Chapter 3: Questions


Third Person's P. O. V


In an unknown location, Cyclone is just sitting there minding his own business until...

< A lot will happen Phantom. You can't answer all the questions with only one answer. >

Cyclone is getting annoyed by the voice in his head.

< How do you really define a hero? From his personality? Appearance? Morals? Or something else entirely? > 


Cyclone's P. O. V


This voice is pissing me the fuck off. 

< Come on now Cyclone. Don't lie this time. Don't do what you did back then. Look what it did to you. Be honest. >

"Just shut up." I said plainly. I'm trying my best to keep my cool from this annoying voice.

< You don't realize what you're doing is all wrong. I mean, i don't know for your case but i see it as the "wrong" way. >

"Just shut the fuck UP!" I screamed so hard that i seriously thought i made some birds scared and fly off the place where i'm sitting at.

< We ain't reaching a good ending for both of us if you keep going the direction you're going now. >

"Okay. If you know everything, tell me. What do i lack? What am i doing wrong?" I said to my annoying voice while still trying my darn best to calm myself down.

< That, i'll tell you in due time. The answers will come to you. Not that i know anything. >

I sighed and told the voice this.

"Just who are you?" 

< I'm you. The "other" you. Or maybe i'm not "you". I don't even know myself who i am. >

"Are you just in my head to annoy me and try to make me mess up?" I told that voice.

< I'm only gonna talk to you when you have the time. I know proper manners. >

"Good. Because i don't need an annoying shithead in the middle of an important battle." While i start sipping my water bottle. "What are you supposed to do? Why are you even in my head to begin with?" I started peppering him with easy questions, but hard answers.

< Again. I'll tell you in due time. You better get going now. This place you're sitting in is a hotspot for criminal gangs to make their deals. >

"Criminal gangs eh? I guess i'll keep this place in mind for "later use"." I said while i stood up from my spot and started to walk away.

< I'll tell you this. You'll be needing me when it matters most. >

"Huh. Interesting. Okay, fine you win." I told that voice. "But for now, keep silent."

< As you wish. >

"The more i talk to this voice, the more i think of him as a servant or something. Hope he doesn't hear this because that's privacy invasion right there and i don't like it." I thought as i disappear in my normal fashion off the scene...

I went to my favorite spot to chill the hell out. One of the outskirts of one of the major cities around here. And also, favorite spots for criminals to chill out also. This is where i mostly take off some steam on unsuspecting criminals. 

I took some candy from my pocket and start to peel the wrapping off, and start going "ham" on this candy. Not like any criminals are gonna show up right here and there.

Then i jinxed the fuck out of it.

As soon as i said that, i heard some roaring noises of engines coming towards the "chill" spot. And i also hear police sirens. Wait. Is this a road chase right now? 

I looked over the rock where i was laying down on and saw cars. And also police cars. Okay. This is not epic.

"Wind Control: Hurricane." I told myself as my hand glowed white and i pointed my hand 100 meters from the police chase. I may or may not hurt not just the criminals, but also the police officers doing their job. And i already know the history of "beef" between the police force and pro heroes. So i'm trying to do my part to not cause any casualties. 


Third Person's P. O. V


Cyclone jumped off the rock and went to a "vantage" point so he can see the chase getting destroyed by the raging hurricane that the Phantom formed. But he needs the hurricane to ONLY hit the "suspect" cars.

The Phantom saw the police cars go on "full-brakes" and some of the cars went flying off-balance off the sudden stop. Now Cyclone has to do something about this.

Cyclone gripped his hand and then the hurricane disappeared. The hurricane did it's part. But it is his time now.

He disappeared again from his spot and immediately is seen on the road were to police chase was going. Well. Before the hurricane messed with that. 

Cyclone helped the officers that got flown off-road to help to their injuries. And then banked orders to the other policemen that aren't injured to call the ambulance. And he'll finish the chase. 


Cyclone's P. O. V


"We can't have you guys running around this place right? You thought you're safe here..." I said while turned on my "eye" again.

"Surrender. Or get killed. Your choice." I said in my menacing tone.

"Like hell we would give up. We already called Twice from the League Of Villians." They told me like i would be even be intimidated by him.

"So?" I told them with my usual blank tone.

Then there was a blue fire that hit me. Not that i affected me that much i shook it off like nothing. And then. 

Here they are...

I saw two people that definitely that looked like from the League Of Villains.

< Here they are. Don't go easy on them. Show them your wrath. >

"Oh, here you are..." Twice spoke.

"Another "false" hero to kill..." Said a tall slender man that has stitches on his mouth. 

"How can you say that? Stain fought me yesterday. And he said himself that i was a "true" hero." I said to them. But i'm not gonna give any hope to make them believe me.

"Wind Aura..." I murmured to myself.

And then. My aura collided with them and Twice and that other guy got easily overwhelmed by my cold aura.

"If you're gonna try to help them. I won't hesitate to kill in cold blood." I said my blank tone.

Twice came at me with multiple clones of himself. I already got all intel on Twice's abilities, personality, and connections. So this battle is a cakewalk. I hope.

"Wind Extinction." As i gripped my left hand making the oxygen disappear off the air. Making the criminals and the villains start to cough heavily. 

I pulled out my mini-dagger and started to stab the Twice clones and started to walk towards them. "Pressure." As the wind got heavier as they are gonna get crushed by the raging wind squishing them.

And then the stitches guy had some time to throw out his blue fire. And because of the wind, the flames got bigger and bigger so i had to put out the "Pressure" So i don't harm the policemen on the scene still waiting for the ambulance to show up.

"Agghh!!" I got hit by the flames and had to let go of the grip of my left hand. So the oxygen is back in the air.

I guess this guy sees the limits of my quirk. Oh great. Another Stain.

I shook the flames again off my body but until i got kneed in the face by Twice. Clone or real him. I don't even know anymore. I don't even know how even got through my Wind Skin.

Then the stitches guy got behind me and i reacted quickly that i got away from his head-lock.

I used my eye to see the future and i saw Twice trying to punch me with 3 clones of himself.  So i rolled out of the way avoiding the punches.

"Seems i'm in trouble. I guess i have to take this a bit more seriously." As i pulled out my sword behind my back. 

I've been using hand-to-hand combat for the last few days now. I'm gonna show them why i'm most feared villain killer out there.

"Don't blink. Because you might miss it." As i disappeared.

I was in the air. I popped multiple Tear Gas and threw them at the ground.

"Wind Walk." As my sword glowed white and disappeared.


The 2 villains got slashed in multiple areas in their bodies and they're leaking out blood. Lots of blood.

"Death awaits you. You never should have come here." And my personality changed from cold to almost psychotic. But i have control of said personality. 

"Not yet!" The stitches guy again decided to flee the fight by surrounding me by his signature blue flames. I can't blow off the flames because it will just make it more powerful so i just jumped over the flames. 

But after that. I saw the villains already gone. There's no way that they got away so quickly. Someone is teleporting them for sure. I'll be researching more on these villains and get as much intel as i can so every battle i'll always have an analytical advantage against them.

"Yo. Voice. Who's the stitches guy i just fought just now?" I told my voice in my head. But people are looking at me weird for talking to myself.

< He looks familiar. But i'm very sorry. I don't know much about him. >

"That's all good. I haven't given you a name yet though. What do you want to be called?" I asked my voice.

< Hmmm... It's too tiring to think of a cool name. So you give me one. > 

"I guess... Effect. That's the name i think of. Is that good enough?" I asked.

< Who names someone "Effect"? But it was my decision for you to name me so i won't complain much. >

"Alright Effect. You'll help me right?" While i started to trap the criminals until the authorities arrive.

< Of course. I'm gonna be your "analytical" advantage. And also your "second" eyes. >

"What do you mean by that?" I asked considerably confused.

< I can see what you see. So if you need any help finding something that's hiding in sight, just call me. >

"Interesting. I'll keep that in mind." As i sat down on a small rock waiting for the backup to arrive.

< As the fights get harder, i'm gonna be here for the quick-time reactions. And i'm gonna try to make strategies for certain villains as the battle is going on. >

"So... Impromptu strategies?" I asked Effect. "I don't really know about that. The more you know about the opponent before the battle, the easier it will be to eliminate the enemy." I added.

< There it is. With my advanced thinking and your intel, we'll make flawless strategies. >

"I see you. Good job Effect." I said praising the mysterious voice.

< No problem. It is my duty to keep you alive. As long as i live. >

Before i can even talk back, the authorities arrive on the scene and i saw Mt. Lady coming in the scene.

"What happened here Cyclone?" As Mt. Lady knees down to my level. 

"I fought Twice and a weird stitches guy. I didn't get his name." I tell the beautiful pro hero.

"Oh really?" She asked like she wanted something from me?

"Anyway. Get the injured policemen out of here. I'll be going home. I haven't bought dinner yet."  I said standing up from the rock.

< I do know a good spot to buy some good teriyaki. >

"I'm out. Wind Blast." As i used the ability on myself to plunge myself into the air. "Sky Walk!" As i landed on nothing. Well. It's air but solidified. So that i can only run on it. I used the useful ability to go home and buy dinner. 


A-kun: Thank you for waiting for this new chapter to publish. I guess my school project got done a bit quicker than i anticipated. But good for me, i can publish chapters again. So anyway, i'll be seeing you in the next chapter! Goodbye!

Word Count: 1651 Words.

10:53 PM

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