COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 8: Jaunedice Part 1

  Third Person Pov



Weeks went by ever since Ruby and Weiss had an argument, and had made up soon after that when they had realized they were both in the wrong. Ruby's and Jaune's teams began to hang out a lot more with each other after classes along with Kiyotaka who also decided to hang out with them more as well since they were people that considered him as a friend and seemed to liked his company.

Kiyotaka mainly listens to the conversations both teams were having and say stuff from time to time, and Ruby noticed that he was a little bit like her teammate Blake and Jaune's teammate Ren who doesn't say that much the more she hung out with him, so she decided to evolve him more into the conversations they were having so she can get him to start talking more and it eventually worked out. 

Kiyotaka was doing fairly well in his classes as he had passable grades in all his classes as his grades were only C's in all of the assignments, homework, or tests that he had to do by himself. Some assignments were required as a team, but the professor's were informed early of his predicament and told him that he was excused from these kinds of assignments and didn't have to worry about it.

Kiyotaka didn't look forward to combat class as much as the rest of the group as sometimes his name gets picked and he has to put on his combat gear and grab his weapon to get ready to spar in the classroom and had to face some of his classmates one one in the class. Throughout his combat classes he managed to  consistently tie against his opponent or sometimes win against them in his fights.

Whenever Kiyotaka is in Combat Class he catches Professor Goodwitch sometimes staring at him with a distrustful gaze as if he had done something wrong, she quickly looks away whenever he meets her gaze though. He then one day tried to talk to her after class to see if he had done something to upset her, and she assured him that he did nothing wrong and apologized to him for the misunderstanding.


Kiyotaka along with Team's RWBY and the three members of (J)NPR were currently in Combat Class watching Jaune fight against Cardin, who was losing very badly at the moment.

Jaune was heavily panting and looked liked he was about to pass out as he looked at Cardin who laughed at him while he held his mace behind him. Jaune then let out a war cry as he ran at Cardin and use Crocea Mors to slash downwards at him, but he missed and was hit on his side by Cardin's mace which knocked him away.

("Jaune seems to be a complete novice at fighting, he's just attacking Cardin blindly with no plan at all which makes Cardin counter him easily because of how easy it is to read his next move. It makes you wonder how he even survived Initiation back then in the first place.") Kiyotaka thought as he saw Jaune's aura now in the red and Cardin's aura which was completely full.

Jaune then got back up and tried the same move again but Cardin blocked it with his mace, he used all the strength he had to try and push Cardin away but he soon got overpowered.

"This is the part where you lose" Cardin said.

"Over my dead bod-" Jaune tried to say but Cardin Kneed him in his stomach and Jaune fell onto the floor in pain. Cardin then raised his mace into the air as he was about to bash him in the head.

"Cardin that's enough" Glynda said as she stood between the both of them as the lights turned back on.

"Students as you can see Mr. Arcs aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official may call the match." Glynda informed to the class.

"Mr. Arc it's been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll in combat, it would help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or move to a more defensive strategy" Glynda explained to Jaune.

"We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf now would we?" Glynda continued as she looked slightly concerned at Jaune.

" least Jaune tried his hardest" Kiyotaka muttered.

"Yeah... I'm sure he'll do better next time" Ruby said, which sounded more like a question rather than an answer.

"I hope so, even though Jaune hasn't been doing so hot in the last couple of weeks I'm sure he'll improve sooner or later, some people just have a slow start is all." Kiyotaka said.

Pyrrha gained a small smile on her face as she heard what Kiyotaka said, even if it was a little blunt she couldn't deny what he said as his words held truth in them, she was getting really worried for her leader who has yet to improve a little as she looked at her leader and saw him depressed.

"Remember everyone the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long until students from the other kingdoms arrive in Vale. So keep practicing." Glynda announced.

Kiyotaka had known about the Vytal Festival when he overheard Ruby talking about it to the group and found out that it was a Tournament that brings students from other kingdoms together to fight against each other. He wasn't sure if he could even compete because he had no teammates, or if he even wanted to compete in the first place, perhaps he should have a talk about this with Professor Ozpin soon.

"Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament would be representing all of Vale." The bell rang after that as everyone then went to lunch.


"And There we were in the middle of the night." Nora said

"It was day." Ren corrected.

"We were surrounded by Ursa." Nora said.

"They were Beowolves." Ren corrected again.

"Dozens of them!" Nora yelled.

"Two of them." Ren said while sighing shortly after.

"But they were no match and in the end Ren and I took them down and made lien selling Ursa skin rugs" Nora said as she finished her "story" with a satisfied look on her face.

"She's been having this occurring dream for nearly a month now." Ren explained.

During this moment Weiss was filing her nails. Blake was reading her book. And Kiyotaka who was sitting next to Ruby was listening to Nora's tale, but noticed Pyrrha and Ruby sending nervous glances at Jaune who was currently picking at his food with a fork looking slightly depressed.

"Jaune are you okay?" Pyrrha asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm okay." Jaune said.

"Well it's just you seem a little.... not okay." Ruby said as all the attention was now on Jaune as everyone was looking at him at the moment.

"Guys I'm fine see." Jaune said as he faked a smile as to reassure them.

("Nice try Jaune, but the correct response to that should've been "What is that supposed to mean?") Kiyotaka thought as he easily saw through Jaune fake smile and knew that he didn't want them to worry about him.

Suddenly laughter was heard as Cardin and his team were sitting at a trouble messing with a rabbit eared Faunus girl. Jaune looked away from the sight as he clenched his fist in anger.

"Jaune, Cardin has been picking on you since the first week of school" Pyrrha said.

"Who?... Cardin Winchester? no way he just likes to mess around ya know practical jokes." Jaune said.

"He's a bully." Ruby said with a frown.

"Oh please, name one time he's "bullied" me" Jaune said making finger quotes.

"There's is one time he knocked your books out of your hands." Blake said

"It was probably an accident." Jaune said.

"There's also another time where he activated your shield when you were walking through the doorway and got stuck between it." Ren said.

"It wasn't on purpose." Jaune said.

"I remember there was also that time where Cardin shoved you into one of those 5 digit code Rocket Propelled lockers, and launched you out of the school." Kiyotaka added.

"I wasn't launched that far from the school, and wait... weren't you the one who got me out of that locker?" Jaune said as he started to slowly recall the memory.

"You'd be right about that, I saw that no one else was gonna help you get out of there so I decided to help you out." Kiyotaka explained.

"But how did you know what the code was? I'm pretty sure you didn't have time to know what code Cardin put on." Jaune asked his teamless friend.

"Lucky guess maybe?" Kiyotaka said.

"It might be... but thanks for that anyway." Jaune said

"No need, most people would do the same in my position." Kiyotaka said with a neutral tone.

"There you are being Humble again as always Kiyotaka, it's almost like you don't like people praising you." Yang said with a smirk.

"It does seem to be that way." Weiss said who stop filing her nails as she looked at Kiyotaka with a raised brow. She remembered the talk they had back then on the balcony, and one day she thanked him for helping her make up with Ruby, he then shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn't do anything, and that the reason the both of them made up was because of her which made Weiss confused and stunned at the statement.

Kiyotaka then shook his head denying her statement. "It's not, It's just that I didn't do anything to deserve praise for something so simple." He explained.

"Helping your friends isn't something simple Kiyotaka, It's a good thing to do no matter what it could be, you should accept it once in a while okay?" Ruby said as she looked at Kiyotaka smiling brightly.

"Okay, I'll be sure to remember that then." Kiyotaka said sighing shortly after.

"Thanks" Ruby said.

"Jaune you know if ever need help you can just ask." Pyrrha suggested.

"Oooooh! We can break his legs!" Nora said as she stood up from the table and told her suggestion to everyone with a wild grin.

("That would probably do more harm than good") Kiyotaka thought while deadpanning.

"Guys, really It's fine! besides it's not like he's a jerk to only me. He's a jerk to everyone." Jaune pointed out.

Suddenly there was cries of pain as the laughter of team CRDL grew louder as they were now closer to the faunus girl and Cardin is now pulling one of her ears violently.

"Please stop." The rabbit faunus pleaded.

"I told you it was real." Cardin said as he continued to pull her ear as he laughed with his teammates.

"What a freak!" Russel said

The sight made Blake and Pyrrha boil with anger. Kiyotaka shook his head disapprovingly at the scene and decided not to look at the sight anymore. Nora finally getting tired of Cardin went to pick up a milk carton up from her tray. Ren who immediately knows what Nora is about to do, tried to hurry and stop her, but it was too late as she threw it and it splattered all over his armor.

Cardin immediately let go of the girls ear. He then got up out of his seat with a pissed off expression. "Who in the hell threw milk at me!" He said as he looked around.

Everyone in the cafeteria now had his attention on him as he looked around but couldn't find the culprit, he then looked at Teams RWBY and JNPR's table and noticed them staring at him except for one person who has brown hair and wears a combat jacket with his black finger-less gloves and black combat jeans with his white combat boots, he assumed he had to be the person who did this.

Cardin then walked up to their table and stopped right in front of Kiyotaka. "Hey! you think you're a real comedian aren't you" he said to Kiyotaka trying to get his attention.

"Huh? Uh......are you talking to me?" Kiyotaka asked, as he felt confused as he turned around to glance at him as everyone at his table was now staring at him.

"Who else am I talking to you moron. You're gonna clean this milk off of my armor right now." Cardin threatened.

Kiyotaka then got up out of his seat and was a few feet away from Cardin. "I know you're upset about having milk thrown on you, but I assure you I wasn't the one who did it." Kiyotaka told him.

Cardin Scoffed, "Oh yeah? Well if it wasn't you who threw milk on me then who did?" He questioned.

"I don't really know who did it, but all you could do is take my word for it, I'm sure whoever did it feels really bad about it." Kiyotaka said.

("No way! I can never feel bad about doing that.") Nora thought hiding a grin.

"I think you should just let it go, problems like this happen most of the time and it wouldn't do you any good to say mad over a little problem like this." Kiyotaka continued.

"YOU THINK I'LL JUST LET THIS GO THAT EASIL-" Cardin started to yell but then calmed down as he smirked eternally as he thought of a plan.

"You know what? You're right it's just milk, It could come off easily I'm sure." Cardin said with a bright smile on his face.

("What?") Team's RWBY and JNPR thought.

("Is Cardin really letting this go?") Jaune thought as he couldn't believe Cardin was accepting this so easily.

("He's Planning something.") Blake thought looking at Cardin suspiciously.

"I'ma go ahead and try to wash this off, Thanks for the advice friend." Cardin said as he turned around and was about to walk away.

"No problem." Kiyotaka said as he was about to turn around and sit back in his seat.

Cardin then looked back at Kiyotaka and noticed his guard was down. ("Perfect") He thought as he then swinged one of his arms backwards in a attempt to backhand him in the face, but Kiyotaka bent his body back dodging the sneak attack.

("WHAT THE HELL?!") Cardin thought as he then tried to punch Kiyotaka in the face but he slapped it away and jumped a few feet away from him.

Cardin growled in anger as his plan to sneak attack Kiyotaka didn't work, as the rest of team CRDL ran next to Cardin ready to assist him. "You got lucky dodging that attack you freak, but let's see if you can handle all of us." Cardin said with a smirk.

"......." Kiyotaka didn't say a word as he stared at them with a neutral gaze.

"What? Got nothing to say? You scared?" Cardin said as he laughed at him.

"......." Kiyotaka still didn't say anything.

"Tch......Weirdo." Cardin sneered.

Team CRDL then rushed at Kiyotaka who was just standing there not moving, Cardin and his team were almost near Kiyotaka and Cardin was about going to be the first to attack, but he looked at Kiyotaka who was staring straight at them with an emotionless gaze and Cardin looked into his eyes for a split second which terrified him as they could see right through you.

Before they could get any closer to Kiyotaka, Glynda Goodwitch came into the scene. "Team CRDL stop this nonsense at once!" She yelled.

Team CRDL stopped their pursuit and turned to look at Professor Goodwitch. "Mr. Ayanokouji I need you to come with me to Professor Ozpin's office, he would like to have a word with you about this." She said.

"But Ms. Goodwitch Kiyotaka was just defending himself, he did nothing wrong!" Ruby yelled who tried to help her friend out.

"Yes, Kiyotaka did nothing wrong at all, he didn't even start the incident." Pyrrha added.

"I can attest to that as well." Weiss said, as the others at the table nodded as they agreed with her as well.

"We know Mr. Ayanokouji wasn't the cause of this incident, we just need him there to explain his side of the story" She said as she then looked at team CRDL. "I'll deal with you 4 later, but for now come along Mr. Ayanokouji." She said as she walked out of the cafeteria.

Kiyotaka then looked at the group. "Don't worry about it, she said that I'm not in trouble, I'll be fine." He said as he then walked out of the cafeteria to follow Professor Goodwitch.

"Is he positive that's he's gonna be alright?" Jaune asked feeling a little worried for his friend.

"Ms. Goodwitch said he's not in trouble, so I think we have nothing to worry about." Pyrrha said.

"I hope so." Ruby said frowning a little.

Cardin Scowled as he watched him walk out of the cafeteria and vowed that he'll make him pay for what he did sooner or later for humiliating him.


Kiyotaka walked with Professor Goodwitch on the way to Professor Ozpin's office as they got to the elevator and stepped in and waited. Glynda looked at the boy a couple of times as she noticed he was mainly silent for this short trip and didn't know if the silence was making him uncomfortable or not as she couldn't tell what the boy was thinking at the moment.

"Are you sure that I'm not in trouble?" Kiyotaka asked, finally breaking the silence.

Glynda was stunned for a second but immediately regained her composure as she didn't expect the boy to say anything. "Yes Mr. Ayanokouji, I assure you that you are not in trouble for what happened in the cafeteria, we saw everything we just want to know what happened." She explained.

"I see" Kiyotaka responded.

The elevator then opened as they both walked out and saw Professor Ozpin sitting at his desk with his hands resting in front of his desk as he waited for them.

"I've been waiting for the both of you. Welcome Mr. Ayanokouji, How are you doing today?" Ozpin greeted as he smiled at him.

"I'd say I'm doing just fine today, if you didn't count what happened a few minutes ago." Kiyotaka responded.

"Yes, I'd heard about what happened with team CRDL, and I commend you for not retaliating against them in response." Ozpin informed.

Kiyotaka shrugged, "I dislike trouble, I was just merely defending myself in that moment." He said.

Ozpin lightly chuckled, "I see." He said.

"Anyway there's a few things other than the incident that I wanted to talk about with you personally Mr. Ayanokouji." Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee.

("Other things?") Ayanokouji Thought as he saw Professor Ozpin finish his coffee.

"Now then, let's start with the incident." Ozpin said.


AN: Another Chapter finished! I hate to leave it on a cliffhanger, but it was necessary in order for me to get into the more Interesting bits in the next chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter as much as I did writing it. If you have any questions about the story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!!!  

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