Interview Transcript #1

Subject: General Robyn Cappel
Gender: F
Age: 43
Occupation: State Employee

Interviewer:  ████████████████
Gender: ███████

Age: ███

ccupation: State Employee

In the following transcript based on the interviews taken, the interviewer will be termed as 'A' and the interviewee will be termed as 'B'.


A: Good evening, General Robyn. How has your day been?

B: I've been waiting here for five hours.

A: Oh, really? There's no clock in this room. How did you figure that out?

B: I learned how to keep time in the Army. I-It's-I... got used to counting time to stay awake during my night patrols.

A: Impressive. I, personally, lose track of numbers after a hundred. That's some incredible concentration you have there.

B: Have I been taken into custody to be questioned on my ability to keep time?

A: Ah, you're not one for small talk, are you? My apologies, I'm trying to sort through your file. It's quite... impressive.

B: Thank you. I should be the one apologising. -table thuds-sound of chains against metal- Take your time.

A: Right, right... Should I have those taken off for the interview?

B: If it isn't too much of a hassle to you and your colleague.

A: Not at all. Not at... all. -NAME REDACTED-, unlock that. She's a General, for god's sake. -footsteps-chains rattle-exhale- There. How's that?

B: Much better. Thank you.

A: Did they have those on you in the cell too?

B: Separated cuffs. The chains were added these morning.

A: What a pain, eh? Hard to sleep with those, I bet.

B: You don't feel it once you pass out.

A: The exhaustion from the chase, huh? The adrenaline must've taken a toll on you after two days.

B: The no-sleep added to it.

A: Then I would like to apologise once more for making you wait for so long. Sleep deprivation tends to stack.

B: -chuckle- I'm used to it. In the Army, I went three days without sleep once.

A: Riveting circumstances, I believe.

B: ... I'll... stay quiet and let you get to-

A: Alright, why don't you give me a run-down of what happened over the last few days? I won't bore you with small talk anymore while I get through this pile of achievements.

B: Reasonable enough. Alright. Where do I begin?

A: Wherever it began.

B: You'll have to be more specific.

A: Why not begin with when you first met Terra? The Angel of Death?

B: Sure. Uh... I was there on a routine inspection in place of some other bigwig who couldn't make it. I had my entourage, but three other soldiers decided to tag along and I let them. They decided to... help themselves around the SuperMax Iso-facility. An-

A: How did they get news of the fact that Terra Carai, former and current Angel of Death, was locked up there?

B: From what I am to understand, they had contacts. And while everyone's under NDA, information about an important prisoner like that is bound to slip through one way or the other.

A: Their acquaintances have already been executed for high treason.

B: Yes. And my men are facing time without parole. It's... -exhale- fucked up.

A: The lengths we go to for national security.

B: ... yes.

A: Then you met Terra Carai at an interrogation where you found out her true identity. How did you react?

B: Honestly, I thought they captured the wrong person. Like... perhaps, she was just a scapegoat because at the time she was just 18.

A: Around the same age as your, forgive my indiscretion, daughter, Amelia. Is that right?

B: I... Yes.

A: And how long has it been since her... accident?

B: Four years, eight months and three days. I... I don't see how this is releva-

A: This might be a question for a shrink to ask. God knows, really. They have the right training for it, but I can't help but wonder... Did you possibly imprint... Hey, -NAME REDACTED-, is 'imprint' the right word?

-REDACTED-: 'Represent'? Isn't imprint the thing werewolves do?

A: Where did you hear that?

-REDACTED-: I've been reading.

A: Read something better. Anyway, where were we-

B: You were asking me if I started thinking of Terra as my daughter.

A: Great. You got it.

B: I... -unintelligible-

-REDACTED-: Please speak up, General. This session is being recorded.

B: I didn't.

A: Refrain from lying when you can, General.

B: I... didn't.

-REDACTED-: Refrain from lying when you can, General Robyn.

B: I was worried for her... for what she'd been through until I showed up and got her out of there. But not once did I consider her a replacement for my daughter. She was the one who imprinted on me. She called me 'Mom' once during the transfer period.

A: Is that so? Interesting.

-REDACTED-: Very much so. So you're saying, she considered you a mother figure. But you didn't reciprocate the feelings at all?

B: No. I found it hard to think of her as more than a murderer.

-REDACTED-: Now you're just pushing it. And you're also lying not only for yourself, but also about the Angel of Death. From her several psych reports, it's been made clear that Terra found it hard to trust, or in this case, imprint-

A: Nice.

-REDACTED-: Thank you. I try. Anyway, Terra's preliminary psych reports from during her experimentation, the period of enhanced interrogation, imprisonment and the reports of the grief counsellor- have all been compiled to show that Terra, in fact, has a demonstrated some mild forms of sociopathic tendencies.

B: I don't believe it. Shrinks can label anyone a sociopath. Everyone has some form of sociopathic tendencies.

-REDACTED-: Noted. But her sociopathic tendencies stem from her lack of parental attachment. Whether it's from birth or just from the way she grew up cannot be ascertained as of yet because she never went into details about her parents. She did mention feeling a sense of guilt at not being able to cry when she found out her parents had been murdered. The grief counsellor was also rather surprised at her rather calm demeanour.

B: Several studies done on Section D residents have shown that they tend to grown up with tendencies to hide their emotions bearing in mind the tough world they grow up in. It's why the State takes their subjects from there. They're mentally tougher than most other residents.

-REDACTED-: Noted. However, I'm not here to talk about studies. You were never imprinted in Terra's mind as a mother figure or anything of the sort.

B: I see. I was mistaken then.

A: Very much so. Anyway, do you think that your possible soft spot towards Terra and her overall situation could have led to Terra's escape?

B: Uh, what? Excuse me? Are you implying that I let Terra go because I think of her as my daughter?

A: I thought we established the fact that you do not think of her as your daughter.

B: I do not. But I also do not have a soft spot for her.

A: Then do you worry about every prisoner you happen to transport? Every person in a bad place?

B: Any concern I had for her was mainly based on her age. Her skills, her manners... it's unnatural.

A: Indeed. If she'd made it through the entire procedure, she would have made a truly splendid operative. Wouldn't she, -NAME REDACTED-?

-REDACTED-: Ah, yes. If it wasn't for her circumstances when we picked her up, she would've been very useful.

A: Indeed. What a shame... Would've led to a huge promotion for you though, General.

B: I never considered it.

A: Ah, so getting Terra out of isolation was purely out the of the goodness of your heart?

B: I recognised and acknowledged her talent. That's all. The State doesn't have very competent snipers. Or a lot of them with a kill count that high.

-REDACTED-: Three-forty-six counts of murder in the first degree, five counts of premeditated murder in the case of HQ Commander Malcolm and the team under his supervision, and more recently, four counts of manslaughter and murder in the second degree... the unfortunate, chopper pilots and the two civilian casualties stemming from it.

A: Wrong hot-dog cart, wrong time.

-REDACTED-: -laughter- Wonder how you explain that in front of the pearly gates.

A: -laughter- Stop it, -NAME REDACTED-. I'm trying to be professional here.

B: I'm sorry. Are civilian casualties a joke to you?

A: Get off your high horse, General. It's just a bit of gallows humour.

B: This is not the place for that.

A: And this is not a place for that tone you're taking with me either, General. Have you forgotten where we are? Or why we're here?

B: I have not. I would like the record to state that I tried my best to capture the fugitive of the State, Terra Carai.

A: And the record shall state that. But we're here to test if your incompetency is a result of your own doing or an elaborately orchestrated plan by the bitch you sprung to make the entire government look like fools! -table thud--chair screech--footsteps-

-NAME REDACTED-: I guess I'm going to take over temporarily. In the day leading up to this fiasco, were there any changes in Terra behaviour? Any indications that she was planning something?

B: I was swamped with paperwork. Upper management was breathing down my neck after Malcolm's murder. So, even if something was off, I might not have noticed. I didn't know Terra well enough to know her tics either. I've only seen her a handful of times since placing her Malcolm's custody.

-REDACTED-: Understandable. Paperwork is a bitch no matter what level you are on.

B: May I ask a question, -NAME REDACTED-?

-NAME REDACTED-: Refrain from acknowledging my presence or mentioning my name, General. I do not exist in this room, nor do I exist in front of you. And in reply- yes, you may, General.

B: S-Sorry. It was an oversight on my part. I-uh-Will I be released following this interrogation? Or are there more charges I'm unaware of?

-NAME REDACTED-: That is not up to me to reply, General. Certain people require certain answers, and I'm here to get those answers. What happens to those answers, or you, beyond this is out of my control or knowledge. I hope that's clear.

B: Very. -laughter- So, I'm a scapegoat?

A: Refrain from making rather crude allegations like that.

B: -laughter- What else can I be here for? I followed every protocol, dotted the fucking 'i's and crossed every fucking 't'. Yet here I am. Arrested. Being interrogated by people who shouldn't exist. Being treated like a prisoner. -laughter- Ironic that the Angel of Death is now walking free and me, the only hope you could ever have of catching her, is imprisoned.

A: That's some confidence you have there. -chair screech--chair screech- You imprisoned Terra several times once you took over the HQ Commander post.

B: And this is how she felt, huh?

-NAME REDACTED-: And what is it you think she felt?

B: Humiliation... Betrayal...

A: Ah, so you sympathize with the Angel of Death now?

B: Never have. Never will. Records of my first interrogation with her will show that I was in favour of a public execution.

-NAME REDACTED-: I agree. Should've gotten rid of her ages ago. Now she's more of a hero than ever.

B: I was arrested after that video came out. What's going on out there?

A: A lot. We need Generals like you out there. Helping, containing, suppressing, capturing.

B: Sounds like you've got a revolution on your hand.

A: Brewings of it. International human rights groups have joined in, and you know what a pain they can be.

B: I advocated against letting them have access to our country. Leeches, all of them.

-NAME REDACTED-: -laughter- Noted, General.

B: Anything else, gentleme- -coughing- I mean, sir?

A: Yes. We've wasted a lot of time chit-chatting here. I'll keep my question quick. Answer only what's needed and no more. -long silence- When did you discover Dr. Blue's state?

B: I attempted to contact him to take him along for negotiations, but got no response. When I got a chance after Terra... ran, I decided to check up on him and found him in a comatose state. I then proceeded to call for medical help.

A: Did you touch or disturb anything in his office?

B: I checked for a pulse and nothing else.

A: Do you have knowledge of where he keeps his notes?

B: No. But I saw some ashes and hard drives in the microwave.

A: Next- your relationship with Lionel Mackenzie?

B: Met him once in a meeting. Never again.

A: Did you have knowledge of the relationship between Lionel Mackenzie and Terra Carai?

B: I got her investigated. Yes, I did.

A: Were you privy to any details about this relationship? Did Terra ever say anything?

B: No. I mentioned it only once. She clearly didn't like it.

A: She was known to be a private person even in Section D. Her building mates didn't have much to say about her in that aspect either.

-NAME REDACTED-: She's from Section D. It's obvious she wouldn't just hand out details of her life to strangers. Especially strangers who harboured suspicion and animosity towards here. There were rumours of a confrontation and beatdown. Did you have knowledge of this, General?

B: I-This is the first I'm hearing of it. May I ask for more details?

A: Shortly after her Willowwood arrest, the residents got suspicious about her background. Terra apparently told them she was convict because she killed a Peacekeeper in captivity.

B: Not entirely false. But a good cover.

A: An excellent cover.

B: I offered her a job working for me after she returned from New Artoca. The combination of her brains with her ability for risk and-and her experience is just mind-blowing! She was in that country for one week and completely shook it up from the inside out.

A: It took her one day to do this to the State. In one week, she would have had this place burnt to ground.

-NAME REDACTED-: Five hours, to be precise. From the beginning of her day, with the check up with Dr. Blue right up until she killed a major State Sponsor.

B: Sounds about right. We assumed about 40-50 minutes at Dr. Blue's office to knock him out, get the answers, burn evidence, wipe data. Half an hour to maybe another 40 minutes in the commute at those hours. Barely 20 minutes at the Mackenzie building, 10-15 back to Lionel's apartment and then about another hour roughly in negotiations. That's about three hours... What's the other two hours for?

A: Her escape.

B: Within 2 hours?

A: With the way she can... fly and cover distances, it does come down to that. Unfortunately, all of Dr. Blue's deleted data included data from her flight times.

B: No. You've got it wrong. Terra can't fly. Her body isn't light enough for that, and her wings can't support her weight.

A: Witness accounts say otherwise.

B: She glides. She can only glide.

A: Witness accoun-

B: The witnesses don't know her like I do. Her mission data and her own account, straight from the horse's mouth, show that she cannot fly. Don't make her out to be some kind of a superhero.

A: You're right. She's just a freak.

-NAME REDACTED-: I see that hit a nerve, General.

B: It did. By calling her a 'freak', you negate and dissolve all her accomplishments just because she looks a certain way she didn't choose to.

A: What... Just what are you trying to sat general?

B: Don't call her a freak. The amount of innate talent she has in her little finger is something you could never even produce in your entire life.


-NAME REDACTED-: Alright, we are done here. Thank you for your time, General. Apologies for the wait once more. We'll come back if we have anymore questions. -chair screech-

B: Sure. I'm always available for you-uh- guy. Hopefully next time I can take you in my office while wearing my uniform.

A: -chair screech- That's only if you keep your rank, General.

B: Atleast I'm going out on my best efforts without putting down others.

A: Watch what you say or you won't be a General anymore.

B: Still a higher rank than you could ever achieve anyway.

A: General, I will-


B: Yes, please. Move it.


-door slam-


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