COTE/RWBY: Volume 1 Chapter 10: An Unexpected Occurrence

Cardin POV

(Team CRDL's Dorm Room)

It was nearly late at night in my dorm room as I was the only one up at the moment and the rest of my teammates were asleep as I was layed down on my bed feeling good about what happened a few hours ago.


"I lied Pyrrha, I used some fake transcripts to get into the school" Jaune said.

"B-But why?" Pyrrha asked.

While the two of them were talking to each other they failed to realize all the noise they were making was below my dorm, I always knew Johnny boy was an amateur at fighting, and was easy to mess around with because quite frankly I can tell he doesn't have any sort of backbone in him which made it all the easier for me.

I wasn't surprised at all to overhear that Jaune had used fake transcripts to get into Beacon. I always knew that failure didn't deserve to be here. I found myself slowly smirking at the information I overheard as I then decided to keep quiet and see how this conversation was gonna go.

"My father and Grandfather and all of them before were all warriors, heroes. I wanted to be one as well, I was just never good enough." Jaune told her.

"Then let me help you." Pyrrha suggested.

"I don't need help, I don't want to be the damsel in distress I wanted to be a hero!" He yelled.

"Jaune" Pyrrha said as she was stunned at his explanation.

"If I can't do this on my own then what good am I?" He questioned as Pyrrha tried to reach out to him and comfort him but he backed away. "Just leave me alone for now." He said.

"If that's you think is best." Pyrrha said in defeat as she left.

Hahahaha this is priceless. The idiot can't even see that that hot teammate of his who was Pyrrha Nikos of all people was just trying to help him despite him having fake transcripts, but he turned her away like a complete fool. Now that she's gone I might as well make myself known.

"Jaune" I called out to him as I climbed on top of the roof and stood a few feet away from him.

"Cardin!" Jaune said in shock

"I can't help but overhear you two from my dorm room, so you snuck into Beacon I gotta say Jaune I didn't expect you to be such a rebel." I said being smug.

"Please Cardin! Please Don't tell anyone!" He begged.

"Jaune come on I never rat a friend out." I said

"A friend?" He said.

"Of course." I said as I put him a headlock. "We're friends now Johnny boy and the way I see it we're gonna be friends for a very long time." I finished as I let go of him not caring if I was hurting him or not.

"By the way I really don't have time to do those readings Dr. Oobleck gave us today, can you take care of for me?" I asked as I walking back to the edge of the roof, not caring about his answer because he knows what happens if he said no.

"Don't worry Johnny boy, Your secret is safe with me." I said as I climbed down and went back into my dorm.

(Present Time)

I was now grinning like a madman as I recalled the memory. I have Jaune right where I want him and there's nothing he can do about it, I probably won't have to do any school work for the rest of the year now.

As I was mentally celebrating my victory my thoughts then suddenly went to another person. He had brown hair, golden eyes and wore a blue and white combat jacket with black finger less gloves, black combat jeans and white combat boots.

As I was slowly recognizing who this guy was my grin then turned into a massive scowl. I know who that guy is, he was the only person that was in a one man team that the headmaster had put him in.


The guy was standing by the headmaster as he replayed what he did in Initiation, I was a little shocked at how the guy was defending himself against a freaking Death Stalker and even took it out without even killing it.

He then got announced as a one man team as he got off the stage. I got a closer look at this guy and he didn't even look like he was happy or scared to hear that information or anything in general at that. I scoffed and just decided to ignore the freak, whatever he did at initiation was nothing special anyway. He was only a stepping stone towards my path of being the best huntsmen in the world.

Then one day in lunch I was chilling with my teammates while we were messing with this bunny eared faunus as I pulled one of her ears, the faunus really were freaks after all. I then suddenly got milk splattered all over me as I stood up and tried to find the culprit, but I couldn't.

I then look over at Jaune's table and saw one of them not looking at what happened at all. I Immediately know this person had to be the one who did this, so I walk up to him and noticed that it was the freak who got put on a one man team. I threatened him to clean the milk off my armor but he told me to let it go and that it wasn't him, I then was about to unleash my anger but I smirked as I came up with a plan.

I then told him not to worry about it as I walked off, then I turned back and noticed his guard was down as he was walking back to his table. I smirked as I swinged one of my arms back in a attempt to hit him in the face, but my eyes widened as he leaned back and dodged it.

I was mentally debating if this guy had eyes in the back of his head. I eventually shook it off as I sent a left jab at his face, but if he dodged this one I was gonna try and grab his arm and pull him closer to knee him in the gut, but again he seems like he predicted that as he slapped it away and jump a few feet away from me.

How did this guy know what I was gonna do? Those weren't the moves of some amateur even I have to admit that. I was kicked out of my thoughts once more as I saw my team stand by me ready to fight as well. I then smirked as I told him he got lucky, he may not be some novice but I know he isn't an expert, let's see how he handles all 4 of us. Then we rushed towards him.

As we got closer towards him I saw him not moving at all as we got closer, Why would he just stand there? I ignored it as I saw it was gonna be a easier way for us to gang up on him, but I looked up and for a split second and saw his eyes change. They were empty, emotionless even, it's like his eyes could see right though you. I wouldn't lie to myself when I thought in that moment I was staring at death itself.

All my instincts were screaming at me to get away from this guy for some reason, but I ignored it and pressed on.

We were almost close to him but we were stopped by Professor Goodwitch, I wouldn't admit this to anyone but half of me was angered and relived that she stopped us. She had scolded us and told us she'll deal with us later as she walked out and told the guy to follow her. I scowled as I watched the guy walked out and vowed I'll pay him back for this later, but I also couldn't help but think that if Ms. Goodwitch hadn't appeared, What in the hell would've happened?

(Present Time)

I silently growled in anger at the guy I failed to get back at a couple of times as I was still laying in my bed.

I then eventually calmed myself down as I got to thinking of a plan on how to get back at this guy and also Jaune's teammates as a little bonus. I sat in silence as minutes passed by, soon after I suddenly lifted my head up from off my bed and smirked as I came up with a plan that would get back at the guy and Jaune's little teammate as well, it was full proof.

All I had to do was send Jaune out on a little mission tomorrow and carrie on the rest of the plan from there. I evilly laugh silently at what I came up with, all I have to do now is wait until tommoro-

*Scroll Vibrates*

"Huh?" I said in confusion.

I stopped as I noticed my scroll on the table had vibrated which indicated someone sended me a text or a voice message. But who in the hell messages people this late at night? I was gonna ignore it, but sense I'm in such a good mood right now I might as well do it.

I picked up my scroll from the table and sat back down on my bed and opened it and noticed I have a text message from a unknown person.


Unknown Person: The person I'm speaking to is Cardin Winchester right?

Who the hell is this person and how in the hell do they know my name? In freaky situations like this I wouldn't even respond and just ignore it, but this time my curiosity overpowered it for some reason.


Cardin: Yeah Who's asking?


Unknown Person: You don't need to know that information.

What The? Who in the hell does this person think they are?


Cardin: I don't know who in the hell you are, but if this is some kind of prank you're messing with the wrong guy buddy. I suggest you stop texting me now if you know what's good for you.

I then chuckled as I sent the message not expecting a response back as I thought I had scared the person away, but I was wrong.


Unknown Person: I assure you this is not a prank, And I believe I do know who I'm messing with, After all you are the person who bullies the faunus and that blond-haired kid a lot.

"WHAT! HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS PERSON KNOW THAT!" I silently screamed so I wouldn't awake my teammates as my heart almost jumped out of my chest at what he texted.


Cardin: How do you know that! What are you some kind of stalker?


Unknown Person: I can't be called a stalker if everyone sees you bullying them around the school, but choose not to do anything about it.

As I was trying to calm myself down I looked at what this person texted me and knew that they were right, People me see do it all the time and nobody would stand up for them. All of them are cowards.

If this person knows what I do this person has to be a student in here or some kind of stalker who was watching around the school. I highly doubted it was a teacher because they would've confronted me in the first place.


Cardin: Who are you? Are you a student in this school or some freaky stalker because I highly doubt you're a teacher.


Unknown Person: As I said it doesn't matter who I am. It's irrelevant. But if I said I was a student in this school, what would you do?

What I'll do? WHAT I'LL DO?!


Cardin: I'll kick your ass! That's what I'll do! If you are a student tell me who you are so I can remember to look for you tomorrow.


Unknown Person: I Wouldn't recommend doing that if I were you.

What in the hell is this person talking about? Is this person threatening me?


Cardin: And why shouldn't I?

As soon as I sent that message I haven't gotten a text back in a couple of minutes and I sighed as I thought I finally got rid of this person, but what this person sent made my heart almost stop.

(Play Most Outstanding OST Of All Time: Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi No Kyoushitsu e Main theme/ Or Classroom Of The Elite Main Theme.)

Where in the hell did this freak get this! I was now in a state of panic as I saw as they played images of me picking on Jaune around the school. It didn't stop there as I got another notification where it was actually a voice message this time instead of a text. I then clicked play unconsciously before I can think about weather I wanted to play it or not.

*Voice Message*

(AN: The voice message was when Pyrrha, Jaune, and Cardin was on top of the roof and replayed their conversation. I am not about to repeat that a third time and I know you probably don't want to hear it again either.)

*Voice Message end*

As it ended I almost dropped my scroll on the floor as I was now completely freaked out by what I just seen and heard.

This person was somewhere on the roof watching the whole thing, even me when I had came up from the roof to have a little talk with Jaune.

Deep down I wouldn't admit it even to myself but I can't help but feel terrified at whoever this person is that was gathering this stuff on me, I was then furiously texting this person back on my scroll.




Unknown Person: It doesn't matter, and I already said who I am is irrelevant.


Cardin: You think I'm afraid of what you sent me? Well you're wrong you have nothing on me, nothing at ALL!


Unknown Person: Oh really? Because I overheard you got in trouble because of what happened in the cafeteria and that the headmaster let you off with a warning. I wonder what would happen if I sent all this information that shows you threatening a student and forcing them to do your work, I wonder if you'll be expelled or not because of this.

You can't prove anything! I may get in more trouble because of it, but Jaune will get in trouble as well because he used fake transcripts to get into the school! If I go down Jaune's going down with me, so I'm calling their bluff.


Cardin: You're bluffing. Jaune used fake transcripts to get into the school anyway, so If I go down, we both go down. You can't prove anything you freak!


Unknown Person: Is that so? Do you really believe the headmaster is that naive? He already knows that Jaune used fake transcripts to get into Beacon way before he was even accepted into the school. He decided to let Jaune into Beacon because of the potential he sees in him.

What! It can't be true, you have to be lying! There's no way he would do that!




Unknown Person : Would you like to test that theory? If I do send these to him and it turns out I am lying you have nothing to worry about. However, if I am right Jaune will be in no trouble at all and you and your team would probably be expelled from the school.

I was now shaking in fear like a madman. If this person was wrong I really have nothing to worry about, but if this person was right I'll probably be expelled if this stuff got to him, But do I really want to risk that?





Unknown Person: All I want is your cooperation.

Cooperation? What are you talking about?


Cardin: What are you talking about?


Unknown Person: I promise to not send any of this stuff to the headmaster. All I need is your cooperation and I also want you to do a couple of things for me.


Cardin: What things are you talking about?


Unknown Person: I'll tell you that in due time. Do we have a deal?

I didn't want to make any kind of deal with whoever this person was, but I have no choice. I can't risk myself or my teammates getting expelled when I had worked my butt off to be accepted into this school.


Cardin: Fine.......we have a deal. Just promise me you won't send any of that stuff to the headmaster.


Unknown Person: Don't worry. As long as you cooperate I see no reason to send any of this stuff to the headmaster just because.


Cardin: Okay then. What do you want me to do anyway?


Unknown Person: As I said I don't need anything from you right now, if I need you to do something I'll let you know when you get a text on your scroll.


Cardin: Okay I'll make sure to be on the lookout for it then.


Unknown Person: I see... I believe I wasted enough of your time already as it seems its already late at night. Have a good night Cardin.

(Song End)

As the last message was sent I heavily sighed as I dropped my scroll onto the floor as I laid back down on my bed with my mood being not at the best after what happened. Who in the hell was that person, how in the hell did they get all that stuff about me? Before I decided to go to sleep I kept thinking about one thing in my head.

Whoever this person was, if they were a student at Beacon all I can tell was that this person was






AN: Hey Guys! Another chapter completed! I didn't feel any headaches for a couple of days and I was gonna write this chapter earlier, but I didn't wanna hurry and get back into writing only to make my head hurt as quickly as it did before so I wanted to make sure the headache stopped.

In the original RWBY canon I think Cardin got away scot free with his bullying without anything major happening to him, and a majority of my friends and people I asked call the show out on it as well. So I decided to make it a little bit realistic.

I hope you all liked this Chapter! If you have any questions about this story, Feel free to ask in the comment section and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!

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