COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 13: The Stray

Third Person POV



It was another day as usual in Beacon and things seemed to be finally resolved between Jaune and Cardin after what happened that day. Today Jaune had made a promise to tell all of his friends about his fake transcripts, so he had waited until all their classes were over and then gathered all of them to talk. As this was happening they all decided to head to Kiyotaka's room, which Kiyotaka noticed that the group started to use his room more ever since he showed them for the first time.

"Why does it have to be my room?" Kiyotaka muttered as he was walking with the group as he sighed.

Yang who was close by him heard what he said, then she wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders in a playful manner with ones of his shoulders dangerously close to her chest.

"Come on Kiyo your room is the better choice for stuff like this." Yang stated as she grinned at him.

('I guess I can understand that, but aren't you too close to me? your chest is almost touching me you know?') Kiyotaka thought, which is what he wanted to say, but he didn't unless he wanted to endure the wrath that is Yang's teasing.

"After seeing how your room is, it kinda gives you an 'empty' feeling. Haaaa? Haaaaaaaah?" She told everyone as the rest of the group groaned at her joke.

"You guys have no sense of humor, my jokes are good." Yang said as she then crossed her arms feeling smug.

"Putting Yang's bad jokes aside she is right Kiyotaka, your room is perfect for stuff like this." Ruby added who was on the other side of him.

('So my room is only seen as a place to hold gatherings or meetings. I don't know if I should feel happy or hurt by that.') Kiyotaka thought.

After they reached Kiyotaka's room he used his scroll to open the door and let the others in. Then all of them sat on one of the beds waiting for Jaune to start.

"Whatever you have to tell us better be good Arc, I have more important things to do right now." Weiss said annoyed.

"like what? Studying?" Blake mocked.

"Quiet you!" Weiss said, as Ruby and Yang started to laugh at her which made Weiss huffed in annoyance as she crossed her arms and looked away.

('Weiss is a person who takes her studies very seriously after all, it's no surprise to me that she studies whenever she gets the chance.') Kiyotaka thought.

"That's pretty admirable not many students study on their free time." Kiyotaka said as he looked at Weiss who sat across from him.

Weiss's eyes look at Kiyotaka in slight surprise after she heard what he said and started to smirk at Blake, "Well at least I have someone in here who understands."

Yang then leaned over to Ruby and Blake and started to whisper, "He's probably just being nice." She said as all three of them chuckled.

"I heard that Xiao Long!" Weiss yelled.

"What do you think fearless leader is gonna tell us Ren? Ooohh could it be about pancakes?!" Nora said almost drooling at the thought of pancakes.

Ren sighed, "No It's mostly likely not about pancakes Nora, this seems serious so whatever he's about to tell us seems important so it's best for us to listen to him when he starts." He explained as Nora nodded.

Pyrrha looked at Jaune and saw that he looked really nervous, She already knew what he was about to tell them, she then walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Jaune who felt a hand on his shoulder looked up saw Pyrrha by him, "W-What is it Pyrrha?"

"It's gonna be fine Jaune, whenever your ready." Pyrrha encouraged him.

"Thanks Pyrrha." Jaune said as he smiled gratefully at her.

After a couple of seconds Jaune started to clear his throat now getting everyone's attention as all eyes were on him now.

"So I'm sure you guys all wanna know why I gathered you here to talk right?" Jaune asked as the group nodded.

"Before I tell you, at least let me have a chance to explain why first." Jaune asked as the group nodded again.

"Well to start, I grew up with a family of 7 sisters ever since I was born." Jaune said as the group looked at him in surprise.

"You grew up with seven sisters?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah all of them are blond too and have long hair just like Yang." Jaune stated.

Yang grinned when she heard this information, "Oh really? well I gotta say vomit boy I think that's absolutely 'Yangtastic' Ehhh? Ehhh?" She said as she made another joke as the group groaned again.

"Please stop." Weiss muttered.

Ren felt pity for Jaune and understood completely how hard it could've been growing up like that.

"My family comes from a lineage of huntsmen who were warriors like my great-great-grandfather and my father was, I always wanted to be the hero one day like they were, whenever I talked to my parents about it mainly to my father, they always said I should think about something else I wanted to do or that I'm not ready to be one yet." Jaune explained.

Jaune let the group gather their thoughts for a few seconds before talking again.

"Even though I never had any kind of training or went to any kind of combat school I wanted to pursue my dream, I didn't want to wait anymore and I knew I couldn't get into Beacon without any transcripts, so I had got my hands on some fake transcripts and applied to Beacon." Jaune continued.

Everyone except Kiyotaka, Pyrrha, and Ruby had a look of shock on their face as they looked at Jaune who was extremely nervous when he was finished telling his story.

Nobody said a word for a few seconds before Ruby started to speak, "Even if you did get here by using fake transcripts Jaune you've always been a great friend to me ever since we first met, and I think you've proven that your a great leader as well so I'm fine with it." Ruby said as she smiled at Jaune.

Jaune smiled at Ruby as Ren and Nora started to speak up next.

"Jaune you're like a brother to me and also a good team leader as well, It doesn't bother me at all that you used fake transcripts to get here, to me you've already proven you belong here." Ren said.

"I agree with Ren as well Jaune-Jaune I couldn't think of a better person than you fearless leader, Team JNPR will always be together!" Nora exclaimed.

Jaune smiled brightly at his teammates as Blake and Yang started to speak up next.

"I really don't care if you got here by using fake transcripts Jaune, the fact that you decided to tell us this information is enough for me." Blake said.

"To be honest I expected to be mad hearing this information, but I know you're a good person Jaune and your one of Ruby's best friends as well, so I don't mind it either your alright in my book." Yang said giving a thumbs up to Jaune.

Jaune thanked the both of them for accepting him as the last person of team RWBY that started to talk was Weiss who was giving a cold stare at Jaune as he flinched from her stare.

"You are just completely unbelievable Arc, you just completely ignore the consequences of your own actions, and apply to Beacon with fake transcripts knowing you didn't have any proper training at all. You could've gotten yourself or your teammates killed you dunce! If I had known this from the beginning I would've told this to Ozpin." Weiss ranted, which made Jaune look down at the floor in disappointment because he knew she was right.

Jaune knew Weiss was most likely gonna react badly to this, and now afraid that she's gonna tell this to Ozpin and he'll get kicked out of Beacon. But to his surprise he didn't expect to hear what she'd say next.

Weiss then sighed as she looked at Jaune again, her expression being a little calmer, "But against my better judgement I won't say anything, I think your time here at Beacon will hopefully turn you into a competent fighter and leader. So don't make me regret my decision Arc!" Weiss declared with nothing but seriousness in her voice.

Jaune looked at Weiss in complete shock and then he smiled at her and nodded.

The group then turned their heads to Kiyotaka and Pyrrha waiting for them to speak, but Jaune spoke up before any of them could speak.

"Uh...guys Kiyotaka and Pyrrha already knew about it actually." Jaune said.

Everyone except Ruby looked at them in surprise.

"How?" Yang asked.

Jaune chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his head with his hand, "I kind of blurted it out in anger when I was talking with Pyrrha on the roof one day, and I actually told Kiyotaka about it when we were talking in the hallway one day." Jaune explained.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Weiss said to Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka shrugged nonchalantly, "It wasn't my secret to tell, I had no right to tell anybody." He said.

The group seemed to accept his answer as Pyrrha started to talk.

"Jaune you're a great leader and also my partner and you always will be, Team JNPR will always be by your side." Pyrrha said, putting a hand on his shoulder as she smiled brightly at him.

It took Jaune all of his willpower to not break down and cry in joy in front of everyone.

"Thank you, all of you." Jaune whispered, as he was happy everyone was accepting him.


Ayanokouji POV

It's been a day ever since Jaune confessed his secret to everyone, and things seem to be getting a lot better for him ever since Cardin stopped messing with him.

I was currently making my way to Vale for the first time since the Vytal festival was in town today and I wanted to see what they had there. I ran into team RWBY and found out they were heading there as well and they asked if I wanted to tag along with them and I accepted since we're all going the same way.

The people in this city really went all out on decoration as they had nothing but balloons and flags almost all around the city.

We then made it to our destination and saw a banner that was hanging in the air that said "Welcome To Vale."

"The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!" Weiss said in joy.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much before Weiss....It's kinda weirding me out." Ruby said.

Ruby does have a point, I think this is my first time seeing her this excited about anything.

"How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament!" Weiss said.

"Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!" Weiss continued.

"*Sigh*...You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring." Yang said.

"Quiet you!" Weiss said.

"So why are you here Kiyo? I figured you probably stay back at the dorms." Yang asked.

"Yeah I would've but I heard the festival was in town today, so I decided to visit Vale and see what they had here." Kiyotaka replied.

"Well I can tell you that there's nothing here that's interesting I can assure you." Yang replied.

"Don't listen to her Kiyotaka she's just spouting nonsense." Weiss said.

Yang just rolled her eyes as she continued to talk, "So remind me again why we're spending our friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" Yang asked.

"Ugh, they smell like fish." Ruby said covering her nose.

"I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today, and as a representative of Beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." Weiss said.

So basically Weiss just wants to scout out the competition, that's not a bad idea since she'll probably have an advantage in the tournament.

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake said.

"Ah! You can't prove that." Weiss said defensively.

"Woah." Ruby said

I turned to see what she was looking at and saw a broken down shop across the street that was obviously robbed with police tape across the area around it. We all walk over to the wrecked shop where the police officers were.

"What happened here?" Ruby asked one of the officers.

"Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week...this place is turning into a jungle." The officer answered.

After that he walked away to inspect the crime scene some more.

"That's terrible." Yang said.

"They left all the money again!" The other officer answered.

"Huh?" Ruby said.

"Ahh, it just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?" The officer asked.

"An army?" The other officer replied.

"You thinking about uh....White Fang?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm thinking we don't get paid enough!" The officer yelled.

Criminal activity seems to have gone up in Vale and from what I've seen more and more dust shops have been targeted recently to do who knows what with it? But if it was because of the White Fang why would they need to steal that much Dust in the first place?

"Hmph, the White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates." Weiss said.

"What's your problem?" Blake asked.

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane." Weiss replied.

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of Psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus." Blake said.

"Misguided!? They wanted to wipe humanity off the face of the planet." Weiss said.

Blake has a point, Years ago the White Fang used to be a peaceful organization that wanted to improve the relationships between the humans and the Faunus, however one day they just became a violent organization around the world.

"Blake is right, the White Fang had a lot of rally's and just wanted Humans and Faunus to get along with each other, I'm pretty sure there was some reason why they became violent of all a sudden." I said.

Blake nodded at my answer, "That's right, they're just very misguided! Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale." Blake said.

"Hmm. Blake's got a point." Ruby said.

"Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago...Maybe it has him." Ruby said.

She's right there's still the problem with Torchwick and it's very possible he could be behind all of this, no matter what you say about Ruby she can be really perceptive at times.

"That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum, those faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal." Weiss said.

That's kind of racist don't you think Weiss?

"That's not necessarily true." Yang said.

"Hey! Stop that Faunus!" Someone yelled.

We all turned to the direction of the voice we heard and ran at the Docks and there was a Blond Haired boy with a Monkey tail.

Well this is kind of Ironic now isn't it?

"He then jumped on a lamp post and hung upside down on it with his tail while eating a banana he had in his hand, The officers tried to get him to come down, but he threw a banana peel at one of their faces and jumped away from the lamp post and started to run up the stairs. He was heading in our direction as he ran past us but I caught a wink he did to Blake as he turned a corner and was gone.

"Well Weiss, you wanted to see the competition... and there it goes." Yang said.

"Quick! We have to observe him!" Weiss declared.

Weiss started to run after him, as Yang, Ruby and I reluctantly followed with Blake catching up with us as well. We then turned a corner to see that Weiss ran into a ginger haired girl as the Monkey tailed Faunus keep running as he eventually got away.

"No! He got away!" Weiss said.

"Uuuhh, Weiss?" Yang said as she pointed at the girl she was on.

Weiss looked at her in confusion as she looked down to see the girl she was on and jumped away from her in surprise.

"Salutations!" The ginger haired girl greeted.

"Um, hello." Ruby replied.

"Hey." I replied.

"Are you...okay?" Yang asked.

"I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking." She said smiling while laying on the ground.

We all looked at each other in confusion wondering why she's still talking to us while laying on the ground.

"Do you...wanna get up?" Yang asked.

The ginger haired girl thought about it for a second before replying, "Yes."

She then kicked her legs up as she was up again and on her feet.

Everyone took a step back besides me. She has surprisingly good agility for someone of her size.

"Kiyo you're not weirded out by that?" Yang asked me.

I just shrugged as I turned to the girl who had a bright smile on her face.

"My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny greeted.

"I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, It's nice to meet you as well." I said as I put my hand out for her to shake it, which she accepted wholeheartedly.

"Hi Penny! I'm Ruby." Ruby said.

"I'm Weiss." Weiss said.

"Blake." Blake said.

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" Yang asked, as Blake hit her shoulder telling her not to be rude.

"Oh, I'm Yang." Yang said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny said.

"You already said that." Weiss said.

"So I did!" Penny said happily.

"Well, sorry for running into you!" Weiss said as she turned to leave as Yang and Blake followed.

"Well I guess I'll see you later Penny." I said as I waved at her following Weiss and the rest of them.

"Take care friend!" Ruby said as she waved at her as well and started to follow us.

"She was...weird." Yang said.

"Now, where did that Faunus riff-raff run off too?" Weiss said.

As we were walking Penny was in front of us again at a surprising speed as she stopped in front of us.

I didn't even see her move, this girl really is full of surprises.

"What did you call me?" Penny asked, as Weiss was looking at her and pointing behind her in shock wondering how she got in of us without seeing her.

"Oh I'm really sorry! I definitely didn't think you heard me!" Yang said.

"No..not you..." Penny said.

Penny then walked to Ruby who was standing next to me as she faced her.

"You!" Penny said.

"Me?" Ruby asked.

"I-I don't know, I-what I--um, uh--" Ruby said as she had no idea what to say to her.

"You call me 'friend'. Am I really your friend?" Penny asked getting really close to her face.

"Ummmmmm." Ruby said as she looked behind Penny to see Blake, Weiss, and Yang gesturing the word no to her.

She then looked at me and I nodded at her as if to say 'Sure why not.'

"Ya, sure! Why not!" Ruby said.

Blake, Weiss, and Yang all fell down to the ground after that as Penny laughed and threw her hands up in happiness.

"Ahaha! Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes and talk about cute boys! Like him!" Penny suggested as she pointed at Kiyotaka.

I was surprised at Penny's response as Ruby's face turned a little red as she looked at the floor in what seems to be embarrassment, before Ruby can say anything Yang started to talk.

"So..what are you doing in Vale?" Yang asked.

"I'm here to fight in the tournament!" Penny responded.

"Wait....You're fighting in the tournament?" Weiss said in surprise.

Penny then gave an army salute to Weiss before responding, "I'm combat ready!" she said.

"Forgive me, but you hardly look the part." Weiss said.

In truth Penny really doesn't look the part, she seems to be a normal girl but looks can be deceiving though.

"Says the girl wearing a dress." Blake retorted.

"It's a combat skirt!" Weiss yelled.

"Yeah!" Ruby added, as she appeared next to Weiss as they both gave each other a high five. Weiss then approached Penny as she continued talking.

"Wait, if you're here for the tournament...does that mean you know that monkey tailed rapscallion?"

"The who?" Penny asked.

Weiss then pulled out a horrible drawing of the Monkey tailed Faunus and showed it to Penny.

When did Weiss have the time to draw that?

"The filthy Faunus from the boat!" Weiss said.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Blake asked.

"Huh?" Weiss said.

"Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person!" Blake scolded Weiss.

"Oh I'm sorry...would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamp post as a lamp post?" Weiss asked as she pointed to the things she was speaking off, which was really testing Blake's patience.

"Stop It!" Blake yelled.

"Stop What? He clearly broke the law! Give him time, he'll probably join up with those other faunus in the White Fang!" Weiss Yelled.

"You ignorant little brat!" Blake growled, as she clenched her fist and started to walk away.

Weiss wasn't gonna take that insult as she started to make her way to Blake, "How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate." Weiss said.

"You are a judgmental little girl." Blake insulted.

"What in the world makes you say that?" Weiss asked.

As they were arguing they seemed to forget the fact that Ruby, Yang, and I were still here, Yang then scooted over to where Ruby and I were.

"Uhh....I think we should go." Yang suggested, which I agreed with her.

"Where are we going?" Penny asked popping up behind her.

All of us then looked to see Weiss and Blake still arguing with each other as I sighed while looking at the scene.

I just hope things between them won't get any worse.



Team RWBY's Dorm

Third Person POV



It was now late at night and Weiss and Blake were still arguing ever since they were at the docks in the afternoon, Kiyotaka waved goodbye to them after they parted and wished Ruby and Yang good luck and hope they can fix things between Blake and Weiss when they got back to Beacon.

Sadly none of that happened as the two sisters were unable to stop them and can only look at was happening between their two teammates.

"I don't understand why this is causing such a problem." Weiss said.

"That 'is' the problem!" Blake retorted.

"You realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity don't you?" Weiss asked.

"The faunus of the White Fang are 'pure evil!'" Weiss said.

"There's no such thing as 'pure evil!' Why do you think humanity hates them so much?" Blake asked.

"It's because of people like Cardin, people like 'you' that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!" Blake said.

"People like me??" Weiss asked in fake surprise.

"You're discriminatory!" Blake yelled.

"I'm a victim!" Weiss Yelled back.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the faunus? It's because they have been at war with my family for years...war as in actual bloodshed..." Weiss explained as she looked out the window.

"My grandfather's company has had a target painted across it's back for as long as I can remember, and ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear, board members executed, an entire train car full of Dust...stolen. And everyday, my father would come home furious, and that made for a very difficult childhood." Weiss continued as she clenched her fists at those last words.

"Weiss...I-" Ruby tried to say but Weiss wasn't having none of it.

"No!" Weiss yelled as she walked to Blake again.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars! Thieves! and Murderers!" Weiss said.

"Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake blurted out in anger.

It then got quiet as all her teammates look at her shock and Blake's eyes going wide when she realized what she just said.

"I-" Blake tried to say but ran out of the room.

"Blake! Wait! Come back!" Ruby yelled.


Third Person POV

Blake was running past the Dorm Rooms and making her way outside as she was panting and stopped as she as trying to get some air and looked at the statue in front of her and started to take off her bow that showed a pair of cat ears on top.

"So cat ears huh? So that's what type of faunus you are." A voice said as Blake looked up in surprise and turned around to see Kiyotaka standing behind her.

"Kiyotaka! What are you doing here!" Blake asked, wondering how she didn't notice the boy standing behind her.

"I was just coming out from the library and I saw you sprinting out the school at the last second for some reason, and I wanted to check and see if you were alright." Kiyotaka explained.

Blake narrowed her eyes at Kiyotaka in suspicion, not believing that's why he's really here, but then her eyes widening in shock when she had recalled him saying, 'that's what type of faunus you are'.

"What you said before, what do you mean by that's what type of faunus I am? Did you know all along that I was a faunus." Blake asked as she stepped a little closer to Kiyotaka demanding him for answers.

Kiyotaka remained unfazed by how aggressive the normally calm Blake was acting and decided to oblige her by answering her question, "Yeah I did."

"How?" Blake said stepping a little closer to him.

"At first I thought it was just nothing, but when I first met you I noticed how your bow seemed to twitch when you got surprised at me, I had my suspicions if you were a faunus or not but I didn't know what kind of faunus you were. Now though this just confirms it." Kiyotaka explained.

Blake aggressiveness seemed to lessen after hearing Kiyotaka's explanation, she was surprised that he was that perceptive to notice little things like that, but she still didn't trust him at the moment.

"Why didn't you tell anybody then?" Blake asked Kiyotaka with curiosity.

"It wasn't my secret to tell, I have nothing to gain by telling anybody, plus I know how the faunus are treated in this day and age and I figured you probably tell someone you trusted eventually." Kiyotaka explained.

Blake was stunned that Kiyotaka would do that, then again he doesn't seem like the type of person that would go around and tell everyone's secrets.

"So why were you running away?" Kiyotaka asked Blake.

Blake was silent for a moment before she started talking, "Kiyotaka.....tell me what do you think of the White Fang?" Blake asked as she looked at him.

"From what I know about the White Fang, they were made as a symbol of peace and wanted to unify the faunus and the humans, but the world didn't want that and humans continued to discriminate against them, Eventually I think they got fed up and the White Fang turned more violent, however I think some of them are misguided and not all faunus should be treated badly because of what they do now." Kiyotaka explained.

Blake was once again shocked at Kiyotakas explanation as she agreed at what he said, and glad that one of the people she knows is an understanding person unlike Weiss.

"That's right, some humans may treat faunus as equals, but it's not out of respect, it's fear because of the White Fang." Blake responded.

"Are you asking me this because maybe you were part of the White Fang Blake?" Kiyotaka asked.

Blake clenched her fists tightly as she wasn't looking at him and didn't confirm nor deny his answer.

"I see....well I don't really care if you were though." Kiyotaka said.

Blake looked at Kiyotaka in surprise, "What! You don't!"

Kiyotaka nodded his head, "Yes I believe you were still part of the White Fang when they were a peaceful organization right? But you probably left when they started turning violent right?" Kiyotaka asked Blake who nodded her head at his answer.

"Well you probably only wanted what was best for the White Fang, so I have no right to judge you because of that." Kiyotaka said.

Blake then unclenched her fists as she look at Kiyotaka and was stunned at his words as she started to smile a little at him.

"Thank You." Blake said gratefully.

"It's no problem Blake." I said.

"So that's what you look like without the bow?" A voice said as Blake and I turned around to see the monkey tailed faunus we saw at the docks.

"You're that guy from earlier." Blake said as the guy crossed his arms and smiled at her.

"Yep! I'm Sun Wukong! It's nice to meet you!" Sun greeted as he pulled out his hand for her to shake as she shook it hesitantly.

"Sup bro! My name's Sun." Sun greeted, as he turned to Kiyotaka and pulled out his hand towards him for a fist bump. Kiyotaka stared at his hand for a moment as he eventually returned it.

"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, Nice to meet you Sun." Kiyotaka greeted.

"So what are you guys doing out this late?" Sun asked, more specifically to Blake.

Blake kept quiet for a little bit before responded to him, "I just need to go somewhere and get away from here for a little while." Blake answered.

"Really? If that's the case I know the perfect place where you can go!" Sun offered, which made Blake a little hesitant.

"I don't know, I should be fine on my own." Blake said.

"Oh come on! I don't bite, plus I wanna know more about you." Sun said.

Blake still looked hesitant, but eventually accepted Sun's offer as she nodded.

"Fine, take me there." Blake said.

Sun's looked at Blake in excitement, "Awesome! I know the perfect place! Wait are you coming with us as well?" Sun asked Kiyotaka.

"No I'll stay here, It's getting late at night anyway." Kiyotaka said as he started to walk back to the school.

"Oh ok then, well It was nice meeting you Kiyotaka, come on Blake let's go!" Sun said as he started to walk away.

Blake started to follow him as well but turned to Kiyotaka before she left.

"Hey Kiyotaka." Blake called out to him.

Kiyotaka stopped and looked at Blake with out turning around, "What is it Blake?" He asked.

"Can you please not tell my team where I'm going, I need to be away from them for a while." Blake pleaded.

Kiyotaka stood still for a few seconds before he nodded his head, "Sure I won't say anything to them, just be careful out there ok?" He said.

"Thank you." Blake said as she turned around to catch up with Sun.

Kiyotaka watched them fade away into the distance before making his way back to the school again.

('So it's finally happened huh? It was only a matter of time before your team found out Blake. I hope you know what you're doing out there.') Kiyotaka thought as he walked to the school.


A/N: Hey guys! sorry about the long wait for this chapter, I had a little writers block for this story and trying to figure out how I want it to go and I've just been dealing with life at this time and was either too tired or too busy to write because of school and other things. But soon Summer is coming up and I'll most likely have more time to write and focus on my stories more.

To make it up to you guys this chapter is way longer than my usual ones I write so I hoped that I made up for it haha.

By the way! I'm probably one or two chapters away from finishing volume 1 of this story which is an accomplishment for me seeing as how this will be the first crossover story where I finish a volume for the first time so I'm happy about that.

Anyway I hope you all like this chapter! if you have any questions about this chapter or story leave a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See you next time!!!

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