COTE/RWBY: Special Chapter: How It All Began

Third Person POV



(10 Years Ago)


In an area far away from civilization there exists a huge facility in a different part of the world in Remnant that is completely separate from places such as Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, Mistral, Anima, and Menagerie. It appears to be nonexistent to everyone including beings such as Ozpin and Salem who are known to be very insightful about what goes in different parts of the world.

In that place was a man with brown hair and golden eyes who was the founder and creator of this facility that was called the White Room. It was made to created to be a educational institution for humans and removing anything that is deemed anything unnecessary to their education, eventually the man also included the demi-humans that are called the faunus, which are similar to humans but they possess certain animal traits to them and some are more rare than others, and they are even able to see in the darkness which interested the man enough to learn more about them.

The man was aware of the war that was going on in the world thanks to some people he had sent out to investigate and was to report back to him with any new information they might have, one of the people he had sent out to investigate told him some information that the man found very interesting to say the least. The man found these creatures called the Grimm to be very unknown, but fascinating creatures and it seems like these Grimm are attracted to any negative feelings like hatred, anger, or sadness. These Grimm creatures also seem to have different types of them as well, which makes some more deadlier than others as well.

It has been months since he discovered the Grimm and he and other scientists were able to do more research on the Grimm and do a lot of tests on some of them. 100 or more Grimm had been captured and were put into a special cell where they wouldn't be able to brake out or escape.

(In Facility meeting room)

In the meeting room stood a couple of scientists wearing lab-coats and guards as well as they all sat in the seats for the meeting, and in the very front of the room sitting in his seat was the founder of this facility who was called Professor Ayanokouji.

"What else did you find out about the Grimm so far?" Professor Ayanokouji asked.

"After a lot of researching and tests we did, these Grimm appear to attack anything either human or faunus on sight, they are cautious and act like predators that stalk their prey and attack whenever they have an opportunity." Scientist number 1 said.

"The Grimm also seem mindless and appear to have no souls since they don't seem to possess any aura within them." Scientist number 2 said.

('So these Grimm appear to be just mindless creatures set on trying to destroy humanity.') Professor Ayanokouji thought.

"Also some of this Grimm appear to have special abilities as well, some of them are capable of using elements like lighting or fire without needing things like Aura or a Semblance like Humans or faunus do." Scientist number 3 said.

"Hmmm....very interesting indeed, so do any of you have an idea of how any of this is possible for the Grimm to be able to do these things?" Professor Ayanokouji asked.

it was silent in the room as no one had an answer to that question yet because the Grimm are still an enigma and there was so much more to find out about them, but most of the scientists in the room have come up with a theory.

"I believe we have no answer as to how all the Grimm can do any of these things, but we have come up with a hypothesis as to how." Scientist number 1 said.

"And what would that be?" Professor Ayanokouji asked.

"We estimated that it is 90 percent possible that the Grimm may have a leader commanding these things." Scientist number 2 said.

('A leader you say? so could there actually could be someone commanding these things behind the scenes? if this is true I must found out more about this person as soon as possible.') Professor Ayanokouji thought.

"I see...look into that more and see what else you can find about this leader these Grimm may have." Professor Ayanokouji said, as the scientist nodded.

"Is that all you have to report?" Professor Ayanokouji said as all the people in the room nodded.

"Alright, meeting adjourned." Professor Ayanokouji announced as all the people in the room got up and left the room to go back to their positions.

Professor Ayanokouji then got up and walked towards one of the windows and looked into the sky.

Professor Ayanokouji POV

If there really is a leader to these Grimm, then this person will be a threat to my plans, whoever you are just know this, soon their will be a new future ruler of remnant and you won't be in power for long and will soon be defeated either by me or my son





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(In Facility training room A)

Their was nothing but the color white all around the building as the man was leading a group of kids and teens faunus and humans alike from the ages of 6-13 in another part of the facility.

"Alright line Up!" A man in a science outfit shouted.

All the kids did what they were instructed to do and were in a single file line going from left to right, each kid feeling different kids of emotions inside of them like 'Panic', 'Fear', 'Depression', 'Nervousness' as they were waiting today to see who will be the next person to collapse. All but one kid in particular was giving a look of indifference when they lined up, It was a brown haired kid with golden eyes wearing a long white t-shirt with shorts and shoes like everyone was.

They were standing in a room so big that it was comparable to a race track.

AN: Kinda like this, that's how big the room is.

The scientist then stood in front of them with a stoic expression, "Alright you brats you know the drill, you are to run around this room until it's time to stop, Now Go!" The Scientist said as he blew his whistle as they started to run.

(30 minutes later)

It's been exactly 30 minutes since they started and exactly 20% of the kids and teens started to feel really tired and start to slow down a bit, some of them were breathing heavily and also started to panic because they don't want to know what happens if they stop running or collapse.

The Brown haired boy who's name is Kiyotaka was in the very front of the group running at a very fast pace not looking fatigued with an indifferent expression still on his face.

(2 hours later)

Another excruciating 2 hours have passed and exactly 50% of the group that were running had already collapsed from exhaustion as they struggled to breathe and others not even moving a single muscle, and were dragged out of the room and their location unknown.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji POV

A majority of the group around me started to collapse as I kept running for what seemed to be almost 2 hours now, I looked back and there were only half of them far behind me who still managed to keep running.

Then a loud noise was heard throughout the room that was the alarm which means we can stop, The group behind me then sighed in relief and collapsed on the floor as they managed to reach the time limit.

Then me and the other people who managed to reach the time limit walked over to the scientist who had a serious expression on his face.

"I see there's only half of you that managed to reach the time limit, how disappointing. Now then, after you have a 5 minute rest let's move on to the next room." The scientist announced as some of the kids whimpered about the little time we got to rest as we all nodded.

(In Facility training room B)

We were then led into the room with multiple weights and equipment around them like dumbbells, barbells, treadmills, with benches around them.

We were then told to sit on a singular bench and get ready to do some bench-presses, the weight wasn't overly big and was adjusted to where we are all able to lift it but it will be a challenge to continue doing so for an extended period of time.

"Alright, today I want you all to give me 3 sets of 100, you'll each have a spotter behind you when you do each set, now begin!" The man said as he blew his whistle.

We were then told to lay on our backs on the bench as the spotter grabbed the weight and put it in our hands as we lifted it up and prepared to do all of our sets.

(10 minutes later)

It was only a couple of minutes after the second part of the training began and I was now on my second set, some of the group around me started to whimper as most of them finished their first set and about to start the second, but they were barely able to lift the weight as their arms shook tremendously as the weight was slowly getting to one of their stomachs as they tried with all their might to lift the weight.

You were allowed a one minute break if you finished a set, but it soon kept going down each time you finished a set.

Some of the group around me then started to cry out in pain as they felt they couldn't feel their arms anymore when some of them got halfway through the second set as they dropped the weight, and the spotter caught it as they fell down to the floor unable to move as some of them were slowly dragged out of the room.

(30 minutes later)

I was breathing somewhat heavily as I was done with all of my sets as my spotter lifted the weight from my arms and reported to the scientist that I had finished, and I sat down on the floor as my arms were screaming in pain and felt like jelly and I was barely able to lift a finger.

There was now only 5 of us left as the rest of them finished the second part of the training with tears in their eyes.

The scientist then walked to us as he observed the rest of us who managed to get through this part of the training, his eyes then fell onto me as he stared at me which seemed to be a look of interest in his eyes.

"I see their is only a few of you now that managed to get pass this part of the training. I applaud the few of you." The scientist said as he slowly clapped his hands.

The rest of the people around me that managed to pass this part of the training were in too much pain to care about the praise we were given as some looked like they were about to pass out.

"Well done, all of you are now done with your physical exercises for the day." The scientist announced as he walked to the far corner of the room to look at some of the data he wrote down.

All of the kids around me sighed in relief as they all collapsed on to the floor trying to catch their breath.

I sat down to trying to catch my breath as I looked at the remaining kids around who didn't move a muscle.

('I'm surprised a few of them lasted this long and survive today's training but it doesn't matter, They'll be broken from the training sooner or later and I'll win in the end just like I always do.') I thought.

(In Cell Room)

After a long day of training the few of us that managed to get through the physical part of the training told us were done for today and led us back to our rooms and the jail cell bars closing in blocking the exit in our rooms.

I then looked at the room I was accustomed to ever since I was here which only had a bed, a bathroom and some sleeping clothes we were given in a singular drawer, I was very sweaty from today's training so I then headed to my bathroom and took off my clothes to take a bath.

After I got out of the bath I put my sleepwear clothes on and got in my bed and I looked up and stared at the ceiling. A few minutes later I heard something slide into my cell, I looked down and saw that it was the food for today that we were given only after the day is over.

I picked it up and saw that the meal for today was soup which had multiple vegetables in it like carrots, and broccoli. I picked it up and started eating, the soup tasted a bit bitter but it was better than nothing.

After I finished eating I put the food down and stared at the ceiling again.

(Play Youkoso Jitsuryuko OST- Face To Face With The Past)

Freedom...... that is a word that has been constantly on my mind ever since I was here. What does it mean to be free?

Well freedom can mean a lot of things, If I ever get the chance to experience freedom maybe one day I will have my answer.

I started to wonder how different my life will be from how it is in here.

Only time will tell as I just stare into the whiteness of the wall that I'm always used to seeing in my room.

I was then cut out of my thoughts when I had heard some foot-steps getting closer to my room, I glance at the door as the foot-steps stop right in front of my room to see that it's professor Ayanokouji.

"Kiyotaka." Professor Ayanokouji called out.

"I heard that you were one of the top students today that showed superior progress against the kids and even the students that are older than you. Well done." Professor Ayanokouji said as he slowly clapped his hands.

I was silent as he said this as he continued to speak.

"You are one of my most superior students so far, I expect to keep hearing nothing but progress from you in the future Kiyotaka." Professor Ayanokouji continued.

"I'm expecting big things from you, I hope you don't fail to disappoint me." Professor Ayanokouji said as he walked off.

As he walked off, I turned my gaze to the ceiling again.

As I was slowly closing my eyes and about to go to sleep, I made a vow that one day I will experience what freedom truly is.


Third Person POV

There were multiple scientists in a lab that were either doing more research on the beings known as the Grimm, or they were looking at multiple students progress on a clipboard as they read over and reviewed their data.

There was one scientist in particular who was sitting at his desk that was reviewing students on his clipboard and moving on to the next one, none of which have really caught his interest. It was about 10 minutes that he kept repeating this process until he got to one student in particular which made him raise a brow.

Name: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

Age: 6

Birthday: October 20

Physical Ability: A

Intelligence: A

Academic Ability: A

Review: One of the most exceptional students who may display high exceptions in the future. His abilities are above average and surpasses the skills of students his age or older, his academic and physical skills at present are above average, and has the potential to show even more growth. We hope this particular student can keep showing constant improvement and will continue to be impressive in the future.

As soon as the man was done reading Kiyotaka's file, he closed it and put it into his file cabinet for safe keeping, then he went on his computer to pull up data of Kiyotaka and the data showed him being nothing but successful in his training and always outlasting the other students consistently, he then turned the computer off and went back to reviewing other students files.

"It's really impressive for the kid to be able to that everyday, and not even collapse even once during the training, the kid is only 6 years old and he managed to surpass the kids that are even older than him." The man said.

"So that must be the owners son huh? It should be no surprise to me that the kid has managed to last this long, the kid definitely has a lot of potential within him, I can only imagine how he'll be when he's older if he manages to survive which is a scary thought." The man said as he now started to look over other kids papers.

The man then grins,"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is it? Well I have to say that you have certainly caught my interest, I'll be keeping an eye on you kid, because I want to see how far you can go."


AN: Hey guys another chapter is finished! I finally got some free time to work on this special chapter and I dedicated all day today to finish it! I'll hopefully soon be updating a lot more as soon as summer comes so I can get more chapters out.

I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any questions about this special chapter or story leave a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability!

See You Next Time!!!

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