Coldfront;; IceWing OC

This dude knows my character Oapha!! I've been hyped to review him sorry I took so long.

Owned by ariesgirl5962.


------ Name: Coldfront.
Fair IceWing name.

------ Age: 45.
I like it.

------ Gender: Male.
Good to see someone balancing out the gender ratio.

------ Sexuality: Pansexual.
LGBT is cool.

------ Tribe: IceWing.
IceWings are also cool. Hah.

------ Abilities: Normal IceWing abilities, pretty strong.
Could be expanded on, but I'm not gonna be that pedantic.

------ Relationship Status: Single, but it wasn't always this way...
That's interesting. Surprisingly, not a lot of people have OCs with past relationships that they actually mention this early on.

------ Occupation: Guard (I know, pretty overdone).
Nothing wrong with that; there's a lot of guards in the real Pyrrhia.


Coldfront is pretty normal in stature. He is of average height and has a strong build. He keeps his head held back despite his measly sixth circle ranking.
"Measly" is a nice word.

His scale are white with small tints of lavender purple at the edges, and bright purple eyes. (I know, I know, genetics. I'm sorry.)
You'll be relieved to know I've gotten over the whole "genetics" issue. You're aware of it, so that's fine. If we had a human with bright purple hands, there'd be a problem. But it sounds like it fits him well. If you wanted to be more genetically accurate you could make them dark purple, or pale, unsaturated purple; but really, I wouldn't be too stressed.

He has a couple scars along his chest and one long one reaching from his neck to his hind leg.
Ouch, how'd he get those?

He also has, along with his ranking necklace, one gold ring in need of some proper care.
People always forget ranking necklaces.


From a very young age, Coldfront was always more optimistic in his outlook. He tends to see the good in a situation, but at the same time, was a bit emotionally inexperienced.
I used to be like this.
(I still am like this).

That was, until his mate left him 4 years ago.
Poor guy! That must've hit him hard.

Now, although still optimistic, he is very tired.
I like that. Few people acknowledge how tired sadness can make you.

He has developed a bit more snark than what he usually had in his past.
I love the word snark.

He also has a need to impress others, all the time. He could be chasing a bear, attacking a dragon, or fighting a whale; all eyes must be on him.
That's an interesting emotional development. Fear of rejection manifests in all sorts of ways; this one is a step away from the usual "trust issues" stuff.

He does get along finely with others, though most find him a weird for his outlook.
So many optimists get this it's not even funny. I like that you've made him mature and, moreover, that you've made it out that they think he's weird, not that he's weird.

He loves soaking up knowledge like a sponge, and spends a lot of his time finding and reading whatever scrolls he can find.
Hmm, doesn't seem so guardly to me. Is this a part-time interest or something more enthusiastic? If he does it often, you may want to consider making him a scholar, or making him want to be a scholar.


Born to a second circle family, Coldfront was the first born child of Gentoo and Skua. When Coldfront was five, his mother, Gentoo, left the house one day after a long, drawn out fight with Skua. She never came back after.
I've never heard the name Gentoo. How long had this fight been going on? How did he feel in the midst of all this?

Coldfront would see her sometimes in the streets, but his father had told him to never speak to her again. Coldfront obeyed.
Once again, how did he feel? I'd love to know more. This seems to be a good starting basis for his past. I'm especially curious about his outlook; you say he's always been optimistic, but surely an event like this would impact him to some degree? He must be a very strong dragon, emotionally.

As Coldfront grew, he became more active in training. As he and his sister, Vanilla, trained, Coldfront grew hungry for knowledge.
Vanilla is an interesting name. So he started out with an interest in training, then moved on to knowledge? That's interesting.

He drank up anything on strategy, and was deeply interested in past wars. Sometimes, he would walk about his barracks with a scroll in his hand.
Did he ever do anything about this? I would've thought an intelligent soldier would progress to a higher rank, possibly related to strategy or battle tactics.

Coldfront stayed in the second circle with pride, but Vanilla fell to the third.
Oh, so he wasn't born into the sixth circle. That's interesting.

She was weaker than her brother, and this made Skua rather angry. She was a serious dragon, but just never enough for her father. One night, she flew out of her barracks, spear in hand. Coldfront decided to follow her, just incase she was doing something risky. He turned out to be right, as Vanilla swooped towards a group of killer whales. She promised him she would kill one and bring its tail back to her father. She would be proud of her then. That night, Coldfront returned back to the house, his eyes clouded with tears and his talons covered in blue and red blood. Vanilla had been ripped to shreds.
Poor Vanilla! Skua sounds like a very stern dragon. How did he react to finding out his daughter had died - and, depending on what Coldfront told him, that she'd been killed trying to impress him? And once again, I'm curious as to how Coldfront himself felt about all this. Did he bear any grudge against Skua? Did he think Vanilla was being unreasonable? How long did he take to grieve for her?

When Coldfront was 23, he started to flirt with many of his fellow guards.
Bit of a late bloomer in that sense, since Pyrrhians mature at 7.

Being higher in the ranks, he got more attention, especially from dragons he thought were cute. A male IceWing, Windchill, became his boyfriend for a couple years before they broke connections due to Coldfront being escalated to general status.
Interesting. Coldfront and Windchill - their names match quite a bit, too.

As general, Coldfront got to meet many more dragons, including the queen at one point.
That must've been a feat.

Coldfront was assigned to handle some trouble with the MudWings. He and a small battalion flew there, readied to see what the deal was. But a massive hurricane swept through, and Coldfront was sucked right into it. His wings both were dislocated, and he fell through a large collection of trees into a deep pool.
I'm impressed that he even survived. What happened to his battalion?

He woke up to shallow, muddy water, warm sunlight, and a NightWing staring directly at him. After brief shock, Coldfront got a look at the NightWing.
Oh? Where did the NightWing come from?

She was beautiful.
Oh my.

Coldfront was being taken to the village, but he denied to be taken there.
The NightWing village? I'm assuming this is after the War of SandWing Succession, then, since they spent its duration in the volcano.

He knew what NightWings thought of his tribe, so the NightWing, Sunfinder, promised to heal him in secret.
What about what his tribe thought of the NightWings? Wouldn't he have the same grudge against their tribe?

For a long while, Coldfront stayed in the rainforest, being healed by Sunfinder. They both developed strong feelings for each other, and they had a strong, stable relationship.
I'd complain about the typical "NightWing x IceWing" ship, but this is actually quite well-developed. The context makes sense. I'd love to read a story about them falling in love.

Or so Coldfront thought.
Oh dear.

As it turns out, Sunfinder was perfectly fine, if you didn't fight her. One night, as a dark gray egg sat between them, Coldfront started talking about his rank, and how he missed his friends. Sunfinder completely flipped out, saying she wasn't enough for him. She yelled and yelled for hours, until she flew into the night, leaving Coldfront and the dark gray egg forever.
Just like that? There has to be some explanation. People don't just flip out - normally, there's a lot of emotional background. You could do with explaining some of that.

Coldfront, heartbroken and teary-eyed, returned to the kingdom of ice. He was dropped down to the seventh circle. His status stripped from him, Coldfront was left to care for the egg himself.
How much did he tell them?
I can imagine a general who managed something so foolish as getting caught in a storm would likely have his rank in the military stripped of him. I guess they thought he was dead?
How did he explain the egg? That would influence a lot of things. Did he tell them he had a fling with a NightWing (in which case he'd definitely be sent to seventh for a) being incompetent enough to have to be rescued by a NightWing and b) having a fling with a NightWing), or did he make up some other convincing lie? I'm assuming the former.

Northstar hatched on a sunny day.
Is that a play on Sunfinder's name?

His wings were pitch black, his horns gray, and small, deep purple scales rested on his cheeks. Coldfront thought he was a beautiful son, but knew he would never, ever, rise up the ranks when he was so obviously a hybrid of the IceWings' biggest enemy.
It's good that he acknowledged this. I also like that he's still thinking of things in the context of ranks; it shows his IceWing upbringing very strongly.

So Coldfront took the small hybrid to the Rainforest, across the sea, and to a continent run by scavengers. He dropped the egg off with a girl that had to other young dragons, ages three and two.
He dropped the egg off... with a scavenger? That wants explaining.
First, remember the size ratio. Most scavengers are tiny compared to dragons. Even tiny Sunny can lift one with ease and tower over their infrastructure. So a baby dragon would be roughly the size of a large dog for a scavenger.
Second, how did he know about this continent? How did he know about this specific scavenger? What made him decide to take his egg there, instead of dropping it off with the RainWings or something? Most dragons still think scavengers are insentient, and no more intelligent than cows or fish.
Also, if the island is run by scavengers, it's most likely that they'd have some very strong defences to combat dragon intrusion. They're already endangered in Pyrrhia, after all. I doubt they'd welcome a spiky ice dragon with open arms, dragonet or no dragonet.
This brings me to another point - how did the girl come across two other dragonets? How do they behave, having been raised by scavengers? I can imagine it'd be a little like a human being raised by wolves; dragons would consider them feral, and they likely wouldn't be able to communicate beyond basic sounds such as snorts, growls and roars (I accidentally typed this as rawrs someone help). I don't think that's something a dad wants for his kids.

He left the child in her care, and flew back to his own kingdom.
Just like that? Huh.

He worked his way up a rank, and now serves as a guard.
That must've taken him quite a while. Does he ever still get stigmatised over his past?
I'm assuming he's an outpost guard of some sort, and not a palace guard.


------ The good...

Coldfront is a very consistent character; his personality, backstory and basic traits all connect to each other. There's no loose ends (except for deliberate cliffhangers and the likes). His story is one of those rare tales that's both interesting and... well, ordinary. There's no magic or anything like that.

------ The bad...
The complexity is great, but there's just so much depth to this character that you've overlooked some points. For example, Skua and the whole family dynamic. Did Coldfront ever miss Gentoo, or question is father's motives? Did he and Skua ever reconnect after he returned to the kingdom?
Sunfinder also needs some of her motives explained; she sounds to me like an insecure character, and really quite like Coldfront. You mentioned he feels the need to impress others, which suggests he worries that he's not good enough; but when she left him, it was because she felt that she wasn't important. How did she come to worry so heavily about that?
The scavenger island, too, is tragically undeveloped. It's highly unlikely that a place like that would exist within flight's distance; scavengers are endangered, and there's a lot of dragons who view them as an easy munch, or a pest to be exterminated. Any city of scavengers would have to be heavily fortified, or underground. Coldfront definitely wouldn't be welcome to just waltz in. How did he even know about it?
The idea is great - it just needs work.

------ How you can improve!
The scavenger island should be your main focus from here. You need to devise a logical explanation for it. Why hasn't it been overrun by dragons? Perhaps it has very heavy defences, or maybe the residents are too swift and agile for blundering, scaly giants to catch. It could be nestled away underground, safe out of the reach of intruders. If it's within flying distance (as I'm assuming it is, since Coldfront didn't appear to take any great length of time getting there) and within easy access of knowledge (since Coldfront obviously knew it existed), it will have encountered dragons before. How does it survive dragons?
Secondly, rethink Coldfront's motive. Leaving your dragonet with scavengers is a perfect example of terrible parenting, by any dragon's standards. A dragon raised by scavengers would be unable to communicate with their own tribe, and they'd have next to no proper hunting or combat skills. While a dog-sized baby dragon may seem cute, try a juvenile the height of a small tree or an adult towering over your house. Sooner or later, it'd knock something over or cause an accident - if the scavengers didn't kill it on sight. It'd be much kinder for him to leave the dragonet in the hands of another tribe, or even just abandon it. How did Coldfront come to know about the island, and decide that it was the most logical place to leave the egg?
There are a number of stories you could incorporate here. Obviously, I'm assuming he couldn't just abandon the egg in the rainforest - you need him to have it in the Ice Kingdom so he gets thrown to the bottom of the rankings. So he would have had to have it with him then, then decide to get rid of it.
The question is... where?
If I were you, I'd change it. Say he abandoned it outside a busy village, or gave it to another tribe, such as the RainWings. A discarded egg could all to easily be picked up by a scavenger to be raised, and even sailed across the sea to this continent you talked about. Heck, perhaps it even ended up in the sea! But I'd change it to say he didn't leave it with a scavenger, since it's highly unlikely that a dragon would do that. Have the scavenger finding the egg be an accident.
This is only a suggestion, of course. Maybe Coldfront is a very twisted individual, or maybe he's so desperate to be rid of the egg he drops it in the first capable hands he comes across - which so happens to be a scavenger.
But overall, elaborate on the scavenger island, and why Coldfront chose to take the egg there. This is the most urgent area for improvement, in my opinion.


Absolutely fantastic. Coldfront's story is intriguing - possibly one of the best IceWing/NightWing pairings I've seen - and I'd love to see where he ends up now, and what happens to Northstar in the future.

- Siri Mom.

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