Chapter 7

Wow, it has been so long and no one seems to have noticed XD

"Can I help you?" A man with slick black hair asked, looking at the group over his pretty much empty desk.

"Yes, I think I have hurt my shoulder? Could you x-ray it or do whatever doctors do to it?" Lucifer grumbled, refusing to meet the doctor's gaze.

"Sure, just follow me through here. You can all wait in the waiting rooms." Everyone but Lucifer nodded as he followed the doctor through to a small, square-shaped room. Lucifer took a seat and the doctor proceeded to ask him questions. He pressed his hands into Lucifer's shoulder and he flinched back, wincing in pain. "Okay... can you lift up your arm for me?" The boy shook his head, not wanting to feel any more excruciating pain. "I think it's broken."

"Are you not going to x-ray it?" Lucifer asked with a raised eyebrow. The doctor barked out a loud laugh.

"There's no way we can afford that. I'm going to bandage up your arm and you'll be good to go. Just rest it for the next few weeks and it should heal itself."

Lucifer didn't say anything as the doctor pulled a roll of bandage out of the cupboard next to wear he was standing. "What even happened anyway?" The doctor asked as he began to make a sling for Lucifer's damaged arm.

"It's a long story." Lucifer muttered, biting his lip. The truth probably sounded too bizarre yet lying seemed like a hard thing to do. How many situations lead to the shattered of your shoulder bone? Not many. Lucifer couldn't even think of one.

"Anything I should be concerned about?"

"Nothing at all."

Silence filled the room up until the point where Lucifer's arm was positioned in a sling. "All done!" The doctor exclaimed with a soft smile. "You can leave now but, if you feel any more pain, please come back and I can supply you with some pain killers or.. something."

With a curt nod, Lucifer walked out of the room. He quickly spotted his friends and waved with his good hand. "Looks like we'll have to step away from saving the world for a bit until your shoulder is healed." Clyde said with a tiny smirk. Secretly, he didn't mind. Sometimes planning to save the world was a bit too much for a couple of teenage boys.


Lucifer actually hated the fact that he had broken his shoulder. It was a pain, both literally and figuratively. He couldn't do much on his own because it was his dominant (right) shoulder. Clyde was literally his slave: he had to help him eat and even get changed sometimes... that meant that there were a few (many) awkward moments.

One night, a couple of weeks after the incident that lead to breaking a bone and after Lucifer's bandage had been taken off, , Lucifer couldn't sleep. He was staring up at the ceiling of his and Clyde's bedroom, awaiting something to lull him to sleep. Nothing came and that lead to a few hours of daydreaming. A loud sound made him jump slightly.

Considering it was very late at night, Lucifer grew concerned. Then everything seemed overly silent. It was the kind of silence that was suspicious, like there was something secret going on.

Lucifer watched as their bedroom door slowly opened, as if the person opening it was trying not to wake up the two boys. The person stepped over Clyde and was slowly getting closer to Lucifer.

Breathing heavily out of fear, Lucifer pointed his left hand at the person. He closed his eyes and focused until he heard a tiny yelp. The person put a hand in their pocket and pulled out a gun. Lucifer didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a hand was grabbing at him and pulling him up, out of the sleeping bag he was laying in. "You better keep quiet. Otherwise the other boy gets it." The person, who was now easily identified as a man, had a low, raspy voice which sounded threatening. Lucifer meekly nodded, scared to make a sound. The man, still holding Lucifer tightly, walked out of the house without making a single noise. Even his footsteps were completely silent. "Do you have any technology that can be used for communication?" Lucifer shook his head. He was tugged into the back of a van and the doors shut him into darkness. He soon heard the front door slam and the van began to move.


Clyde woke up and he was freezing cold. Icicles were forming across his body and he was turning a light blue colour. He turned to tell Lucifer but he was gone. Clyde stood up, a little angry that his friend had left and gone to breakfast without him. He wandered downstairs, his teeth chattering as he walked. He finally reached the kitchen to find Edwin was washing up some dishes and Lucifer was nowhere in sight.

"Have you seen Lucifer yet this morning?" Clyde muttered and the fact that his teeth were chattering and he was shivering was evident in his wobbly voice.

"No-" Edwin turned to face Clyde and gasped. "Are you okay? You're blue!"

"I'm not okay, no. I'm freezing cold if you haven't noticed."

"Sit down, I'll get you some tea... Now, 're you telling me Lucifer wasn't with you this morning? At all?"

Clyde nodded, subconsciously wrapping his arms around his freezing cold body. Edwin flicked the kettle and it started to boil loudly; it kind of made up for the worrying silence between the two males. As the kettle silenced, Edwin spoke up again. "I think he could be in danger.. but I don't know. Leave it for a day and see if he returns. He could just be out walkin' or somethin'."

"Okay.." Edwin put down a cup of coffee in front of Clyde. However, as soon as he touched the coffee, it froze over.

"This is bad. We need him back.."

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