If Being Afraid Is A Crime We Hang Side By Side

A/N: ^^^LOOK AT THE PICTURE. none of us are safe


I can't say that I wasn't upset when Calum sent me that text. I mean, being told that you've been aggravating someone since the day you met them isn't exactly the best self-esteem booster out there. Especially when you thought you were helping them. Looking at it that morning was like being punched in the stomach, and seeing him walk into work a few days later hurt even worse.

I couldn't help but grow attached to the boy, with his big brown eyes and full, pouted lips. He's perhaps the sweetest, most gentle person I've ever met, and it was so unlike him to send that text that it sent me into some sort of mental shock. But he did, and as much as it hurts to know how he truly feels, I have to respect it. I mean, it came from his phone. So he had to be the one who sent it, right?

It's Monday, which means I had to wake up bright and early to come into work. We don't get much business in the mornings, but we're usually just preparing for the day anyway.

Michael and I stand by the silverware, rolling them into napkins. His red hair stands out brightly against his pale skin, his permanent smirk etched onto his face. I focus on rolling the silverware, keeping my mind off everything else.

"So I see you've finally taken my advice on ignoring the Calum kid," Michael says beside me, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. He nudges me with his elbow teasingly, and my fingers still with annoyance.

"I'm not ignoring him," I mumble. "I'm just-- I'm doing it for him."

"You're doing it for yourself," Michael laughs, twirling a fork around his finger. "You met his boyfriend! The guy's fucking insane. He's probably out for your blood by now."

"I don't give a shit about his boyfriend." I slam down the silverware, staring at Michael incredously. His grin falters a bit. "Don't you get that? The only reason I'm not talking to him is because he doesn't want me to."

Michael's smile finally fades into a small frown. He shrugs, mumbling somethng under his breath before turning away and walking into the break room. I huff and take in a breath to calm down.

The guy gets on my nerves constantly. He's fine anywhere else but here at work. He's funny, he has a good taste of music and a yearn for adventure. But whenever he steps into the restaurant, he turns into an asshole who judges sweet boys based on who they love.

I grab a handful of silverware and move into the dining area. I begin setting the tables with the silverware, adjusting the plates to make sure they are align.

The door opens, and I see Calum step inside from the corner of my eye. I glance up at him, and my movements falter for a moment when I take in his paled skin and slumped shoulders. His eyes look tired, like he hasn't slept in years. A light bruise covers his left shoulder.

He doesn't see me, or maybe he's just ignoring me, but he walks straight past and heads to the break room. It's not until he's walking by me that I notice what's off about him: a thick banded necklace, the color of soft rose gold, clasped around his neck like it's choking him.

It seems like it's weighing him down as he walks. He stops by the silverware, picking some up to set up his section. I can see the expensive diamonds lining the necklace, and I know for sure that Luke bought it for him.

I want desperately to go talk to him, to ask him how he's been and maybe ask about the bruise on his left shoulder, but I know he doesn't want me to. I swallow roughly, clenching my jaw as I return to the silverware, but I'm no longer focused.

Calum comes to a table near me, setting it up quietly. I can practically hear Michael cracking jokes in the break room, can still remember his snarl whenever someone mentions him. I put down the rest of the silverware and turn on my heel, stepping to Calum and tapping his shoulder.

He turns around, his big eyes looking up at me. I see a flicker of hope cross over his face.

"Hey," I say lamely.

Calum looks like he's about to burst with a thousand emotions, and I'm half certain he's about to turn away and leave me breathing in dust, but instead a smile spreads across his face.

"You're-- you're talking to me," he says softly.

I groan, slapping a hand on my forehead. "Sorry, I'll just--"

"No!" Calum says quickly, grabbing my wrist before I can turn around. His hands are warm. "Don't go, please."

I glance down at the necklace secured around his neck. Calum sees me looking and he self-conciously fiddles with it. "Nice necklace," I say.

"It was a birthday gift. From Luke," Calum says, his voice quiet. I had pretty much guessed that it was from Luke, but my shoulders sag when he said it was for his birthday.

"Birthday? Yesterday was your birthday?"

Calum nods, a bit taken aback. "Yes."

"And you didn't tell me?" I exclaim, letting a smile slip on my face. "You're twenty-two! That's huge! I haven't even gotten you a present."

Calum flushes, shaking his head. "It's not a big deal. I don't need anything." His cheeks are pink, and he ducks his head to hide it, pretending to fix his table.

"It is indeed a big deal. And I'm going to get you something." With that, I turn around and head towards the back. Calum makes an exasperated sound.

"Ashton!" he protests, but I can hear the smile in his voice. I head into the break room, ignoring Michael and the other employees' stares. I grab my wallet and phone and slide it into my pocket for when I go on break.

I smile to myself as I busy myself with getting ready. I missed talking to Calum. He has the kindest soul, and it's not like you can just stumble upon people like that wherever you go. I missed him more that I realized.

He didn't seem angry at me today, but I suppose I should give him some space every once and a while to avoid annoying him. I can do that. As long as I still get to spend time with him, I can do that.


Finding Calum a present turned out to be a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. I didn't want to get him something he wouldn't like. Didn't want to mess things up further.

I ended up making something rather than buying something. I don't have much money to spend, unlike his rich ass boyfriend. But I'm just hoping to God he'll like what I made him, despite the fact it looks like something a kindergartener would make and wear.

I shove the wrapped present in my back pocket and lean against the back exit door, waiting for Calum to walk by. My heart pumps wildly in my chest, and I will it to stop. There's no reason to be nervous.

Calum walks by a few minutes later, and I perk up.

"Calum!" I whisper. Calum turns around, looking at me with surprise. "Come with me."

Calum looks anxious, hesitant. I open the door for him, revealing the not-so-beautiful view of the back parking lot. I flash him a bright smile.

Calum sighs, trudging forward and walking with me out onto the parking lot steps. We sit down and stretch out our legs. Calum squints against the sun.

I pull the crumpled present out of my pocket, handing it to Calum. "Happy Birthday. Better late than never."

Calum smiles, turning the gift over in his hands, the blush returning to his cheeks. He slowly unwraps it, and I watch him nervously.

Calum pulls the gift put of the wrapping, his eyes bright. I wince at how unimpressive it looks in comparison to his fancy necklace.

"It's a bracelet. Or an anklet, I guess. I made it with some thread I bought at a store downtown." I reach over and take the bracelet, turning it over to show him the blue and green strands. "You told me once that you love the ocean, but you never get to go."

Calum hasn't said anything, just staring at the bracelet with a look I can't decipher. My heart wrenches.

"I'm sorry it's not as nice as Luke's. It's--" I give up trying to make some excuse as to how it's as good as Luke's, because I know it's not.

Calum smiles them, bright and happy as I've ever seen him. "It's perfect," he says. "Put it on for me?"

I smile, slipping the bracelet over his wrist. It fits snugly, looking nice against his skin. Calum touches the soft thread gently, as though he doesn't want to break it.

"Thank you, Ashton." Calum's eyes dance with happiness, and he leans toward me a little. I slowly wrap my arms around him, careful not to touch him where his bruise is. He falls into my embrace contently, hugging me back with the type of sincerity that suggests he doesn't ever want to let go.


did you 1d fans hear that Liam signed onto Capitol Records??? I'm excited for him but at the same time RIP 1d

also 5sos were walking around my mall yesterday afternoon and I was in my theory class unaware of this even going on & I am completely dead inside

but yeah 5sos finally came to AL it's about time

thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed. vote & comment PlEasEeee

love u 2 the moon


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