Chorus;; SkyWing OC

I'm dead inside I have so many OCs to review.
This one was submitted by Zodiacturner - thank you !
- Siri Mom.


------ Name: Chorus.

------ Age: 16-ish? DRAGON YEARS (look, I corrected myself).
I am infinitely proud of you. 16 dragon years would be roughly 5-6 real years.

------ Gender: Male.

------ Sexuality: Straight (like literally one of five straight OCs I have, out of about sixty).
I feel like everyone's queering up their OCs just to try appeal to me. Come on, guys. I'm not that harsh. You don't have to explain every single straight dragon or NightWing out there. Straight is just as okay as queer! I love your characters regardless.

------ Tribe: SkyWing.

------ Abilities: Chorus has normal SkyWing flying skills. But due to an odd genetic mutation, he can't breathe fire; instead, he has golden veins running throughout his scales, which are as hot as firescales if you touch them.
Very interesting! I don't think I've ever seen this before. I quite like the idea.

------ Relationship Status: Kinda dating another SkyWing named Renegade, but not officially.
Cute. Also, points for relationships within the same tribe.

------ Occupation: He wants to be a musician and/or composer when he's older.
Aww, this is lovely! Musical people are the best people.


His scales are an odd orange colour that are hard to describe; they're not as saturated as most SkyWings' are, though.
I feel like I know what colour you're talking about. And since you're an artist, I'm not going to pressure you into describing it in words too.

He has amber eyes and pale golden horns/spikes/claws. As stated above, he has golden veins-I-guess-that's-how-you-describe-them running from under his eye to the tip of his tail; the veins also extend outwards from his "wing-claws" on both wings and run about halfway down his "wing-fingers".
To spare you the difficulty, allow me to educate you on the basics of wing anatomy:
The starting part - the big long arm-thingy that joins to the shoulder - is known as the base of the wing. The bone would be the humerus.
The bend is literally the elbow. It has a joint there.
Above the elbow, going up, is the rest of the arm. The bit right before the claw (where all those spindly bits join) is known as the carpal (aka the wrist).
The claw itself is referred to as a claw (wow, creative), but can also be called a thumb.
You're right when you say "wing-fingers", but if you'd like to be fancy you could always replace the word finger with phalanx (pl. phalanxes or phalanges). You'd also use that word to refer to the bone itself.
The webbing in between the phalanxes is referred to as the membrane.
Someone enrol me in Jade Mountain Academy, I'm all set to become an anatomy teacher.

He's kind of skinny, but not really, and a bit above average height for a SkyWing (so taller than other tribes) (because headcanon that SkyWings are the tallest tribe).
Tol child. Also, nice headcanon. I'll spare you my own long and overly-complex headcanons concerning tribe size differences.

He wears a black cowboy-style hat with embroidered golden veins running around the lump in the middle (whatever it's called) to match his scales.
Yee-haw. And for reference, the "lump in the middle" would be referred to as the crown of the hat (if I'm reading you right; now it's time to explain why I have hat anatomy on my browser history).

He also wears a golden armband with music notes, and a golden band around his neck with music notes as well.
Nice! Sneakily incorporating bits of personality into the character's appearance is my favourite thing.


------ Strengths: Chorus is quite smart, and knows how to deal with most situations. He can be courageous at times, but only when he absolutely needs to be.
Interesting! A bit short, but it was descriptive.

------ Flaws: As said, he knows how to deal with most situations, but that doesn't mean he likes to deal with them. He'd much rather have his friends deal with them while he watches from nearby. He is actually quite worrisome at times. Chorus can get lost in thought very easily, and is usually very embarrassed when he has to be snapped back into reality by his friends (usually quite harshly, which adds to his -
It cut off there. But overall, these are some very nice flaws! None of them are especially terrible - if you'd layered him with tragic disgusting flaws, I'd definitely be questioning my own harshness with personality criticism. You seem to have kept these under control, though. So, good job.


BACKSTORY;; It's a WIP so excuse me if its a little confusing. Also this takes place in future Pyrrhia so that's why there's more inter-tribe interaction.
Duly noted. Also, why is everyone placing their dragons in futuristic Pyrrhia all of a sudden? I feel like I'm being too harsh with this whole inter-tribe interaction thing. I'm not that mean guys. Please. It's okay.

Chorus' egg was laid in Possibility. He never knew his parents, but he was raised by his aunt (his mother's sister). She always told him that they got involved in a fight over by the rainforest and that they died, only a few days after leaving his egg in the growing town.
Interesting. This writing is pretty short, but I like the detail. Also, you've removed his parents, but you haven't been overly tragic about it (if he didn't know about them, he can't angst). Good work.

As Chorus was growing up, he always stayed to the outskirts of town, never really interacting with others. But after his aunt decided to give him piano lessons (because if dragon toothpaste can exist, why not pianos?) and he fell in love with music, he started to mingle more with others.
So... music helped bring him out of his shell? EXCELLENT. But you need to explain a bit more. Yes, I understand the logic: music builds confidence in self. He's tried a new thing, and he likes it; so he'll be more comfortable with trying new things.
You just need to... include that. I'm being nitpicky. I'm so sorry.

His aunt (who neither liked nor disliked him) eventually set him up with more in-depth piano lessons with a SandWing (whose name I am still figuring out). This was about when he was 10-12 DRAGON YEARS (look I fixed it again).
I am proud of you for the fix.
Also, if you need good name suggestions, try this:

As he got older, he began to expand his taste in music, and began to play the guitar, ukulele (his personal favorite instrument), and even began singing. Chorus fell in love with singing and began performing in the town's occasional performances.
Awwwwwww, this is so cute!

When he was around 15 (dragon years are you proud) old, he came across a SkyWing traveling through Possibility with a SandWing and a RainWing. Her name was Renegade, and she had known his parents. He found out they had left him to go study hybrids and that's as far as I've gotten so far. But basically he goes with Renegade and her two friends (who belong to my friends but I need to confirm with them that it's alright to use them and I haven't asked by I'm like 76% certain it's okay) to find his parents.
This is so nice!
Hah, I get that. I enjoy using other people's OCs in my characters' backstories. But it's very good that you're getting permission.
"To find his parents?"
I thought you mentioned he was told his parents were dead. Why would he try find his parents if they're dead?
I'm sorry to say this, but you've picked one of the most overused plot devices out there. I'm an orphan... but it turns out, my parents aren't dead! Now my life's quest is to find my parents.
What you have here is already a great character. If I were you, I'd definitely consider just killing the parents outright. Some orphans' parents are actually dead, shockingly enough. People need to remember that when creating characters.


------ The good...
Overall, this OC was very creative and incredibly interesting to read about. I liked his personality especially, and the way you developed it in his backstory. Also, his description was very fluid to read - he sounds exquisite!
Also - what's this? A SkyWing dating... another SkyWing? Woah. You win for realism.

------ The bad...
Firstly, I did pick up a few little inconsistencies within this dragon's bio. The foremost of these would be his parents: you mentioned he was raised by his aunt, and that she told him they were killed in a skirmish. But then you continue to talk about his present quest to find said parents. Which makes absolutely no sense. You haven't said where his parents actually went, and you've given him absolutely no reason to believe they're alive. Why would he set off to find two dead parents? Unless he's looking for bones/a cairn/a graveyard, this is pretty silly and also incorporates a huge cliche. Not good.
Also, I'm just questioning the name a tad. Chorus isn't exactly a traditional SkyWing name. It relates a bit too well to his musical talent. Which could be a coincidence, I guess - it could even have influenced him to become a musician - but it's pretty unlikely. As far as I'm aware, the only tribe whose names directly relate to their job would be the NightWings. Which Chorus isn't.

------ How you can improve!
Relating back to the whole thing with the parents: I'd definitely omit the quest to find them. He was raised believing they are dead, and hasn't exactly had any major revelations that you've mentioned. And, as far as I'm aware, his aunt seems to have raised him pretty decently, so it's not like he'll be pining after two dragons he doesn't even know. This was mostly just an inconsistency, but really. Stereotype. You are better than this.
On a final note, I know I didn't mention this at any point, but if I were you I'd pay a tad more attention to those fire veins/firescales stripe thingos you mentioned. Do they impair his instrumental work in any way? Have they ever harmed a dragon or damaged something? It's more than likely they would have, especially during those clumsy gawky early dragonet years. How does he feel about them?
You don't have to remove them. Just... give them a bit more thought, is all.
With the name issue, the only real solution other than changing it I can see is to have his name influence his job. His name is Chorus, so why not give an instrument a try? Coincidentally, he turns out to love it.
It's pretty silly, but a floppy reason is better than no reason.


Good job on this! Chorus was a very interesting character to read about.

I really am sorry for taking so long to review everyone's OCs. And this is also an advance apology, because I'm starting school a week from now.

And yeah.

- Siri Mom.

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