COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 12: Forever Fall Part 2
Jaune's POV
(30 minutes ago)
I was currently in the middle of following Cardin and his team in the middle of the forest, I cast one look behind me and saw Pyrrha and the rest of my team go off on their own. I wanted nothing more then to go with them and also apologize for Pyrrha for how I was acting to her a couple of days ago, I regret acting like such a jerk to her.
Still it can't be helped since Cardin still has blackmail on me and I couldn't do anything about it. I remember what he had said to me on my scroll last night and was still wondering why Cardin would just tell me to forget about doing that assignment that Professor Oobleck wanted out of the blue, I was really curious as to why he said that but I didn't want to risk getting him angry or worst case scenario is him telling the headmaster about my fake transcripts.
I started then started to wonder on how people would react but mostly Ruby's team and the rest of my own team finding out about my transcripts. What if they start to hate me? What if they wanted nothing to do with me anymore? Those were the what ifs that were haunting me the most and if it actually happened I don't know how I would take It.
My thoughts then started recalling the talk I had with Kiyotaka last night, I was surprised that he didn't care about me having fake transcripts and instead told me I actually belonged here. I was shocked at his words because it sounded like he knew what he said was 100% true.
"You're not the best at Combat Jaune, but you managed to lead your team through initiation even if you were the least experienced person there, not anyone can do that Jaune. I'm sure the headmaster had his reasons for why he picked you instead of Pyrrha to be team leader.
"That may be true........but what if I get my friends or my team hurt or killed one day because of my failures." I asked being a little in denial.
"That's what your team and friends are here for right?.... to help you improve. Don't be hesitant to ask for any help Jaune, even the most successful people need help from time to time, you have the potential to be a great leader, and I'm sure your team probably knows it as well." Kiyotaka said.
I was shocked at his words and couldn't help but smile a little at his explanation.
(Flashback End)
I smiled a little at the memory, Kiyotaka and Pyrrha may not care about my transcripts but that doesn't mean the others probably would. After being in a mental debate for a few minutes, I made up my mind and decided to tell Ruby's team and the rest of my team about my fake transcripts tomorrow, hopefully they'll still consider me a friend and a team leader when I do.
"Alright Jauney boy what I want you to do is take this box full of jars and go fill all of them up with red sap, We'll wait here until you get back." Cardin said as he and the rest of his team sat down to rest on some trees.
"Sigh........Ok." I said not really forward to doing this and knowing this is gonna take quite a while for me to do by myself.
I then grabbed the box full of Jars he was carrying and went out to find a tree to put sap in all of them, hopefully I'm not allergic to this stuff.
After about 20 minutes of filling all the Jars up with red sap I made my way back to Cardin and his group feeling exhausted and a little nauseous, I maybe allergic to that stuff after all.
When I finally made it back to where Cardin was I placed all the Jars on the ground and immediately fell to the ground trying to get a little rest.
"Hey. Great work Jauney boy. That wasn't to hard was it?" Cardin said
"I think I'm allergic to this stuff." I said not really hearing what Cardin was saying at the moment.
"Great, Great, Great, so Jaune I bet you're wondering why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six Jars of tree sap when theirs only 5 of us?" Cardin asked.
"That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes." I answered.
Cardin smirks evilly, "Well then, come with me then and you'll find out." He said.
"Ohhh." I groaned, I feel don't wanna know about what he has planned right now.
Third Person POV
When following Cardin and his group Jaune noticed they were on top of a nearby hill where it showed a view of his team and Ruby's and also Kiyotaka not that far from them where they were collecting sap from the trees.
"Cardin, What's going on?" Jaune asked wanting to know why they were spying on his friends.
"Payback." Cardin said with a serious look.
"That's the girl, red-haired know-it-all, thinks she's so smart. And that brown haired freak that humiliated me from before." Cardin said as Jaune's eyes widen when he noticed he was talking about Pyrrha and Kiyotaka.
"Alright boys, last night I managed to round up an entire box of rapier wasps, and now were gonna put them to work." Cardin said as he pull them from behind his back.
Jaune nervously laughed as one of Cardin teammates patted him on the back.
"Now, according to the assignment I did last week, these nasty things looove sweets." Cardin stated.
"Now I think it's time we teach them a lesson or two." Cardin said as he pulled Jaune up from off the floor and put a red sap jar in his hand.
"And you're gonna help me do it." Cardin said as he grabbed another red sap jar in his hand as he was gonna throw one too.
"D-Do what?" Jaune asked in a nervous tone not wanting to know the answer.
"Hit her with the sap! While I hit the other freak with the sap, do it or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon." Cardin threatened as he poked his chest.
Jaune's eyes looked down to the floor and was feeling extremely hesitant to do it, but with a shaking hand he slowly raised it into the air as he took aim, while Cardin got ready to throw it as well.
"Alright Jauney boy on the count of three we'll throw the sap, You got that?" Cardin asked.
"Y-yeah." Jaune muttered.
"Good now get ready, 1!" Cardin started.
("Do I really want to do this? Just for the sake of not being found out I'm a liar in this school? Is it really worth doing this to Pyrrha and Kiyotaka?") Jaune thought as he looked at Kiyotaka and Pyrrha who were collecting sap.
"2!" Cardin continued.
("Both of them don't deserve this! Not when they were trying to help me! If I do this I won't be able to forgive myself!") Jaune thought as he panicked.
("No I won't do it! I don't care what happens to me, I won't let you hurt any of my friends!") Jaune thought as he shook with anger.
"3!" Cardin yelled as he was about to throw the sap.
"NO!" Jaune yelled, as he threw the sap at Cardin hitting him in the chest spilling it all over his armor, and roughly pushed him making him drop the sap on the ground as it spilled all over the floor.
Cardin teammates looked at him in shock while Cardin himself just smirked at him.
"Hahaha, oh man you've done it now." Cardin said with a underlying voice.
"I don't care what I did Cardin, I won't let you do this." Jaune said with determination in his voice.
"Oh? finally growing a back bone huh? Well let's see how long that lasts." Cardin said with an evil smile as he gestured his team to stand back as he slowly walked up to Jaune.
Jaune started to feel a little fear but the thought of his friends getting hurt made him push through what he felt. As Cardin got close to Jaune he then threw a uppercut to his chin, but Jaune avoided it by jumping back and threw his own punch to Cardin's left cheek but he blocked it with his left forearm and Cardin kicked him in the chest making him fall to the floor a few feet away from him.
"Ughhh!" Jaune cried out as he fell to the floor in pain as he then slowly got up to only see Cardin running at him with a fist aiming right for his face.
Jaune try to back away but felt his back get caught by something and noticed there was a huge rock behind him, then he looked back and saw Cardin fist inches away from him so he thought quickly and jumped to the left avoiding the strike making Cardin punch the rock with a strong force.
"AHHHHHHH!" Cardin shouted as he grab his left hand in pain hoping he didn't break his fingers.
Jaune used this opportunity to run up to Cardin and punch him straight in the face making fall to the floor.
"Ugh!" Cardin grunted in pain as he fell to the ground.
Before Jaune could do anything else to Cardin his teammates came up and grabbed him by both arms, Jaune tried to struggle but he couldn't get out of their grasp.
Cardin was now getting up from off the ground trying to shake off some of the pain he was feeling, and soon after he started to walk to where his teammates were holding Jaune down with a look of anger on his face.
Cardin then picked up Jaune by the collar and punch him in the face making him fall to the ground.
"You know that wasn't very smart Jauney boy, you obviously know that you can't beat me, just for that stunt you pulled I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny, pieces." Cardin mocked as he picked up Jaune again holding him by the collar.
Jaune had a purple bruise on the left side of his face but ignored the pain as he looked at Cardin. "I don't care what you do to me, but you are not messing with any of my friends or my team." Jaune declared.
Cardin wasn't fond of his tone, "What? You think talking like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?" Cardin asked as he glared at Jaune.
Jaune just smiled at Cardin not answering him.
Cardin then yelled as he punched Jaune in the face again, but suddenly he dropped Jaune as he held his hand in pain again as a huge white glow surrounded Jaune.
"Huh?" Jaune said as he noticed he wasn't in any pain anymore as he then looked at his body and noticed a white glow surrounding him not knowing what happened.
But before he could think more about what he did Jaune was suddenly kicked in the back by one of Cardin's teammates as he fell to the ground and glared at all of them.
"Let's see how much of a man you really are." Cardin said as he and his teammates started to walk towards him.
Cardin and his team stop their movement when they heard a roar coming from the forest and saw that it was an Huge Ursa that was right in front of them.
The Ursa then started to sniff the air as it smelled sap nearby and noticed some of it on Cardin's chest plate as it started to roar again.
"That's a big Ursa!" Russell said as he and rest of Cardin's teammates started to runaway leaving Cardin and Jaune by themselves.
The Ursa then slapped Cardin to the floor with it's paw making him grunt in pain as it then started to advance towards Jaune and started to sniff in the air around him, after a couple of seconds it ignored Jaune which surprised him as he stood up and saw it making it's way towards Cardin.
Cardin tried to use his mace to defend himself but the Ursa smacked it out of his hand making it land nearby Jaune as Jaune looked back and knew that his friends probably heard the roar as well.
Cardin tried to run away from the Ursa but it had surprising speed as it jumped in front of him and swiped him with it's claw making him fly back and land on the ground in pain.
"Crap, Crap, Crap." Cardin muttered as he tried to crawl away.
Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Kiyotaka finally arrived at the scene and noticed Cardin on the ground trying to get away from the Ursa.
"Oh no!" Ruby cried out.
The Ursa then Swiped another claw at Cardin intending to finish him off, but was blocked by Jaune's shield protecting Cardin from the attack as Cardin looked surprised that Jaune had saved him.
Jaune at the moment was struggling to keep the Ursa away from Cardin, Weiss who saw this got her weapon and was about to go help, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder as she turned and saw it was Kiyotaka who stopped her.
"Don't go in just yet Weiss, let's see what he can do." Kiyotaka said as Weiss looked hesitant but eventually nodded her head.
Jaune then managed to push the Ursa back a little and slash it with his sword making the Ursa step back a bit, the Ursa then slammed it's paw into the ground but Jaune quickly avoided it by rolling to the left but he wasn't done when he quickly jumped up avoiding another strike, the Ursa recovered quickly and caught him in the air and swiped him again making Jaune roll a few feet on the ground.
Jaune grunted in pain but quickly got up as he ran towards it and tried to slash it with his sword again but he got slapped away again, Jaune slowly got up and noticed that his aura was now in the red so he had to be careful and finish this thing fast. Jaune then let out a war cry as he and the Ursa charged each other, Jaune seemed to being leaving himself wide open for an attack on the left side of him while he attacked from the right.
Pyrrha had seen this as she raised one of her hands making Jaune's shield turn a darkish color as it moved on it's own blocking the attack from the Ursa.
Jaune then used this opportunity to cut the Ursa's head off, now ending the battle.
"Uh, What?" Ruby said looking at Pyrrha not knowing what happened.
"How did you?......" Weiss asked.
"Well Ruby has her speed, You have your Glyphs, and Kiyotaka- oh that's right you haven't unlocked your semblance yet I'm sorry, I forgot about that." Pyrrha said as she glanced at Kiyotaka with a guilty look.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." Kiyotaka assured her as he waved his hand.
Pyrrha smiled at him as she continued to talk, "My semblance is polarity." She said
"So, You can control poles?" Ruby asked.
"No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism." Weiss replied.
("Polarity huh? That's a really impressive Semblance, That puts anyone at a huge disadvantage to anyone that would use a Weapon against her, aside from her actual skill it explains why she's been undefeated in battle so far.") Kiyotaka thought as he and Pyrrha then turned to walk away.
"Wait, where are you two going?" Weiss asked.
"Yeah, we gotta tell them what happened." Ruby added.
"We could." Pyrrha started.
"But maybe it's best we keep this to ourselves right?" Kiyotaka finished.
Before Kiyotaka left he took a quick glance at Jaune and then closed his eyes as he continued to walk again.
Jaune at the moment was walking up to Cardin as he reached out his hand to him and pulled him up off the ground staring down at him.
"Holy crap, Jaune?" Cardin said.
"Don't ever mess with my team or my friends ever again, Got it?" Jaune declared as he then walked away from Cardin who was stunned and didn't know what to say and just stood there.
It was almost close to midnight as Jaune stood on top of the roof looking into the sky thinking about the events that happened transpired today.
"No Cardin tonight?" Pyrrha asked as she walked up to him.
"I thought you two were best buds?" She continued.
"Oh ha ha very funny, but anyway Pyrrha I just wanted to apologize to you, I was a jerk to you and I had all this macho stuff in my head and-" He ranted but was interrupted by Pyrrha.
"Jaune It's okay, Your team really misses their leader. You should come down, Ren made Pancakes~ but no syrup though, you can think Nora for that." Pyrrha said as she started to walk towards the door.
"Wait!" Jaune called out as Pyrrha turned back to look at him.
"I probably don't deserve it after the way I treated you, but is that offer for the training still up? So I can become a better fighter." Jaune asked.
Pyrrha looked away for a second but she had a small smirk on her face, then she walked up to Jaune and pushed him to the ground.
"Hey!" Jaune called out.
"Your stance is all wrong, You need to be wider and lower to the ground." Pyrrha said as she offered her hand to help him up. "Let's try that again." She said as the two began to train on the roof.
(Late At Night)
Unknown Person: So how did it go?
Cardin: It happened exactly as planned, Although I highly doubted he would ever stand up for himself though.
Unknown Person: Did anything else happen?
Cardin: I unfortunately got some sap on my armor when Jaune threw it at me and then the Ursa appeared out of nowhere but Jaune surprisingly helped me out and managed to take it out, but I swear I didn't plan on any of that happening!
Unknown Person: It's fine Ursa's are attracted to the scent of Sap so it was probably expected that one of them might appear, and Jaune managed to take care of the problem anyway.
Cardin: That's a relief, so is that all you wanted to know?
Unknown Person: That's all for now, I'll text you again for anything else.
Cardin: Oh.....Ok then.
After the last text was sent both of them powered off their scrolls to turn in for the night.
"Today You managed to prove that you deserve to be here today Jaune, not just to your friends but yourself as well, Color me impressed. With the way you are now you might go far in your huntsmen Career in the future, It seems you may be useful after all." Kiyotaka said as he got in his bed and started to go to sleep.
A/N: Hey Everyone! Man it's been a while hasn't it? I've been really busy with life these days and had to deal with College work and Helping one of my relatives out on a daily basis so I really didn't have any time to write but I had nothing to do today and Started to get back into writing this story again.
Updates will not be as fast as I did it before but I will try my best to get them out ASAP.
I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any Questions about this Story or Chapter leave a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my Ability. See You Next Time!!!
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