Skinny Love, What Happened Here?

A/N: gif makes me sad :'(


I get to work the next day nearly in tears.

Last night and this morning was hell, because the leftover of Luke's anger took it's toll on my body. He left bruises scattered over my skin and my bottom lip is swollen red. It hurt to get dress, hurt to walk, hurt to even sit down. Luke barely batted an eye.

Later last night, after everything was over and I was a sniffling mess, Luke slashed Ashton's bracelet off my wrist with a knife and dumped it in the trash. He didn't want a reminder of how I disrespected him.

This morning hurt even worse than the night before because the bruises had time to settle into my skin.

I step into the doorway of the break room, keeping my eyes down as I grab my things and jam them into my pockets. A familiar voice mumbles something before stepping out of the group, and I look up to find those bright hazel eyes looking into mine.

Michael grabs Ashton's wrist. "Not a good idea, man."

Ashton tugs his arm loose, giving Michael a particularly not-nice look before returning his gaze to me.

"Good morning," he says cheerily, and I try my best to reciprocate the energy, but Ashton sees right through me. He narrows his eyes. "What happened?"

It's only then that he runs his eyes over my bruised jaw, my swollen lip, the way I can barely move my legs without wincing. There's no use in hiding it anymore. He sees right through my façade like glass.

He looks terribly concerned. "What did he do, Calum?"

"He found out," I say softly. Ashton's shoulders sag. "He was mad. I shouldn't have-- It was all my fault--"

Ashton shakes his head, ushering us both out of the break room and into the hallway bathroom. I press up against the tile walls as Ashton locks the door, and then he sits us down in front of one of the stalls.

My eyes water. "He doesn't like you, Ashton. I broke his rule. By talking to you."

Ashton blinks at me. "He has rules?" Then he shakes his head. "Not important. It was him, wasn't it? He hurt you."

I press my lips together, swallowing the lump in my throat. "He just-- I upset him, it was my fault."

Ashton looks like he might want to cry as well. "Oh, Calum. It wasn't your fault. It's never your fault."

I don't bother arguing with him. He wouldn't understand, not completely. I look down at my fingers, playing with them to avoid looking at his eyes. Ashton has a way of seeing right through me, and I can't let him see exactly how I feel.

Ashton is quiet for a few moments. "Do you love him?" he finally asks, his voice soft.

I look at him. "Yes," I say, with honesty. "And he loves me."

Ashton looks at me sadly. "Does he, Calum?"

I fix my collar to hide some of the bruises. "Yes, he does," I say defensively. "We've been together for years. I know he does."

Ashton gives me a look that clearly states he doesn't believe me, but he averts his eyes and reaches into his pocket all the while. I watch him as he pulls out, of all things, a brochure.

He looks at me gently before handing it to me. "I went and got this for you after I dropped you off yesterday," he says. He glances down at the brochure in my hands. "Remember how you told me you wanted to teach?"

In my hands is a brochure that advertises an educational program at a small community college on the edge of California, only two hours away from where I live. I stare at it in awe, flipping the pages and reading the information inside.

"Ashton..." I mumble. I trail off, not knowing what to say. The hazel eyed boy catches my overwhelmed expression, and his eyes widen.

"You don't have to do it or anything," says Ashton. "I just wanted to give you this. Just to let you know there are opportunities out there."

My lips part, but I don't know what to say. I run my fingers over the brochure before folding it carefully and pocketing it. "Thank you, Ashton."

He gives me a big smile, dimples sinking into his cheeks. He leans back beside me, and I fiddle with my fingers to avoid looking at him.

"Will you talk to Luke about it?" Ashton asks. I look at him. "The brochure, I mean."

I deflate a little when he asks, and Ashton winces, clearly regretting asking. "Maybe," I say, a little less enthusiastic than before. "I'm just not sure how he'll react."

Ashton doesn't bother pressing on. He just nods at me and gives me another smile. "I understand," he says. "Just know that-- that it's okay to do what you want to do, too."

He pats my shoulder gently and stands up, leaving the bathroom quietly. I let out a sigh, staring down at my phone. Ashton's words replay themselves over and over in my head. I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to decide whether or not to text Luke about the brochure.

Finally, I pick up my phone and start a new message. I decide to leave out the part about Ashton giving it to me, just to stay safe.

I tell him about the educational program and where it's located, and then I attach a picture of the brochure so that he can see it. Pressing send, my heart throbs in my chest.

I stare at the screen and wait for a reply. The more I sit and wait, the more I realize just how badly I want this. To go and get an get an education degree and get a job as a teacher would be the biggest dream in the world. My breathing quickens just thinking about it.

My phone vibrates with a new reply. I quickly peer down at the screen, hope thriving in my chest.

Luke: What's wrong with your job at the restaurant?

Luke: The program is located a while away. My job is here. We're not going anywhere.

My heart sinks. I press my lips together at the two texts, and I lean back against the wall defeatedly.

I type back: Can we talk about this at home?

Luke's answer comes back less than a minute later.

Luke: There is nothing more to discuss.

I quickly shut off my phone, not wanting to look at it anymore. I cross my arms unhappily and get to my feet, leaving the bathroom. I slowly gather my things in the break room, preparing for the day. I see Ashton catch my eye from the corner of the room where he stands beside Michael. He gives me a small wave.

I turn away, trying to slow down my heart. I wish, for once, that Luke would let me do what I want to do. For a moment, I have a hot flash of fury towards the blonde.

As soon as it comes, it dissolves into nothing but a puddle. I curse myself for thinking so badly of my boyfriend. Luke is amazing, in every single way. His beautiful face and strong personality caught my eye the moment I met him. I fell in love with him almost immediately, and I still love with all my heart. I shouldn't be wishing he is someone he's not.

I turn away from the group of employees, moving out into the dining area and giving a table of guests a bright smile. I take their orders kindly, trying to appear as only a friendly waiter and not a boy who is marked with angry bruises under his shirt.

A/N wow! filler haha

i got tickets to go to a young the giant and ra ra riot concert for this october and i'm hella excited!

also i heard that 5sos are taking a break next year before having another tour and first i was sad but now i'm like good for them!! a break will make them happy

anyway thanks for reading! vote & comment! I love u to the moon! bye

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