COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 7: How To Lead
Ayanokouji POV
I got up early today again as I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 8 am, a lot of people would most likely go back to sleep if they were in my position, but sadly for me I had already woken up and couldn't go to sleep again even if I wanted to, so I just decided to get prepared for classes early while I'm up at the moment.
I then went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth which only took about 10 minutes, after that I went into my closet to get the uniform I was given that all the first years got from Professor Goodwitch yesterday.
It was a black suit that was lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest with a white shirt and a red tie. Do all school uniforms really look this nice? or is it because I've never went to a school like this before?... it didn't just stop there because you also have the freedom to customize your attire as long as it isn't covering the whole uniform which is a plus for us students.
It looks kind of uncomfortable, but I just simply put on the uniform as it is with my white combat boots on underneath. Now some people would say "Why don't you customize the uniform?" and they would be right because any student would take advantage of this situation, but for me I really don't know the answer to that question, could it be laziness? or just because I don't see a point in doing it? if I had to choose it would probably be the former.
I then went into my bag to grab my scroll and see what kind of classes I'm going to be having in this school.
(Kiyotaka Ayanokouji Class Schedule)
Class 1: Grimm Studies Professor: Peter Port
Class 2: History Professor: Bartholomew Oobleck
Class 3: Combat Class Professor: Glynda Goodwitch
I was kind of surprised that was Ms. Goodwitch was one of the people who was gonna be teaching me, she seemed liked the type of person who was too busy dealing with troublesome students and helping Professor Ozpin most of the time. Then again she is teaching a Combat Class which connects with her serious and authoritative personality, so I didn't doubt that she probably asked Professor Ozpin to teach this type of class to students.
I looked at the clock again and it was now 8:30 pm, classes started at 9 pm so I should just go ahead and head to class a little early. I could just knock on either Jaune or Ruby's dorm rooms and we could walk to class together, but I don't wanna interrupt them if their still sleeping or getting dressed. I'll go on ahead without them this time, hopefully they won't be late to class.
I then went out my door and closed it and started to walk to where my first class was located.
Third Person POV
Kiyotaka arrived at the classroom and as expected the classroom was nearly vacant, but a couple of students were also here a little early as he was.
The front of the classroom has multiple drawings and sketches of different types of Grimm, and standing there was a man with gray hair and a mustache who appears to be old aged wearing a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons.
His pants were tucked into olive boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots, He must be Professor Port he assumed.
"Ahh! another early riser who's ready to learn I see, this is shaping up to be a very good year indeed." Professor Port said as he walked up to him.
"Nice to meet you sir, my name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji and this is the Grimm Studies class isn't it?" He said introducing himself to him, but at the same time making sure he's not lost again.
"Nice to meet you dear boy! I'm Professor Port and yes this is the Grimm Studies class which is taught by me." He said letting out an amused laugh.
"I see... I look forward to learning what I can here then." Kiyotaka said while nodding in respect to him.
"Haha! what good Manners you have Mr. Ayanokouji, why this reminds me of a time when-"
He sounded like he was about to tell a story but stopped when more students were coming in and saw that his watch was beeping which signaled that class was about to start.
"Well then, I guess we have to finish this conversation for later then Mr. Ayanokouji, go ahead and find a place to sit." He said as he walked to the front of the class to get ready to begin his lecture.
Kiyotaka nodded and found a spot in one of the middle rows of the classroom and waited for class to begin. He then suddenly heard a lot of noise that sounded like footsteps coming from outside the classroom and the door barged in, and in came team's RWBY and JNPR who were almost a minute late.
"Ahh! you all are right on time, go ahead and take a seat somewhere. Class is about to begin." Professor Port said as he looked eager to get started.
The group sighed and found places to sit around the class, with Jaune taking a seat right next to Kiyotaka.
"Kiyotaka? How long were you here?" Jaune asked.
"I got here about 20 minutes early, I was gonna see if your team or Ruby's would want to go to class with me, but I didn't know if you were still asleep or changing so I didn't wanna bother all of you." Kiyotaka explained
Jaune Sighed, "Oh I guess that explains why you're here so early then, but could you give us a heads up next time? I'm sure that my team or Ruby's wouldn't have minded at all if you had at least knocked." Jaune explained.
"Sorry about that, I'll be sure to remember that next time." Kiyotaka said.
"Thanks" Jaune said as he smiled at him.
The bell ranged and everyone was now in their seats. Professor Port then walked to the front of the class. "Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night, yes most Grimm have different names. But I merely refer to them as prey." He then laughed but no one in class was laughing with him.
"Uhh...then you will too upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale as well as the other three kingdoms, our save haven is in this treacherous world. Our Planet is teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you into pieces. And that's where we come in, Huntsmen, Huntresses." He then winked at Yang which made her cringe.
Professor Port was then going on with his lesson which was him now mainly talking about himself in his younger days. Through out the lesson Kiyotaka was now in a state of half listening and half falling asleep, Professor Port seemed to have an aura of boredom surrounding him which made even the more serious students start to fall asleep, He glanced at Jaune and saw he was struggling not to fall asleep as well, He then looked over at the first row and saw that Weiss was giving him her full on attention as he expected of her.
Ruby right next to her seemed to be doodling on a paper. She then lifted it up which was shown to be a more obese version of Professor Port which made her sister laugh. Ruby then started to play around in class as she started lifting things with her finger, sleeping, and picking her nose.
Kiyotaka noticed that Weiss was shaking in pure anger at Ruby and looked like she was about to explode at her. "Oh boy, this isn't gonna be good." Kiyotaka muttered.
Jaune who heard him had started to recover from his sleepiness before turning to him. "What isn't gonna be good?" Jaune asked.
"You'll know eventually." Kiyotaka said.
"A true huntsmen must be honorable, dependable, strategic, well educated, and wise. So who among you believes to be the embodiment of these traits?" Professor Port asked.
"I do sir!" Weiss said immediately raising her hand up.
"Well then, step down here and come and face your opponent." He said as then gestured to a grimm trapped into a metal cage right behind him. Weiss then left to go get changed.
"Weiss seemed angry.... is she gonna be alright?" Jaune asked.
("I hope so, but if I'm being honest she probably won't be alright") Kiyotaka thought.
"I don't know." Kiyotaka told him as Weiss walked backed into the classroom now wearing her combat clothes and got ready to take on her opponent.
"Go Weiss!" Yang said.
"Fight Well!" Blake said holding up a small flag with the words RWBY.
"Yeah! Represent Team Ruby!" Ruby Yelled.
"Ruby I'm trying to focus!" Weiss said.
"Oh sorry." Ruby said as she nervously laughed a little feeling embarrassed.
"Alright, let the match, begin!" Professor Port had released the grimm from it's cage and out came a Boarbatusk. It tried to charge Weiss head on but she sidestepped it and parried one of its tusks with her rapier which didn't effect it at all as it got ready to charge her again.
"Haha, wasn't expecting that were you." Professor Port said as Weiss then tried to thrust Myrtenaster forward to try and stab the creature, but it had caught her weapon with its tusks as Weiss struggled to free her weapon from it.
"Come on Weiss show it who's boss." Ruby encouraged her as Weiss looked at Ruby for a second and the Boarbatusk then used this opportunity to throw her weapon away from her and knock her to the ground.
"Oh, what will you do without your weapon?" Professor Port asked.
Weiss saw the Boarbatusk charging at her again but she rolled out of the way and ran to get her weapon and grabbed it. "Weiss go for its belly there's no armor underneath it." Ruby told her.
"Stop telling me what to do!" Weiss scolded her which made Ruby gain a hurtful look on her face.
Kiyotaka glanced at Ruby and saw her looking dejected before he turned to look at Weiss fighting the Boarbatusk. ("I may have an idea of why Weiss is so irritated with Ruby, but hopefully they can resolve this issue between them soon.") Kiyotaka thought.
The Boarbatusk then spun into a ball and launched itself at Weiss. She then summoned a glyph to act as a barrier which made the boar crash into it and land on its back. Weiss then jumped back and summoned another glyph into the air, then she launched herself at the boar and stabbed it into its belly killing it instantly.
"Bravo, it appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today, be sure to cover your assigned readings and stay vigilant, class dismissed." Professor Port said as Weiss then got up and walked out the classroom.
"Sheesh what's with her?" Jaune asked.
Blake and Yang shared similar looks also wondering why Weiss was acting like this to Ruby, Ruby then got up and started to chase after Weiss. Soon after that Kiyotaka then got up out of his seat and started to head towards the door.
"Kiyotaka? where are you going?" Jaune asked.
"I'm just gonna take a walk around Beacon before our next class starts Jaune, so I guess I'll see you later" Kiyotaka said as he then walked out the door.
"Oh sure, see ya." Jaune waved at him.
"Weiss wait up!" Ruby called out.
"What?" Weiss said coldly as she turned around to face her.
"What's wrong with you? You seem really angry for some reason." Ruby said.
"I'm fine, just leave me alone for right now." Weiss told her.
Ruby obviously doesn't believe what shes saying. "Really? because if something really is wrong I can help you." Ruby said.
Weiss calmly breathed in and out so she can keep her anger in check so she won't lash out at her so called "leader" "Yes I told you I'm fine, let's just go to our next class before we're late again." She said as she continued walking again.
Ruby frowned as she watched her partner walk away, she really wanted to know what was going on with Weiss, but she decided to leave her alone for the time being and hoped she calmed down soon.
The rest of the day went by, and Weiss's mood didn't falter at all, Ruby continued to draw in her notebook and slightly pay attention to the lectures which was not helping Weiss's patience.
lunch time soon came around and Weiss mood still didn't go down at all, as Weiss glanced at Ruby who was sitting a couple of seats away from her and saw her talking with Jaune and Kiyotaka, and she looked like she was telling some sort of joke to the both of them which made Jaune laugh and made Kiyotaka scratch his head in confusion. Weiss quickly looked away at the sight in irritation. Does her supposed "leader" just play around all the time?
During this small moment of her anger she failed to notice Kiyotaka glancing at her with a raised brow.
After the last class was over with, nothing had changed as Ruby was acting the same as before, not once changing her behavior at all. She saw it as an embarrassment to the both of them for how her partner was acting. Was Ruby just mocking her? was she acting this way on purpose? if so it took nearly everything she had not to snap at her. She needed to find a place to calm herself down quickly.
But unfortunately, fate didn't want that to be possible for her at the moment as Ruby came up to her and tried to talk to her again.
"Ruby I already told you to leave me alone for now didn't I?" Weiss reminded her.
"I did! But you still look like you have something bothering you." Ruby said
"I said I'm fine Ruby." Weiss said as she hoped Ruby would just leave her alone already before she loses what little patience she has left.
A pained expression found its way on Rubys face, but she tried to talk to her partner one last time to try and help her. "Weiss please if there's anything bothering you, I can help and so can Yang and Blake" Ruby pleaded.
Weiss couldn't keep her anger in anymore. This was her breaking point. "Fine! I'll tell you what's bothering me, you're acting like a childish brat and you're supposed to be our leader. You showed some promise back at the Initiation, but you're acting no where near that now!" Weiss ranted.
"Weiss where's all this coming from? We're supposed to work together right? You had told me back in Initiation, aren't we supposed to be a team?" Ruby said.
"Not on a team led by you, I've studied and trained, and worked my butt off to become what I am today, Quite frankly I deserve better." Weiss said as she sharply turned around.
Ruby was utterly shocked and tried to reach out to her as she walked away, but the following words she heard after that broke her heart in two. "Ozpin made a mistake." Weiss said as she then walked away from her.
Ruby didn't know what she was feeling at the moment. Was it sadness? Regret? Anger? She probably felt more confusion if anything. She thought that she was getting along with Weiss ever since Initiation ended and they made such a good team together. She was grateful that no-one was around them to see the argument they had at the moment, She should probably try to apologize to Weiss next time she sees her.
"Hmm, that didn't seem to go very well." Ozpin said as he was now standing behind Ruby which made the girl jump a little when she turned around and saw him.
"Is she right?" Ruby asked looking sadly at Professor Ozpin. "Is it a mistake?"
Ozpin chuckled a little, "Well that remains to be seen."
"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.
"I mean its only been one day. Ruby I've made mistakes more than any man, women, or child on this planet, but at this moment, I don't consider your appointment to leader to be one of them." Ozpin said as he then leaned forward a little bit to Ruby. "Do you?"
Ruby looked doubtful for a second "I don't know, I was kind of surprised when you had announced me to be team leader, maybe I don't deserve to be one" Ruby said as she sighed.
"Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always preforming at your absolute best then what reason do you give others to follow you?" Ozpin explained.
Ruby seemed to take Professor Ozpins advice to heart as she looked up to him and smiled a little. "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility Ruby. I advise you take some time to think about how your gonna uphold it." Ozpin finished as he started to walk away.
Ruby stood in place a few minutes thinking about what Professor Ozpin had told her and truly get the meaning of what he was telling her. She then looked up with determination in her eyes and decided that she had to fix things with Weiss before the day is over with.
Weiss had wondered through the halls with multiple thoughts in her mind and having no idea where she was going. She didn't mean to go off like that on Ruby, but she couldn't stand how she was acting anymore, she then felt a little relief that nobody else had saw that argument between them and saw her in that moment.
She would be lying to herself if she didn't feel a little bit of regret of what happened between her and Ruby, she just wished that she could've handled it another way instead of losing her temper like that. That was not how a huntress is suppose to act and she mentally scolded herself for losing her composure that easily which was embarrassing to her.
She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice that she had wondered out into one of the rooftops balconies in beacon and looked up and saw Kiyotaka looking into the sky with no readable expression on his face.
"Oh...Hey Kiyotaka, am I bothering you at the moment? I can just leave." Weiss told him.
"No its fine, I don't really mind at all." Kiyotaka said before turning to look at the sky again.
"Ok then." Weiss said before she walked up next to him and looked at the sky as well. "But if don't mind me asking what are you doing here?" Weiss asked.
"After classes ended I just started wondering around beacon and I found this place by coincidence. I liked the view up here so I just decided to stay up here for a while. What about you?" Kiyotaka asked.
"I.... had a lot on my mind, so my situation is probably the same as yours." Weiss explained.
"I see." Kiyotaka said and they just looked into the sky in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Weiss turned to him again.
"I have to say though, you really lucked out when you got placed into a one man team with no teammates, and you get to even have your own room, It must feel good right?" Weiss asked him.
"Not really, although I am used to being on my own a lot, but If you really think about it being on a one man team means that my faults are my own right? Plus I have nobody to watch my back and my success truly only depends on me." Kiyotaka explained.
"That's ridiculous there's no way there could be anything bad about it" Weiss said.
"That's because there is something bad about it" Kiyotaka responded.
"So your saying you would rather get paired up with someone who's holding you back rather then being on your own?" Weiss asked.
"Exactly, it would be different if they had certain medical conditions going on with them, but from all the teams I've seen get made, I wouldn't be so quick to say that an individual isn't paired up with the right person." Kiyotaka said.
"You mean to tell me you find no issue at all with the way how teams were assigned?" Weiss said as she frowned at him.
"Weiss tell me something, do you believe our society is truly equal?" Kiyotaka asked
"What? What do you mean?" Weiss said confused.
"Just think about it for a second" Kiyotaka said.
Weiss carefully thought about it, and she thinks that equality can be achieved, but she highly doubted it, and there's also the problem with faunuses and the white fang, some things will just not change no matter how hard you try.
"Well if you're asking me, Its not equal in the slightest." Weiss said.
"I agree with you as well, equality is a lie we're just told, but still everyone is irrational. We didn't just become social beings for no reason" Kiyotaka explained.
"Where are you going with this?" Weiss asked.
"What I'm saying is for rules to be effective, they have to at least appear to apply equally to everybody." Kiyotaka told her.
"So you're saying that Ruby is- I mean someone like Jaune can be considered a good leader to someone like Pyrrha?" Weiss asked almost slipping up her words.
If Kiyotaka noticed Weiss's slip up he didn't show it. "Even though Jaune may not able to match Pyrrha in combat abilities, being a leader is much more than that, if he works hard enough he probably catch up to her in due time, given how Jaune was able to give fight off the DeathStalker with his team for a little bit while also giving some orders, for me I'd say he deserves to be team leader." Kiyotaka said.
"Maybe, but he's still clearly the least experienced out of all of them." Weiss said.
"Jaune may mess up from time to time, but he shows signs of having a good heart and a strong mind." Kiyotaka said.
"Well then, what about Ruby? do you think she was the right choice to be leader of our team?" Weiss asked.
"Yes, I believe so." Kiyotaka said without hesitation.
"I beg your pardon?" Weiss said with her voice now sounding as cold as ice.
"Ruby may be younger than most people and has a lot to learn, but she has a lot of potential to become a great leader to all of you. Didn't she show signs of that back at Initiation?" Kiyotaka asked.
Weiss tried to up with a rebuttal, but nothing could come out of her mouth as she realized he was right.
"A leader is someone who works together with there teammates despite their differences, A leader is someone who can come up with plans and adapt to something quickly, A leader is someone who just takes what they been given and find out ways to combine their strengths and also help them with their weaknesses." Kiyotaka explained.
Weiss had recalled him saying something similar like that before when she got interrupted with her talk with Pyrrha.
"If you believe Ruby is not at the level of being a good leader, then help her get there. Make Ruby have a partner she can rely on to help guide her through any success or defeats she may have, you both can learn something from each other you know?" He continued.
"We can learn something from each other?" Weiss said in confusion.
"Yeah you can learn a lot from anybody, no matter how different they are, you just gotta find a way to figure out what works for both of you by working together." Kiyotaka said.
Weiss was in silence at his explanation and really thought about what Kiyotaka said to her. "I guess you're right." She said while sighing shortly after.
"It's getting pretty late now, I'm gonna head back to my dorm room and turn in for the day. I'll see you later Weiss." Kiyotaka said as he left leaving Weiss with her thoughts once more.
Weiss thought what Kiyotaka was saying was just utter nonsense at first, but she couldn't deny how right he was with his explanation. She couldn't find any flaws in his explanation because there was nothing but the truth in his words. Sure both Jaune and Ruby aren't at the level on how a leader should be, but with the help of their teammates they could get there eventually, and they both possessed tactical minds and willing to work with whoever they got paired with.
Kiyotaka seemed to have a lot of wisdom for someone of their age and sounded like he spoke from experience when he talked about how even though he's used to being by himself, it's better to be on a team with people who could watch your back. She wondered what he meant when he said when he was used to being alone.
Getting those thoughts out of her head for now, she now knew that she had to find Ruby and settle this issue that was going on with the both of them.
Somewhere far above in Beacon where Weiss was standing at the moment stood Professor Ozpin and next to him was his assistant Glynda as they saw the conversation between the two students and started to walk away when it was over.
"Mr. Ayanokouji seems to possess a lot of wisdom for someone his age I see." Ozpin said not surprised at what he heard from the boy when he was speaking to Ms. Schnee at the moment as he then sipped some coffee out of his mug.
"I'm still going to be keeping an eye on him Ozpin, he has more questions surrounding him than answers" Glynda said with a frown not liking how nonchalant Ozpin was about the boy.
"That may be true, but we have no right to try and pry into his life, everyone has a right to keep some secrets that they want nobody to find out right now" Ozpin said
Glynda gained a tick mark at the top of her head when he told her this. "He could be keeping something important from us Ozpin, we need to-" Ozpin then quickly cut her off.
"Glynda... These students in this school are the future of this academy and the world, we trust them to make rational decisions, and it's best for us to trust them with this responsibility. And that also includes trusting Mr. Ayanokouji to trust us with these secrets when the time is right" Ozpin explained.
Glynda couldn't find anything wrong with Ozpins speech so she kept quiet as they walked back into their offices.
(Inside Team RWBY's Dorm)
Ruby, Yang, and Blake was currently asleep at the moment with only one person missing at the moment.
Weiss walked into her dorm and slowly went to Ruby who was asleep and was shocked at the fact that she was studying before she went to sleep.
Weiss moved Ruby on her arm a little bit to wake her up. Ruby then slowly started to wake up and was surprised that Weiss was in front of her.
"Weiss! I-I was studying and I fell asleep I'm sorry." Ruby said
Weiss quickly covered her mouth to keep her from waking the other's up. When Ruby calmed down she uncovered her hand. "How do you take your coffee?" Weiss asked.
Ruby was confused at what she was asking. "I don-"
"Just answer the question." Weiss said
"Uh...Cream and 5 sugars." Ruby said quickly.
Weiss sighed, "Don't move" Weiss then made her coffee and handed it to her. "Here" Weiss said.
"Um... thanks Weiss." Ruby said
After a couple seconds of silence Weiss then began to speak. "Ruby I think you have what it takes to be a great leader. Just know that I'm going to be the best teammate you've ever had" She said with a small smile.
"Good luck studying, and that answer is wrong by the way." Weiss added as she then headed for the door.
"Weiss! Wait a minute." Ruby called out.
Weiss stopped and turned to Ruby with confusion on her face. "Huh? What is it?" Weiss said.
"I just wanted to apologize for how I was acting back then, you were right a leader shouldn't be acting like how I was." Ruby said.
Weiss was shocked when Ruby was apologizing to her like it's her fault when they were both partly the cause of it. "I know I'm not the leader you expect me to be yet, and I'm not taking my role as leader as seriously as possible, but just know that I'll do my absolute best to become the best leader you have." Ruby continued.
Weiss was stunned again at her words, she could hear nothing but pure determination and honesty from her words and it was almost enough to make her speechless. "It's not completely your fault Ruby, It was......wrong of me to act like I was to you earlier so I'm sorry about that. And I shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss you as our leader so fast, but I meant it when I said that i'm going to be the best teammate you've ever had." Weiss said.
Ruby now gained a bright smile on her face as she was looking at Weiss. "Thanks Weiss and I meant what I said too, I'll try my hardest to be the best leader I can be." Ruby said.
Weiss had also gained a smile on her face. "I know you will." Weiss said as she walked out the door, but stopped to say one last thing. "Ruby.... I also wanted bunk beds as a kid." Weiss added as she then closed the door.
Ruby then laid back down on her bed with her smile getting bigger on her face, as she was happy that she made things up with Weiss and hoped they can both accomplish their goals in the future.
AN: Another Chapter is finished! I would've had this chapter out much earlier, but I had to study for my finals for a couple of days to prepare for it. Anyway I hope you all liked today's chapter.
If you have any questions about this story or wanna see some thing in this story leave me a comment below and I'll see what I can do!
See You Next Time!
P.S: You guys are freaking insane lol, We are nearly at 2k reads in this story and my mind is just blown at the moment. I give Thanks to everyone who enjoys this little story of mine and will hopefully stick with me to support it!
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