Buying Happy From Shopping Carts

A/N: look at the fucking beauty of this boy

FYI: calum's birthday in this story isn't the same as his actual birthday. his in here is around november.


Ashton's behavior didn't change for the next few weeks. He occasionally said a few words if we happened to be standing beside each other, but he would leave before I was able to start a conversation. His anger is gone completely, leaving only the shell of hurt behind. I've tried to apologize for the imaginary text numerous times, but each time I try he moves out of earshot.

Luke was right, of course. I've already got a boyfriend who loves me, and I shouldn't be selfish enough to believe that more than one person could care for me. I've learned that now.

We're on okay terms, I suppose, but it's not the same as it was before. It's not nearly the same. I feel like something is always weighing down on my shoulders.

Either way, Luke still insists on celebrating my 22nd birthday as though it were the most important one of all. He loves throwing parties more than anything, and any excuse to invite the families over to mull over expensive wine and talk about politics is one he will take.

My birthday falls on a Sunday this year, thankfully, so I don't have to worry about going to work. Luke woke me up this morning with an upbeat Happy Birthday and a startling, deep kiss, and then he had me get up and help him with the preparations.

Luke decorated the house for the party, extravagant ornaments and diamond pieces littering the house as though they weren't worth more than a penny. He set the long dining table with the finest china we have, and he had a cake made with silver and gold colored icing to top the party off. I told him he didn't need to do more than just a cheap banner from Walmart, but he insisted, and what he says goes.

Luke gave me an expensive silver blazer to wear with a white button up underneath for the occasion. It's stiff and feels like it was probably made specifically for this event, but I didn't say anything but expressed gratitude.

Luke and I sit on the couch together, a plate of wine glasses set on the table in front of us. He has one hand resting on my leg while the other holds a glass of wine.

"You're twenty-two," Luke says, his voice light. "How do you feel?"

I think for a moment. Honestly, I feel like I'm supposed to be in my thirties already. These past four years have dragged by like a snail, each day seeming longer than just twenty four hours. I'm not sure how I feel about gaining another year. But when Luke asks, I decide just to stick with: "I feel great."

This seems to please Luke enough, and he lifts his glass to his lips just as the doorbell chimes through the house.

Luke smiles and immediately stands up. I move to get to my feet as well but Luke presses his hand down on my chest, forcing me back into a sitting position.

"Stay here," he says. "I'll get the door."

I slump my shoulders but do as he says, leaning back against the pillows. I watch him as he walks to the door, his shoulders back, chin high. He opens the door to reveal my family, plus Andy. They all smile with joy and noise fills the house, lots of chattering and loud welcomes. I watch them from the couch, dread filling my gut when I see my mother smile happily at all the expensive decorations.

She catches sight of me and she smiles. "Calum! Look at all these decorations!"

I nod, a tight smile on my face. "I see them."

My mother sits down in a chair and pours herself a large glass of red wine.

Next comes my father and Mali. My dad breaks into a huge smile when he sees me, giving me a big, warm hug. "Happy Birthday, son. You're getting so old!" He laughs a little and messes up my hair before taking a seat beside my mother. I can't help but smile a little as I fix my hair quietly.

Mali kisses the top of my head. "Happy Birthday, Cal." She puts a present by feet.

Andy and Luke walk into the room together, their stance so eerily similar that I'm shocked they are different two people. Luke takes his place beside me and Andy sits next to Luke. I look around for Liz and Luke's two brothers, but it appears they didn't come.

I glance at Luke. Or they weren't invited.

My family starts talking about the decorations and how beautiful they are, and then they move to the topic of work and how dreadful it is, and all the while I sit and wish I were anywhere else but here.

It's not that I don't appreciate the party, because I do. I just hate how formal and uptight the party actually is.

Eventually, the topic must have moved to me, because suddenly Luke is pinching my side sharply and I jump to attention. They are all looking at me with smiles.

"Yes, congratulations to Calum for turning the big twenty-two," my father says loudly, clearly sensing that I wasn't listening to the conversation. I flush and nod with a smile to please everyone's expectant faces.

"Right! So, cake anyone?" Andy says, and everyone agrees and stands up. I move beside Luke to the kitchen, where the three tiered cake stands elegantly on the table. Everyone oohs and ahs for a good few minutes before Luke cuts the cake, filling the plates. He hands me a piece with a kiss on the forehead.

Regardless of how much I don't want to be at this party, I'll savor the cake. Luke doesn't allow sweets, so this must be an exception.

The six of us sit around the table, making light-hearted small talk while we eat cake. I didn't talk, partly because I didn't want to say anything wrong, and partly because I was too busy focusing on eating. I feel Luke's hand place itself on my thigh, his grip a little too strong to be comfortable.

Once the cake is finished and everyone talks a little while more, Luke and Mali bring over the presents. The one from my family is wrapped in blue tissue paper and stuffed down in a sleek red gift bag. My father squeezes my hand before sitting down. Luke's is small, wrapped in a silver wrapping with a thick gold bow on top. My mother looks embarrassed at how sloppy hers looks in compared to Luke's.

"Alright, open ours first!" Mali says, pushing theirs over to me. I hesitantly take the gift bag and reach inside, hating all the eyes staring at me in excitement. All the attention makes me want to crawl away and hide.

Inside the bag are two new shirts, black button ups, clearly for work. I run my hand over the fabric, smiling gratefully up at my parents. I work nearly every day, so I could use as many black shirts as I could get.

"Thank you so much," I say, and my mother claps her hands together, pleased.

"The receipt is inside the bag in case something doesn't work," My father says.

I barely have time to nod before Luke is pressing his into the palm on my hand. I close my fingers around it, reading From Luke and Andy on the tiny tag on the bow. Luke leans back in his chair expectantly, crossing his arms with a smile as he watches me.

I press my lips together as I carefully unwrap the gift, revealing a small velvet box about the size of my palm. My breath hitches in my throat as I stare at the tiny box.

"Open it," says Luke softly.

I do as he says, slowly opening the lid of the box. The velvet is soft on my skin, black and dark as night. Inside is a necklace, looking nice and delicate inside the velvet casing. I don't even want to think about how much this may have cost.

Luke takes it from my hands, removing the necklace gently. It's thick, about the width of my pinky finger, and made of smooth, rose gold velvet. It looks durable, thick enough to where you can pull on it without it breaking. A few tiny diamonds line the edges, with a bigger one centered in the middle.

"Turn around. I'll put it on for you," Luke says, so I do. I feel his cold hands press against my skin as he wraps the necklace around my neck. I wait for him to clasp it closed before turning around, letting my family and Andy see the fine necklace against my skin. They all clap with delight and gush over how beautiful it is, and I catch my reflection in the window across the room. It's short, almost hugging my neck, but not quite. It doesn't drop below my shoulders, but it isn't nearly tight enough to be considered a choker. The rose gold color looks delicate against my darker skin, and the small diamonds flicker in the flourescent lighting.

I turn to Luke, not knowing quite what to say. I'm not even quite sure how to feel about the necklace itself. It's flashy, almost a show-off to others about Luke's wealth, and I don't think I like that part of it at all. It feels heavy on my neck, almost dragging me down. I move my hands up to take it off, but Luke pinches my leg hard.

"Keep it on." He gives me stern look, but then it softens. "It looks lovely on you."

I still haven't said anything, and I'm worried it might make Luke mad, but instead Luke takes my face in his hands and catches my lips on his. His grip on my neck is strong enough that it is nearly painful, almost certain to leave a bruise, but I don't dare say anything. Luke tugs on the necklace as he kisses me, biting down harshly on my bottom lip. I feel a teeny bit of blood spill from my skin, but I just close my eyes and try to forget.


hey what was the last song you listened to? mine was white blank page by mumford & sons

anyway thanks for reading! I hope you had a good day and i also hope that you liked this chapter. I can't tell you enough how thankful i am that you read this story :'). please vote and comment because it makes me happy !!

I love you to the moon


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