COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 9: Jaunedice Part 2
Third Person POV
Teams RWBY and JNPR were currently gathered around in the hallway at Kiyotakas dorm room outside, waiting for him to return from his talk with Professor Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch.
"I wonder what's taking Kiyotaka so long It's been almost 20 minutes, he should be back already if he's not in trouble." Weiss said being a little concerned and annoyed at the same time.
"Yeah it shouldn't be taking this long for him to get back, Ms. Goodwitch already knows that it was Cardin who attack him first." Ruby added.
"Seeing the milk get splattered on his armor was hilarious." Nora said chuckling a bit.
Ren walked straight up to Nora and started to whisper in her ear. "All of this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't thrown the milk at him in the first place." He said.
"Yeah sorry not sorry about that." Nora told him with no regret at all for what she did to Cardin.
"Just be lucky that Kiyotaka isn't in any trouble because of that." Ren said while putting his hand over his head.
"I believe the only thing we can do for now is to just wait until he comes back." Pyrrha announced.
"Yeah P-Money's right we shouldn't have to worry, I'm sure Kiyo will be back soon." Yang said with a smile.
"Kiyo?" Everybody blurted out as they started to stare at Yang.
"What?" Yang asked, unsure why everybody was staring at her.
"What did you just call him?" Blake asked.
"Kiyo it's short for Kiyotaka, It's just a nickname I thought of giving him." Yang answered, and crossed her arms feeling proud of the nickname she thought of.
"That's....actually a good nickname." Ruby said not disliking the nickname her sister came up with.
"I agree I think it suits him." Pyrrha added.
Weiss glared at Yang for a second then quickly looked away feeling annoyed that the "nicknames" she was called were Weiss cream, Ice Queen, and Snow Angel, she disliked those "nicknames" being referred to her more than anything else.
The group was then cut out of their conversation when they heard footsteps approaching them and saw that it was Kiyotaka who had stopped right in front of them.
"Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" Kiyotaka asked, as he saw all his friends standing around his dorm room.
"After what happened in the cafeteria with Cardin and his group, we just wanted to make sure you were alright Kiyo." Yang answered.
"Kiyo? Is that supposed to be a nickname?" Kiyotaka asked.
"Yeah it's just something I came with, you don't like it?" Yang asked leaning towards him with a little bit of her cleavage showing while having a knowing smirk on her face.
("I don't really dislike the nickname, it's just that I had never had one before is all. And why is she getting so close to me?") Kiyotaka thought.
"I have no problem with it at all, I was just surprised you came up with one." Kiyotaka answered.
"That's good to hear." Yang said as her face lit up and leaned back now giving him some space.
("Yang was a beautiful girl, probably one of the best looking ones in Beacon, as I got to know her better I noticed that she is straight forward and sometimes like to makes jokes that a majority of people wouldn't laugh at while she is also caring and is very flirty at times, If it wasn't for the fact that she does this things most of the time, people would assume she has an interest in me or someone else.") Kiyotaka thought.
"Hey Kiyotaka, Do you mind if we go into your room? I'm curious as to how it looks." Ruby asked since all of them sometimes spend time with each other in their dorm or JNPR's but never Kiyotakas for some reason.
"I have to admit I'm curious as well, do you not mind it?" Weiss asked as well.
"Sure I don't mind at all, but it's not like it's any different from your rooms though." Kiyotaka said as he took out his scroll from his pocket and used it to open his door and let the others in.
As the group went into Kiyotaka dorm room they were in shock that his room was a little bit bigger than theirs and a lot more spacious too as there was nothing in his room at all besides the extra clothes he has in his closet and the bathroom accessories he has.
"Man your room almost seems completely empty." Jaune said as he looked around.
"It's a lot cleaner too, there's no specks of dirt in here whatsoever." Ruby said as she pouted a little feeling a little jealous at the lack of cleaning Kiyotaka has to do.
"Why the lack of stuff in here Kiyo?" Yang asked.
"Are you a minimalist?" Blake added.
"Sigh.......I just haven't had the time to go into Vale yet to buy anything." Kiyotaka responded.
("Besides, other than daily necessities I need to buy I really don't need anything else.") Kiyotaka thought.
"So what did you and Professor Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch talk about?" Weiss asked as the group sat on one of the beds wanting to know as well.
Kiyotaka sighed once more and walked to his bed where Weiss was sitting and sat on the opposite side of it.
"He just ask me what happened and I told him, that's pretty much it." Kiyotaka explained to the group.
"That's all he asked you? Are you serious?" Weiss asked again confused that's all the headmaster had asked him.
"Yeah that was pretty much it, he also said he was gonna have a talk with team CRDL and give them a warning about it." Kiyotaka said.
"I have to say Kiyotaka, you must have very good reflexes when you dodged Cardin's attack when your back was turned in the cafeteria." Pyrrha said, recalling the memory back at the cafeteria.
"Yeah it was so cool when you did that, it was almost like out of instinct!" Ruby said standing on the beds.
("Truthfully, I had known something was fishy when Cardin had changed his behavior in a split second like that, I didn't know what he was planning, but I kept my guard up.") Kiyotaka thought.
"I guess, but I wouldn't say my reflexes are that good." Kiyotaka said with a shrug.
"Regardless it's nice to see Cardin get riled up like that from time to time." Yang said.
"Kiyotaka" Ren called out.
"Yeah, what is it?" Kiyotaka asked, wondering what Ren wanted since it was a rarity that he spoke sometimes in the conversations they had, but ultimately admitted he was guilty of that too and would probably be the same way if it wasn't for Ruby involving him in their conversations, Ruby is just an angel sometimes.
"If you don't mind, I like to ask you what your semblance is, I've never seen you use it before at Initiation and also in our sparring classes, It's just one of the things I've been meaning to ask you recently." Ren explained feeling curious.
"Yeah I remember when you stopped that Death Stalkers attack with just your sword when I couldn't do anything against it, it was pretty cool!" Ruby added, recalling the memory when he had saved her.
"Hey!..... I helped too ya know." Weiss complained, then cross her arms and looked away as she tried to act like she didn't care.
"I know you did Weiss, I'm thankful that you helped me as well." Ruby said smiling brightly at her.
"I-I see, you're welcome then." Weiss said smiling a little at her.
"Awww is Ice Queens little heart getting melted?" Yang asked smirking at her.
"S-Shut Up!" Weiss yelled, while Yang was laughing at her as the rest of them were waiting for Kiyotaka to answer.
"To Answer your question, I haven't really unlocked my Semblance yet or find anything close to what it could be." Kiyotaka answered to them.
"Really? You haven't unlocked your semblance yet!" Ruby yelled
"Easy there little sister, calm down a bit." Yang said putting one of her hands on Ruby's Shoulders.
"Sorry It's just surprising to me is all." Ruby said a little embarrassed.
"Yeah I'm not sure to what it could be, but I'm sure I'll unlock it sooner or later." Kiyotaka stated.
"Hey if it makes you feel any better I haven't unlocked mines yet either, so I guess we're in the same boat then." Jaune said feeling slightly happy he wasn't the only one who's semblance has yet to be unlocked.
"I'm sure the both of you will find out what your semblances are soon, I just know it." Pyrrha said smiling at the both of them.
"Thanks Pyrrha" Jaune said smiling a little while Kiyotaka nodded at her in appreciation.
("At least Jaune seems to be cheering up a bit after the constant abuse Cardin is putting him through which is a good thing at the moment, I can only hope things don't get even more out of hand between those two.") Kiyotaka thought.
("Speaking of Cardin, after the little incident that happened in the Cafeteria I'm sure I'm not to far from his list either, I'll have to keep an eye on him.") Kiyotaka thought.
Third Person Pov
It was a slow day as usual as the group was currently in Professor Ooblecks class who was giving his lecture as he was talking and zooming around the classroom while drinking his coffee at speeds that will probably make some people a little dizzy, some students were spreading rumors that the coffee he takes was probably part of his semblance which is what probably makes him so fast. While he may seem odd he is also a doctor as well and is highly respected around the facility.
During this moment some of the students in the classroom were trying to listen to the lecture as he dashed around the classroom while some of them were asleep like Jaune who was sitting next to Kiyotaka in one of the front rows by the windows.
"Now have any among you have been subjugated or discriminated because of your faunus heritage?" Professor Oobleck asked the class.
Nobody raised their hand except for the person in the back and the brown eared bunny faunus sitting in the front.
"Dreadful, simply dreadful, remember students this is the kind of ignorance that breeds violence." Professor Oobleck said.
"I mean, just look at what happened to the white fang. Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believed to be the turning point in the third year war?" He asked.
Weiss immediately raised her hand. "The battle at Fort Castle" She answered.
"Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?" He asked.
While he was waiting for an answer, Cardin who was sitting directly behind Jaune was playing with a paper football in his hand and was about to launch it at Jaune but he stopped himself and look over a little bit and saw Kiyotaka right next to him sitting not that far from him.
He smirked as he changed his target and launched it at Kiyotaka. The latter had leaned his body to the left a bit dodging the attempt as it landed onto the floor.
Cardin at this point was now shocked. Whether he dodged it by coincidence or did it intentionally he didn't know as Professor Oobleck zoomed right up to where he was sitting.
"Mr. Winchester! since you find this to be so boring and start to flick paper footballs in my class, how about you answer the question for us then." He asked.
"Uhh..... the answer is um........Binoculars?" Cardin said nervously.
A majority of the Classroom started to laugh at Cardin, while he had a scowl on his face feeling embarrassed.
"Very funny, Mr. Winchester." Professor Oobleck said.
"Hmmm.... Let's see Ahhh! Mr. Ayanokouji what are your thoughts on the subject?" He asked as he zoomed up to where the boy was sitting.
"I believe the answer is Night Vision, the faunus especially those of different races, are known to have nearly perfect sight to see in the dark." Kiyotaka explained.
"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the faunus in their sleep, his massive army was outmatched and the general was captured." Blake added.
"Perhaps if he'd payed attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure." Blake continued as she looked at Cardin as if she was comparing the both of them.
Cardin growled in anger and was about to get up from his seat but was stop by Professor Oobleck.
"Mr. Winchester! please stay in your seat." He said as he then zoomed to were Jaune was sleeping at the moment.
"Mr. Arc!" He yelled as Jaune jumped into his seat a little as he was startled by his voice.
"Glad to see you joining us now, Mr. Arc you and Mr. Winchester can both see me after class for additional readings. He said with no room for an argument.
"Ohhhhh" Jaune groaned as Kiyotaka lightly patted his shoulder.
"Now, Moving on!" He said as he zoomed around the classroom again.
As soon as classes ended the both teams walked out minus one member of JNPR as they exited the classroom. Pyrrha looked back at the classroom then to her teammates.
"You two go on ahead, I'll wait for Jaune." Pyrrha told the both of them.
Nora and Ren looked at her and looked a little reluctant to leave but they eventually nodded as they walked ahead of them.
"You two have been struggling in my class since day one, now I don't know if it's a lack of interest or your stubborn nature, but whatever it is, it stops now!" Professor Oobleck said to Jaune and Cardin as he sipped his coffee.
You've worked hard to gain entrance into this school, and we only accept the best of the best so I expect you to act like it. History is important, Gentleman! if you can't learn from it.... you're destined to repeat it. Pages 51 through 91! I want an essay on my desk by the next class! Now Run Along!" Professor Oobleck said.
Professor Oobleck zoomed out the classroom as he passed by Pyrrha in a flash as Jaune came out a few seconds later then fell to the ground when Cardin pushed him from behind as he laughed at him and walked away.
Pyrrha immediately went to Jaune and help him up from off the ground. "You know, I really will break his legs." She said as Jaune sighs at her declaration.
Pyrrha looked a little upset but perked up once she had an thought of something. "I have an Idea! Here, come with me." She said as grabbed Jaune's hand and pulled dragged him with her.
After a few minutes of Pyrrha dragging along Jaune they both eventually came up to one of the rooftops in Beacon.
"Pyrrha I know I'm going through a hard time right now but I'm not THAT depressed." Jaune said looking over the edge.
Pyrrha then immediately pulled him away from the edge. "No! that's not why I brought you up here." She said.
"Jaune I know you're having a hard time in class and you're not the strongest of fighters so, I want to help you." She said with a smile.
"What?" Jaune said confused.
"We can train up here where no one can bother us." Pyrrha explained.
"You think I need help?" Jaune said with his hair covering his eyes.
"N-No that's not what I meant." She said.
"But you just said it" He retorted.
"Jaune, everybody needs a little push from time to time. It doesn't make you any different from the rest of us." She explained.
"You made it to Beacon that speaks volumes of what your capable of!" Pyrrha continued.
"You're wrong I don't belong here." Jaune said as he turned his back to her.
"That's a terrible thing to say." Pyrrha said as she tried to reach out to him but he quickly turned around to face her.
"No, I don't!" Jaune said as he raised his voice.
"Sigh..... I wasn't really accepted into Beacon." Jaune said.
"What do you mean?" Pyrrha said confused.
"I didn't go to any combat schools, pass any tests, or earn my spot in this academy!" Jaune said as he continued. "I lied, I got my hands on some fake transcripts and I lied." He said.
"What, why?" Pyrrha Asked.
"This is what I've always dreamed of being, My father and other ancestors were warriors, heroes. I wanted to be as well. But I was just never good enough." Jaune said.
"Then I can help you" Pyrrha said.
"No, I don't want any help, I don't want to be the damsel in distress I want to be the hero!" He yelled.
Pyrrha tried to get a word as he yelled but was unable to do so.
"I'm tired of being the lovable idiot, stuck on a tree as his teammates fight for their lives! Don't you understand if I can't do this alone then what good am I?" He continued as Pyrrha tried to get close to him but he backed away. "Just leave me alone for now." He said.
"If that's what you think is best." Pyrrha said as she left the roof.
Then from the edge of the roof downward, Cardin pulled himself up as he laughed evilly. "Jaune" He said.
"Cardin!" Jaune said in shock.
"I couldn't help but overhear you two from my dorm room. So you snuck into beacon, I gotta say I didn't think you were such a rebel." He said.
"Please Cardin, Please don't tell anyone!" Jaune begged.
"Jaune come on, I'd never rat out a friend like that." Cardin said.
"A friend?" Jaune said.
"Of course." Cardin said as he put Jaune in a headlock. "We're friends now Johnny boy and the way I see it we're gonna be friends for a very long time. You know as long as you're there when I need you." He said as he released him from the headlock as Jaune fell to the floor trying to breathe. "That being said I don't really have time for that work Dr. Oobleck gave us today. Can you take care of it for me?" He said as he started to climb down the edge not caring about his answer. "Thanks best buddy, don't worry your secret is safe with me." He said as he was now gone.
Jaune then got up as he sighed and left the rooftop as he succumbed to his fate.
But, unbeknownst to all the people that were at the rooftop failed to noticed a figure on top of the higher parts of the roof that was listening to the entire conversation the whole time as the person jumped down holding their scroll the entire time as the person recorded everything.
"Jaune you're a complete idiot, but this was an interesting turn of events, I'll help you out this time because you may have brought me a useful pawn." The voice said as the person exited the roof.
AN: Another Chapter Finished! Hey guys it's been a while hasn't it? I took a little break from writing a little bit as my head was pounding as I was updating weekly. I hope you guys liked this chapter because the next one is gonna be a little dark.
I hope you guys liked this chapter, the next chapter might come out a little faster than most if I don't feel any headaches this week, but anyway if you have any questions about this story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
See You Next Time!!!
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