COTE/RWBY Volume 1 Chapter 4: Initiation Begins


"All you're taking with you is some hygiene accessories and some clothes kid? you sure you don't need anything else?" A random man said.

"Yes this is all I need, I don't need to take anything else with me." A thirteen year old boy responded.

"Well then it looks like you're all ready to go then, but first listen up the place I'm sending you to is called Beacon Academy a combat school where huntsmen and huntresses go, where they are the future of this generation to protect the world."

"You're sending me to a Combat School? Why?" The boy asked with a barely noticeable hint of resentment.

"Look kid I know you want as much of a normal life as possible, but trust me when I say that I checked everywhere and this was the only school you can go to that's out of this place's reach from HIM"


"I'm sorry kid, I wish there was more that I could do for you, but this is the only way."

The boy stays quiet for a moment thinking about what he said before responding to him, "When do I leave?"

"You leave now....But first, What I'm giving you right now is a keycard, and some maps. The keycard is for a secret exit hidden that no-one knows about but me, and one of those maps is the location of that exit."

"The other map I've given you is a map of Remnant and on that You'll see some directions to where I have an apartment I've rented out for you for 3 years, when you get there tell the manager of that place that the password for the 3 year room is "Code 50" so don't worry about paying for now and I'll also give you some extra lien on a card so you aren't flat broke when you go to the school."

"What about my transcripts of that school?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of that eventually. Just make sure as soon as you turn 16 you head over to Beacon Academy."

"I see... so I guess this is it then."

"I suppose it is kid, but there's something extra I wanna give you." He said as he walked off, but came back a minute later with a briefcase and opened it which contained some combat gear for a fighter and a sword.

"You're giving this to me... why? the clothes also seem a bit to big for me to wear." The boy said confused.

"I know that, but trust me I'm confident you'll be able to fit this when your older, and the sword used to be mine but now I'm giving this and the clothes to you as a going away present kid."

the boy stared curiously at the sword almost like he was entranced to it. "What does the sword do?"

The man grins,"That's something you're gonna have to find out yourself kid but I will only tell you this. Since I'm giving it to you it only works for you now and can't be used by anyone else. That's enough fooling around though it's time for you to go kid, someone could come any minute now."

The boy takes all of his belongings that was given to him and puts it in the briefcase and was about to walk out the door, but he stopped to say one last thing to him. "Thank You....Aaron." he says with a small smile then left.

Aaron watches the boy he knows he won't ever see again with a small smile before finally turning back and heading into another part of the building.

I would say good luck to you kid but I know you won't need it, not after what I seen what you can do, if anything I'm more worried about the people or things that cross YOU.

(Present time)

Ayanokouji Pov

As soon as I got up I noticed I was up earlier then most, I looked beside me and noticed that Blake was still sleeping so I carefully went over her, and went to the boys locker room to get dressed. After that I decided walk to the cafeteria to eat something so I won't be hungry during Initiation.

As I made it to the cafeteria I saw that there weren't that many people in here, so you could say that it was almost vacant, which is to be expected as some people aren't early risers and wanted to sleep in more. They were many things you can choose from for breakfast, but I choose some eggs, toast and bacon. A simple meal but something that should last you until after Initiation is over.

I sat down at a table not to far from the entrance and started eating. As I was eating I couldn't help but think what our Initiation is going to be like. There were more than 500 students in this school and that's not counting the first years in this academy.

Initiation took place outside of the school and the number of first years in here were not that big of a number, It wouldn't make sense for our test to be so simple like a brawl so a brawl between the first years was out. It's more likely for our Initiation to be team-based, but to do what exactly?

We may either get sent into a Grimm infested forest and have to fight against a horde of Grimm together to do a certain objective as a team most likely a 4 person team, but how were teams made? While I was thinking more about our Initiation I got interrupted by a voice of a girl that sounded very energetic.

She and another boy walked into the cafeteria, and the girl having a huge smile on her face while talking to him, but then she cut herself off suddenly when they entered the cafeteria. "OH MY GOD SOMETHING SMELLS GOOD WE NEED TO TRY SOME OF THAT, COME ON!!" She said as she dashed into the kitchen and dragging along the boy who had a bored look on his face.

The energetic girl was a short orange haired girl with green eyes with a strong build who wore mostly pink and white clothes. The boy had long black hair tied into a pony tail with a single hair that had a magenta streak across it that complimented his pale pink eyes, his clothes look liked it represented a Chinese attire.

The pair stopped and the girl look up in awe and drooled at the vast amount of food the cafeteria laid out for students to pick. The boy was alot more calm as he watched his companion try to pick something, after some moments of silence he looked around and noticed me staring at them and gave me a nod.

I gave him a nod back and continued eating, after about 10 minutes I was done and was about to get up to leave, but was stopped by the energetic girl before I had a chance to leave the table.

"Hi my names Nora what is yours!" She said a huge smile.

"Nora what have I told you about bothering people while their eating?" The boy told her while putting a hand on his face.

"Oh come on Renny it's fine, he's not bothered by it right? Are you?" She said questionably.

"No not really, I just finished my breakfast but I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji it's nice to meet both of you." I said.

"See! I told you he wasn't bothered by it Ren, anyway my name is Nora Valkyrie nice to meet you!" She greeted.

Ren sighed, "I'm sorry about her, she's like this most of the time, but I'm Lie Ren it's nice to meet you too."

"It's no problem at all I know she doesn't mean any harm by it at all, are you two friends by any chance?" I said offhandedly.

"Yeah! Ren and I have been friends almost forever and were gonna find out a way to be on the same team together, I was about to work out a way to make sure that happens! But what about you Kiyotaka anyone you want to be on a team with?" Nora asked.

I was thinking about the possibilities of who I wanted on a team, I started thinking of Ruby and her sister Yang but also Weiss, Blake and Jaune. There's no real possibility that I'll end up with any of them on my team so I decided not to think about that for now.

"Not really, I don't know anyone here but a couple of people I met since yesterday, but if I had to choose I don't mind being on a team with them or probably you guys since I just met you." I explained.

Nora perked up once hearing this. "Really! Ohhh that's awesome if us three are on teams we will be like the three musketeers!"

"Nora..." Ren said in a warning tone.

"Come on Ren! I know you like it too" She said while Ren kept quiet, not denying her claim.

As this was happening I decided to inform them that I was going to get my weapon from the weapon storage and they both decided they'll come with me since they need to their weapons too. By now most of the first years were up and about, and as we were walking I noticed Ruby in the ballroom getting ready while we were walking.

"Is that a friend of yours Kiyotaka?" Nora asked when she noticed me stare at her.

Ruby's a friend right? last night in the ballroom she called me her first friend while she was talking to Yang so I guess I could say she is a friend of mine. I wonder if Jaune, Yang, Blake, and Weiss consider me a friend also.

"Her names Ruby Rose, she's one of the people I met earlier, and yes... I suppose you could call her my friend."

"Ooohh! let's go meet her!" Nora says with excitement.

"Nora we have to go and get our things, we can talk to her later." Ren said not letting Nora try to go off on her own.

"Finneeeeee, you're such a party-pooper Ren!" Nora said as she crossed her arms and pouted.

As we walked I saw that my locker was close by so I decided to see the both of them off before I walked over there.

"My locker is close to this area so I guess I'll see you two at Initiation then." I said.

"Alright then see ya at Initiation Kiyotaka!" Nora said as Ren gave me another nod before they both walked ahead of me.

I made it to my locker and open it and stared at my sword for a second before grabbing Liberty and hooking it to my waist, and then closed my locker and made my way to the exit before a voice stopped me

"Hey Kiyotaka!" I turned to see Yang approaching me with her weapon gauntlets on. "You seen Ruby around here?" She asked.

"Not Really, last place I saw her was the ballroom, Why do you ask?" I said.

"Well I didn't see you when I woke up and Rubes decided to stay behind for a bit, did she see you?" She asked.

"No, but I noticed her while I was walking past the ballroom, and she was fiddling with her stuff." I said.

"Yang!" A high pitched voice called out as Ruby came into a stop in front of us with rose pedals trailing behind her startling Yang for a second. "Sorry I'm late, got caught up with something, and oh Kiyotaka you're here too?" She asked.

"We were just talking about you, Yang came and talked to me saying she was looking for you and asked if I seen you." I explained.

"Really? Sorry about that Yang, I didn't mean to worry you." Ruby said feeling guilty.

Yang laughs, "It's fine sis at least you're here now, anyway where were you about to go Kiyotaka?" She asked.

"Uhh...I was about to head out to were Initiation is supposed to be a little early." I said.

"Oh If that's the case can I come with you then? I was heading over there myself." Ruby asked.

"Sure why not?" I said.

"You two can go on without me, I got a couple of things I need to do, I'll see you at Initiation!" Yang said as she waved at us as she walked off.

"Okay! see ya sis!" Ruby yelled.

"See ya." I said but when I looked at Yang again she secretly gave me a thumbs up before walking away again. I don't know what she meant by that but I just ignored it while walking with Ruby.

"Hey Kiyotaka?" Ruby asked me.

"Hmmm? What is it Ruby?" I said.

"You showed us your sword the other day and I wondered if you had a name for it? But! You don't have to answer if you don't want to I was just curious I guess." She asked while smiling nervously.

"It's fine, My weapons name is called liberty." I told her.

"Liberty? That means Freedom and Independence right? Why would you call it that?" She said confused.

"No reason really, I just thought it sounded like a cool name for it." I said.

"Ohhh I see... It does sound cool now that I think about it" She said

I shrugged, "Your weapon's name sounds way cooler, I don't think I can come up with the name like crescent rose for your scythe." I told her.

Ruby smiles brightly at the compliment. "Thank You."

As we walked I heard some familiar voices as I noticed the one called Weiss who seems to be in not so happy mood directed at Jaune who's talking to her and a red-headed girl with spartan-like armor she was wearing, with a shield and a spear she was carrying next to her.

It was best for me to not get involved, but I took a glance at Ruby to check and see if she wanted to do that also, and I was wrong when I saw her perked up when she also noticed Jaune and Weiss.

"Hey Kiyotaka look, it's Jaune and Weiss lets go say hi!" She said as she look at me with a bright smile on her face.

"Uhh.....ok let's go then." I said with a bit of reluctance.

That look she had on her face was dangerously cute so it was kind of hard for me to say no to her.

As we walked up to them we started to hear the conversation they were having,"Your that person?" Jaune said as he talked to the red head. "I thought they only did that for cartoon characters and athletes."

"Yea it was pretty cool, but the cereal isn't very good for you." the redhead responded.

"After hearing that do you really think you're in a position to be on her team?" Weiss asked.

"Sorry.... I guess not." Jaune said in a slump looking defeated

"That's not true." Ruby said as we stepped closer. The three turned to look at the both of us with Weiss having a bit of an annoyed look at seeing Ruby again. "Anyone can be on a team with each other no matter who it is."

"Oh Hey!!! Ruby and Kiyotaka it's nice to see both of you again, and is what you said really true?" Jaune said immediately perking up as he noticed Ruby and I approach them.

"Yeah it doesn't matter at all who your teammate is. Hey Kiyotaka can you back me up here?" She asked while glancing at me with pleading eyes.

With all the attention now on me I mentally sighed as I decided to help out Ruby on this one. "Yes there are most things that many people are better at than the other person, but what matters is how well you can work as a team and find out ways to balance your strengths and weaknesses." I explained.

Ruby and Jaune stared at me with huge smiles on their faces while the redhead smiled a little at me and nodded her head in acceptance to my answer, while Weiss was looking at me as if she remembers me.

"That's right." The redhead said to me with a smile as she then turned to Jaune."You will make a great teammate I just know it."

Jaune lightly blushed at the positive feedback he was getting. "Thanks you guys I appreciate it."

"You!" Weiss interrupted as she pointed at me. "I know you, you helped me out the other day outside."

"Yeah... I did, I didn't do much really." I said.

"I had realized yesterday I had left and haven't gotten your name yet? What is it?" She asked like she almost demanded me to say my name.

"I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji it's nice to meet you." I said

Weiss curtsied me as she greeted me. "I'm Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee dust company. I wanted to thank you earlier, because if you didn't interrupt this dolt over there would have caused serious problems." She said as she pointed at Ruby.

"Hey I thought we were over that already!" Ruby complained.

"We are but it still doesn't mean it didn't happen." She retorted.

Weiss Continued, "Anyway you look like a person who can handle himself well, so I was wondering if you wanted to be part of my team with me and Pyrrha here." She said as she gestured to Pyrrha who waved her hand at me when I glanced at her.

"Uhh... I would like too, but we don't know how teams are formed yet right? I don't think the headmaster is that convenient as too let us pick our own teams on how we wanted to be right? there has to be something more going on." I explained.

Weiss, Ruby, and Jaune looked at me confused but then stared at me in shock as they realized I was right. No one truly knows how partners can be formed on Initiation as some answers were only going around as rumors.

"I see... you're right about that." Weiss says in realization

"What! If that's true how am I gonna get paired with one of you guys" Ruby cried out.

"Ohhh." Jaune says almost going back into a slump.

"It shouldn't matter right?" Pyrrha asked breaking out the depressive atmosphere. "No matter what teammates we may get, as long as we try our best and work together with the team we are paired with, we're bounded to get acquainted eventually right." Pyrrha explained as she nodded at me.

"Yeah as long as we work together it shouldn't matter who we are paired up with." I said agreeing with her.

Jaune and Ruby then looked determined and nodded their heads while simultaneously shouting "Yeah!" while Weiss still had a bothered look on her face.

Pyrrha turned to me, "I'm sorry, but I almost forgot to introduce myself, I'm Pyrrha Nikos It's nice to meet you." She said as she put out her hand.

As soon as she said that name I knew I've heard of her from somewhere, she's the rumored Invincible girl most people call her that I've heard so much about from people before when she won the Mistral Regional Tournament 4 times in a row.

I shook her hand, "You already heard, but I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji it's nice to meet you too."

As this was happening the P.A. system in the school went off. "All first year students report to Beacon Cliff for Initiation, I repeat all first year students report to beacon cliff for Initiation." A female voice said who was indeed Professor Goodwitch.

"Well it looks like we should all get going then." Pyrrha said

All three of us nodded at Pyrrha and prepared to walk to Beacon Cliff, but I stopped for a second when I noticed Weiss still wasn't moving. She must still be troubled at the way teams might be formed.

"Hey Weiss" I called out.

She suddenly snapped out of whatever she was thinking about and turned to me. "Huh? What is it?"

"If we can't choose what teams we are by choice, then I hope I can be on yours if it happens" I said.

Weiss looked at me in surprise and hidden a blush that was forming on her face. "T-Thank you Kiyotaka." She said.

"No problem." I said as walked off heading to where Beacon Cliff is.

A few minutes after we made it to Beacon cliff, the rest of the first years came in as Professor Goodwitch told us to get on the launch platforms. Ruby and I told each other good luck along with Jaune and Pyrrha as we went to our separate launchpads.

Professor Ozpin who was next to her started to talk. "For years, you have trained to become warriors today, your abilities will be evaluated in Beacon Forest."

Glynda Continued, "Many of you heard rumors about team assignments. Well now let me end that rumor, each of you will be given teammates today."

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon, so it's within your best interest to be paired with someone you can work well with." Ozpin said as I glanced at Ruby and noticed she looked nervous and worried.

"After you partnered up make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path or you will die. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of Initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. Any Questions?" Ozpin said as he noticed Jaune raise his hand but ignored him "Good, now take your positions."

I prepared myself for the danger that we were about to get sent into as we were about to get sent into a Grimm infested forest.


AN: Pheww! another chapter in the works, The next one will be exciting as there will be alot of action in the next chapter

I wanted to ask you guys if you like long chapters like this and if you do I'll keep making longer ones like this but if not I'll try to make shorter ones. Give me a 1 in the comments if you want longer chapters or a Two if you want shorter chapters and I'll try to see what I could do to fix it

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it!!! If you have any questions about the story or want to see some certain things in the story leave a comment down below and I'll see what I can do.

See you next time!!!

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