I'm Dreaming Of A Place To Start Again
I wake up a bit confused, opening my eyes groggily as I blink at the unfamiliar ceiling above me. My head hurts significantly less than it did before, and I look around the room tiredly before remembering what happened the day before.
I fall back against the pillow, covering my face with my hands. I haven't even talked to my parents about everything yet, although I doubt they will be too happy that I broke up with my fiancé. Apart from my father, apparently.
I slowly push away the covers, looking around the small room as I do. I was too sleepy to get a good look around last night, due to my eyes being all teary and my head feeling like it was going to implode.
I stand up, feeling swallowed up in the clothes Ashton had me borrow. The t-shirt hangs mid thigh, the sleeves hitting the bottoms of my elbows. The pajama pants are tied in a double knot at my waist and are too long, pooling at my feet. I wrap my arms around myself and open the door quietly, glancing back into the hallway.
I hear noise coming from the kitchen, the sound of clanging and a soft voice humming a song I don't recognize. I step out into the hallway, walking towards the kitchen hesitantly. I look up and see Ashton standing in the kitchen, wearing a fitted black t-shirt and red and black plaid pajama pants that hit low on his hips. He standing over the stove, cooking something in the pan while he hums to himself, drumming wooden spoons against the counter in between stirring. I let a small smile slip on my face at the scene.
Ashton turns around to grab something off the counter, startling when he sees me in the doorway. Then a bright smile spreads over his face and he says cheerfully, "Good morning! I'm cooking breakfast."
I shuffle forward, stepping into the kitchen and hoisting myself up on one of the bar stools against the counter. I watch him with surprise. "I see," I say.
Ashton continues to hum as he cooks, bobbing his head to the music in his mind as he does. He fills a plate full of eggs and bacon, placing a biscuit neatly to the side before sliding it over to me with a grin.
"Eat up," he says happily, turning off the stove and starting to clean up.
I stare at the plate in surprise, picking up the fork Ashton gave me hesitantly. Ashton watches me with an amused look in his face. "Are you not a breakfast person?" he asks.
I look up at him apologetically. "No, it's great! Luke just-- he only had protein bars for breakfast."
Ashton winces. "Another thing we don't have in common."
He sips on orange juice as he wipes the counter clean, and I hurry to shovel the food in my mouth before I give Ashton the wrong idea. Ashton really is a fantastic cook, and I'm no longer surprised that he decided to work at restaurants his entire life. He's definitely good with food.
Ashton leans on the counter, supporting himself by his elbows as he looks at me. "By the way, I have an extra key to my car if you need to go anywhere for anything," he says, sliding a pair of keys over next to my plate. I stare at it.
"I--" I stop, staring at the keys reluctantly. Ashton frowns.
"You don't have to, I just wanted to offer it," he says reassuringly, looking concerned. I shake my head, wincing a bit.
"No, I just... I never learned how to drive," I tell him. Ashton's expression shifts into surprise, his hazel eyes widening.
"Really?" he asks, and I nod affirmatively, feeling my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Ashton stands up straight, his eyes bright. "Then that's what we'll do today. I'll teach you how to drive! What do you say?"
Ashton looks way too excited for me to even think about saying no, but I find myself a little bit eager to learn anyway. "Okay," I say with a nod.
Ashton pumps his fist in the air happily. "Yes!" he cheers. "It's not hard, Cal. You'll like it."
I smile at him as I carry my plate to the sink, placing it at the bottom. Ashton holds out his hand, a playful smile on his face. "Shall we go get ready?"
I flush as I place my hand in his, Ashton's hand warm and soft against mine. The boy pulls me back towards the bedrooms, this time leading me past the guest bedroom and straight into his own. I laugh a little as he drags me along. I've never met somebody as energetic and bursting with positivity as Ashton is.
He leads me into his room and sits me down on the bed, turning around to sift through his closet. He glances back at me, looking at the oversized clothing I'm wearing.
"Those are a little too big," he says with a smile, his dimples showing. "I'll find something a little smaller for you. Just until we get you some new clothes."
I pull at the fabric, not about to argue with him. They definitely are oversized, for me at least. Ashton's much broader than I am.
The curly haired lad pulls out a smaller sized t-shirt, plain white with a black logo on the back advertising some band I don't recognize. He grabs a pair of jeans from his drawer and gives them to me.
"I wore those a few years ago, but I've outgrown them now. They should fit you a bit better," Ashton says. I take the clothing gratefully, and I head to his bathroom to change.
Closing the door, I look into the mirror, staring at my reflection uneasily. I look like a stranger, dressed in another boy's clothes and standing in his house, my hand free of a ring and my neck bare of the necklace. My head still dully hurts from the concussion, making my skin a bit paler than it's supposed to be.
I peel off the pajamas, picking up the shirt Ashton gave me. I frown at the fading bruises on my ribcage, grimacing at the stormy colors spotting the skin. I quickly put on the shirt to hide it, and I look in the mirror. It's still a little too big than my size, but it definitely fits better than the pajamas. I put on the jeans, tightening the belt to keep them up. For Ashton they may be skinny jeans, but for me they are baggy. I slide on my Vans and fix my hair in the mirror.
"There's an extra toothbrush in the drawer!" Ashton calls from outside. I open the drawer, and sure enough, there is a green toothbrush wrapped in plastic, unopened. I take it out and use Ashton's toothpaste, brushing my teeth quickly. I feel odd, getting ready at my friend's house instead of at my own.
As soon as I think the words, it feels like someone has punched me in the stomach. It's not my house anymore. I don't have one any longer, just staying with my friendly coworker.
I wipe my eyes tiredly. Ashton is more than a friendly coworker, though. He's the kindest person I've ever met, and I know for sure that I would still be trapped under Luke's hold if it weren't for him.
I take in a deep breath and open the door, walking out to find Ashton dressed and getting ready, wearing a grey t-shirt covered by a red and black flannel. His legs are covered in a pair of black skinny jeans, a few rips in the knees, and all black converse. Ashton turns around and I quickly look up, hoping he didn't see me staring.
"They fit pretty well!" he says happily. He grabs his phone from the table and smiles. "Let's head out."
I follow him out of the house, waiting as he locks the door behind him. We walk across the yard together, heading towards Ashton's truck. It's almost weird to walk to the car without feeling Luke's hand press against the small of my back, but I find myself sighing with relief at the sense of freedom. Luke always had a way of making sure you felt trapped. Like you were being watched and studied at all times.
Ashton and I climb into the car, hurrying to pump up the heat. Ashton grabs a coat from the backseat and wraps it around my shoulders, helping to solve the cold.
"Sorry," Ashton apologizes. "It takes a little while to warm up after being in the cold all night."
I give him a smile to let him know it's okay.
Ashton drives, turning on some music from the radio. He hums along, drumming on the steering wheel with his hands. His curly hair is unruly and flying back from the breeze, his eyes bright and optimistic in the light of the morning sun. He pulls into a mostly empty parking lot at the back of a shopping center, parking in one of the spaces.
"Parking lots are the best places to learn," Ashton says, flashing a smile. He quickly gets out of the car and rounds the hood, so I hurry to get out and do the same.
As I climb into the driver's seat, my heart pumps in my chest. I strap myself in with the seatbelt and place my hands on the wheel.
"Alright," Ashton says, situating himself in the passenger seat. "First, put the car into drive."
I look at the screen behind the wheel and see it's in park. I put it in drive, listening to the car hum in response. I look at Ashton with wide eyes. "I'm nervous," I tell him.
"Whenever you want to stop, we can," Ashton promises patiently. "But you'll do great. You can do it."
He looks so genuine that I almost believe him. I turn back to the empty parking lot and slowly release the brake to move to the gas. The car starts rolling forward and I squeak, slamming on the brakes.
"What happened?" I ask nervously.
Ashton raises an eyebrow. "I was about to ask you the same thing."
I gesture wildly to the car. "It moved, and I didn't even press the gas pedal yet."
Ashton breaks into a smile. "That's normal. It'll move a little bit before you step on the gas."
I soak up the new information unhappily, and then I sigh and return my gaze to the parking lot. I finally press down on the gas pedal. I squeak as the car lurches forward, and I slam on the brake. Ashton laughs at my terrified expression.
"It's okay! Try again, and this time just press it a little softer," Ashton says, looking completely at ease. I do as he says, pressing down softer this time, and the car eventually rolls forward at snail speed.
Ashton claps his hands together cheerfully. "Perfect!"
I step on the brake, making the car jolt to a stop in the middle of the parking lot. "I think that's enough for today," I say, giving Ashton a sheepish look. The curly haired boy just smiles.
"You did great," he tells me as he gets out of the car. I slip off the seat belt and hop out of the seat, eager to get away from the wheel. The entire experience is overwhelming. Ashton takes my place in the driver's seat and I return to the safety of the passenger side, and the boy steers the car into a parking space.
"Alright, Cal," Ashton says. "Let's get you some new clothes." He walks out into the hot summer sun and I follow behind him, watching him lock the car before taking his place beside me. He squints against the sun. "It's going to get warm again pretty soon, so we should probably get you some tank tops. You know how California gets."
I stare at him in surprise. "Tank tops?"
Ashton raises his eyebrows. "Unless you don't like them. You can get whatever you'd like."
"No, no, it's just--" I stop, Ashton watching me curiously as I say, "Luke never let me wear them. I always wanted to, but he said it showed too much skin. He made me wear long sleeves or sweaters."
Ashton looks like he wants to say something, but he swallows and shakes his head, looking upset. "Well, not anymore. You can get whatever your heart desires, alright?"
Ashton's eyes are kind and bright as we walk into the store, and I give him an honest, genuine smile. "Thank you."
A/N got some highlighter today but I have no idea how to use it lol
so I want to get a new pair of converse but I don't know what color. any suggestions
I already have all white, all black, and yellow. but I want something else you know
okay thanks for reading! hope you liked. pls vote and comment.
I love you to the mOON
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