Part 57
Third person point of view:
Natasha walked over to the other side of the room with Bruce and sat down in a chair as Bruce got out supplies.
"So Nat, how bad is it?" Bruce asked as she pulled off her sweatpants, revealing the large bandage on the side of her thigh and the booty shorts that she was wearing underneath.
"Could be worse, I've taken worse since I've been gone. It should be healed soon." She said revealing the still large gash in her leg.
"What happened?" He asked getting out the things he needed to stitch her up.
"Explosion. I think, there was some shrapnel or debris. I'm not really sure, I haven't focused on it until now really." Natasha took a deep breath as Bruce poured alcohol in it to insure it was clean.
"Has Clint seen it yet?" He asked, putting his hand in her leg to keep it still as he began the process of putting in the stitches.
"Yeah, but it was masked by a lot of other blood, we were also a little preoccupied." She hinted with a smile.
"Worried about your daughter?" He asked without looking up.
"Something like that."
Bruce looked up at her with confusion until he saw the look on her face. "Oh." He chuckled. "Was that your guys first time since Elizabeth?" He asked curiously.
"We didn't get that far, but it would have been, it was our first moment, or well our first chance I guess you could say." She continued to smile through the pain.
"Did you want it to go further? I know you guys have been through a lot lately."
"Yeah, I think so. I stopped it though, we have more important things to worry about than that. The baby needs to come first right now."
"Spoken like a true mother." Bruce said with a smile.
"Oh, shut up." Natasha teased.
"No seriously Nat. You are a mother and no matter what you think or believe, you were meant to be a mother. I know with what everything that happened with Elizabeth it may not seem like it, but it really is. I see how you are with your daughter, I saw how you were with Elizabeth, well before she was born. I know that the little girl out there isn't your biological daughter, but she might as well be. She's your second chance and I know how hesitant you are to do this, but you're going to be fine, it's going to be fine." Bruce said looking up after he finished his last stitch.
"You checked?" Natasha asked quietly.
"It was the first thing I checked for, she isn't biologically either of yours. I was almost wishing she was, but I know how you would feel about that."
"Did you check for Bucky? She has his eyes and they did so much screwed up stuff in that hell hole I wouldn't be surprised if..." Natasha trailed off as Bucky walked in.
"If what?" Bucky asked walking in.
"I asked Bruce if the baby was somehow yours, she has eyes almost exactly like yours. You know who they are, I wouldn't put it past them." Natasha said without looking at him, after she finished Bucky only looked at Bruce for an answer, she did the same.
"I checked, nothing. She isn't from anyone that we know. I even ran it through the criminal database, I found nothing." He said, as Natasha and Bucky shared a look and then Bucky left. Bruce knew they would talk later. After an awkward silence for a few minutes an alarm went off.
"Oh, Nat it's time to feed the baby, do you want to try and breastfeed again or do you want to use the formula?" Bruce asked getting up to turn off the alarm.
"Let's get her and see if she will take the breast milk, you said it was better for her, and that it would help her put on weight faster, so I'll do anything to give her the best chance she can have." Natasha said with a determined smile on her face as she went out to get the baby from Clint, but she paused when she heard Clint and Bucky talking.
"... Please don't tell me you're naming her penguin." Bucky sighed.
"No, we haven't chosen a name yet, or Nat hasn't chosen a name yet. Speaking of the most beautiful woman in the world, do you need anything?" Clint asked when he saw Natasha eavesdropping.
"I just need the baby, its time for her feeding." Natasha said walking over and picking her up.
"Do you want me to help?" Clint asked standing up.
"No I think I've got it. I'm going to try to breast feed her and Bruce is going to watch me to make sure that I do it right, and to make sure that she doesn't have any issues."
"Are you sure? I could come sit with you, encourage you, or be your emotional support, if you want."
"No, I've got it. I need to make sure I can do this on my own because you might not always be here, you know with S.H.I.E.L.D missions and all that."
"Nat my offer still stands, I'll quit S.H.I.E.L.D to take care of the baby, because you know. I'll be a stay at home dad for the both of you if you want." Clint offered as Natasha got the baby settled in her arms, adjusting the cords and tubes so they were both comfortable.
Natasha sighed, "We can talk later, we still have a long night ahead of us. Why don't you and Bucky stay here and chat." She said, turning away to go back to where Bruce was sitting.
Clint turned to Bucky like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself and the two of them sat in silence for a few minutes until Clint finally got the courage to speak.
"You know, I never got to thank you for telling me about Natasha, and for keeping her safe until I got there. Nat means the world to me and without you I wouldn't have her or my daughter right now so, thank you. I owe you."
"Don't worry about it. More often than not it was Natasha keeping me safe in there. Plus you somehow convinced Nat to keep my niece, so I'd call us even." Bucky chuckled and took a deep breath. "How is she by the way?"
"The baby or Nat?" Clint asked perplexed.
"Natasha you idiot. We already talked about the baby." Bucky responded back snarkily.
"Oh yeah. Sorry, I've been up for a while and I don't think I'll be getting any sleep anytime soon. Nat seems better since we got home and changed. She's nervous about the baby and I seriously don't blame her, plus we just got back together and I don't think Elizabeth has left either of our minds since we found out about her. We've got a lot going on that's all. I think we'll be fine." Clint said, not meaning to divert from the subject but doing it anyway.
"You OK?" Bucky asked when he saw Clint with his head in his hands.
"Yeah yeah. I'm fine. Just a little stressed, and nervous and worried. Me and Nat need to talk about a lot and decide a lot of things. We haven't even got the nursery set up yet, the baby doesn't even have a name yet, we still have to figure out how we are telling the team, not to mention the fact that we have to somehow explain to them that Nat is still alive and we are back together again and back. I mean its just a lot, but I mean that's life. Twenty-four hours ago I never would have dreamed of this, I mean this is amazing don't get me wrong, but its still a lot." Clint said with an exhausted but genuine smile on his face.
"Let me see if I can get Bruce out of here for a little bit to give you guys time to talk. I'll also see if we can help take a little bit off of your guys plate. What happened to the house that you built for her?" Bucky asked kindly.
"Oh yeah that place is kinda a disaster right now so that isn't exactly an option for us at the moment, that was where I went after Nat left." Clint explained.
"Oh that makes sense, let me go get Bruce and we will give you some time. We all have a long road ahead. It's one in the morning now we'll come back and check on you guys at three. Also don't go upstairs, Pepper is asleep in your guys' room." Bucky said as he knocked on the door to where Bruce and Natasha were.
"...Honestly Nat she's fine and so are you. It's going to be OK." Bruce said as he nearly ran into Bucky. "Oh hi Bucky. Did you need something?"
"Yeah I need you. You and I need to go upstairs, Tony is asking for us." Bucky said while nodding trying to get his point across.
"Well tell Tony to come down here, I'm sure we can work it out down here." Bruce replied, not understanding.
"BRUCE. We. Are. Needed. Up. Stairs." Bucky said very slowly, pausing after each word for emphasis.
"OH, yeah that's right, we have that thing. Nat you're good here right?" Bruce asked nodding along while he said it watching Bucky's reaction so he knew he said the right thing.
"Yeah I guess so, the alarm will go off when she needs to be fed again, right?" Natasha asked without looking up from the baby who was still feeding.
"Yes." Bruce answered and was about to say something before Bucky cut him off.
"Perfect. We will be back in like two hours you and Clint have fun." Bucky finished for him as he dragged Bruce out of both of the rooms and Natasha came back to the room where Clint was.
"Hey." Natasha said as she sat down with the baby in her arms but she was no longer feeding.
"Hey." Clint said with the most adorable look on his face as he satared at his wife and child in her arms. You could see the hint of worry in his face, but mostly his face was filled with love and affection for the two of them.
"How did it go?" He asked softly as Natasha put the baby back in the crib.
"It went really well. Bruce said that she was perfect and I did great. She might need a change soon though." Natasha said with a smile as she looked at her little girl.
"I'll change her, no big deal." Clint offered, looking at the baby as well.
"Clint we have to talk." Natasha said with a sigh, drawing her eyes away from the baby to look at him.
"I know. Where do you want to start?"
"I don't know, you choose." She offered, not wanting to be the one to start the conversation, they never talked like this, they never had to. This was uncharted territory for the both of them.
"How about a name?" Clint asked shyly.
"How about if we are even ready to be parents again, after what happened the last time. There is so many things that could go wrong." Natasha said with the slightest bit of fear in her voice.
"Yeah, but Nat we have each other. Together we can do anything, I've always told you that, we both know that. I know that you are nervous and scared and worried, so am I, but Natasha we were meant to be parents we were meant to be a family, especially you, you were meant to be a mother no matter what you think. Natasha we can do this, as long as we love each other and we love her more than we could have ever imagined, more than we ever dreamed of."
"Clint can we do this? There is so many things we have to work out first, but I want her, I want to raise her, I want to watch her grow, do things with her, put her in ballet and soccer when she's older, because I love her so damn much and I feel bad for it because... Because of Elizabeth."
"Natasha, Tasha look at me. You and I both know damn well that we loved our little girl, we loved our Elizabeth more than what was physically possible and we did everything we possibly could for her to give her the best life that we could, but it just didn't work out and I wish above everything else that it had. Tasha this is our second chance and we can't feel any shame for taking it. Elizabeth knows that we love her more than anything and we always will and we will always remember her. She would want us to do this, she would want us to."
"But Clint I miss her so much, I miss her so damn much. I just want her to be here with us, this could be her little sister, we could raise them together, have them grow up together, give them the best home that we possibly could. I miss her Clint, I miss her more than anything I have ever missed before." Natasha said as her final wall came down with the tears that rolled down her face. She was finally letting Clint see her as he did before they had lost Elizabeth.
Clint got up and walked over to her and she stood as they wrapped their arms around each other. "I know baby, I know. I miss her so much. It's OK, it'll be OK." Clint soothed while running his fingers through Natasha's hair. He was trying to keep his composure for Natasha but he felt that he was failing because the tears started to roll down his face as well.
"Is it ever going to get better?" Natasha asked with her head pressed into Clint's chest.
"It will honey it will. It just takes time. It will get better. We have each other now, and we have the baby, it will get better honey, you just have to trust me." Clint said around the lump in his throat, still trying to be strong for Natasha.
Clint and Natasha held each other in their arms for a long time, both of them sobbing into each other. Clint stopped trying to be strong at some point and just relied on her. He was so happy to have her back, he needed her just as much as she needed him. Natasha didn't ever want to let go of Clint again, she knew that she had made a mistake when she left that night and she decided then and there that it was never going to happen again. After a while they forced themselves apart because the baby had started crying and Clint picked her up and took her away to change her. Natasha sat down at her spot and let her mind wander to name choices, she already had one that she liked but she wanted to make sure that it was the one.
Her mind wandered to the Sarah's and Grace's, then to the Lilian's and Vanessa's, then to names that Clint liked, the Isabella's and the Katherine's, but none of them sounded quite right except for the one name that she kept circling back to. Ella. It was a strong name, and every time that Natasha looked at the baby she couldn't help but think of the name. If Natasha was honest with herself she had been calling the baby Ella since they had got on the jet to take her home.
Clint came back with the freshly changed baby, who was now calm in his arms. Clint sat back down in his chair and put the baby on his chest, she was content in that position so Clint left her there.
"Look at our little girl Nat, she's adorable." Clint said without looking up from the little girl on his chest.
"Yeah she is. I think I have a name for her." Natasha said shyly while walking over to stand next to them.
"Oh really, what is it?" Clint asked while smiling at the baby who was making small cooing noises.
"Ella. It's a strong name, and it's beautiful like her. It also flows with her middle name really well."
"I love it Nat. Are we choosing Elizabeth as her middle name?" Clint asked, looking up at her.
"Yeah, yeah we are." Natasha said with a sad smile.
"I love it Nat. Ella Elizabeth Romanoff-Barton." Clint threw in at the last second to see if he could get her to agree to give the baby her last name.
"No Clint. I've told you time and time again the baby is safer with your name. Her name is Ella Elizabeth Barton. It's for her safety." Natasha said with a twinge of sadness in her voice.
"I know Nat, I just wanted to see what you would say. I know that we didn't fully take down the Red Room so it isn't safe yet, but one day it will be. One day we can, maybe one day when she's older we can have another wedding, a better one, then take her on our honeymoon with us. That would be nice." Clint said with a far off look in his eye.
"I know, but for now, we will stay here, at the tower. At our home with our family. We are in the second most secure building in the world and this is the place that it all started, this is the place where we decided that we were going to stop running, that we were going to put roots down. This is our home, it's where we belong."
"Are you sure Nat?"
"At least for now I am. I mean our Dads aren't far away, we've got all of the baby's uncles and aunts close by, its perfect for us."
"That's great Nat. And whenever we want to get away for a little while, we have our own place. I built it for us when I found out you were pregnant, all of the guys and Pepper helped, plus Maria helped to keep it off your radar." Clint said with a smirk as the baby started to go to sleep so he left her on his chest.
"You really did all of that for us?" Natasha asked, surprised by Clint's gesture.
"Nat I told you, I'm all in. I want to quit S.H.I.E.L.D to take care of our child, to take care of Ella. I want to be a stay at home dad and take care of you two. At least when your home, Nat I want to leave the spying to you. I want to retire and be a dad and a husband. I will be your trophy husband if you let me." Clint said genuinely happy to do it, he had an excitement in his eyes and voice, Natasha knew that he wanted this and she wanted this for him.
"OK. I'll miss you out in the field but I want our little one to have as normal of a life that we can give her and if you want this then I say lets go for it, but you aren't off the hook for Avenger missions, you're still my partner after all." Natasha said with a smirk.
"Well of course my love. I'll always be here for you." Clint said standing up to give her a kiss but was careful to mind the cords that Ella was hooked up to.
The next day and night passed much like the first, with Ella having nearly constant feedings and Clint and Natasha obsessing over her. By the end of the first full day she was doing much better and was much stronger. Bruce was very happy with her progress and now knew that she would be fine, but wanted to keep her for the second night for observation and to give Tony more time to get the party ready which would be taking place the next night.
"Pepper!" Tony called into the penthouse "Pepper honey are you awake?"
"Yeah, give me one second!" Pepper called out to him as she finished getting dressed and walked out to where Tony was.
"Yes Tony, what do you need?" Pepper asked him, he could see the bags under her eyes and her eyes were red and swollen because of how much she had been crying for the last two days.
"I planned a celebration of life for Natasha tonight I figured she would want that instead of a funeral, especially because we still haven't found her body." Tony said very softly to Pepper, still trying to keep the surprise for later tonight no matter how much it hurt him to see her like this.
"Really Tony? Already? It hasn't even been a week, it took us over a month for the baby's funeral. What are you thinking?" Pepper asked exasperated.
"You know Natasha wouldn't want us sitting around and mopping. Plus when did you ever know Natasha to turn down a opportunity to get drunk other than when she was pregnant. It'll be good for us Pep. We'll have fun tonight, we'll get drunk, have a good time, and remember Natasha like she would want us to. It's just going to be the family, it'll be what Natasha wanted."
Pepper sighed and rolled her eyes giving into Tony's request because she was too tired to fight anymore. "OK Tony, fine. When will this thing start? What do I need to wear?"
"Something nice, but comfortable, like what you would wear for girls night out with Maria and Natasha, I mean there isn't going to be anyone really to impress just the family, Including Fury and Coulson. I mean all of us are going to be getting drunk so you decide." Tony said nonchalantly, trying to keep the grin off of his face.
"Well I'm not going to be drinking so I'll figure it out." Pepper said offhandedly.
"Well that's understandable, Natasha's your drinking buddy, you don't want to move on from that yet. The party starts at six I already told the other guys. We're going to meet down in the living room. I'll give you some alone time to get ready." Tony said as he shut the door on his way out.
Pepper sat down on their bed and let out a long sigh. She flopped down and stared at the ceiling for a long time like a melodramatic teenager until a few hours had past and she had decided to make the most out of tonight by celebrating her best friends life, because if she wasn't going to be around anymore she could at least move on properly.
"Natasha!" Bruce called from the other room.
"What Bruce?" She called as she followed his voice.
"Nat, Ella is perfectly fine now. You can show her to everyone else now, they can know you're back now. You guys should get ready. Tony is throwing a party tonight to honor you guys coming back. You guys are going to have a lot of fun tonight."
"What?" Natasha asked not wanting to believe that what Bruce was saying was true as Clint came over with Ella in the baby carrier.
"The party starts in like two hours, I think that's enough time for you guys to get changed. It's going to be a lot of fun." Bruce said slightly afraid of the look on Natasha's face.
"Let me get this straight you and Tony planned a big return party for me and a huge party for the baby! Bruce what were you thinking? This is not a good idea do you know how many things could go wrong!" Natasha screamed.
"Well it will be a pretty controlled environment to introduce the baby to everyone and to welcome you back. I made Tony promise that it was just going to be the family when I put him in charge of it. Plus you guys will be showing up before anyone even has the chance to get drinks, so everything will be fine. Everyone has missed you Nat, no matter what you think."
"Bruce. This is such a bad idea." Natasha sighed with her hands in her face.
"Natasha. You've been gone for three and a half months your entire team and family thinks that you are dead. Clint has been gone for the same amount of time. Do you know what your leaving has done to Pepper? Tony? Hill? We have been a wreck without you, an absolute mess. Natasha we need you so please just let go of whatever the hell is holding you back for one night! Tonight! We have needed you and you left and I don't blame you, I'm just telling you the truth. I know that you feel like you have lost everything and that everyone blames you for what happened to Elizabeth, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. Come home, for real this time. We miss you. We miss having our family together." Bruce whispered while barely holding back the emotions that he has been holding in since he had realized that Natasha and Clint had left all of them.
Natasha took a deep breath and paused, she looked back at Clint, the man she loves, starring back at her, holding their daughter who was sleeping in the carrier. "You're right. OK. How much longer do we have to get ready?"
"Maria lands in an hour. Party starts in two. Tony will call you with the details of what you guys are supposed to do." Bruce said with a lopsided smile.
Natasha nodded and started making her way upstairs with Clint's hand in hers, but he stopped her and turned to Bruce, letting go of Natasha's hand.
"Thank you Bruce. For everything, without you, none of this would be possible. I'm sorry for leaving you guys." Clint said, holding out his hand to shake, as an olive branch.
Bruce ignored his hand and wrapped him in a hug, something he very rarely did. "Anything for family." He said into his ear.
Clint was surprised by the gesture and hugged him back with his free hand, and the moment was over as quickly as it had started. Bruce pulled away and him and Clint shared a look, Clint noticed the moisture in his eyes, but he would never say anything about it. Clint nodded and grabbed Natasha's hand and they made their way upstairs to change and get ready for their welcome back party.
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