Weang and Wanking - 6
It took Xie an hour to get Wei's address from one of the elementary school kids. But he got it. He would go there this evening and fix the problem.
With that resolve he went to the bike stand and found his prey waiting there for him sitting on a tree trunk, head bent over his knees.
Xie slowly approached him. "Wei?"
Wei stood up hearing his voice. "Hi..."
He looked as bad as Xie felt. Xie decided to finish his apology before Wei started fighting again.
"I'm sorry Wei. Are you angry because I didn't eat your rikla? Going forward I'll eat it. I'll eat anything you want me to. Please don't fight with me. Please..." Xie said, threading his fingers together in a prayer.
Wei stared at him in shock. He would eat his god? For me? His heart thumped quite furiously.
"You damn fool..." Wei said, shaking his head and in the next instant he wrapped his friend in a tight hug. "You are so stupid Xie." He whispered into the other boy's ear.
Xie sobbed into his neck in relief. Xie didn't care if he was a fool or stupid or anything. As long as Wei said them while hugging him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Wei asked when they both dried their eyes and sat down leaning on the tree shade, shoulder to shoulder.
"Then we wouldn't be friends."
"Said who? You lied... you shouldn't lie to friends."
"I'm sorry."
"Promise me that you won't lie anymore."
"What about the past lies?" Xie decided to come clean, he wouldn't be able to handle another fight not even for the hug.
"There's more?"
"Um... yes. I love rain. I hate walking. I don't like mangoes. I can't stand the smell of fish. I don't like to go to the girls' school." Xie listed his lies without taking a pause. It's something he developed to keep track of what lies he told whom. He usually lists them in his head before meeting them, so that he wouldn't slip and say the wrong thing.
"I feel like I don't know you at all." Wei said in a low voice, feeling betrayed all over again.
"It's just..." Xie stopped, gathering his thoughts. He wouldn't say something without thinking it through. He didn't want to lie again. "If I don't like the same things as you then why would you want to spend time with me? I won't have any friends. I won't have you." He said, feeling ashamed.
"Are you for real? You don't get friends like that. That's... that's fraud." Wei felt bad to say it, but it had to be said.
"Sorry." Xie said hoping that's enough.
Wei couldn't take his somber expression. "It's okay. Friends don't have to have everything in common, you know? If you don't get bored when you're with them that's enough. Do you feel bored when we are together?" He kept his fingers crossed for Xie to say no.
"Oh God no! It's the opposite. Time flies."
"To me too."
They both grinned.
"If not mango, what do you like?" Wei asked, bumping the other boy's shoulder.
That evening Xie felt different as they rode together. Wei asked questions that were already asked but this time Xie answered them truthfully. He wondered if he could do the same with his other friends.
Even if they stopped being friends, that's fine with Xie. He had Wei. He let out a sigh, releasing all the stress of the past few days and leaned on Wei, his head rested on Wei's shoulder.
Wei sighed at the contact and pedaled slowly, totally ignoring the diseased dick of his that decided to get hard.
"Why have I not heard of this place? This is like a different world!" Xie exclaimed looking around.
It was a Friday evening two weeks after their make up. The fight and make up had made their friendship stronger. It helped them to get closer and more carefree around each other.
At last they made the trip to the dam.
Wei grinned looking at Xie's wide eyed curiosity.
"That's because it's a secret hideout. Not even locals know. You get the best view of both the waterfalls and the dam. My cousin brought me here last year." He said proudly.
"I always thought dam would be boring. This is cool." Xie was enamored by the vista of blue, green and white before him. They were standing on a cliff, hidden between two big rocks, the roaring waterfalls and the squeals of birds were the only sound.
"We can come back for sunset, I want to eat now." Wei pulled Xie with him.
They walked a little to the right to a dense part of the trees.
"Is this safe?" Xie asked, because the place looked dark, with only little sunlight seeping in between the branches.
"Perfectly." Wei declared and spread the big towel Xie had brought. He took out the snacks they had bought at the main park area.
Sliced and spiced mango for Wei.
Salted pineapple slices for Xie.
Xie groaned as he sat down. "I can't feel my knees. God..." He stretched out with a sigh, cushioning his head in his palms.
"Hey... I'm the new driver here." Wei reminded him and mimicked his position.
They ate their snacks while watching the canopy of trees.
"Are you sure it's safe?" Xie asked again.
"It is. You know what? Close your eyes and imagine you're in your house, ready to sleep." Wei suggested.
"Why?" Xie asked, turning his head to look at his friend.
"Then you wouldn't know if something scary comes here." Wei said, winking.
Xie glared at him.
"Just do it." Wei took another towel and put it above their faces, effectively blocking the little light they had.
"It really feels like night." Xie whispered.
"Yes." Wei whispered back.
"What if ghosts come?"
"They won't bother us."
"How would you know?"
"If I were a ghost I wouldn't care about two harmless boys resting. Would you?"
"If I were a ghost, I would go hide in the bathroom and scream at the boy who pranked us with that ghost story."
Wei laughed. "Revenge, huh?"
"If I were a ghost I would go with the boats, deep into the sea. Watch flying fish and whales." Wei said with a longing.
Xie didn't miss it, maybe closed eyes helped. "You never went?"
"Not very deep."
"Oh, why?"
"My dad won't take me. He says I have to be eighteen. Even though all my friends already go with their families. I've to wait four more years. And..." Wei suddenly had the urge to tell everything to Xie. Maybe it's the darkness, or how close they were on the towel. He no longer wanted to be alone with his terrifying secret.
"What?" Xie whispered.
"I'm going to tell you a secret."
"Okay." Xie reached out and took his friend's hand that was close to him. He could sense that it was something important.
"I have a disease. It's inside. Very bad. I'm dying slowly." Wei said, trying to hold back his tears.
Xie gasped. But stayed as he was letting Wei continue.
"You remember when I said I like walking? I lied too, I don't like it that much. That day I didn't want to stand close to you on the bike. If I had, you would have figured it out. But now we're always close, so you must as well hear it from me." Wei stopped.
"I'll always be your friend. Promise." Xie whispered.
Wei needed to hear it. It gave him the strength to say this."It's my...dick. Some infection. It oozes smelly white pus. It's very painful. Even after I dry it completely, the next day there is more. There is always more. It never...stops. I'm gonna d—"
The towel on his face was yanked away and Xie's face was looking down at him.
Xie didn't need to hear more. He knew what Wei was talking about. "You're not dying, Wei. In fact you're growing. You're a man now."
Wei scoffed, pushing at Xie's chest. He didn't budge, his elbow still supported his head on his palm. He placed his free hand on Wei's chest. "I'm telling the truth. Are you getting it in the morning? Do you feel extra relaxed after you release it? Do you want to do it again and again?"
"Are you sure?" Xie absentmindedly started to stroke Wei's chest over the thin material of his shirt.
Wei became very aware of the hand on his chest. How close Xie was to him, how his body was pressed close to his side. How he could clearly see the eyelashes of Xie. How beautiful they were.
"Yes." He breathed out. Now Xie's hand was on his stomach, circling there like an eagle. He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the feel of those fingers, at the same time he didn't even want to blink. Because Xie was gazing at him like never before.
"Can I check?" Xie's hand went further down.
"Xie..." Wei trailed not even sure of what he wanted to say, he could only see Xie's eyes, they were looking at him deeply.
"Don't worry. I just want to see if there is any wound." Xie whispered.
Xie wasn't sure it was him who was talking. He was having an out of the body experience. Maybe it was some ghost that took over his body. He was touching someone else. And he didn't want to stop. His hand moved on it's own, stroking the hard stomach under his palm as if in a dream.
Wei was under a new kind of torture. He couldn't understand why he was having conflicting feelings. He wanted Xie to keep touching his stomach. It felt so good. He also wanted him to stop because his dick is acting up again. He couldn't decide what to choose. A finger tip razed against the edge of his pants making him close his eyes tightly. "Stop... It's gonna come." He heaved with urgency.
And it came.
Xie was transfixed watching Wei's face. Wei had a blissful look that Xie wanted to savor. But the need to touch himself took over and all he had to do was give it a squeeze. It was done. His elbow gave out letting his head fall on the towel.
"I told you," Xie said and went limp on his back. "You are just growing."
"Tell me everything." Wei demanded his friend when the dizzy feeling went away.
"We should clean up first." Xie mumbled, he had never released so much with just a little squeeze. It felt great.
"You too?" Wei asked, surprised.
Xie nodded, face turning red, finally registering what he had done. The ghost must have left him. He felt weird and shaky and terribly shy.
"Oh," Wei said, his mind whirring to make sense. This must be like growing hair in the armpits. Or like girls... They did something secretly once they grew big.
Either he didn't have any disease, or Xie too had the same disease. He might have got it from Wei. Oh, no.
When he looked around Xie wasn't there, he could hear some shuffling sound. Wei got up and went to the other side and washed off his pus in the stream.
When he came back, Xie was sitting on the towel wearing different trousers. He didn't look up when Wei sat next to him.
"How do you know it's not a disease?" He demanded again.
Xie rubbed his face to make the blood flow somewhere else and explained the reproduction mechanism of humans in a small voice.
"Oh. How did you come to know this?"
"Friends. You can ask your friends. It's for babies. No disease. I promise." Xie said, tracing patterns on the towel. He couldn't believe he did that to Wei. What would Wei think of him?
"I can't believe this. So not kissing?" Wei had his own set of ideas that he couldn't wrap his mind around. For him the whole process of making babies went from simple to super complex.
"No. But remember you can kiss only your wife, no other girl." Xie said to make sure Wei got all the facts correct.
"Huh. But... when you touched my stomach... it was...fast, how?" Wei suddenly felt hot, remembering Xie's touch.
Xie blushed a bright red and ducked his head. "I don't know everything. I can ask around."
"No...no...no... don't."
"Okay." Xie was relieved.
They were quiet for some time, both lost in their own world as they packed. But when they went to the cliff again all the awkwardness left them as Xie ooohed and aaahed at the glorious sunset.
On the way back from the top they got lost.
"I'm sure this is the way we came," Wei said.
"No. I don't remember seeing this rock." Xie denied.
As they rounded the said rock, they witnessed something too bizarre for them to make any sense at first.
There was a man and a woman. Both looked like tourists. Mainlanders.
What was bizarre was the way they were eating each other's necks.
Xie and Wei looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders at the same time. It meant mainlanders were weird creatures. They did and said things that made no sense to the islanders.
The man gasped loudly, making the boys turn their attention back to him. The lady was on her knees, cradling his now naked dick in her palms.
The peeping duo clutched each other's hands and hid behind the rock in silent agreement to continue peeping.
They watched as the man got a mind-bursting blow job from his lover.
The lady licked her lips after swiping a few missed drops and Wei finally allowed that maybe it's not pus. Not even mainlanders would drink pus.
The man pulled her up and locked their lips together in a passionate kiss, Xie was transfixed for the second time that evening. The way lips moved over lips was nothing like the kiss they usually witnessed in wedding ceremonies. The wedding kiss lasted for two seconds. This was more. So much more. It went on and on. It made his dick fill again.
As the boys watched without blinking, the man pulled his lover's dress off and took hold of her boobs, kneading them. She moaned and leaned on the rock, giving him full access. He kissed and suckled on the generous mounds and put a finger inside her. She bucked up and pushed his head down spreading her legs.
The peeping duo reeled back when the man's tongue touched her vagina.
Both their dicks went limp from the shock created by the visual.
In another silent agreement they left the rock and the weird mainlanders. Eventually they found their way back to the park and to the bike.
Three words and a nod were the only communication between the flustered boys for the remainder of the day.
"I believe you." Those were the words.
**** End of Chapter Six ****
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