Glazed Eyes Empty Hearts
Before I lived with Luke, I used to live back with my family, who wasn't ever much of one to begin with. They never liked me all that much, maybe because I never became successful like Mali did with her music. Her beautiful singing voice floated around the house and wrapped itself around my neck with undeniable strength, while she just kept on singing as though it wasn't making me wilt each and every day like a dying rose.
It's not like they didn't love me. I think they did, but they just didn't show it very often. There was an occasional time where my mum would kiss my head before I left for school, but any other form of affection was generally off limits, considering I didn't do anything spectacular to deserve it. My father has been a bit more loving than my mother, though. He's always had an eye out for me, making sure that I'm well-fed and happy enough, which is more than my mother ever did. That's how it's always been.
When I met Luke though, and I came back home and mentioned the blonde boy from the college tour, my parent's were shocked. I didn't realize how big the Hemmings' name was in this city, how well-respected they were. Andy Hemmings basically has the entire city wrapped around his pinky finger, and pretty much any official wouldn't cross him. He works as something for the government, and he has more power than any of the policeman here. And then there's Luke Hemmings, the successful computer engineer, the son of Andy Hemmings.
My family was even more shocked a few weeks later to hear that I was going out on an actual date with the boy. For once, they paid attention to me. They hugged me and talked to me daily and asked me all about Luke. His success, his wealth, his charm. They loved all of it. For the first time, I felt like I was a part of my family.
And I was happy.
I wake up feeling nauseous, my stomach twisting painfully as my eyes slowly open. They sting against the bright light, and I lift my hand to try and block some of it. My nose feels stuffy, and I sniffle a bit as I sit up carefully. My head begins to pound, and I let out an uneasy sigh.
The room is cold, and I wrap my arms around myself as I slowly stand up, glancing around the room. Luke's side of the bed is empty, the sheets pulled tightly and pillows already fluffed. I groan slightly and look at the pile of clothes sitting at the end of the bed, clearly set out for me. I reach out and touch the pile of clothing, all black for work. My head hurts even more just thinking about having to go to work today. I feel sick, everywhere on my body. All I want to do is lay back down and get some sleep.
I hear footsteps coming up the steps, and I hurry to slip off my shirt, grabbing the long sleeved collared shirt from the bed and slipping it on. I manage to button it up just as Luke walks into the room. He raises his eyebrows at me.
"You almost ready?" he asks.
"Sort of," I mumble, picking up the dark jeans from the bed and holding them in my hands. "I don't feel well."
Luke furrows his eyebrows at me. "Are you sick?"
I shrug, although I do very much feel like I am. Luke steps closer and places his hand on my forehead. He lets it sit there for a moment before pulling away and shaking his head.
"Your forehead isn't hot," Luke says, shaking his head. "How about you go to work, and I'll try to pick you up a little early?"
He hands the offer to me like a gift, as though he's being generous, but all I want to do is fall back onto the bed and shut my eyes for the rest of the day. I try to hide my disappointment, knowing Luke wouldn't like that. So I plaster on a wobbly smile and nod.
Luke smiles. "Sounds good. I'll be downstairs, come down when you're ready."
He turns and leaves the room just as quick as he came, and I am left standing weakly in the middle of the room, my entire body aching. I let out a sigh, finishing getting dressed unhappily. After tying my shoes, I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror. I see a paled face and dark shadows under my eyes, a tired look. Why can't Luke just let me stay home, just for today? It's not as though he couldn't convince my boss to get someone else to work for me, he's done it thousands of times before.
I shake my head, pushing away the thoughts. I splash water onto my face to try and wake me up before dabbing a bit of concealer over the fading bruise on my jaw. Luke has been pretty mellow lately, and nothing has set him off, which is great. Especially since Ashton has been nagging at me about Luke's angry scene at the restaurant ever since he found me embarrassingly crying in the bathroom. Clearly a low point for me.
Once I'm finished getting ready, I grab my phone and put it into my pocket, turning off my lights and heading back downstairs. I find Luke waiting for me by the door, scrolling mindlessly on his phone. His lips are pursed, his piercing glinting against the light. His eyes flicker up to me when he hears me reach the landing, and he smiles.
"There you are," he says brightly, slipping his phone into his bag. He grabs his keys and opens the door for me. I sneeze as I walk past him.
The drive to the restaurant is short, filled with Luke talking about this new project he's working on at work, and me trying not to cough every three seconds. I'm too tired to put all my effort into making conversation, but I doubt he minds. Once we pull up to the curb, Luke pats my leg and leans over, kissing my cheek quickly. I give him a smile before hurrying out of the car, closing the door. I watch Luke pull back out onto the main road, the shiny car disappearing in the midst of all the others.
I walk inside the restaurant, going straight to the back. The restaurant is empty, nobody having come in yet. I hear soft chattering in the break room, and I walk in to find the rest of the employees standing around chatting with each other. I spot Michael in the center, making some joke as everyone laughs. I swallow roughly before turning around and grabbing the black apron and tying it around my waist. I slip my notebook and a few rolls of silverware into the pockets, trying my best to ignore everyone else.
I sneeze into my arm as I leave the room, and my shoulders sag defeatedly. I don't know how I'm going to get through today. My head kills, pounding with each step I take. It feels as though a brick is sitting in the back of my throat, digging into the naked skin and making it hurt like hell just to swallow.
I am setting up the tables in my section when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, looking up to find Ashton standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, a bright smile on his face.
"Good morning!" he says cheerfully. However, his face falls when his eyes skim over my face, his lips dropping into a frown. His eyebrows furrow worriedly. "Hey, are you okay? You don't look well."
I sneeze in reply.
Ashton smiles sympathetically at me, shaking his head. He cocks his head at me and gently touches my shoulders, inspecting my red nose and swollen eyes. "Why in the world are you at work? You look miserable."
I shrug, refusing to meet his eyes. "I'm sure it's just a cold." My voice sounds weird, due to my stuffed up nose.
"You were perfectly fine yesterday, I don't think this is just a cold," Ashton murmurs. My heart speeds up at the intense attention, and I squirm away from his hands, turning back to the table and putting the final roll of silverware down on the table. A few guests walk into the restroom, and the host leads them to a table in Ashton's section. Ashton looks over and grimaces, glancing back at me worriedly before walking over to the table reluctantly.
I focus on setting up the rest of the tables, air returning to my lungs once Ashton leaves. It's not that I don't appreciate his care, I do, but I hate when people worry about me. There's nothing to worry about. I'm perfectly fine.
I head into the back once I'm finished setting up, taking a glance around the room before leaning against the corner, taking a tissue and pressing it up against my nose to try and prevent another sneeze. My head starts to throb again, and I suppress a groan. My eyes sting, and all I really want is to go to sleep.
Ashton walks back in a moment later, stuffing a small notebook back into his pocket as he skims the room. I expect him to walk over and join Michael like he usually does, but his eyes catch on me in the corner, and he turns on his heel and walks directly to me.
I lower the tissue, staring at him as he looks back at me, clearly still upset about the whole sick thing. I stand there for a few more minutes, Ashton watching me carefully and rocking back on his heels, and me coughing every so often and sniffling lightly.
Eventually Ashton shakes his head and says, "Nope. I'm taking you to the doctor."
I jerk my head up, eyes widening. "No! I'm fine. Don't take me anywhere." I can already imagine the look on Luke's face if he found out I left without his permission.
"Calum, you're sick. It's not going to get better unless we get you some prescribed medicine."
"No, you can't. I have to stay here," I plead, pushing up further against the counter. Ashton's shoulders sag, looking at me with bewilderment.
"Why? I'll get someone to cover our sections, it'll be fine."
"No, Luke would be furious!" I burst. I'm out of breath from panic, and I watch as Ashton's eyebrows shoot up in realization. He stands there for a second before nodding, almost to himself.
"Right. This is about Luke," Ashton says quietly. I drop my head, shutting my eyes tiredly.
"You don't understand. He would just be mad if I left work." I try to defend my boyfriend, but Ashton doesn't look fazed. Eventually, his stern expression smooths out and he sighs.
"My mum's a nurse. We can go to her at the hospital, and I'll bring you back before your shift ends. Luke will never know."
I blink at him warily, uncertain. I want so badly to go to the doctor and make sure that it's just a cold and nothing more, but it makes me nervous. "If Luke finds out--"
"He won't," Ashton interrupts, giving me a reassuring smile. His dimples sink innocently into his cheeks, hazel eyes bright and hopeful. I find myself giving in, stepping away from the counter and closer to the curly haired boy.
"Good," Ashton says, untying his apron and hanging it back up in the closet. "And don't worry about Luke, alright? I'll handle it if anything happens. Which it won't."
I reach behind me and take off my apron, hanging it beside Ashton's. He quickly pulls aside an employee and talks quietly to him, gesturing a bit with his hands. The boy nods after a moment, and Ashton gives him his dazzling smile before turning back to me, giving me a thumbs up.
"We're covered!" he says happily. He walks out of the break room and turns to the left, heading for the exit door out the back. I follow behind him, making sure to stay close in step with him. He holds the door open as we step outside, and I glance over the line of cars in all the parking spots.
Ashton walks up to an old pick-up truck, dented and scratched in almost every way possible. It's painted black, but it's been scuffed enough times that the paint is chipping off, making it look older than it actually probably is. Ashton proudly pats the car's hood as he rounds the front of the car, opening the driver's side.
"I know it's not nice, like your boyfriend's. But I've had it forever."
Ashton hops into the front, and I quickly slide into the passenger seat, closing the door once I'm in. Ashton quickly throws a few sheets of papers behind the seats, laughing a bit.
"Sorry for the mess. It's usually just me in here," he says, and starts the car. I just smile at him, surprised at how much I like the cozy feeling of the car. It doesn't have leather seats like Luke's, and it sits much higher off the ground. It also has a weird buzzing noise that doesn't seem to quieten, but I couldn't care less. It has a homey feeling to it that Luke's expensive sports cars just doesn't have. And the whole car smells like peppermint and vanilla. An odd mix, but it smells like Ashton.
The drive to the hospital doesn't take as long as I anticipated, but Ashton made it pass faster by turning on music and singing along to it as he drives, flashing me smiles every so once in a while as he does. He even rolled down the windows and let the breeze flutter through the car, making my hair go crazy, and my chest lightened for a little while. It felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulders.
Ashton drove the car behind the hospital, parking in one of the empty spaces where most of the employees parked. I figure that since Ashton's mum is a nurse that he's allowed to.
We walk together into the hospital, and I find myself just following Ashton, considering he seems to know where he's going. It's been a long time since I've ever visited the hospital, and the endless amount of hallways and elevators confuse me.
Ashton makes sure that I'm still behind him as we walk up a flight of stairs, our footsteps echoing around the empty stairwell.
"Sorry," he says. "It's faster than the elevator."
After a few more minutes of walking, we arrive at a front desk, a bunch of nurses standing behind and all around it, all wearing identical scrubs. Ashton glances over the group of nurses until his eyes catch on a woman, filling a tray with syringes.
"Mum!" Ashton brightens, walking over and getting the attention of the woman. I stand behind him, watching as the woman turns around with surprise. I notice her name tag stating the name "Anne".
"Ashton," Anne says, looking shocked. "What are you doing here? Are you hurt?"
"No, but do you mind looking at my friend Calum? He's doesn't feel well, and he says it's just a cold, but I don't think it is," Ashton says, moving to the side so that I'm in full view. Anne looks at me, her eyes meeting mine.
"Oh, sure," she says. She steps past us, motioning us to follow her as she walks down the hallway. Ashton grins at me before pushing me along with him. We follow his mum into an empty room, and she pats the table in the middle.
"Sit here, Calum," she says, and begins rummaging around in a few drawers. Ashton leans against the wall, crossing his arms as he watches us. Anne turns around with a thermometer, telling me to open my mouth. I do, and she sticks it under my tongue.
While the thermometer stays in my mouth, she gets a few other tests ready, placing them on the table beside me. The stick in my mouth beeps, and Anne takes it out, looking at the number. She sighs, showing me the thermometer.
"You have a fever," she says, and places the thermometer back on the table. Ashton throws his head back against the wall in irritation.
"You have a fever, and you were at work!" he groans, shaking his head. "That's not right."
After a few more tests, Anne puts away all the tools and lets out a breathe, crossing her arms at me and tilting her head.
"You have the flu."
The flu. I can't help but feel surprised, considering I was convinced this was nothing more than a cold. I guess it would explain why I feel so bad.
We stay for a few more minutes, both Anne handing me medicine and Ashton pouting at me until I finally tell them that we should leave if I want to make it back before my shift ends. After thanking his mum and taking the medicine, Ashton and I hurry back out of the hospital and out to his car.
I curl up in the passenger seat, staring down at the medicine in my hands while Ashton starts the car, looking at me sympathetically. He leans over and pats my shoulder, his touch gentle against my skin.
Once he pulls out of the parking spot and starts driving back to the restaurant, Ashton sighs.
"Can't I just take you back to your house? You shouldn't have to go back to work when you have the flu. For a lot of reasons."
"No, don't do that. I'll stay in the back so I don't spread anything, but just take me back to the restaurant. Please," I say. Ashton presses his lips together but nods anyway. He turns on some music to fill the air as we drive back to work, the breeze only slightly lifting my spirits.
We pull up to the restaurant shortly, Ashton parking in the front this time. We both step out of the car, and I slide the medicine in my pocket as Ashton and I glance up at the building.
I stop erruptly, Ashton nearly running into me from behind, but I barely notice. My heart sinks into my stomach when I see Luke, leaning against his shiny car with his arms crossed, icy blue eyes glaring holes into our skin as we stand in the parking lot.
For a moment, I'm confused as to why he's here, before I remember him saying this morning about picking me up early.
Luke uncrosses his arms, pushing away from his car and standing up straight, staring at us both as we walk up to him. His cold glare burns my skin and I can practically hear him yelling at me in his head.
"Hi!" Ashton pipes up from behind me. I turn to find Ashton sticking his hand out to Luke, a friendly smile on his face. "I'm Ashton."
Luke doesn't reply, his expression hardly changing as he completely disregards Ashton's outstretched hand. He just stares straight into Ashton's eyes, squinting slightly as he tilts his head.
"What I want to know," Luke says slowly, "is why the hell you had my boyfriend in your car."
Ashton's smile falters, and he shoves his hand into his pocket. Ashton glances at me before saying, "He wasn't feeling well. I took him to the doctor, and it turns out he has the flu."
Luke looks back at me, as if questioning whether Ashton is saying the truth, and I give him a quick nod. Luke doesn't do anything for a moment, and I wonder if maybe we got lucky and caught him on a good day, but then Luke's hand wraps itself around my arm and yanks me to him. I swallow a yelp, already feeling a bruise coming through.
Luke's fiery eyes glare at me furiously as he snaps, "I can't believe you would disrespect me by leaving work with some guy. I'm absolutely furious at you." His voice raises as he talks, the anger in his voice undeniable.
Ashton narrows his eyes at the grip Luke has on my arm, and he steps forward, hand outstretched. "Let go of him, you're hurting him."
Luke abruptly lets me go, shoving me hard enough that I lose my balance and fall against the hood of his car. He pushes his hands against Ashton's chest, making Ashton stumble back a bit in surprise.
"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" Luke shouts, anger ripping through his voice. "Calum is mine! He doesn't leave this building with anyone but me."
"Why do you think that that's your choice?" Ashton shouts back, and I'm shocked to find his voice raising as well. I've never heard Ashton raise his voice over a natural speaking tone, and his voice is just as angry as Luke's. Ashton's body language changes entirely, changing from the gentle demeanor I've always seen to a fierce stance that makes it clear that he's ready to take whatever Luke might throw at him.
It looks Luke might just go ahead and punch him right in the face, and seeing Ashton get hurt because of me might be the worst thing that could ever happen. I quickly jump up and grab Luke's wrist, causing Luke to flinch and nearly throw me across the parking lot before he realizes it's me.
"Stop, Luke, we can talk about this at home," I say beggingly. I'm too weak from being sick too do much other than plead, and Luke seems to realize this. He throws Ashton a look that would chill me to the core if I were him, but Ashton doesn't look fazed by the least.
Luke turns around and motions for me to get in the car, which I do as soon as I see Luke doing the same. Ashton's face falls.
"Calum, he's angry. It's not safe to be in a car with him right now," Ashton says.
"Why don't you shut your mouth before I knock your teeth out, yeah?" Luke snaps, and slams the car door shut. Ashton clenches his jaw, crossing his arms over his chest, hands curled into fists. I avoid both of the boys' eyes, curling up in my seat and closing the door. Luke starts the car, twisting the wheel and missing Ashton by only a frightening few inches when pulling out of the parking lot.
I can feel Luke's anger radiating off him, and I'm absolutely terrified about going home, but I'm just relieved that nothing too serious happened between him and Ashton. It's terrifying, the two of them going at each other like that.
I risk a glance back as Luke pulls onto the main road, seeing Ashton still standing in the same spot, his shoulders dropped and arms limp, watching us helplessly as we drive away from him. Eyes wide and hurt, as though he was just a puppy who got kicked.
A/N long chapter! don't really know how that happened but wow?? 4,000 words??
I was supposed to update this on saturday but i didn't write it until one am last night so thats that
have you seen finding dory yet?
i've seen it 3 times & it literally came out like 2 days ago
thanks for reading! I hope you liked it, and please tell me what you think about everything! please vote and comment & all that.
I love you to the moon
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