song for the epilogue is Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood.

- Last Chapter♡

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem: Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.

~K O M I S O L A~

What did I give up on? My expectations or being patient?

For every beginning, there is an end. When a door gets opened, it is bound to get closed. Because that is the only way there becomes another chance for it to get opened again.

I waited for months. Maybe I was used to waiting. I had waited all my life for happiness. And I did find it. I found it in the form of a golden boy who had walked into my life. When I looked at it, he did a lot for me. Through him, I had a friend, he made me get over my phobia, and he was always by my side.

But I could have become dependent on him. I'm glad he left and made me realize what a fool I was about to be.

But I wasn't angry at him. I didn't have the heart to do that. He was going through it. His father was dead, and he was the only child, so I couldn't imagine how difficult it was for him.

And it made me crazy even more when I couldn't reach out to him. When he left for three months and came back, I thought there was finally an end to everything. A new beginning to everything too.

Then he left again. But this time, he really didn't come back.

"She told me they're moving to Australia for the mean time. And they won't be coming back."

That was what Mother told me. Just a few words but my heart had completely gotten shattered. That wasn't even the only thing that got shattered. Our communication.

What we only had left of our relationship was shards.

Hanniel withdrew from me. He never responded to my texts, and to everyone, they thought he had disappeared.

I wondered how he was doing. I wondered if he always thought of me the way I thought of him. I wondered if he had gotten attached to me the way I had gotten attached to him and really wanted to come back.

I could only hope.

It seemed like everyone had moved on. Our classmates. But some still asked me about him every time, and I was surprised to see that they still had humanity left in them. But maybe it was just me who they hated. I was still hung up in the past however.

It was hard to move on from what my life used to be in the good times. But I had to. I moved on from whatever bond we'd created, from whatever memories we made and from whatever I had with him.

It was just Komisola again.


~H A N N I E L~

With the amount of flights I'd taken this year, I could be a traveling ambassador. And funny enough, most of the flights weren't even my will to take.

But I think that had come to an end. Here I was, sitting in a plane by my own will. I made the choice and I was following through with what I said.

It's been months without her. It must have gone either way; she forgot all about my existence and had moved on, or she hated me for leaving her.

I'd chosen to settle down back in Australia. And it felt like I was really making a huge decision, because even Mum was just as unsure as I was.

"Are you sure you really want to settle in Australia?" she had questioned.

"Yes." My reply was curt. I wanted her to know I wasn't going to let anyone choose for me this time around.

"But you started a new life in Nigeria already, Han baby. And who will stay with you here?"

"I can always stay by myself."

There was a silence for a moment as Mum looked like she wasn't having any of it. I sighed and added, "I thought we were respecting Dad's last words."

It was written in her letter;

Hi, Olivia.

I didn't think this day would come when I'd have to write down my last words to you, but here we are. I wrote a letter for Hanniel and for you too. And another one which you have to read together.

Our son, Hanniel has grown into quite the teenager, hasn't he? But I feel so bad for him. We never did much for him as parents than provide him more than enough monetary care. And money wasn't what he needed. I think the blame is on both our parts, Liv. I know you will probably not want to admit it but it's time we get off our high horses. We're both at fault. And I'm owning up to my faults in this letter.

I'm sorry I left you, Liv. That was one of the most regrettable choices I've ever made. Day after day, night after night, I wallowed in regret and called myself stupid for leaving you. It was a rash decision I made, and I was insecure. The promise we made to each other when we were eighteen was to stick through thick and thin, together. And that was what we did. We just didn't do it well.

I never thought I was going to die like this. It feels like such a long process. Staying in this sickbed and managing to sit up for a few hours to write you letter while dreading my last moments. It's funny how it's just a crisis. But at the same time, I never expected to live so long either.

I can't write more than this. But I really wanted to tell you, I'll always love you, Olivia. And I'm proud of the woman you've become. And for our son, you can be even better. Hanniel deserves the world for how patient he has been with us.

Please, let's respect his decisions from now. He can do what he wants, and we don't have to drag him back and forth. And we should be there for him every time too. It's my last request, Olivia.

Thank you so much.


I don't think I had ever seen Mum cry that much. It was just like how she cried on the day of Dad's funeral. I wasn't there when he died, but I could she cried just as much too through the phone call. Her voice was hoarse and tired.

The tears only continued to flow like a river when we both read the letter meant for the both of us:

No introductions.

But g'day. I know you're reading this together now, my lovely family. We're only three, aren't we?

This letter is the last one I wrote. My actual goodbye. Don't ask me how I even got the energy to write all of this. Because I don't know. Just a random surge, I guess.

I wrote this before I was taken to the hospital.

Okay, straight to the point, right?

I want Hanniel to take over my business, but not now. When he's a grown young man. Right now, Olivia should. And if Hanniel doesn't want to carry on when he grows up, then it's fine. You never told me anything you liked apart from the chocolates.

That's because even I didn't know what I liked.

And that girl your mum said you liked? Go for her. I completely approve. I haven't met her, but from what I've heard all about her, she's probably a good person.

And for Olivia, you should be happy. You live as a realtor, as a mother, and as an ex-wife to me. You haven't lived for yourself. Time waits for no one.

That's all I can say now. I'm sorry this letter couldn't carry all of the words I had to say.

But I truly love you, Olivia and Hanniel.

I was going to be living in Australia from now henceforth. I had no hopes of going back to Nigeria. Dad wanted me to study in Australia after I graduated high school, so I was going to do this last one for him.

But deep down, I knew where I truly wanted to be. And maybe that was where I'd stay.


~K O M I S O L A~

I was avoided like a plague.


I would step out of my class and any one who wanted to enter would steer clear from me. Some however taunted me, but it was just behind my back. That convinced me to stay glued to my seat whenever I had the thought of standing up from my seat to go anywhere, like the bleachers.

The night before, I browsed the internet and I was surprised to see several news articles. But I guess it wasn't really a surprise. Hanniel had become a celebrity overnight, and it was for the most speculative reasons.

Articles with the most ridiculous questions like who was going to take over InFoodCo? And if Hanniel as the only child was going to end up following the business.

But knowing Hanniel, he probably was the least bothered about that.

And my ears were filled with several rumors as I stepped into school this morning. I hoped none of them were true. I didn't think I had the courage to face him after everything.


I spoke too soon yesterday.

I did.

I shouldn't have.

Sometimes it's good to dead some thoughts. It's like you're dismissing them. Like the complete opposite of manifesting something.

I was in school again. Earlier than anyone else. Usually, he would have also come, maybe even before me. But I was alone and I was already used to it.

I picked up my novel, a new one Ibrahim had recommended for me. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep. That was all I did nowadays. My life was blank, grey and empty. I just lived for the sake of living. I don't know where the better times went, but I wanted them again.

And hours later, I woke up. I'd never slept this long in school. Maybe because today was a free day. Teachers were too lazy to come for class because exams for the final term were drawing nearer. We would all be entering into a new grade.

I finally dragged myself out of my seat, and I was hearing whispers from every angle of the class. But I was too sleepy to even comprehend anything.

I went to the restroom to wash my face. I felt so sick. I never fell sick. He was the one who always fell sick. That time on the Jacqueline Hennessey conference, the time he fainted too in the basketball court. He was always sick.

And I was always thinking of him.

I heaved a sigh. This was the last thing I needed. I was here feeling ill, but he somehow managed to occupy my thoughts.

After splashing water onto my face and staring at myself in the mirror for minutes, I turned around and exited the restroom. Everything was just so depressing.

I didn't realize it was this bad.

I was using my hands to dry my face, but then someone came into view and my hands stayed frozen on my cheeks.

He came into view.

I blinked repeatedly. I was definitely dreaming, wasn't I?

My mouth hung open and I closed it, seeing how big of a fool I seemed. He was standing right in front of me.

But he looks like a shadow of himself.

He looked like another version of himself. A completely different version. Hanniel didn't look like Hanniel.

He was coming closer. He was coming towards him. And when he got to where I was, before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

I was stunned for a moment. The way he pulled me into his embrace and the way he leaned into me. He was resting all of his body weight on me.

He was tired. Very tired.

And I understood him.

I hugged him back, also wrapping my arms around his neck and patting his back.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I'm also sorry.


Seeing him again made a little part of me light up. Scratch that, a big part of me was lit up.

I dangled the keys in front of him. He was confused.

"I thought those keys were difficult to get." I tried to ignore how deeper his voice had gotten. Or maybe it was just because we spent a long time away from each other.

I shrugged, feeling cocky. "The person in charge is a big fan of me."

And I wasn't lying. Senior Alexander liked me a lot.

If you were guessing what room the keys in my hand were for, and you thought about the basketball court, then you were right.

Why I was taking him there? I didn't know. But it was indoors, and the bleachers weren't.

I didn't want to stay out today. And I was sure he didn't too.

As soon as we got in, I looked for a place to sit down. Hanniel stared at me with a slouched figure while standing. "You're tired, aren't you?" I asked. "That's why I brought you here. No class for today, yeah?"

He smiled a little and sat next to me. I patted my legs and his eyes widened a little. It was a funny sight so I laughed. I didn't expect doing that myself. But he got cozy soon enough, laying down on the bleachers and resting his head on my legs.

"More comfortable?"

"Nothing could beat this," he answered.

I hesitated but did I wanted. I ran my fingers through his curls gently and watched the way his eyelashes fluttered every now and then.

He was a pretty boy.

"I thought you would hate me," he said. "I went MIA again. And I never replied to any of your texts. It was so hard for me, Komisola. I missed you a lot. And I felt so guilty, but I didn't know what to do."

Oh, Hanniel.

He sat up and stared straight into my eyes as he continued.

"I'll be going to Australia after I graduate, Komisola. I know I've told you about this before, but I want to say it again. It feels like it's the only way I can honour his last words. But I don't want to stay in Australia. I feel so hopeless."

I didn't say anything in response. I bit on my lower lip and he looked away. There was no way I could give him an answer without sounding selfish. And I didn't want that.

"You should do what satisfies your heart, Hanniel. What makes you truly happy. I'm sure your Dad would want that for you no matter what."

You're selfish.

"Let's put me aside. How have you been?"

Less about me. I wanted to hear all about him.

"Surviving. My life hasn't been much of a rollercoaster on like yours. I was shocked to see you on the news too. Publicity you would never want."

Hanniel chuckled. "You're right. But that's by the way. I have a question, Komisola. Will you be honest if I ask you?"

"Go ahead."

He nodded. "Do you want me to stay with you? Because I want to stay with you."


"I'll respect any answer you give me."

Of course I wanted him to stay. I'd be crazy not to.

Letting him leave me again? After getting me attached?


He nodded again. There was a silence for a while before he spoke up. "I was unsure. I wanted to stay with you. But I also felt conflicted, maybe staying back in Australia would be respecting his choices. But I guess not. He told me he knew about you. Mum told him everything. And he liked you, according to what I read in the letter he left me."

He continued, "I'll stay. I never wanted to leave you in the first place. And it's been hell without you. We've known each for almost a year now, but it feels like the most significant and best time of my life. I went through so much, but it was all worth it because I had someone by my side. I have never had someone stick with me through everything."

"And it was all worth it for me too," I told him honestly. "I thought you moved on, Hanniel. I was scared and I tried to be so angry, but I didn't have the heart to. And I finally stood up to all of our classmates. I wanted to tell you that so badly, but you never gave any answer to my texts. I thought I was a bother to you. And I felt even worse because I thought you finally left again-"

He took my hand in his. "I'd never leave you. I'd be stupid to. No matter how many times I leave, I'll always come back."

He'd never leave me. That's was all I needed to hear. All the reassurance I needed.

I had him, and he had me.

"I'll always be there for you," I assured him.

He stood up and gave me his hand. I took it and stood up too. "And I hope you know, the boy standing in front of you is yours."

Then he added, "he'll always be yours."

I was the luckiest.

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