Character Ask Answers
I think I included most everybody's questions, although some of them were repetitive so I put them in once. Anyway, here you go.
Q: Can I boop your nose?
A: What the fuck? No
Q: Do you honestly love Calum and if so, why did you like to abuse him?
A: I never "abused" him, that's a bit extreme. He just had an attitude and he needed to be put in his place. And of course I love him. I always have.
Q: Do you truly love Calum?
A: Yes. He's the love of my life.
Q: Will you suck my ass?
A: I only suck Calum's :/
Q: I hate you :)
A: Fuck off :)
Q: Why would you hurt Calum?
A: I only hurt him when he deserved it. Why can't any of you understand that?
Q: I want to hate you for everything you've done to Calum but deep down I know you're a great person, all you need to do is find that side of you again
A: Thanks but there isn't any "side" of me I need to find. I'm fine as I am.
Q: Fight me
A: Gladly
Q: Why did you choose to stay with your father, instead of your mother?
A: I didn't choose, but I'm glad I lived with my father. My mother left my father when I was young and I still haven't forgiven her.
Q: Do you realize that hurting Calum would eventually have a negative impact on the two of you?
A: I was only trying to help him. I never thought this would have ended badly.
Q: Has your father ever hit/abused you in any shape or form?
A: He may have hit me when I was younger if I misbehaved, but isn't that how all parents handle their children?
Q: How would you feel if you found out your father hit your mother multiple times?
A: Depends in the context, I guess.
Q: Is the reason you hate Ashton is because you know he'll treat Calum better?
A: I hate Ashton because he keeps butting into me and Calum's relationship. He gets way too close to Calum sometimes. Calum's my boyfriend, am I supposed to just let that slide?
Q: How do you feel now that Calum finally left you?
A: Heartbroken. He's the love of my life. I don't know what to do. We've been together for years, and suddenly he tells me he's leaving? I'm heartbroken.
Q: Did you really love Calum?
A: I don't know why you all keep asking me this, but yes. Of course I did. I still do. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and it hasn't faded in the least.
Q: how do you truly feel about calum leaving you? do you understand that what you did to him was wrong?
A: I'm heartbroken that he left. I didn't realize it was wrong, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it is. That's what my dad always said was the right thing to do, to punish him when he deserves it. I didn't realize it was "wrong".
Q: why do you like order so much? (what i mean by order is calum obeying you and everything going as you planned)
A: Order makes me feel secure. I like things a specific way, and I like these going exactly as I planned them. I like being in control of things. I grew up that way, because my father liked order too.
Q: were you this controlling with all of your relationships before or just with calum?
A: I never actually had a long-lasting boyfriend before Calum. I had a few but they never stuck around very long. Just little flings. I was just as controlling with them as well though, but Calum was the only one who stayed.
Q: did you think yours and Calum's relationship was healthy?
A: I thought it was. I thought we were happy together.
Q: You're cute and squishy.
A: Thank you haha!!
Q: How do you feel about Luke? How do you feel about Ashton?
A: Luke... I love Luke. He scares me somethings because I'm afraid to make him angry, but I know he cares about me, deep down. As for Ashton, he's the nicest person I've ever met. I can't begin to describe how grateful I am to have him in my life.
Q: You're so strong for putting up with Luke for so long, but why didn't you tell anyone?
A: I didn't think anyone would care...
Q: Would you ever date or like get together with Ashton?
A: Oh! Um, I don't know. He's my best friend, I don't... I don't know. I can't imagine dating anyone but Luke at the moment.
Q: Are you gonna be okay?
A: Everything hurts right now. I-- I don't know. I hope so.
Q: How are you cal? Honestly
A: Everything hurts at the moment, but I think I'm okay. It's nice to have Ashton's support, in case Luke gets mad and comes for me again.
Q: Boo boo I love you. I'm so proud of you for standing up to Luke and finally telling him you can't take the crap anymore! You go, boo!
A: Thank you. I've never been more scared in my life, to be honest
Q: Would you like to be my best friend???
A: Yes!!
Q: Do you feel happy you finally left Luke?
A: I don't know how I feel. I don't want to leave him because I still love him, but I know it was the right choice. It just hurts
Q: Do you miss Luke?
A: Yes. Especially the old Luke, when we first met. Before any of this started happening. I really, really miss that Luke.
Q: Why do you think you deserve to get punished by Luke? I know you'll answer something along the lines of "I disobeyed him" but people don't need to do exactly what their lovers tell them, especially if they do not want to, so why would you?
A: I didn't really have a choice... Luke is so, so demanding. He makes you feel like your opinion isn't valid. And I did deserve most of the punishments, as odd as that sounds. I should've learned to keep my mouth shut half the time. I guess I felt like I deserved it because he told me I did, every time. And nobody has ever been around to tell me I don't deserve it, so why shouldn't I believe him?
Q: Can you come rescue me?
A: On my way
Q: What's the first thing you liked about Calum?
A: His genuine kindness. You don't see that in many people nowadays.
Q: Your smile is the cutest thing on Earth
A: *smiles* Thank you!!
Q: You saved the day!!! Like thank you!!! You're a super hero :') Anyways, so do you like have a little thing for Calum?? Like Do you have a crush on him??
A: ...Maybe a little bit. But please don't tell him! He has so much other stuff to worry about right now.
Q: so when you and Calum get together, you'll be topping right
A: *turns red* This is a very personal question!!!
Q: I love u daddy
A: I... love you too?
Q: Can you please run away with Calum far, far, away?
A: That sounds wonderful. I'm up for it if he is
Q: When r u gonna marry Calum?
A: He just got out of a toxic relationship. All I want for him right now is time to heal.
A: Who?
Q: Were you planning on fighting Luke??
A: I'm a lover not a fighter. But Luke... I've never had the urge to punch someone so strongly before
Q: Please take care of calum he's a smol fragile bean
A: I'll be there for him as long as he'll let me
Q: Do you like "like" Calum?
A: A little bit. Please don't tell him, I'd rather keep that a secret for now
Q: What do you feel about the whole situation? And you're a really good friend to Calum
A: Luke's an asshole. That's how I feel about the whole situation
Q: Why didn't you reach out for help sooner? You could've done something since you noticed his scars, why did you wait for Luke to push him down the stairs to reach out for someone's help?
A: I honestly just had no idea what to do. Calum was so in love with Luke and no matter how much I tried to tell him it was wrong, he was oblivious. I've never handled anything like this before. In all honesty, I was helpless to the situation. I'm no hero. I didn't save the day or whatever, Calum took a stand and got out himself. I do wish I told Calum's parents earlier, though. I never imagined they would have been so supportive. Everything Calum told me about them was horrible. I regret not getting help months earlier than I did. I'll regret it everyday.
Q: If you were in Calum's situation, what would you have done?
A: I would have left as soon as I realized how insane Luke was. But the thing is, Calum was so twisted up in Luke's love that he couldn't. Before Luke, he never felt someone care for him before, so he stayed. I've felt my family's love, so I could recognize the difference. Calum couldn't.
Q: Why did you treat Calum the way you did?
A: I did it for my own safety and everyone else's. You saw how Luke is. You really wanna get in the middle of that shit? Didn't think so
Q: I love you,Are you single?
A: Single and ready to mingle
Q: Why would you treat Calum like that if you knew he was in a bad situation
A: I knew he was Luke's boyfriend. I had no idea Luke was abusing him. I wouldn't have been so rude if I knew, I swear
Q: Will you be friends with Calum now???
A: I mean, I guess?
Q: How much do you know about Luke
A: I know he's a possessive asshole who will beat anyone up if they get in the way of his boyfriend. That's enough for me to stay away from both of them
Q: Do you think you and Calum could ever get along well?
A: I dunno. He seems kind of timid. I mean I get he's been through hell, so I understand why, but I'm scared I'll say something that'll freak him out by accident
Q: Will you please love me?
A: You are loved :)
Q: Would you like to be my best friend?
A: Yeah!!
Q: why did you talk badly about calum? He didn't do anything to you, I simply don't get it.
A: He was Luke's boyfriend. Luke automatically puts you on his bad side if you talk to his boyfriend. And trust me, you don't wanna be on Luke Hemmings's bad side.
Q: What do you think of Luke? Do you think he can be fixed or will he stay like his father forever?
A: I love Luke, he's my son. But my ex-husband has messed with his head, they're like clones. I'm planning on convincing Luke to come live with me and the other boys so I can try and talk to him. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of him.
Q: You're a great mum
A: Thank you dear :)
Q: Why didn't you take Luke away from Andy??
A: Andy has a very high up job, and he has the final decision on most legal matters like this. There was nothing I could do
Q: please kidnap your son and make him a better person.... he needs it
A: I will do my very best.
Q: Was Andy abusive? Do you know that Luke abuses Calum?
A: He was... I don't know if it was to an extreme, but the relationship was toxic. As for Luke and Calum... I had my suspicions. I just didn't know what to do. Calum so clearly loved Luke so much.
Q: How does it feel to have your son to not like being in your presence?
A: The worst feeling in the world. My own son doesn't love me. I don't know what I did. I'm afraid Andy may have told him things about me that aren't true.
Q: Why'd you leave Andy?
A: The relationship became toxic after I had Luke. He began to be abusive, mostly emotional but sometimes physically. I left as soon as I could.
Q: As a child, was Luke always different from Jack and Ben?
A: Luke was always Andy's favorite. He would be a bit more detached from me than Jack and Ben, but he was overall a sweet kid. I don't think he changed until after the divorce and he grew up with Andy.
Q: Fuck you... Just kidding
A: Yeah, fuck you too. And I'm not kidding.
Q: Why do you act all tough??
A: It's not acting, sweetheart.
Q: Did you ever hurt liz more than just emotionally?
A: I don't see why this is any of your business.
Q: You're a grade a asshole
A: Thanks for telling me
Q: Have you ever been abused, mentally or physically?
A: I was picked on by some kids when I was younger. Other than that, no.
Q: did you know that abuse is illegal and can be condemned by the law?
A: I work for the government, of course I know that. It's not like it's very enforced anyway
Q: Did you ever hurt liz and your kids?
A: Only if they deserved it. I don't see what's the big deal if they were asking for it in the first place
Q: Bro, can you chill?
A: I'm fine, fuck off
Q: i'm going to sue you. and take all your money. call the police i dare you. call your son. he can't do shit. i'll murder him too.
A: I'd like to see you try. You do realize I have all the police, lawyers, judges, everyone, wrapped around my finger, right? They love me.
Q: Do you think Calum belongs with Luke?
A: Of course. They're a perfect match. Calum can have too much attitude sometimes, but I raised Luke well. He can handle it.
Q: How are u so good at writing
A: aw. You're sweet
Q: I love you
A: I love you more
Q: What inspired you to make a story with this situation? (Luke abusing Calum)
A: my friend Karina (ghostofcalum ) and I were planning this story out about a year ago, and we came up with it by talking about real life situations that happen to people. Abuse is something that happens every day, unfortunately, and hardly anyone is aware of it. It's horrible
Q: ily, even if you fuck with my feelings with your books. don't ever change your writing or personality for anyone :) xx
A: I love you. And I won't! :)
Q: your writing is so good, please teach me your ways
A: your writing is amazing what are u talking about
Q: Youre an amazing writer. Thanks for making my day everyday
A: Thank you for making mine by reading the stories!
Q: Please update asap
A: How about tomorrow morning?
Q: for how long have you been writing?
A: as long as I can remember. I started writing on here though I think 2 years ago
Q: what was the first story you've ever written about?
A: oh god. here on wattpad it was a harry styles fanfiction called "Help". The main character girl was named Mariam. I don't know if any of you were here for that but I sure hope not
Q: do you ever plan on perhaps becoming an author of real books in the future?
A: In my dreams, yes. but I would want to write boyxboy stuff because honestly there are not enough teen fiction lgbt books out there in bookstores
Q: also thank you for writing such amazing stories, i never get bored of your writing and your stories
A: Thank you so much! Thank you thank you
Q: How can we have permanent vacation if there are only 5 seconds of summer??
A: The real question
Q: Can you adopt me honestly
A: Yes. You are my child
Q: not a question but I love your books! your my favourite wattpad writer and even though you don't know me, I love you very much xx
A: omg ur precious. I recognize you from my other stories, you always leave such cute comments. I love you more
Q: 1) will you teach me how to write because you're an amazing writer and I'm in love with literally in love with all of your stories and 2) will you marry me?? I'll cross the now non-existent wall between Canada and the USA for you
A: 1) it makes me so happy to hear you like my stories like it makes me so so happy you have no idea thank you and 2) please cross the nonexistent wall omg yes, I will marry u
Q: Was this a story idea you had for a while?
A: Karina (ghostofcalum ) and I came up with it over a year ago, but I only started writing it a couple of months ago, so, yes. we had this idea for a long time and planned every detail before I started writing and publishing it :)
You guys ask such good questions oh my goodness. I hope this cleared up any unanswered questions. I tend to leave out stuff so the readers can figure it out on their own but it also can get confusing, so I hope this helped.
This was fun. Hope you enjoyed reading and finding your questions answered up there.
I love you to the moon.
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