Chapter 10: A Trip Down Memory Road

"T-Tonight?" My eyes widen, not expecting him to come over so soon, "W-Well, I don't think Amaya-" I stopped midsentence, seeing Lida walking up towards us. Zuku tilted his head to the side, wondering why I stopped until a hand was put on his shoulder. He turned around, now knowing why I stopped talking.

"Oh! Hey there, Lida!" Zuku tiredly said, a hint of a nervous tone in his voice.

"How's the broken finger?"

"O‐Oh. It's doin' fine, thanks to Recovery Girl." He put up his hand, showing us the now bandaged pointer finger.

"Wow!" I yelped, moving to the side of him to grab his hand, "It doesn't even look like it's broken anymore!"

"It's not anymore!" Zuku nervously chuckled before sighing tiredly, "But it took a lot of me since healing takes energy."

"Makes sense," Letting go of his hand, I smiled, "Why don't we all start walking?" Both of the boys nodded their heads before doing just that.

All three of us are now outside, feeling the wind fly past us as we walked. As I stated earlier, Japanese schools maintain their school grounds is so much better than American schools. Everything seems more tidy and lively, definitely during the spring season. There is a reason why everyone calls it 'spring cleaning...' 

Oh, man! I have to clean my room later... Crap.

"I was a bit concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class." Lida started up, after a couple of minutes of silence, "But I trust the school's judgment. UA is the top program. Even so, lying is downright immoral." 

Before I could even comment, I heard someone calling for us.

"Hey! Wait up, you three!" We all turned around, seeing Uraraka waving her arm in the air as she ran towards us, "Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!"

"Oh, you're the infinity girl." I giggled at Lida's comment, thinking that it was a funny way to address her.

Uraraka stopped in front of us, bowing slightly forward before bouncing back up. She held a smile on her face as she tightened her hands around the straps of her book bag. Honestly, I didn't realize until now that she was the girl standing next to Zuku and Lida when Mr. Aizawa made an entrance to the classroom. It makes a little bit more sense now on why she just called after us.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka." She introduced herself to the rest of us, giving off an even brighter cheery smile, "I already know (L/N), so that means you are Tenya Lida, and you are..."Uraraka looks at Zuku, confusion present on her face.

"Zuku- No. Deku Midoriya?" I couldn't help but laugh, loving her oblivion on what Zuku's name was.


"Uh, yeah, isn't that what Bakugo called you?" Uraraka put her pointer finger on her chin as if she was solving a puzzle, "I know that Zuku is a nickname from (L/N) since she stated that in class."

"Uh, well. My name's actually Izuku..." Zuku nervously states, moving his hands' side by side when he kept talking, "Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me."

"That's unsportsmanlike."

"I know, right?" I shrugged, trying to shake away my irritation, "But apparently, Katsu has called Zuku that for most of his life. So I mean- they did grow up together."

"Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry. But, you know what?" Her smile grew bigger, closing her eyes as she put her hands into a fist- lifting it in the air, "I like Deku. It could make a great hero name! Plus, I think it sounds kinda cute."


"Just like that?" Both Lida and I stated at the same time, looking at each other with weird looks.

"Weren't you saying that it was an insult?" Lida continued, the both of us now looking over towards Zuku.

Zuku's face was painted red, almost in a panic look state. I'm not sure if it was because he was nervous, embarrassed, or flustered by her comment. But what I do know is that I was not too fond of how Zuku was reacting towards her. On how he just accepted Uraraka calling him by the name that he gets bullied by.


Just the name of it made my blood boil, making me clench my fists in a ball. Well, at least she didn't start using my nickname for him that I call him. But, of course, I would be even more pissed off if that were the case.

Wait- I shouldn't get jealous or irritated of someone just because of a stupid name. If Zuku said it was acceptable to call him that name, that should be it. None of these weird feelings should be valid since it is not my place to do so. It is just a nickname, and that's that. No hard feelings. It is just a name...

"A-Anyways," I coughed out, trying to compose myself a little bit more, "For sure, I'm going to head over to the train station. Amaya is going to be arriving in a little bit. If you guys want to come along, it's fine, but I have to go." Forcing a smile, I turned around, wanting to go home already. I feel out of place now since it looks like those three could be a remarkable group.

"W-Wait!" Feeling a tug on my blazer, I turn my head around to see Zuku gripping onto it tightly, not looking at me directly in the eyes, "Y-You didn't answer my question..." I raised an eyebrow, trying to remember it until I did.

"Oh! I was going to say that I don't think Amaya would mind you coming over tonight." My forced smile turned into a real one, making me feel even more relaxed, "So you have two options. The first one you can come with me to go straight to my house. Or Two, I'll head out first, and you can stop by my house around dinner time."

"How about all of us walk over to the train station now?" Uraraka interrupted, rocking back and forth on her feet, "It's so you don't have to walk alone to the station, and then Deku could think about it!" Then, turning my attention towards her, I gave her one of my famous cold hard stares.

"Thanks for your input, but I wasn't talking to you," 

"I'll just come with you!" Zuku yelled out, noticing the tension between us two girls, "Your house is closer to the train station away so that it wouldn't be too big of a deal." I repurchased my attention onto Zuku, raising my eyebrow at him.

"You sure?" 

"I'm positive!" 

"Okay then, let's go." Sighing, I turned around and started walking away, "If you two want to come along, that's fine. Just keep up your pace." The other two didn't bother to reply but walk with Zuku and me. Not like I minded it, though, because I rather not walk to the station by myself. 

I would have to thank Katsu for that since I have gotten used to him picking me up and dropping me off at my house. Of course, there was a time that I walked to it myself, but now it just feels awkward- not having anyone to talk to or to keep my attention away from everyone else. That is all thanks to Katsu once again.

Wait- have I ever been to the station with Zuku? Now that I think of it, I don't think so. We always decided to walk all the way home or meet up at school. So this would be the first time being on the train with Zuku. 


"So Uraraka?" I heard Lida talk up, cutting me from my thoughts, "What did you think of the quirk assessment?"

"I thought it was creative," Uraraka answered, her tone sounding like she was deep in thought, "Though, Mr. Aizawa doesn't seem like the teacher to kick students out of his class."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," I chimed in, having a little bounce to my step, "I heard that last year, Mr. Aizawa expelled his entire freshman class because they didn't seem worthy enough."

"W-WHAT?!" All three of my classmates yelled, startling me a little bit.

"It just means that he was serious," I shrugged, ignoring their stares and calming myself down, "If he didn't think that we were hero material, he would have kicked us out already."

"Good thing I didn't know about that until now," Zuku mumbled, gripping onto his book bag straps, "I would be too scared to do anything."

"I doubt that broccoli boy," I smiled, closing my eyes as I walked next to him, "Sure, that would have made you nervous, but you would have gotten through it."

"Yeah! Just what (L/N) said!" Uraraka shouted out, getting a little bit closer to Zuku, "That throw that you did earlier was so cool, Deku! All you have to do is to believe in yourself!"

"You would have to work on controlling your quirk, however. It looks like you don't have a handle on it yet." Lida commented, pointing out the obvious, "Haven't you been using your quirk for a while now?" Zuku's eyes widen, trying to figure out what to say next. It wasn't until he looked over at me that I knew he couldn't figure out the words.

"Do you blame him for not using it?" I blurted out, trying to save Zuku's ass, "You have seen what his quirk does to him. Think of all the medical bills that his mother would have to pay because of it." 

"That's true..." Uraraka mumbled, seeming a little bit sad, "Those bills cost a lot of money. I would probably do the same thing if I were in Deku's shoes."

"Y-Yeah!" Zuku nervously rubbed his neck as he visually sweatdropped, "I just kept training my body so I can at least handle it when I use it. That is what I have done for a long time, so I'm still pretty rusty. Hahaha." Even the laugh seemed forced, but it looks like I was the only one to notice.

But, that was quickly short-lived due to my phone going off.

Taking out my phone, I saw that Amaya was calling me once again- meaning that she probably just got off the train. However, we were still five minutes away from the station, so I should answer it. Clicking the accept button on my screen, I put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey, Amaya!" 

"Hey, Sweetie!" I heard her voice through the speaker, trying to figure out where she was, "I just got off the train. Where are you?"

"O-Oh, I'm almost there," Looking around, I saw at all three of them were staring at me, waiting to see what she called about, "A couple of my friends decided to walk to the station with me since they too are heading there themselves."

"How much longer?"

"We still have a couple of more minutes until we get there."

"Oh, okay..." Amaya's voice paused as if she was thinking about what to say next, "I just ran into Katsuki when I got off the train."

"O-Oh?" My voice cracked, making the other three people around me raise their eyebrows, "Did you guys talk?"

"No, but he looked like he was out of it a little bit. Though, he did wave at me when I came off and then entered the train." Again, she paused until she spoke up again, "Did something happen between you two?"

"I don't think so," I answered honestly, trying to think of what I could've done wrong, "By the time that I entered the classroom, he already left."

"Ah, I see..."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, my thoughts now consumed by the thought of Katsu, "Anyway, we are a block away from the station. Sit tight- I'll look for you."

"Okay, see you soon (Y/N)!" After that, she hung up the phone, making me pull my phone away from my face to put it back into my pocket.

"I'm assuming you were talking about Bakugo?" I yelped in surprise, not expecting someone like Lida to call me out like that.

"Y-Yeah," I nervously chuckled, putting my hand up to my neck, "They ran into each other at the station."

"Did Kacchan say anything?" 

"No, but he waved at Amaya before entering the train," I answered, now realizing that we were right in front of the station, "So which train do you guys take?"

Both Lida and Uraraka take different trains to get home than what Zuku and I are taking- making me a little bumped out but also relieved at the same time. I'm not very fond of meeting new people due to what happened in America. So the thought of them leaving like everyone else made me think they would also do the same. 

Having that kind of thought process made me easier not to take it the hard way when they do.

"See ya tomorrow, guys!" Uraraka shouted out, waving at us before heading to her platform. All of us waved back, yelling back at her the same thing.

"I should also do the same," Lida turned towards us, bowing down respectively before leaving too. So now it was just Zuku and me, looking around to see where Amaya is. Thankfully, it didn't take long to find her since Amaya was sitting on one of the seats by where our train platform was.

"Come on, Zuku!" I grabbed his hand before running over towards her, ignoring all the stares we were given, "AMAYA!" The said woman looked up from her phone, looking around until her eyes laid directly onto us. Before she was able to stand up, Zuku and I were already in front of her.

"Took you long enough, kiddo," Amaya smiled, her face relaxing from just seeing me, "Oh! Izuku, you coming with us?"

"Y-Yeah," He nervously answered, gripping my hand even tighter, "I thought to take on your offer for dinner."

"That's wonderful!" Her smile widened even more, her eyes glistening in the lit area, "I'm glad that you accepted my offer."

"How can I say no?" Zuku laughed, probably finding it amusing that Amaya was acting this way, "I do have to let you know that I do have a diet, but my mom has the list."

"Oh, okay," She stood up, grabbing her purse in the process, swinging it onto her shoulder, "I'll contact your mom to send me what you're supposed to eat."

"Y-You have my mom's phone number?" He tilted his head to the side, confusion present on his face.

"Yeah, Mitsuki introduced me to Inko a couple of months ago on one of our girl nights," Amaya waved her hand in the air as if she was telling us it wasn't a big deal, "Your mother loves talking about you, but it wasn't until today that I met you. It was easy to figure out that you were her son since you two look extremely alike- she is your mother after all."

"That sounds like mom," Zuku mainly mumbled to himself before straightening his head straight, "I'll text my mom to send you my diet."

"Well, if you insist," She looked around before her blue eyes landed on one of the television screens, showing where each train is on track, "We should go wait by the platform since our train will be arriving soon. So you kiddos stick to me, alright?" We both nodded before following Amaya to our platform to our train.

It took 25 minutes to get back home, due to the number of people entering and leaving the train. Well, it was the afternoon rush- people heading out for lunch, getting off of work, or on their way to work. Honestly, there was only one day that I rode the train at this time of day. It was the day before I officially transferred to my junior high. Thus, having to get all the paperwork all set up and figuring out which locker was mine before my first actual day started.

That was a little less than a year ago now that I think of that.

Time sure flies past...

"Earth to (Y/N)," I blinked, now seeing Zuku was waving his hand in front of my face, "There you are! I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes."

"S-Sorry!" I squeaked out, feeling the rush of blood coming onto my face, "W-What were you saying?" He raised his eyebrow in question before shaking his head.

"That's not important anymore," Zuku leaned back onto the chair, lowing his hand down to his side, "What's on your mind?" We were both in my room, me sitting down on my bed and Zuku sitting in my desk chair. 

Surprisingly, Amaya allowed Zuku to come up to my room since I wasn't allowed to have guys in my room in the past. My father was the one that was very strict on that, but I guess since he isn't here anymore, she lighted up the rule. Though, I'm pretty sure that she would still say no to having boys sleepovers in my room. I'm not going to find out anyways or push that in the matter.

"Just thinking about how it's been almost a year since I moved back to Japan," Sighing, I kicked my legs from underneath me, having them swing off the edge of my bed, "I just never thought that I would be in high school by now."

"Well, I'm glad that you are," He closed his eyes and smiled, tilting his head to the side a bit, "It would be pretty boring without you."

"I doubt that," Standing up from my bed, I walked over to my dresser, "You would've been fine without me. I'm pretty sure that no matter what, you would have gotten his quirk and still attended UA."

"Maybe, but that would mean that I would be all alone with Kacchan and his goons rath. If you weren't there to defend me, I honestly wouldn't think that I would be in this situation right now." Then, having my set of workout clothes in my hands, I turned around to see Zuku staring right at me.

"What?" I snickered before walking into my bathroom- keeping the door open just a crack so I can still hear him, "That you are in a girl's room?"

"N-Not like that!" He yelled, his face probably red from embarrassment, "Stop teasing me!" I couldn't help but laugh as I changed into my clothes. After I was finished, I walked out, setting my uniform into the hamper to wash later.

"Fine~" Turning around, I looked at Zuku, whose head was turned to the side with red blush dusted on his cheeks, "Anyway, do you want to work out with me?"

"Huh?" It looked like he snapped out of his daze, staring at me with wide eyes, "W-Well, I would, but I only have my uniform with me..."

"That's fine," I put my finger on my cheek in thought, "You could probably use some of my step-brother's clothes?"

"Y-You sure that would be okay?"

"He's not here, so you might as well. Let's go see!" Before Zuku was able to respond, I grabbed his hand- dragging him along to the room. 

We both entered the room was pitch black until I turned on the light. As I expected, the room was all nice and organized, with no dust or cobweb in sight. Amaya is a clean freak, from what I remember, so it wasn't a surprise to see his room in this state. Everything was placed in the same way as the day he left it, just a little cleaner.

My step-brother's room had the same layout as mine, having the same flooring to the same color on the walls. However, trophies lined against the wall shelf, showing off his athletic skill in football and basketball. Those were from when he still attended high school in America until we moved here. Now he is gone, and we don't know where he is.

"It looked like he had a lot of achievements," Zuku commented, walking up towards the shelf, "What happened to him?" Turning over towards me, I shrugged in response- not knowing the answer.

"I guess the transition was hard on him, moving in the middle of junior year. Honestly, I don't remember him that much after he left." Going over to his dresser, I searched through it to find workout shorts, "Even though he has been there for most of my life, it's hard to recall anything."

"Wait-" I paused, already knowing what he was going to ask, but I didn't stop him from saying it, "How could you forget something so major? Someone that was a major part of your life then all of a sudden not remembering the next day?" 

"It's another downside of my quirk..." I mumbled out loud, continuing on my hunt, "The brain can only hold so much memory. So, when I use my quirk more- the more unimportant stuff gets wiped out. Or if I use it for too long, then things like any memories with my step-brother get cut out altogether."

"How did you find out about this?" After finally finding some shorts, I walked over to Zuku, who looked at me confused.

"My father..." I looked away from him, trying not to look at him in the eye, "He concluded that I store memory differently compared to other people. Saying that when I use my quirk, I am experiencing a lot more than when I'm not. Having people think that I learned something in a quick second, but in reality, it took weeks to teach myself."

"You have done that before?"

"Well yeah. I taught myself how to multiply and divide when I was six. It annoyed me when I looked at my step-brother's homework, and I didn't know how to solve it. That same day I figured out what quirk I had, and let me tell you- it was not a pretty experience."


"Oh, don't worry, your pretty little head of yours," I laughed, pushing down all the emotions from that experience, "Maybe someday I'll let you know about it, but right now, I want to work out."

"You sure-"

"I'm positive," Shoving the shorts into his hands, I turned around to walk out of the room, "Go get changed before we run out of time!" 

Leaving it like that made my heart break a little bit- the good old days from when my father was still alive. He always ensured that we would talk things out when my quirk activated since my emotions were the trigger. So that is how everything started, me getting all worked up just because I couldn't solve a damn math problem.

Yeah, I know- it's pathetic. 

My father was the one to figure out that saying a few phrases could better control them. It was the same as my mother- who, because of the incident, I couldn't remember. So, of course, he was devastated when I told him about my memory loss but was happy at the same time. Happy that I didn't have to remember the days that my mother was sick and passed away. Cause let's be honest, that is so depressing to have to recall those events as a young child.

I did remember my father's funeral, however, but I am glad that I do. Yes, it was sad to see him pass, but he was now with my mother- buried beside her right in town. Amaya didn't have a problem with it since she knew how much my mother meant to him. If I could recall correctly, Amaya will also be buried right next to my father as well.

Okay- let's not think about that. Let's focus on one thing at a time.

"Amaya!" Running down the stairs, I called out to her, "Zuku and I are going to be downstairs to the workout room!"

"Oh, okay!" She turned her head to face me once I stepped off the last step, "I'm prepping for dinner right now. Want anything for lunch?"

"Can I give you an answer after we workout?" 

"Fine," Amaya sighed, shaking her head, "Do it before 14:00, okay?" Giving her a yes in response, I headed to the basement.

As I turned on the lights, I sighed, looking at something in particular. It was one of my new workout machines that Katsu ended up blowing up. Everything was cleaned up, but the machine itself had burn marks all over it- making the white paint look like it was black. I guess I forgot to call to get a replacement.

"Hey, (Y/N)- WOAH?!" I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, but the reaction was funny.

"Don't worry, it didn't explode on its own," Chuckling, I pulled out my phone, "Katsu was the one who did it."

"Kacchan did that?" Zuku questioned, hearing him walking up to me, "I'm surprised he didn't go out to buy you a new one."

"He was, but I told him no."


"There is a warranty on it so that it would get replace for a smaller price." I dialed the store number into my phone, now placing it onto my ear, "I'm going to call them- you can get a head start."

It didn't take long to order a new replacement, seeing how the person on the other line was the same lady that sold me the product. She remembered me and asked if I got into UA- her response was priceless. She even said that it was on the house and extended the warranty even more due to it. I did decline the offer, but the lady didn't take no for an answer.

Oh well.

Anyway, both Zuku and I ended up working out for an hour. Although, he took it a bit easier than me since he was still recovering from a now unbroken finger. We were both exhausted afterward but still decided to shower- him in the guest bath and me in my bathroom. So now we are both sitting on my bed talking about our thoughts on our first day.

"Really?!" Zuku yelled out after telling him what happened with Mr. Aizawa, "You are the smartest person that I have ever met! Why would he accuse you of cheating?"

"It's because he doesn't know me as you do," I sighed, letting my back touch my mattress, "Besides, with my quirk, it would be so easy to cheat on those exams. So with that in mind, I accepted the retake to prove them wrong."

"Do you have a plan?" Then, feeling the bed dip even more, I turned my head- seeing Zuku laying down as well, "I mean to prove that you didn't cheat?"

"Yeah," I moved my body onto my side, now my head laying down on his chest, "I'm just going to enable my quirk, unfreeze them and then do the test."

"That's a smart idea," Zuku wrapped his arm, that was underneath me, around my waist, "It would show them what it is like when your quirk is enabled and would know when you disable it. Not going to lie, the transition is cool- everything turning back to color."

"Eh? Not really; it gets pretty boring after a while." Not being able to control my smile, I turned my face closer to his chest, "But, I'm glad that you think that way."

"Why wouldn't I?" I lifted my head, seeing that Zuku was staring down at me, "Your quirk is amazing- your amazing- why wouldn't I think like that. I look up to you, ya know?"

"You mean down?" A couple of seconds of silence passed before we both interrupted into laughter.

"Gosh, (Y/n)!" He laughed out, looking like he was having a hard time breathing, "A way on how to ruin the moment. Bahahaha."

"But it's true!"

"Shut up!"

"Make me," Zuku paused, not even laughing at this point. Instead, his green eyes widen as he stared down at me. Taking this chance, I grabbed the nearest thing, which was a pillow, and smacked him right in the face with it. 

"OOF-" Quickly, he grabbed a pillow and whacked me back, "You sure you wanna do this?" But, of course, I didn't reply as I got up and hit him again with the pillow.


So for the next 30 to 45 minutes, we had a pillow fight. A couple of times, I would use my quirk to get behind him to whack him on his back. Zuku said that I was cheating, but my response was to hit him. We were laughing, having fun as we kept hitting each other. There were a few close calls of me being cornered, but thanks to my glitch, I got away. 

Sadly, it all had to come to an end when we heard Amaya calling out for us.

"GUYS! IT'S TIME FOR DINNER!" We didn't reply; instead, we were breathing hard- trying to catch our breath. 

"We-" I gasped for air for a second, "We should head downstairs."

"Y-Yeah," Zuku coughed, being in the same state as I was, "It was fun while it lasted, but we should clean ourselves up."

"Huh?" Instead of replying, he pointed to his head- showing off his even messier hair, "Oh~ Yeah, we should."

After cleaning ourselves to be presentable, we headed downstairs.

"You guys sounded like you were having fun up there," Amaya commented as we sat down at the dinner table.

"We had a pillow fight," I smiled, looking at the food that was on the table, "I won."

"You cheated!"

"You never said that we couldn't use our quirks!"

"If I did use mine, I would either break something in your room or one of us!"

"Guys! Guys!" Amaya sighed, putting her fingers up to her nose, pinching it, "I swear you guys argue like a couple."

"Yeah, a couple of idiots," I mumbled out loud, making Zuku and Amaya chuckle.

"Anyway, thank you for making the food," He smiled before serving himself a plate of food, "All of this food looks good."

"Well, I hope it's good," Amaya chuckled nervously, "Your diet contains a lot of food, so I had to multitask to get it all done on time. Thank god for quirks because I would have burned some of the food if I would have to keep running back and forth between cookbooks."

"Which quirk do you have?" Zuku asked excitedly, now every interested in the way on how the conversation was going. Of course, Amaya noticed and couldn't help but smile.

"Library- that's my quirk," After Zuku was done getting the food onto his place, she helped herself as well, "Any sort of text that I touch, I immediately remember, and it never goes away. It is beneficial for government-related or at-home situations. I've remembered almost every single cookbook there is and some other things for work. It is a challenge to use it on any electronic, but I know ways around that."

"WOW! So you are literally a walking library!" I stared at Zuku, looking at him complexed before laughing.

"I mean- it's in the quirk's name, so yeah," Amaya laughed alongside me as well, making Zuku flush up in embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry! Anytime someone talks about quirks, I go into geek mode. Sorry that you had to experience that."

"No, No. Don't worry, Izuku. My son is the same way, so it's relieving to have that kind of energy again." I looked over at Amaya, seeing tears prickling at her blue eyes, "You two would have gotten along just fine."


HELLO MY LOVELY READERS! How have you guys been doing these two weeks?!

I'm sorry for not uploading on July 9th, like I was supposed to. Things at home have been challenging during that time, so I had to deal with that. Long story short, I ended up being kicked out of my mom's house by my stepdad. I am now living with my dad full time, so you guys don't have to worry that much.

So, I decided to skip the July 9th date to push it back to July 16th. However, I am still transitioning to full-time with my dad, so I didn't publish this chapter on time. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise that things will go back to normal with updating. 

These next couple of weeks, I may either publish early or a little late to catch up on these chapters. By August, I hope that my regular scheduling will come back, so you don't have to deal with the random publishing of chapters.

On top of that, I will be publishing the 'Table of Contents: When Chapters Occur' so you know where in the series these chapters take place. It will also show when the next chapter is coming out, so it updates every week.


HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO THE BROCCOLI BOY! Again, I know that I am late, but he deserves to be recognized for it.

ANYWAY! Let me know what you think of this chapter and if you want to give it a vote too!

With that said- remember...


Word Count: 5,581


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