table, its trunk a nice coffee brown color. Its leaves were naturally a dark green that contrasted with the tree's otherwise bright feeling, although Daniel didn't really pay too much attention to it.

I'm sure there's a lesson for me in there somewhere, but I don't have time to ask today.

"Ok, I'm off," announced Daniel, quickly pushing his chair away from the table before grabbing his keys from a hock that hung nearby the paper door.

He'd recently worked on fixing up the shop from when Mike Barnes attacked during the time of his last tournament.

"One more thing, Daniel-San," interrupted Mr. Miyagi, his eyes looking thoughtfully at his student's finished project.

"What?" moaned Daniel, already feeling his legs dragging him out the door with excitement.

If he's gonna try and give me another chore to do before I leave then, I swear I'm running outta


"Don't forget to pick me up some soup from Tina's on way back. Much better than leftovers," smiled Mr. Miyagi, knowingly.

"Uh huh, sure," smirked Daniel, slightly annoyed at his mentor's trick.

He quickly dashed out the door, jumping over the side of his yellow 1947 Ford convertible and into the driver's seat.

"Get to the airport in ten minutes? I'm sure I can do it," Daniel thought, hopefully as he pressed his key into the car's ignition before pulling out of the shop's dirt driveway.

He arrived exactly ten minutes later, his car stopping just outside the airport's crowded entrance.

The airport's front was decorated with an arching blue and white sign, displaying the company's logo in large letters.

They definitely don't want anyone to miss this place.

People of varying nationalities were frantically running to and fro, oblivious to their surroundings as they brushed past the strangers. Daniel cupped his hand to his eyes, trying to spot his friend amongst the chaos.

"Where are you, Jessica?" Daniel wondered aloud, his eyes still searching.

He would've been glad to look closer, though he doubted distance was the real dilemma he faced within such a big crowd.

I can't just go around and ask a bunch of strangers where she is, after all.

"Daniel!" called a familiar voice from within the middle of the crowd, her voice carrying a gentle echo.

Her ginger red hair hung in a loose ponytail behind her head, her light brown eyes shining under the afternoon sun. In her right hand, she held a heavy purple backpack that was practically overfilled with arts' supplies, small paint brushes sticking out of its left side pocket.

Yep, that's the Jessica I remember.

"Hey, let me help you with that thing," offered Daniel, laughing as he exited the car before quickly taking the bag from his friend.

Daniel was used to lifting some weights for karate practice, but her backpack was on a whole new level of heaviness.

"Nice to see your manners haven't changed a bit," smiled Jessica, bumping shoulders playfully with him as they walked back towards his car.

Their feet seemed to stay in tune with one another as they walked, their young faces soaking in the sunlight.

"You owe that to Mr. Miyagi, otherwise I probably would've become some biker jerk or something," joked Daniel as he placed the bag carefully in the back leather seat of his car.

"So, how is Mr. Miyagi?" asked Jessica through both of their laughter.

"Oh, he's great, though the bonsai tree store hasn't exactly gotten the most customers yet," explained Daniel, truthfully.

I just wish more people these days would be willing to pay attention to the small things in life.

"Well, I'm sure it won't be that long before things change for the better," reassured Jessica, comfortingly.

Daniel nodded, thankfully at his friend's words. She always knew just what to say whenever he was upset.

"Speaking of the bonsai shop, I actually wanted to ask you a favor regarding that place," started Jessica, nervously.

"Anything," replied Daniel, encouragingly.

"I have this friend who came back with me from Ohio who could really use a job," explained Jessica, twirling a bit of her ginger hair around her finger.

Let me guess, it's her boyfriend she went back to two years ago...

He wasn't even sure why he was angry about it considering neither of them were really in a place where they wanted to date one another, yet he still felt that same feeling of annoyance coursing through his veins.

I just don't like the idea of her getting hurt again.

"Yeah, I think we can make that work. What's his name?" asked Daniel, successfully masking his sigh with a smile.

"Her name is Amanda, actually," smirked Jessica, clearly reading through his charade.

As if on cue, her friend rushed out of the airport, panting loudly.

"Wow, that lobby was really crowded but thankfully, I still managed to get us a few of those magazines we wanted," breathed Amanda, her short, wavy brunette hair falling messily in front of her face.

The second Daniel laid eyes on her, his mouth practically hung open in shock, words suddenly becoming an odd commodity. She was dressed in a clean pair of navy jeans and wore a cropped pink blouse that brought attention to her stomach piercing. A silver statement necklace hung loosely around her neck, bringing out her beautiful blue-green eyes.

Wow, she is something else...

"And who are you exactly?" asked Amanda, raising an eyebrow curiously at the man standing in front of her.

"Daniel, Daniel LaRusso," he answered, a little too quickly as he extended out his hand for her.

"Well, my name's Amanda, Amanda Steiner," she replied, taking his hand gently in hers, a wide smile on both of their faces.

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