COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 (Final) Chapter 14: Black and White
Blake Belladonna POV
It has now been two days since I ran away from Beacon. I was now in a coffee shop with another faunus who's name was Sun and was trying to get me to socialize when I clearly didn't want to, which was getting really annoying.
"*Sigh*" What is it Sun?" I asked.
"Finally, she speaks!" Sun cried out, raising his hands in the air as if happy he made some progress.
"It's been nearly two days and you've been giving me nothing but small talk and weird looks!" Sun pointed out.
I just simply gave him a look as if to say 'Isn't that obvious?'
"Yeah, like that." He added.
I simply rolled my eyes as I decided to talk to Sun about something, "Sun, are you familiar with the White Fang?" I asked.
Sun nodded, "Of course! I don't think there's a faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me." Sun answered.
I then took a sip of my tea before responding, "I was...once a member of the White Fang." I said.
Sun started to choke on a little on his tea being a little in shock at what I admitted, "Wait a minute, 'you' were a member of the White Fang?" Sun asked.
I nodded, "That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say I was born into it. Back then things were different, in the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and faunus, of course, despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott." I explained.
"I thought we were actually making a difference... but I was just a youthful optimist, then 5 years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labor, and the worst part was?...... It was working. We were being treated like equals. But not of respect.... but out of fear." I continued.
"So I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So, here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little, black, bow." I finished, as I wiggled my ears to point it out.
"So...have you told your friends any of this?" Sun asked.
I remained silent as I knew I haven't told my friends anything, I didn't want to run from them at all but I had no choice, since they knew my secret I panicked and I didn't know what to do. I'll just stay out of sight for now until I figure out how to face my team again after what I said to them.
Only one person knows about my past affiliation with the White Fang, and also seemed to have already knew about me being a faunus.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. I don't know exactly what to think of him, he was a person that was kind of quiet, plain, and mostly invisible in general. We barely interact with each other, he's more like a friend of a friend as I barely interact with Team JNPR as well.
Whenever I see him he always seemed to be expressionless, it was almost like if you look into his eyes they would seem dead inside, I wonder what would cause him to be like that. Not only that but I also have a feeling he may seem to be smarter than he let's on, could it be that he's hiding something? Now that I think about it that's does seem more probable.
I'm not sure if he kept his word on not telling my teammates anything, but It seems like he did since my teammates haven't found me yet and are probably still looking for me.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, who are you? What are you hiding?
Third Person POV
Ruby's team have been searching for Blake for a couple of days now. Ruby and Yang, with Weiss begrudgingly coming along have been constantly trying to find her, but to no avail. Ruby had asked team JNPR earlier if they've seen Blake, but all of them said they haven't. Jaune told her if either him or his team manage to spot Blake they would tell them immediately.
Ruby started to make her way to Kiyotaka's room and try to find out if he knows where Blake may be. She knocked on his door, and there was silence for a moment, then a couple seconds have passed as the door finally opened which revealed Kiyotaka behind the door wearing a casual white t-shirt, and some black gym shorts.
('I think this is the first time I've seen him in casual clothes.') Ruby thought as she saw Kiyotaka always wearing his combat outfit. Not that she thought it was bad thing, it was quite the contrary actually.
"Hey Ruby, what can I do for you?" Kiyotaka asked, as Ruby flinched and quickly looked at him as she got out of her thoughts.
"Umm, hey Kiyotaka I was wondering if you'd seen Blake around recently, we're trying to find her." Ruby said, desperately hoping he spotted her somewhere.
"Blake? I haven't really seen her around Beacon recently, did something happen?" Kiyotaka asked.
"Well....... things got personal between Blake and Weiss, and after that Blake ran away, and we've been trying to find her ever since." Ruby explained.
"I see....but sorry I don't know where she is either, two days ago I did see her running out of the school when I was leaving the library at the time, I tried to follow her but she was already gone by the time I was outside." Kiyotaka explained.
('I did promise to Blake that I wouldn't say anything after she disappeared on that day, and I really don't know where she ran off to anyway so its not like I was really lying to Ruby or Blake, more like a half-truth that's only part of the full story.') Kiyotaka thought.
('Kiyotaka seen her running outside at the library that late at night? I know the library is always open for people who want to go in there, but I wondered why Kiyotaka was in the library a lot. Does he need to study for some class work or something? He doesn't look like the type that likes to study, or was he just a bookworm like Blake?') Ruby curiously thought.
Kiyotaka then wished Ruby and her team the best of luck to find Blake and started to close his door, but Ruby called out to him and told him to wait, he stopped and raised one of his eyebrows as if wondering what else Ruby wanted.
Ruby started to twiddle her thumbs while trying to manage to keep eye contact on him.
"Actually I was thinking that maybe you could help us out, we could find her faster if you come along." Ruby suggested, hoping he say yes.
"Uh..." Kiyotaka muttered as if he was in an internal struggle.
('Normally I would agree in helping a cute girl like Ruby out, however I was the type of person to avoid such trouble aside from the missions that we will have to eventually do for the school, so I couldn't give her an answer straight away.') Kiyotaka thought.
"Uh, Sorry but I probably wouldn't be of much help to you." Kiyotaka answered.
Ruby started to get a little disappointed at his answer, she was hoping he'd agree because this was a chance to get to work together with him, and be ready on any future missions he's gonna join them on.
"I-It's fine this is supposed to be a team matter anyway, but thanks anyway I guess, I'll just go now sorry for bothering you." Ruby said with a sad smile as she started to walk away.
As Kiyotaka saw Ruby leaving, he slowly started to come to a conclusion.
Pleading Face + Cuteness + Sadness = Too lethal.
"Hey Ruby." Kiyotaka called out to her as Ruby turned back surprised to hear his voice.
"Well........ I'll see what I can do okay." Kiyotaka said.
Ruby's eyes lit up as she ran up to Kiyotaka, "Really! That's awesome! Thank you Kiyotaka!" Ruby said as she smiled brightly at him.
('She was cute, her smile could probably brighten up anybody's day. Even though I agreed to help her team look for Blake, I was a person who wanted to fade into the background, I need to not do anything too reckless on this search party unless I really have too.') Kiyotaka thought.
"So how exactly are we going to find her? In a city as big as Vale it's not gonna be that simple." Kiyotaka asked.
"Well I was thinking that maybe we should all go searching around Vale together, and ask people if they've seen Blake, we probably have a better chance of finding her that way." Ruby explained.
('It's sounds like a good plan but the odds of somebody actually seeing Blake around Vale are highly unlikely, It'll probably take a good amount of time to even find her.') Kiyotaka thought.
"Alright then, let me get dressed real fast and then we'll go okay?" Kiyotaka replied.
Ruby nodded as Kiyotaka closed the door to get dressed into his combat gear and grab liberty as well. Ruby and Kiyotaka then met up with the rest of team RWBY as they made their way out of the school and take a bullhead into town, thankfully it was the weekend so there were no classes.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji POV
The city of Vale really was interesting, they had many places to see, many places to buy from, it was just really a pleasant place to be in.
Team RWBY and I have been searching for Blake for a long period of time, I decided to split up from them so I can cover more ground and maybe find Blake faster, but unfortunately Blake was nowhere to be seen as I searched various places and even asked people around from time to time but I still couldn't find information about Blake and her whereabouts, it just seem like a hopeless pursuit. I think at this point it's probably better to just wait for Blake to come back on her own, I wondered why Blake would need to be gone for so long, for what reason hasn't she come back yet?
As I continued the search I suddenly heard some familiar voices calling out for Blake and saw the three members of Team RWBY coming in my direction not that far ahead of me, it looks like they haven't made any progress at finding Blake as well. They noticed me a couple of seconds later as they started walking up to me.
"Hey Kiyo, did you have any luck finding Blake?" Yang asked.
I shook my head, "No, I haven't had much luck in finding Blake either." I replied.
Ruby sighed, "Well maybe we would find Blake a lot faster if 'somebody' actually starting helping." Ruby said giving a glare to Weiss.
Weiss glared back at Ruby, "Oh? You know who might be able to help? The police." Weiss stated in a cold tone.
Ruby then crossed her arms and frowned. "Weiss..." She muttered.
It was really odd to see Ruby actually get angry, she was mostly perky and optimistic all of the time.
"Do any of you know why she may not have come back yet?" I asked, quickly wanting to change the topic before another argument occurs.
Weiss then looked at me, with her expression being cold and harsh. This is probably why people call her the Ice queen.
At that thought Weiss narrowed her eyes at me, if looks could kill I would be dead by now. Could she have read my mind?
"It seems like our 'friend' Blake here has been affiliated with the White Fang." Weiss answered, as cold as always.
If I didn't already know this I would be surprised to hear this information just like the rest of them. Blake was part of the White Fang but from what she explained to me two days ago it seems like she wasn't like any of them who didn't get along with humans. Blake had somehow exposed her secret of being affiliated with the White Fang, so I guess that's the reason she ran away, she probably doesn't want to know what her team might think of her now.
"I see....that's quite a shock." I said, but as we started walking I can also hear something very faint coming from behind me which sounded like footsteps? To notice this, you would've had to have really good hearing or be paying close attention to your surroundings.
"It is! She could be planning with them right now as we speak!" Weiss yelled.
Yang then quickly interjected, "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to conclusions." Yang said.
"I think when you hear it, you'll all realize I was right." Weiss responded.
"And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today!" A voice replied.
The girls jumped in surprise as we all turned around and saw that it was Penny wearing the same odd choice of clothing, and looking as amiable as she was two days ago. So it was Penny that was behind us, she can really show up unnoticed on someone if she wants too, her footsteps were silent and barely audible like she was some kind of ninja. What a strange girl. Where did she even come from anyway?
Apparently, Ruby had thought the same when she screamed, "Agh! Penny, where did you come from?" Ruby asked.
"Hey guys!" Penny greeted, ignoring Ruby's question. "What are you up to?"
"Uh..." Ruby stuttered.
"Well we're looking for our friend Blake." Yang explained.
"Oooooh!" Penny said in realization. "You mean the faunus girl!"
Huh? Penny already know about Blake being a faunus? It's impressive that she figured it out that quick when she had only met Blake about two days ago. She seems to be a lot more observant than she appears.
"Wait... How did you know that?" Ruby asked.
"Uh, the cat ears?" Penny answered pointing to the top of her head as if she had cat ears.
"What cat ears?" Yang asked. "She wears a.......bow......."
The remaining members of Team RWBY slowly started to come to a realization about Blake's true heritage as there was an awkward silence for a moment.
"She does like tuna a lot." Ruby whispered.
"So where is she?" Penny asked.
"We don't know she's been missing since Friday." Ruby answered.
Penny then immediately walked up to Ruby who was looking uncomfortable and held her arms.
"That's terrible! Well don't you worry Ruby my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!" Penny stated.
Penny really was passionate about helping us find Blake, she's kinda similar to Ruby in a way. I turned to Yang and Weiss to see what they think of this, only to see them slowly tip-toeing away from us. I was about to question what they were doing, but Weiss gave me a glare that warned me to not say anything, while Yang just gave me a thumbs up. And just like that they were gone and out of sight.
I then sighed as I decided it was pointless to stop them as I turned back to Ruby and Penny.
"Uh, that's really nice of you uh Penny. But we- we're okay...really. Right guys?" Ruby asked as she now noticed Weiss and Yang were gone.
There was another awkward silence as the Wind started to blow, then Penny spoke up.
"It sure is windy today." Penny said.
Third Person POV
"So, what's the plan now?" Sun asked as he walked beside Blake. They have been roaming around Vale for a while now, but Blake guessed Sun wanted to get back to talking about the robberies the White Fang supposedly committed.
Blake puts a hand on her chin, "I don't believe the White Fang is behind those robberies. They've never needed that much dust before." Blake said.
"What if they did?" Sun questioned walking in front of her. "I mean...the only way to prove that they didn't do it is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there...Right?"
"The only thing is, I have no idea where that could be." Blake answered.
"Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a 'huge' shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas." Sun explained.
"How huge?" Blake asked.
"'Huge'. Big Schnee company freighter." Sun stated with emphasis on the word huge.
"You're sure?" Blake asked as she started to form a plan.
Meanwhile with Yang and Weiss....
Yang and Weiss have just come out of another store as they still couldn't find any information about their missing teammates whereabouts.
"Thanks anyways." Yang said as she closed the door.
Yang groans, "This is hopeless," She said as she noticed Weiss looking away with her hands on her hips.
Yang then narrowed her eyes, "You really don't care if we find her do you?"
"Don't be stupid. Of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her. The innocent never run, Yang." Weiss replied as she continued to walk in front of her as Yang slightly put her head down in contemplation.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji POV
Ruby, Penny, and I continued our search around Vale to look for Blake as Penny continued to question Ruby and I about Blake. She really was a curious type of person, I don't know why but I feel somethings off about Penny somehow, I guessed it's just her mannerisms that were weird, but I feel like it's much more complex than that.
"So. Is Blake friends of yours?" Penny asked.
"Yes, Penny." Ruby answered as she sighed in annoyance.
Blake and I don't really talk to each other that much so I wouldn't really say we are close friends or anything like that, she's more of an acquaintance than a friend really.
"But you're both mad at her?" Penny continued to ask.
"We're not, I'm sure Weiss is though." I replied.
"Is 'she' friends with Blake?" Penny questioned.
"Well, that's kind of up for debate right now." I answered.
"But, why?" Penny asked.
"Well... you see....Blake may not be who we thought she was." Ruby explained.
"*Gasp* Is she a Man??" Penny asked.
Again something is off about this girl, her questions just keep getting weirder.
Ruby immediately denied what she asked as she waved her hands, "No, no, Penny, she's not--I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off." Ruby explained.
"I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things." Penny said.
Ruby sighed, "Me too." Ruby said as she looked down at the floor.
It seems Penny didn't have a lot of friends either or at all really, but then again from how she had acted 2 days ago when she had asked Ruby to be friends with her it wasn't hard to believe.
"I wouldn't worry, I'm sure we may find Blake eventually if we keep looking." I commented.
Ruby seemed to perk up a little at that as she smiled and nodded looking a little happier than before. We then continued walking as we searched for Blake, It had begun to get almost dark outside and many stores were starting to close.
We were running out of places to check and if we couldn't find Blake soon then we would have to call off the search and return to the school. Where could Blake be? The last time I saw her was when she took off with that other faunus who's name was Sun, if I had to guess I'd say he's most likely still with her.
Vale was divided into multiple sectors and right now we were currently in the commercial district which is were Blake mostly likely would be, but she wasn't seen anywhere around here. I think a place we haven't checked yet is by the docks were we first saw Sun it's a stretch but he could be there along with Blake.
As I was thinking I got interrupted out of my thoughts by Ruby, "Hey Kiyotaka, have something on your mind?" Ruby asked.
"Have any of you girls checked the docks yet?" I asked.
Ruby start to put her hand on her chin as she started to think, "Hmmm, no we haven't but why? You think Blake could be there?"
I nodded, "It's a possibility. Remember the first time we saw that monkey tailed faunus from the docks? He may still be hanging around there, and Blake could be there with him as well." I explained.
Ruby then looks at me with an understanding look, "You're right, we should hurry and check over there." Ruby said.
"No for now It's best we should split up, you and Penny should keep searching around here in case you find Blake." I explained.
Penny nodded while Ruby looked a little hesitant but she eventually nodded.
I then started to make my way to the docks. After some time I finally made it to the docks as I started to check around the area for Blake or Sun but they were no where to be found. As I continued the search I suddenly heard a huge explosion and saw some smoke rising in the distance from where I last left Penny and Ruby.
Third Person POV
Blake had laid on one of the buildings around the area she was in. Both her and Sun decided to scout out the area waiting for when the Dust was supposed to be shipped and also keeping a look out for the White Fang as well. Sun had left her a little while ago and told her he'll be back so it was just her at the moment.
"Did I miss anything?" Sun asked as he walked next to Blake and crouched down by her.
"Not really. They've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake answered.
"Cool." Sun said, as he pulled a green apple from his pocket. "I stole you some food."
Blake raised a brow, "Do you always Brake the law without a second thought?" She asked.
"Hey weren't you in a cult or something?" He retorted.
Blake just glared at him in response.
"Okay, too soon." Sun said.
Then a turbine engine was heard as an airship was shown in the sky with lights flashed all over, which made Sun and Blake's hair and clothes blow in the wind as they then start to cover their eyes. The lights then turned off as it started to land between some crates, then the doors opened which revealed several people with hoods and Grimm masks.
"Oh no." Blake said.
"Is that them?" Sun asked.
"Yes. It's them." Blake answered.
As the several members were walking out, one of them with a gun started to bark out orders.
"Alright. Grab the tow cables." He commanded.
"You really didn't think they were behind it, didn't you?" Sun asked.
"No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." Blake explained.
"Hey what's the hold up!" A voice shouted which made Blake eyes go up in shock because she recognizes it.
Roman Torchwick then came out of the ship as he walked with his cane in hand.
"We're not exactly the most conspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, sooo why don't you animals try to pick up the pace!?" Roman yelled.
"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that." Blake said as she stood up and took her weapon out from behind her back.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Sun asked.
Blake ignores him as she jumps off the building and lands on her feet, then she quickly sprinted to one of the containers and hid behind it with Roman and a White Fang member a few feet away.
"No you idiot! This isn't a leash!" Roman yelled at a faunus holding a rope.
Blake then quickly gets behind Roman and puts her weapon around his neck.
"What the--?" Roman said in surprise as he didn't notice the girl. "Oh for f-".
"Nobody move!" Blake demanded as some members of the White Fang started to take their weapons out and point it at her.
"Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady." Roman said in a snide tone.
Blake then took of her Bow revealing her cat ears.
"Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum!?" Blake asked.
Roman chuckles, "Oh, kid. Didn't you get the memo?" He asked.
"What are you talking about?" Blake asked.
"The White Fang and I are going on a little joint business venture together." He explained.
Blake then puts her weapon a little closer to his neck, "Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." She threatened.
Another Turbine engine was heard as gusts of winds was directed below them as two cargo planes just arrived.
"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation." Roman replied.
The two cargo planes then started to get in front of them, Roman slowly started to smirk as he noticed Blake's guard was down and fires his weapon from his cane causing an explosion which sent her flying back as she landed on the ground.
While Blake was a little stunned from the attack Roman fires again, Blake quickly rolls to the right dodging it as Roman fired a couple of more rounds, she did multiple back flips dodging them, then she ran around the corner of another container.
"Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty." Roman called out.
Suddenly a Banana fall on the top of his head. As he was distracted Roman angrily threw it off and looked up only to see Sun catapult down on his face and lands a few feet away making Roman grunt in pain.
"Leave her alone." Sun demanded.
Then another plane comes in as the hatch opened and a bunch of White Fang members jumped out and surrounded Sun with their weapons out.
"You're not the brightest Banana in the bunch are you kid?" Roman mocked as the White Fang members charged at him.
As they got close Sun punched one of them away then he dodged an attack from behind and kick another member right in the face, he followed up with a spin kick in another members stomach.
He rolled away and took out his weapon which was a bow staff, he twirled it around expertly and hit one in the stomach and hit two more in the face. He dodged an attack from a member who had a sword and give a flurry of hits and then knocked the member to the floor. A few more members ran up to him and try to cut him down, Sun twirled his staff and slammed it to the ground creating a small shock wave making them fall to the ground.
Blake was seen peeking around the corner watching Sun fight the White Fang members waiting for the right time to jump in. Sun was dodging the White Fang members attacks as he back flipped and landed a kick in the face and slammed down on his back with his foot and kicked him away towards Roman.
Roman grunted in annoyance as he avoided the White Fang member flying towards him as he then raised his cane, and shot at Sun but was blocked by his staff. At that moment Blake rushes in and jumps in front of Sun.
"He's Mine!" Blake yelled.
Blake rushes towards Torchwick as the two clashed with their weapons, Blake used her semblance to attack all around him at high speeds to confuse him, Torchwick was easily able to keep up with her as he landed a few hits in their clash.
Torchwick quickly gained the upper hand as he hit Blake a couple more times as he laughed and was being cocky. Sun suddenly jumped in and kicked him in the gut as it was blocked, Sun then took apart his bow staff which was now two nun-chucks as he started to spin them around and attack Torchwick, but Suns weapon had also contained bullets as well as he kept attacking Torchwick while firing bullets simultaneously, Torchwick managed to block all of his attacks not letting a single one hit while laughing.
Blake then rushes in again and hits him with her sword which made him go flying back. Now angered Roman stands up and sees a loaded crate the air, he shoots at it causing a small explosion as it starting falling towards Blake and Sun who were quickly about to get out of the way.
The loaded crate didn't fall to the ground as all that could be seen in the air were bits and pieces of it as they harmlessly fell to the ground which confused the three of them.
"What the?" Blake mumbled, surprised by the sudden event..
"Who did that?" Sun asked in confusion.
Torchwick raised a brow in confusion as well as he looked around for a couple of seconds, but eventually decided to ignore it as he grinned and pointed his cane at Sun who was a few feet away and was distracted at the moment as he shot at him.
Sun quickly turned around as his eyes widened as he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge it in time. Then out of nowhere a person quickly got in front of Sun, and deflected the bullet to the side as it exploded resulting in a little smoke forming in the air around them. When the smoke was cleared it revealed Kiyotaka with liberty in hand.
"Kiyotaka?!" Blake said in bewilderment, as she wondered where in the hell did he come from and what he was doing here, as Sun stared at Kiyotaka in shock and feeling relieved.
"Are you alright?" Kiyotaka asked not taking his eyes off Torchwick.
"Y-yeah, thanks for the save man." Sun answered with nothing but gratefulness in his voice, as he got up and turned to Roman Torchwick who was looking even more confused.
('So this is Roman Torchwick huh? Appearance wise he doesn't really look that menacing but his combat prowess is nothing to scoff at since it looks like he was giving Blake and Sun a hard time.') Kiyotaka thought.
"Oooook....................It's looks like we have a new visitor." Roman said as another cargo ship was seen and landed on the ground as more White Fang members appeared and jumped out of the cargo ships. "You animals take care of those two." Roman ordered as they ran and started to surround Kiyotaka and Sun.
Sun quickly took his weapon out and stood next to Kiyotaka, "I've got your back!" He said, as Kiyotaka nodded his head.
(Play Most Wonderous Battle Music Ever: "God Mode")
15 White Fang members charged at Kiyotaka and Sun as Kiyotaka dodged one hit and gave an and elbow to the gut followed up with a crescent kick to the head which made the White Fang member go flying back as he cried out in pain.
Two more rushed at Kiyotaka from opposite sides with swords in hand and swung with clumsy aim, which was effortlessly dodged by Kiyotaka who responded instantaneously with a sidekick to one White Fang members stomach and a uppercut to the others chin as they flew in the air and crashed into the ground.
Sun used his bow staff to hit one members chin as he flips over and kicks another in the face. Five more rushed him as he used his bow staff to block all the attacks and follow up with a flurry of hits that landed on ones legs, face, gut, shoulder, and chin as they all went fell down and went limp.
Kiyotaka sees another White Fang member with a gun who quickly shot at him, Kiyotaka charged at the member and used his sword to deflect away the barrage of bullets coming at him.
As soon as Kiyotaka was close he did a spinning hook kick to the temple and was sent hard to the ground with a punch to the face.
Sun had dodged a sword attack aiming for his abdomen and retaliated with a hit to the left side of the ribs with his bow staff and a backhand to the face. He wasn't done when two more rushed at him as one swung at his face and another rushing from behind, Sun countered with a sweep kick and back-flipped to avoid the attack from behind and slammed his bow staff right into the members back.
Three more members take the place of the members Kiyotaka quickly took care off as each one of them tried to get a solid hit on the brown-haired boy as it was either dodged, or parried. Kiyotaka then gave a barrage of hits on the White Fang members to fast for them to react and landed a knee in the gut, a roundhouse to the face, and a hard punch in the stomach.
He quickly sense another member sneaking up from behind as he leaned back and dodged a sword inches from his face.
The White Fang member then saw Kiyotaka going for a gut punch, but what he didn't know was that it was just a feint to bait him, and got tornado kicked on his left cheek by Kiyotaka and was already unconscious before he fell to the ground.
"Hey nice moves man!" Sun said turning to Kiyotaka. "What do you practice?"
Kiyotaka looked at Sun passively not wanting to answer, but he eventually decided to talk.
"I was taught in piano and calligraphy, and I also did tea ceremony as well." Kiyotaka answered as he turned to look at Torchwick.
At that response Sun raised an eyebrow at Kiyotaka and looked at him weirdly, "Ok......That's cool I guess." Sun answered with a tone of awkwardness.
(Song End)
Roman looked at most of the White Fang members on the ground with a look of annoyance on his face.
"You all are completely useless. Well if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." Roman commented as he pointed his cane at Kiyotaka and Sun.
Blake who was further back was about to rush in and attack Torchwick but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.
"Hey!" Ruby said, standing on top on one of the buildings, as all of them turned her attention to her.
('Ruby!?') Blake thought surprised to see one of her teammates here.
('I was wondering where Ruby was, I guess I must've got here before she did.') Kiyotaka thought.
"Oh, hello Red!" Roman taunted. "Isn't it pass your bedtime?"
They also noticed Penny as well who was walking up to Ruby, "Ruby..." Penny said. "Are these people your friends?"
"Penny, get back..." Ruby said, looking back at her with a worried expression as she was still skeptical that she was a fighter.
Roman seeing Ruby distracted at the moment quickly raised his cane at her and was about to fire which Kiyotaka noticed. He quickly dashed forward and closed the distance between him and Roman at a speed he couldn't react too, Roman went wide eyed as he sent flying back by an attack from his sword but he still managed to fire from his cane, the accuracy was a little off as it barely missed hitting Ruby but the impact made her slide back a little as Penny quickly caught her.
"Arghhh!" Roman cried out as he crashed into one of the storage containers.
('If I was just a second late, Ruby would've took a lot more damage from that blast even with her aura protecting her.') Kiyotaka thought as he looked at Roman who got back up with a scowl on his face, before he could do anything else he heard Ruby's voice that started to cry out.
"Penny, no!" Ruby yelled.
"Don't worry, Ruby." Penny said to the redhead. "I'm combat ready!"
Then the backpack on Penny's back opened and revealed several swords with strings to hold them up.
She then leaped off the building, knocking down more White Fang members that came as backup. Penny then used her swords to knock down a group to the right and a group to the left which made them crash on a container. She then used her swords to act as a shield as it spinned around to block two members flying kicks..
She then cartwheeled as her swords hit another member in the face, then she put all of her swords together and threw them like a shuriken at a large group of White Fang members as they all flew into the sky and crashed in the ground.
"Whoa." Sun said in awe as Kiyotaka who was also watching the scene was intrigued.
More airships were seen coming in the distance as the gunshots were fired from all three of them as it was blocked by Penny with her swords. Then two extra swords came out her backpack as they shot out with lines and stuck them deep into a wall as she pulled herself back. Then she rotated her blades in front of her, and a green ball of energy was in the center as she charged it up and blasted it towards the plane cutting both of them apart.
"Whoa.....How is she doing that?" Ruby said in awe at Penny's feat.
"These kids just keep getting weirder..." Roman said as he quickly made his way to the airship.
Penny had stabbed the final aircraft with her blades with the wires connected, and with an impressive feat of strength she dragged it down hard, and threw it to the floor as it crashed into a group of containers and it exploded as multiple containers flew into the distance.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji POV
I was really impressed by Penny's display of Power and strength, with her body type she shouldn't have been able to perform all of those moves but yet she did it effortlessly. Penny was by no means a novice at combat like most people would assume.
Her weapon was also surprising, it consisted of multiple swords connected to strings that was hidden in that tiny backpack of hers which I guessed was similar to Ruby's scythe who just folded her weapon. She was able to control the swords at will and can attack simultaneously without much trouble. The strings on them appeared to be very strong, but also durable as well seeing as she was able to take down an airship with strength that could be considered superhuman. Not only is Penny able to instantly attack anyone who get's within 10 feet of her, but she's also able to defend with her swords as well which makes her a ranged-type combatant.
That condensed blast of energy she created was something I've never seen before, it just screams power as she took down more than 1 airship with a single blast. My first thought was that it must've been her semblance, but she didn't even look winded at all after that so I immediately disregarded it and deduced that it was just another one of her swords abilities.
I was cut out if my thoughts when I heard an airship hovering to see Roman Torchwick closing the hatch as he flew away and was gone, with all the attention now on Penny, Roman was able to easily escape, but I really didn't care all that much if he got away.
After about half an hour the police have finally arrived, but they couldn't do anything except investigate. I was currently sitting with Penny, Ruby, Sun, and Blake around the crime scene, as we all sat in silence waiting for them to finish investigating so we can go back to Beacon.
Then all of us heard footsteps as we turned and saw Weiss and Yang finally walking up to us, I wondered where they were all this time, but I didn't think too much of it as they finally stood in front with us with the air now suddenly turning cold in that instant.
Ruby being the peace maker walked up to Weiss and quickly tried to explain the situation with Blake.
"Look Weiss it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ears and their actually kinda cute." Ruby said all in one sentence with a fast tone of voice, Weiss as I expected just ignored her and walked right up to Blake.
As they faced each other I noticed Blake was way calmer than she actually was, it's like she was already prepared for it.
"Weiss, I just want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back then when-" Blake explained as Weiss cut her off.
"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?" Weiss asked.
Blake just remained silent, as she had no answer to that, "Twelve hours." Weiss answered. "That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours I've decided..."
At this moment I saw everyone else with nervous looks as they all waited for Weiss to Answer.
"I don't care." Weiss said.
"You don't care?" Blake asked with a look of confusion on her face.
"You said you're not one of them anymore right?" Weiss asked.
"No I-I haven't been since I was younger-" Blake replied but was cut off by Weiss again.
"Upupupupup! I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know is when the next time something this big comes up..." Weiss said as she paused.
"You come to your teammates, and not some...someone else." Weiss said as she glanced at Sun and quickly stopped herself before she said anything hurtful.
Blake had shed a tear at that as she wiped it from her eye. "Of course." Blake replied as she nodded which made all of team RWBY gain smiles on their faces.
"Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Ruby yelled as she threw her hands up in the air, being as cheerful like always as Sun started to walk up to the group.
"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!" Weiss said which made Sun laugh in an uncomfortable way.
It looks like Weiss was able to accept Blake despite how she feels about the Faunus and the White Fang, it doesn't look like she's ready to accept all faunus but it's a start.
I then got out of my thoughts as I noticed one person from the group was missing which was Penny as I looked around, and seen her silently walking to an all black vehicle. Could that be one of her relatives picking her up? She then got in the car as it started to drive off.
There's more to Penny than I thought, maybe I'll get more answers at a later date, she could be useful in the future.
"Wait a minute..." Ruby questioned. "Where's Penny?" Ruby asked as she and the others now noticed that Penny was gone.
Third Person POV
"You should know better than to go running around in a strange city." The driver said to Penny.
"I know sir." Penny answered as she put her head down in shame.
"Penny. Your time will come." The driver said as the car disappeared down the road.
The scene then changed to Roman Torchwick who was walking into a warehouse as he put the item in his hand on the table as he now sighed.
"How very disappointing, Roman." A voice called out which sounded feminine which Roman recognized as he turned around in surprise.
"Whoa! Haha.... Wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon." Roman replied to the three individuals that walked in the room.
"We were expecting.... more from you." Cinder said in an annoyed tone of voice with a barely noticeable hint of anger.
Roman starts to laugh nervously, "Hey, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang."
Cinder snickers, "And you will continue to do so." Cinder ordered as she summoned a small ball of flame into hand.
"We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is a little cooperation." Cinder said as she stepped out of the shadows with her eyes glowing a bright orange, as two more stepped out as well which was a boy and a girl.
Third Person POV
A large facility was seen and inside multiple scientists were following behind a man with brown hair and golden eyes who was the leader of that facility, he was called Professor Ayanokouji as the scientists all had worried looks on their faces as they followed the man to a top secret location in the facility.
"Uh, Professor." A scientist called out. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? You know how dangerous he is." He replied.
Professor Ayanokouji just glanced back at the man with a blank look on his face, but the scientist can tell that if he questions him anymore their will be consequences.
"Yes I'm sure, I know of the risks going through with this decision, but this is the only way." Professor Ayanokouji responded with a monotone voice as you could also hear nothing but seriousness as well.
Ever since Kiyotaka had escaped from the White Room when it was closed down on that day, he was angered at this and was willing to do anything in his power to get his best product of the White Room back, even if it means that he has to send out 'Him'.
Professor Ayanokouji and the group then stopped at a door as he then walked inside with the scientists hesitantly following him a couple of steps back.
Professor Ayanokouji then saw a rectangular cell like a cage, and inside it was a boy who looked to be in his teens was sitting cross legged on his bed with his head down. His ears moved a little, but he didn't look up when he heard that he had company.
Professor Ayanokouji walked up to the cell as the scientists stayed back out of fear.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit old man? It's been a while since your last visit." The boy asked as he looked at him with dead eyes and no emotion in his voice.
Ignoring the insult, Professor Ayanokouji started to speak. "I've come here because I want you to do a task for me."
The boy didn't react to Professor Ayanokoujis answer as he didn't move a muscle. "Why me? Surely you could find someone much more capable." The boy answered.
"This is a task that only you can complete, anyone else will fail without question." Professor Ayanokouji responded.
"Hmph, I guess this must be really important if you need me to help you." The boy said as he knew Professor Ayanokouji would not come to him for anything unless it was a last resort which was very unlikely to happen, so he found it odd.
"Do you accept?" Professor Ayanokouji asked.
"No." The boy responded, "Why should I even bother in the first place?"
Professor Ayanokouji wasn't fazed by his answer as he calmly pulled out a picture of a familiar brown haired boy and threw it as it landed on the floor in front of the boy.
The boy looked at the picture as his eyes widened for a split second before going back to his usual dead look.
"I need you to find him for me, and bring him back here immediately." Professor Ayanokouji said.
"Are you sure?" The boy asked. "This is more of a convenience for me than you."
"Yes, all that matters is that you find him." Professor Ayanokouji replied with an emotionless tone.
The boy tilted his head to the side a little as he raised a brow, "Really? And what will happen when I complete my task? Are you gonna put me back in here?
"Yes I will, but you wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this right?" Professor Ayanokouji asked.
The boy said nothing for a moment as a grin slowly started to form on his face.
"You're right I wouldn't, I accept your request, so when do I get to leave?" He asked.
"You leave in a week, but first you will go through a series of tests to make sure you are ready to accomplish this task." Professor Ayanokouji said.
"I see." The boy answered.
Professor Ayanokouji then walked to the door but stopped to say one last thing, "Do not disappoint me.......Ibuki."
(AN: It's not Ibuki from Classroom of the elite if you were wondering that, it's just a guy with the name Ibuki. I'm just saying this to clear any confusion you may have.')
He then walked out the door with the scientists quickly following wanting to leave the room as well.
As the door closed Ibuki looked at the picture again as he had a large grin on his face.
"Kukuku, I never thought the day would come, but it's look like I get the chance to finally meet you soon...............Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Hey guys! Another chapter for this story is done! Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out it's just with my schedule I haven't had time to write or focus for all the stories I have, this chapter was my longest written chapter so I hope that makes up for it.
The next couple of chapters for the lone shadow will not be Volume 2 but instead they are gonna be a couple of omakes which means extra chapters that occur in volume 1 or kind of like short stories in a way.
I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability!
See You Next Time!
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