Chapter 1 A Weird Day

Chibi A/N: I would call you Insane, but I think we already established that with the Blue Blur book.

A/N: Yes I know another book, but I promise this one going to be great!

Chibi A/N: Yeah? How so?

A/N: *Chuckles* Just wait and see! But enough of that, Let's get this story started!

In the city of opportunity, there was a young man driving down to his workplace will trying to avoid not only traffic but the Crazy driver that swerved into his line as well... This young man was You.

(Y/N): Hey! Watch where you're going!

You shouted out of the car window and the Crazy driver in front of you does a less than kind gesture as he had his middle finger extended while sticking his arm out of the car window before pulling it back in and after seeing this you let out a sigh as you continue driving " God dang it! Why did I have to be called in on my off day! " You thought as you had planned on having a nice relaxing day, however, you're boss called you about some strange Green pipe that had appeared in the workplace which was just an old building that was dirt cheap and it took you about fifteen minutes of dodging Crazy people and maneuvering around traffic and random construction in order for you to arrive at your workplace.

(Y/N): Finally...

You said with relief in your voice as you had managed to get through the chaotic roads of New York Unscathed and as you parked you saw a fresh poster on the side of the building with your employers on it... The Maria Sisters...

Art by Dizzyornot

You mentally sighed as you got out of the car " I wish they used actual plumping outfits instead of those overalls... It leaves a lot to the imagination. " You thought as you remembered they never wore regular jumpsuits like you do and when you entered the building after making sure your car was locked Luigia came running towards the door in a panic.

Luigia: Oh (Y/N)! Thank a'god you're here!

She said with a light Italian accent and worry across her face and you mentally sighed " Oh boy, Maria probably did something stupid again didn't she... " You thought as you recall Luigia mentioning something about Maria being dropped as a baby and ever since she had done some pretty dangerous things... Like eating some random mushrooms, Trying to jump onto stuff that isn't stable at all, punching bricks, and trying to go down some pipes when it's clearly not necessary, but you shrug off those thoughts think maybe whatever Maria did wasn't as bad.

(Y/N): Calm down Luigia, Tell me what happened, did a pipe rupture or something?

You asked calmly not wanting the poor girl to panic any further, however, what she said made you see why she was panicking.

Luigia: Maria went down the pipe will you drove here and she hasn'ta come back yet!

After she said that you started to panic a little yourself " God dang it! Again!? " You thought as Luigia show you the mysterious green pipe which was just down the hall.

Luigia: She just dove right into the pipe! The weirdest part is that it made some strange noise when she went down it!

You were a bit confused when she said that as pipes usually don't make noises, however, the thing that was bugging you the most was how large of a pipe was it and you would soon get your answer when your question as you saw a massive green pipe sticking out of the ground which definitely looked large enough for a person to fit into, but the strange thing was that it almost looked... Cartoonish somehow and it was just sticking out near the end of the hallway.

(Y/N): Luigia, how long has this been here?

You asked and Luigia gives you the same worried look she had before.

Luigia: It wasn't there until this morning.

Her answer confused you as pipes don't just sprout out of the ground, however, you didn't exactly have time for that seeing as you have to get Maria out of the giant green pipe so you got closer to investigate " Lets set whats down here... " You thought as you pulled out your flashlight and tried to look down the pipe and you immediately noticed it almost looked bottomless and you began to reach your hand into it.

(Y/N): How deep do this-


(Y/N): WHAT THE-!?!?

The pipe suddenly started to suck you in with incredible force and before you got sucked into the pipe Luigia tried the grab you and pull you out of the pipes grasp, however, despite her best efforts not only you got sucked into the pipe but she also got dragged into it too and the both of you feel deeper into the dark void within the pipe losing consciousness as you do.

An hour later...

Chibi A/N: Ok, I don't see what so special about this story yet.

A/N: Oh you'll see... *Evil Chuckle* You'll all see...

Chibi A/N: For the record, I don't like that laugh.

A/N: *Sigh* Let's just get back to the story...

You started to wake up in a daze and your vision was clouded and you saw a feminine figure wearing something red.

(Y/N) M-Maria?

You asked groggily before you're vision returned to you and you were both surprised and a little embarrassed when the figure that was looking over you...

Art by Pleague

(I edited the original picture a "bit" as to show one of them... Yes one of them, there will be more in the future.)

Chibi A/N: Oh. *Nose starts to bleed*

???: Hello? Are you well? Do you have brain damage?

The masked woman's questions confused you a bit until you remember that you were falling down a seemingly bottomless pipe.

(Y/N): U-uh no I don't think I do.

After you said that you looked around and you were shocked when you saw a very colorful and cartoonish forest.

(Y/N): Where are we? A-and how did I get here?

You asked as you got up off of the grassy ground and dusted yourself.

???: You're in the Forest of illusions! This place holds a lot of secrets and stuff like that, as for how you got here, I have no idea... You were just like laying there.

She stated casually as if it wasn't a big deal that possibly holds ancient ruins or a barred treasure as well as her indifference with your sudden appearance which only added more to your confusion, but you shrugged it off as you didn't have time to play twenty questions, however, you still have one question to ask... The girl's name as it would be kinda rude if you didn't.

(Y/N): Ok... Well, what's you're name?

After you asked that the masked girl perked up a bit " Oh wow! He's not just going to run off after I talk to him just like that? " She thought as she fully expected you to run off into the woods and start jumping around like a madman while collecting coins and smashing various floating bricks like a certain Red plumber.

Scarlet: W-well my name Scarlet! I'm what most people call a Shygal!

She said with a bit of surprise lacing her voice and the faze Shygal caught you off guard as she doesn't seem shy at all.

(Y/N): Why do people call you a Shygal? You don't seem very shy at all.

She tilted her head a bit in confusion, however before either of you could say anything a rather vibrant female voice suddenly echoed throughout the forest.

???: Hey Scarlet! Where are you!? We've got to meet Gabriela and Petunia before- Woah!

Both of you hear someone tumble down a nearby hill before a nearby bush started to rustle and you watched a girl with blond hair that looked a bit strange tumbled out of said bush.

Art by Minus8

A/N: Hey Chibi A/N are you ok?

Chibi A/N: *Laying in a pool of his own blood while still having a nose bleed.* Yeah... I'm fine...

Scarlet: Oh hey Katie!

The woman known as Katie let out a bit of a grown before slowly picking herself up while her body was still aching from the tumble she just had.

Katie: Hey Scarlet...

She replayed as she got up off the ground and dusted herself off " Huh, I kinda expected her to have a few cuts and scraps after tumbling through a bush. " You thought as her gaze drifted towards you.

Katie: Um... Not to sound rude, but who are you?

She asked in a bit of a leary tone as you looked like you were related to Maria given your outfit.

(Y/N): My names (Y/N) and I have no idea how I got here.

You said which puzzled Kaite a bit as people don't just appear out nowhere even in the Forest of Illusion " What is this guy? He doesn't look like a Toad or a Shyguy that I've ever seen. " She thought as Scarlet chimed in.

Scarlet: Hey Maybe the Hermit will know how you got here! He's not too far from here and he's on the way to our hangout spot!

She said and you let out a sigh " What choice do I even have? Who knows... Maybe this Hermit could help me find Maria and Luigia. " You thought.

(Y/N): It can't hurt to try.

After you said that Kaite stretched a bit as she was still somewhat aching from the fall.

Kaite: Welp it's settled, off to the Hermit we go!

After she said that the two girls started to walk towards the direction of the Hermits home and you swiftly followed, however, none of you notice the seemingly sentient flying Brown Mushroom hovering over the treeline " Oh no! Not another plumber! I got to warn Queen Bowsette! " The Mushroom thought before flying towards an ominous castle with stormy clouds surrounding it.


Chibi A/N: *Noise stops bleeding* Wait hold on! There's still the normal Goomba's from the games withing this story!?

A/N: Well yeah, there's going to be the normal enemies from the games within this story, there are just Humanoid versions of them that happen to be exclusively female.

Chibi A/N: Give one good example of this being possible.

A/N: Oh that's simple... Princess Peach is actually a humanoid toad.

Chibi A/N: W-what!? That's-!

A/N: Insane?

Chibi A/N: Yes! *Has the realization that the Mario franchise is extremely weird sometimes. (Looking at you Supercrown!)* Oh... *Thinks about something else and his nose starts to bleed as he zones out again.*

A/N: *Sigh* Let's get back to the story...

Within the stormy castle, there was a large door leading to a room fit for a Queen, and within this room, there was a large Koopa brushing her long red hair... Her name was Bowsette.

Art by sssonic2

(You thought I was gonna do the humanoid version of Bowsette didn't you?)

" Man... This is just the most boring day ever! I wish something would happen! " She mentally said as she puts her brush down and wondered what she could do to alleviate her boredom and on cue one of her underlings flew through an open window.

Para-Goomba: My Queen! I've-

Before the Mushroom could finish what he was about to say Bowsette looked at the flying Goomba with a look of pure fury.


She shouted with a few embers exiting her mouth and the Mushroom quivered in fear.

Para-Goomba: I-I'm Sorry m-my q-queen! I-I just H-Have some U-Urgent news!

The terrified winged shroom said with a notable stutter and Bowsette let out a low growl.

Bowsette: Then speak quickly before I burn your wings to ashes!

She said with anger still lining her voice and the Goomba had a look of pure terror on his face.

Para-Goomba: I've spotted another Plumber in the Forest of Illusion! H-he's-

Before the scared shroom continued to blurt out his report in terror Bowsette interrupted him.

Bowsette: He? Are you saying Maria's kind has males?

She asked with intrigue slightly line her voice and the terrified Mushroom still quivered in terror before his Queen.

Para-Goomba: I-it appears so my queen! T-the Plumber name was (Y/N) a-and he is heading towards the Hermits home!

The flying Goomba stated and Bowsette put her hand underneath her chin " Hmm... This (Y/N) sounds interesting... " She thought and as she was lost in her thoughts about learning the fact that one of Maria's kind has males, but that one of them was here on Dinosaur Island and a slight blush grew on her face " Maybe I'll finally get a man with some backbone in my life... If his anything like Maria that is... " As she thought this the Goomba had a perplexed look across his face.

Para-Goomba: M-my Queen?

After he said that Bowsette looked at the little flying shroom with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

Bowsette: What are you still doing here!? LEAVE!!!

The Para-Goomba eyes went wide with fear as a small burst of flame coming from Bowsette's mouth when she angrily spoke nearly set him ablaze and without another word, the flying shroom flew out of the open window as fast as he could leaving Bowsette to fantasies about finally getting a boyfriend.

A/N: That'll do it for the first Chapter in the story! What did you think about it Chibi A/N?

Chibi A/N: *Still laying in a pool of blood while still bleeding out of his nose.* Its... Cool...

A/N: Ok... You guys may be wondering why Chibi A/N is like this, but don't worry! It's totally natural as he kinda has a thing for masked girls.

Chibi A/N: *Still having a nosebleed.* Yep...

A/N: See you guys next time! And stay safe out there!

Chibi A/N: I feel a bit light-headed... *Passes out as his nose stops bleeding.*

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