Chapter 10

I haven't edited this XD

Three hours later, the van arrived at the evil headquarters and Clyde climbed out with confidence. He walked up to the large front door of the building and, just as he was about to notice the masses of locks, it burst open with a few frantic people and the sound of a bell. None of the boys noticed the shivering Clyde so he easily slipped inside the building like there were no locks at all. All of the doors were conveniently open from then on. Occasionally, frantic men in white coats would shove passed him but, for the most part, he was alone. He noticed that, as he got deeper into the building, he got warmer. It was like a miracle.

Clyde was at room temperature by the time he reached a door that had been left wide open. Fire was exploding inside it and that made Clyde grin. Could it be a sign that Lucifer was near? Clyde held out his hands and quickly cooled off the fire to find three men on the floor, unconscious. They were covered in black from the fire's smoke and it was highly likely they were.. dead.

Clyde backed up, fear suddenly filling him as he realised the seriousness of the situation.

He headed down the hall, his whole body shaking but not because of the coldness anymore.. because of the fear. Clyde and Lucifer were dealing with people's lives now and it couldn't get more serious than that.


Lucifer wasn't actually sure which direction lead to his safety. People were shoving passed him because of the fire bell so he wasn't entirely in much danger anymore. He stood still for a second, trying to get his bearings. After about ten minutes of contemplation he walked deeper into the building, hoping to find answers.


"LUCIFER!" Clyde yelled once he realised he was getting warmer. Literally. Lucifer must be close if he felt warm. His powers were no longer going crazy and that was a good sign.

"What are you doing?" A man in a white coat suddenly asked, looking at him with genuine concern. "There's a fire. You need to get out."

"Uh-" Clyde didn't know what to say. He didn't want to make it obvious that he didn't belong in the building so he needed an excuse... an excuse... "I'm looking for my friend! He might be in danger, you know."

"Okay, just make you sure you get out soon. No one would want you to die, would they?" There was something off about the man's voice but Clyde didn't take any notice of it. He sped up into a run and ran down the next hall, still shouting for Lucifer.

He was just about to give up when he heard someone scream back. "CLYDE?" Clyde grinned so widely and he picked up his pace, running faster towards Lucifer's voice.

The moment when they met eyes was priceless. They ran together, tears in both of their eyes and hugged each other. They both just wanted to pretend that they were safe; they weren't in danger. The hug lasted only five seconds but that felt like hours to the two boys. "Are you okay?" Clyde asked as soon as he pulled back from the hug.

"We need to get away." Lucifer mumbled, sounding just as scared and pathetic as he felt.

"No, we need to save-" Clyde was quickly cut off.

"We can't. They want to kill you. It's not safe!"

"No, we need to save the world, Lucifer. It's why we're here." As much as Lucifer wanted to argue, he didn't: it was right.

They silently nodded at each other before running down the hall to find a large door which had been left open. They headed through the doors, making sure not to make any noise. They reached another door but this time it was locked. Not just by one padlock, but multiple. Clyde pulled at one of the locks and Lucifer another but none of them seemed like they would open easily. On the side of the door, there was a finger scanner. Lucifer pressed his finger against it and it immediately burst out saying, "access denied."

"We need to get in there. All our answers could be in that room." Clyde muttered, pulling at one of the locks again.

"Boys. Please come in." A loud voice said and suddenly all the padlocks were being undone.

Clyde and Lucifer exchanged a look that screamed a thousand curse words and fearful mutters. The clicks seemed to last hours despite it lasting a mere two minutes. The door was then opened a crack and two eyes peered out. "Lucifer, Clyde, come in." His voice wasn't robotic at all like the others. It sounded like the voice of a real man. "I have been expecting you. Since Lucifer's beautiful fiasco in the research room, I knew all I had to do was wait and you'd turn up." The room was so much more posh compared to the other rooms. A large desk chair was standing behind a table that was covered in text covered papers. The man that had let them in was the only person in the room (other than Lucifer and Clyde). "I am the man behind everything you two boys have witnessed in this world. The deserted towns, the androids, the death." The word 'death' seemed like a toy to him. Like it was a game. The smirk on his face showed that nothing was serious to him, it was all a game. A game he played for fun, for his own selfish benefit. "So, you have me to thank."

Lucifer wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the man sounded. Thank?

"The men that were experimenting on you, Lucifer, were, in fact, real men who work for me. Everyone but the scientists are androids but I'm sure your smart little brains have already figured that out." The man stood up, beginning to slowly circle the boys, like a shark circling its victim. "You're both interesting creatures, aren't you? I'm almost certain you're not human.. so what are you? Mutants?"

"We're human." Clyde muttered, barely believing himself anymore. Humans didn't have powers.

"Humans don't  have powers." The man murmured, voicing Clyde's thoughts. "You have the exact same cell structure as every other human. You're normal, science-wise. There's nothing about you that helps me understand your powers... so, tell me... how did they develop? When?"

"We don't know. We woke up here one day and we had powers. That's all." Lucifer said, refusing to look the man in the eye.

"Hmm..." A finger against his chin, he kept circling around, contemplating the situation. "Are you from another universe? That's all that explains you suddenly waking up here..."

Lucifer looked at Clyde. Clyde looked at Lucifer. "We're from another universe." They said in unison and the man didn't even look surprised.

"Of course you are. Well, how about this? I help you..." The man lifted up a finger and pressed it to Clyde's nose. Clyde looked at it with wide eyes, a shiver travelling down his back. "...get home and you help me out."

"How would we help you out exactly?" Lucifer asked and the man retracted his hand away from Clyde with a smug smile.

"Your powers are very special and unique. They could be used for huge, amazing things, you know? Let's say... I need help, persuading a few people to stop being so rude."

Persuading. He said it with a strange tone of voice, like he was hinting something.


"That's all I can say but, if you join me, you'll definitely get home."

"How do we know we can trust you?"

"You don't." With another wicked smile, the man held out his hand, saying, "So is that a deal?"

"Yes." Lucifer grinning, jutting out his hand and confirming the deal. Clyde looked shocked. He generally had no idea why Lucifer had accepted it when it would probably lead to bad things and treachery.


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