COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 5: The Grimm Forest

Every student prepared themselves getting launched into Beacon Forest back and forward, when next came Ruby's turn getting launched and soon after shouting "BIRDY NO!!" when she accidentally hit a bird in the air, and then Weiss was launched not looking worried at all, followed by Ren and Nora with him looking bored and Nora was as always looking ecstatic, then it was Yang who was looking just as excited as Nora and was then launched and was screaming happily while in the air.

Next was Pyrrha who had quickly landed on a tree and searched for Jaune with her weapon, and spotted him falling with no way of getting down, so she transformed Milo into a spear and launched it at him with perfect aim and nailed him in his jacket into a tree far away somewhere, and Jaune feeling grateful for the save shouted "THANK YOU" with Pyrrha responding "I'M SORRY" in advance.

Then finally it was Ayanokouji's turn to get launched and he crouched and was sent into the air with no readable expression at all on his face, and then faded away into the distance.

Ruby POV

As soon as she hit the ground she went into the forest into a fast sprint.

"I gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang." She said with her voice going in a fast pace.

Oh man, what if I can't find Yang and someone else finds her instead of me? Well... there's Jaune he's nice and funny, but I get the feeling he can't fight that well... there is also Blake but I don't think I can hold a conversation with her for that long. Oh!!! There is Kiyotaka he's nice and he helped me out before, but... I sometimes get this mysterious vibe coming from him.

Well alright then it's settled, I'll try to look for Yang and Kiyotaka and then we wi-

Her thoughts were interrupted when she looked up and made her feet come to a stop, appearing right in front of the person she was last expecting to get paired up with.

"Of course I get paired up with you of all people." Weiss said in a huff.

"H-Hi Weiss, so I guess we're partners right?" Ruby said nervously.

"I guess so, because of the rules you'll now be my partner for the next 4 years." Weiss said as she sighed, but immediately looked at Ruby with nothing but seriousness on her face. "Listen Here! You're now my partner, and I expect nothing from you but your best! You Understand!"

"Yeah! No problem!" Ruby said feeling happy Weiss was accepting her.

"Now come on, let's complete our mission and get out of this forest already." Weiss said as she started to walk off.

"Hey wait for me!" Ruby yelled.


"So Weiss, since we're gonna be partners can you tell me what your semblance is?" Ruby asked after walking in silence for a couple of minutes.

"I suppose I should, I have the ability to create glyphs. I can either use it on my own or with the dust that I have stored in my rapier, I'll tell you more about it later." Weiss said.

"Oooh that's sounds pretty cool!" Ruby said feeling excited.

Weiss smiled at her answer. "Well since I told you mine, what about yours then?"

As soon as she said that Ruby appeared right in front of her in a burst of speed leaving rose pedals behind her startling her for a second "I'm very fast you see." Ruby said with a smirk.

Weiss blinked at her for a few seconds.. "I looks like it can work well with my glyphs, but do you always leave rose pedals behind you?"

"Uh yeah pretty much, it goes with my last name rose you know." Ruby said with a smile.

Weiss sighed, "Figures, anyway we wasted enough time already we have to get moving."

"You're right lets ge- wait do you hear something?" Ruby asked looking around.

"What are you talking about I don't hear anyth-" Weiss said but immediately stopped when she heard growling coming from all around them and seeing red eyes surrounding them in the forest.

"It looks right you were right, get ready and lets take care of them quickly and move on already." Weiss said getting into a fighting stance.

"Yeah, this also gives us the chance to work together too." Ruby said with her unfolding crescent rose and getting ready to charge the enemy.

"I suppose s- Weiss said but got interrupted when all of a sudden a Beowolf jumped out from the bushes and tried to slash Weiss in the face but she did a back-flip and landed on the ground gracefully then she took one step forward and trailed in a burst of speed and used Myrtenaster to stab the Beowolf multiple times in the chest and then backed off when Ruby came in and used crescent rose to cut the grimm in half.

They weren't finished when they noticed more grimm behind them coming at them in a charge, So then Weiss quickly acted and formed a white glyph before her and used it as a barrier and multiple grimm were forced onto their hind legs. Ruby noticed the grimm stunned after that and went into a trail of roses and into a burst of speed she started to spin crescent rose and used her momentum to launched herself at them and beheading all 4 of them.

Weiss then started to shift her weapon to white dust and created another glyph and shot multiple Ice shards at another pack of grimm striking some of them deep into the chest as they fell down after that.

"Weiss there's too many of them we need to make a plan, can you shoot something that will take out all of them?" Ruby asked.

"Sure I can, but can you give me a opening?" Weiss asked.

Ruby grinned,"Don't worry I have a plan for that." Then she blasted off towards the remaining grimm and with a war cry she hit one of the grimm in the side of the head and then used crescent rose to swing around a tree branch with perfect agility and blasted off into rose pedals and with a series of moves she strike the 6 remaining grimm stunning them momentarily.

"Now!" Ruby yelled.

Weiss watched on slightly impressed at Ruby's skills, and then realized the plan she was trying to make. She quickly shifted her weapon from white to red dust and charged forward and slashed her weapon into the air with a trail of fire coming out of it and it went towards the grimm burning all of them.

With the fight now over they both looked at the remaining grimm dissolving and fading away, and then they both turned to each other.

"Oh man... That was awesome! we work pretty well together Weiss." Ruby said folding her weapon.

"I guess we do, that plan of yours was impressive." Weiss said sheathing her weapon.

Ruby slightly blushed at the compliment. "Thanks Weiss, You were pretty awesome too with that fire thing you did."

Weiss smirked, "Of course I was, now let's get going we're wasting time."


(Somewhere on top of the cliffs)

"The last pair has been formed sir" said Glynda Goodwitch as she walked up to Ozpin with a scroll in hand. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, poor boy I can't imagine those two getting along, still he's probably better off then miss Nikos"

"I'm sure It'll be fine Glynda, those two look like they have some history together" Ozpin said looking down at Beacon forest from above

"I won't even question that, all that leaves is Mr. Ayanokouji without a partner" She said looking on the monitor at the boy who was walking around and has yet to encounter any grimm at the moment.

"Ozpin doesn't this boy seem strange to you, he just doesn't seem right to me." She said carefully explaining him on the monitor.

Ozpin out of curiosity take a glance at the boy on the monitor with a raised brow, and then looked down at beacon forest again. "He does seem odd, but it may be nothing to worry about"

Glynda frowned at that, and resumed examining the boy and clearly suspicious at the nonchalant look he was giving as he was walking through the forest. Most students wanted to prove themselves, but also wary of the danger their in.

However this boy was not, and it wasn't just that but also in his eyes, they gave off a look of not just a professional huntsmen and huntress, but somebody who's seen many things and has fought battles with their life on the line multiple times. She was clearly suspicious of the boy.

Wanting to know just who this boy is she pulled him up on her scroll, with his transcripts next to it.


Ayanokouji POV

As I was launched into the air I knew I had to find somewhere to land or I'll crash into the ground, I looked down and noticed a large tree branch coming my way so I used my momentum to fall towards it and with perfect timing I grabbed it with both hands and used the tree branch to do a series of flips around it and then launched myself from it and took out liberty from my sheath and stabbed my sword into another tree I landed on and started to run down on it until I eventually got to the ground.

I finally got to the ground, I then turned around and noticed the tree I was on had fell to the ground and was cut in half making a loud noise around me, Hopefully the noise doesn't attract any of the grimm to me.

I sheathed Liberty and had started to walk deeper into the forest, I then started thinking about what Professor Goodwitch had told us, she had said that the first person you encounter in this forest will be your partner for the next 4 years in this school. So it was best for us to find a partner that we can work well with.

I immediately started thinking of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren. They seem like the kind of people that I would want on my team for the next 4 years and I don't doubt at all that I wouldn't work well with any of them. I should probably start looking for one of them and then head out to find one of the relics.

Hearing a loud noise around me I Immediately stop walking and observed my surroundings, It sounded like something similar to a python. I resumed walking again, but I heard the noise again getting even closer and I quickly jumped to the left dodging the attack, I wasn't finished when I quickly did a backflip and landed on the ground but to only get attacked again when it had tried to slam it's mouth at me into the ground, only for me to fade away and appear 10 feet away from it.

I looked at my enemy and saw that it was 3 King taijitu, one Black with red eyes, and two white with red eyes, something similar to a snake, but much larger than any normal human or animal, the venom in their fangs is so deadly that it can kill a person in a short time. I unsheathed Liberty and stared down at the enemy before I charged at them.

(Play let the bodies hit the floor by drowning pool, trust me it's more badass if you read this fight with this playing)

One of the Taijitu tried to charge me head on, I jumped into the air to avoid it and landed on top of it and I used Liberty and left a series of cuts onto it's skin before I jumped off and it crashed into a tree roaring in pain.

I then went to a sprint going towards the other Taijitu and appeared right in front of them and used Liberty to slash both of them simultaneously in the stomach in a blur of speed and then spin kicked one of them on the side of the face making it crash into multiple trees and stopping into a pile of rocks.

The other Taijitu tried to go into a spin and wrap me around it's body so it can squeeze me to death, I then used my aura and channeled it into Liberty and went into a spin creating a small tornado which made the Taijitu go up into the air, so I then jump up and channeled my aura into my sword again and went into a series of slashes all around it's body until there was nothing but pieces of it left and landed on the ground with good acrobatics while avoiding the Taijitu pieces that were falling on the ground.

The taijitu that crashed into the tree earlier tried to sneak attack me from behind and hit me with it's tail, but I ducked under it and used Liberty to cut it's tail off, but I wasn't done when the other taijitu that crashed into the rocks came from behind and tried to bite me but I faded away in a burst of speed and it had crashed into the taijitu with it's tail cut off and had its teeth deep into its skin.

Both of the taijitu roared in pain of having crash and biting into the other, so then I decided it was time to finish them off and channeled aura into Liberty again and slashed into the air multiple types creating a wind current and it was heading towards the two taijitus that were momentarily stunned at the moment.

Before they knew what hit them, the current passed through them leaving nothing but strong air pressure into its path before eventually fading away. I then sheathed Liberty and started to walk away into another part of the forest not looking back.

The two taijitu look confused, but you honesty couldn't tell any expression they have on their face, but they both shook it off and started to charge Ayanokouji who was still walking away, and they were just inches away from him, but they suddenly stopped and had multiple cuts all over their body and started to disintegrate not able to make any sound as they dissolved into the air.


(Somewhere on top of the cliffs)

Glynda had a scowl on her face as she pulled up records of the boy, but couldn't find anything about the boy. The only things she knew about him is that he was home-schooled, and was just about average at everything he was taught including combat training.

It was like the boy just came from out of thin air, and everything else about him was just non-existent. She had confidence in herself to find out anything about a person she was curious about, but this was a first for her which only made her more suspicious of the boy and only wanted to find out more about him.

Ozpin stood beside Glynda who was frustrated as all hell, trying to find out something about the boy. He would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about the boy either, when he had looked at his transcripts back then he was surprised that the boy hadn't went to any kind of combat school and was just home-schooled his whole life which was also a first for him. He then just decided to let the boy enter Beacon, because of the potential he sees within him. For now they would just have to wait for the boy to trust them, and hopefully they could get some answers that surrounds the boy.


"Hey Weiss do have any idea where we are?" Ruby asked as it looked like they were in uncharted territory.

"O-Of course I don't you dolt, it's your fault for trying that stunt earlier." Weiss said as she remembered explaining more of her semblance to Ruby and she wanted to try out what moves they could do together with her glyphs, she agreed, but Ruby had messed up and lost her balance falling towards something with Weiss chasing after her.

Weiss also felt a little off putting as it looked like they were somewhere near a birds nes-

Then It suddenly got darker for both of them as they both looked up and noticed a shadow loom over them, and saw it was a giant bird over them.

Weiss Sighed,"Oh great, just our luck we had accidentally walked into a nevermor-" The Nevermore suddenly cawed and flapped it's wings and now making it's way towards it's nest they were standing in.

"Do we have to fight that?" Ruby asked with wide eyes.

"No running sounds good." Weiss said

"Good idea." Ruby said as they both took off.


"Do you think this is it?" Yang asked her new partner Blake as they arrived at some abandoned temple with 5 pillars around it and inside it had 18 pedestals which had multiple chess pieces of black and gold on top of them.

"Chess Pieces? There's some missing on top of them." Blake said examining them.

"Well I guess we weren't the first ones here then." Yang said.

"I guess we should pick one then." Blake said.

"Hmm? Oh!... How about a cute little pony." Yang said as she looked at the chess pieces and picked up a golden pony.

"Uh...Sure" Blake said with a amused smile before walking to her.

"Hey I guess that wasn't too hard then." Yang said with a smirk.

"Well...This place wasn't that hard to fin-" Blake was suddenly interrupted as she heard a girlish scream coming from the forest.

"Woah! Blake did you hear that? Some girls in trouble." Yang said fully alert.

Blake looked around trying to figure out where the sound is coming, but suddenly they heard another noise coming from above them.

"HEADS UP!!!" Ruby said falling from the sky.

Blake and Yang looked up and noticed that it was Ruby falling from the sky towards them. "What should we do?" Blake asked in worry. Yang was about to respond when another noise came and a boy crashed into Ruby and both of them landed into the trees.

"Owww, what hit me?" Ruby said as she was shaking off the pain.

"Hey Ruby" Jaune said hanging upside down from a tree.

"Did your sister just fall the sky?" Blake asked.

"I-" Yang was about to say but was interrupted again when she heard noise ahead of her and saw multiple tress being broken down, and an Ursa appeared form the forest which was ridden by an orange haired girl, she then eventually shot and killed it.

"Awww I think I broke it." Nora said

"Nora please don't do that again." Ren said out of breath as he was running behind Nora to catch up to her when she was riding the Ursa and he tried to look at her, but noticed she was gone.

Nora was looking at one of the chess pieces, and she then picked a gold castle from one and started singing "I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle."

"Nora!!!" Ren said in a shout and after that Nora stopped singing and started to giggle. "Coming Ren" She said as she started to skip towards him.

"Did that girl just ride on a Ursa?" Blake asked.

"I-" Yang was about to say again, but was interrupted by something again, from the forest there was a red-headed girl running away from the Death Stalker, and also Ruby just landed next to Yang.

"Ruby?" Yang said.

"Yang!" Ruby said and they were about to hug each other, but the orange haired girl popped in between them "NORA!" she said as everyone else just continued to watch the redhead girl run from the Death Stalker.

"Did she just run here with a Death Stalker following her?" Blake asked

Yang was seething with anger and looked up with her eyes flashing red "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE CAN ALL OF YOU JUST CHILL OUT FOR A FEW SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS!" She yelled.

Ruby had patted her sister on the shoulder and pointed towards the sky "Um....Yang?" She said as they all looked up and noticed Weiss in the sky barely hanging onto the claw of the nevermore.

"How could you leave me!" Weiss shouted into the distance.

"I said jump." Ruby said.

"Shes gonna fall." Blake said.

"She's gonna be fine." Ruby assured her.

"She's falling." Ren said.

Jaune not far from them was about to make his move and try to save Weiss from falling, but before he could jump he saw a blur into the distance making his way towards Weiss and caught her from falling. "What the? Who was that?" Jaune asked.

Weiss was getting closer to the ground, and try to come with a plan but had none and hoped her partner could try and save her. She was shocked when suddenly two arms appeared below her legs and her head and jumped from tree to tree before eventually landing on the ground.

"Weiss are you ok?" A voice asked

"Kiyotaka?.... Where did you come from?" Weiss asked.

"I was making my way to the temple when I noticed a loud noise come from around here, so I got curious and decided to checked it out, and I saw a Death Stalker on the ground chasing someone and a Giant nevermore into the sky with you on it. I then saw you falling and decided to catch you before you hit the ground." He explained.

"I see... c-can you put me down now?" Weiss asked feeling embarrassed.

"Oh... sorry about that." He said immediately putting her down.

"It's fine... thanks for saving me though." She said.

They walked backed to the group, and all of them were in shock when they noticed the person walking next to Weiss.

"Kiyotaka?" Everyone said except Weiss.

"Hey guys... glad to see you're all okay." He said walking towards the group.

"Hey Kiyotaka!... I'm so glad your alright, when did you get here?" Ruby said immediately running to him and pull him into a hug

"I just got here actually, but don't worry I'm fine." He said lightly patting the girls head.

Ruby let go of Kiyotaka and smiled brightly at him, but suddenly looked around as if looking for someone and got curious, "Wait where's your Partner?" She asked.

Kiyotaka Sighed, "I currently don't have one at the moment, but right now I think we've got bigger problems to worry about." He said.

"Bu-" Ruby said but was interrupted when the Death Stalker tossed the red-headed girl towards them and she landed on her side in front of them.

"Great now we can all die together." Yang said sarcastically.

"Not if I can help it." Ruby said and let out a war cry as she charged the Death Stalker.

"Ruby wait!" Yang yelled.

Ruby tried to use crescent rose and slash the creature, but she was blocked and the Death Stalker knocked her back with Its claw and slowly got up in slight pain.

"D-Don't worry I'm totally fine." Ruby assured them as she then changed crescent rose to it's gun mode and shot at the Death Stalker with the bullets Ricocheting off it's skin doing no damage to it at all, so she decided to start running while also still seeing the Nevermore into the air.

"RUBY!" Yang said running to help her.

Ruby was currently trying to run from the Nevermore in the air and the Nevermore flapped it's wings and flung many of it's pointy feathers at Ruby with one of them eventually catching her on the back of the hood and was trying desperately to pull it out.

Yang tried to run up to her sister but stopped when one of the Nevermore's feathers blocked her path."Ruby get out of there!" Yang yelled.

"I'm trying!" She said as she tried to pull harder to get the feather off her hood. The Death Stalker crept up on her and raised it's stinger and was about to bring it down on Ruby who closed her eyes and then shielded her arms as it brought it's stinger down.

"Ruby!" Yang Yelled.

Two blurs made their way to Ruby. Ruby first heard something that sounded that a sword clashing into something in front of her, and then something that was encased in Ice after that.

"You are so childish." Weiss said

Ruby looked up and noticed it was Weiss standing in front of her "Weiss?" She said.

"Dimwitted and hyperactive and the plain foolishness coming from you, look I admit I can be difficult sometimes, but we're going to work together on this, so if you can quit trying to show off, I'll be a little nicer" Weiss explained.

"I'm not trying to show off, I just want to show you that I can do this." Ruby said.

"You're fine." Weiss said.

"Are you two ok?" A voice said and both looked to their right and saw Kiyotaka with his sword in hand and it was covered in ice that was blocking the Nevermore's stinger that was also currently covered in Ice.

"Kiyotaka?" Ruby said as she getting up off the ground.

"What? How did you get here so fast?" Weiss asked surprised that she didn't see him when he stopped the Death Stalker attacking Ruby.

He shrugged,"I just ran over here, I thought nobody was gonna make it in time so I made my way over here so I can help Ruby, but it looks like you had it covered." He said currently not caring at the moment his hand was completely covered in Ice.

"He blocked it with just his sword? When I used crescent rose I barely stopped it's claw from cutting me in half." Ruby thought in her mind.

Weiss then walked towards him and looked at his current predicament. "Here let me help you real quick." She said as she touched the block of Ice where his hand was covering and melted it, freeing his hand and sword from the Ice.

"Thank you for that, is that your semblance? If so that's really impressive." Kiyotaka asked.

Weiss smiled at the compliment."Yes it is, I'll tell you about it later, but right now we have bigger problems at the moment." She said as they all walked back to the group and looked up and noticed the Nevermore still in the sky.

"Guys that thing's circling back, what are we gonna do?" Jaune asked.

"Look there's no point in dilly-dallying our mission is right in front of us." Weiss told the group.

"She's right, Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs, there's no point in fighting these things." Ruby said as she nodded at Weiss who smiled at her.

"Run and live, that's an idea I can get behind." Jaune said.

Both Jaune and Ruby picked up their chess pieces, and Kiyotaka picked up the chess piece, a pawn. He suddenly started to have flashbacks of the past, and narrowed his eyes at the chess piece, but Ruby called out to him interrupting his thoughts at the moment.

"Kiyotaka are you okay?" Ruby asked, concerned for her friend who was just standing there staring at the chess piece.

Ayanokouji looked up and saw Ruby looking worried who was next to him and calling him, and looked at the chess piece one more time before putting it in his pocket.

"I'm fine Ruby." He assured her.

Ruby nodded and looked back at he group. "Alright let's go." She said and everyone followed her trying to make their way towards the cliff.

While Everyone was running to the cliff Kiyotaka was one of the last behind them slowly but surely keeping up with them.

"I won't be a just a simple pawn to that place or that man anymore, I'm free now and I'll do whatever it takes to protect it, no matter the method" He thought before speeding up


AN: That's It!! I had to think really hard about what I was gonna do in this scene so I had spend at least more than 20 minutes thinking about it before I had to write this chapter, so I hope you all enjoyed it

If you have any questions and wanna see some things in this story leave me a comment below and I'll try to see what I can do to make this story better

See You Next Time!!!

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