Chapter 8 - "You know, I never pegged either of you as being the skittish type."
Monica slid a mug across the counter to Donovan, the black coffee swirling inside. Nodding his thanks, Donovan picked it up and sipped. From the bathroom door emanated the patter of the shower. Monica glanced towards the hallway.
"How's he doing?" Link's mother asked.
Donovan sank back in his chair, noticing the worry lines around her eyes.
"He didn't talk about it this weekend?" he asked.
Sunday was always reserved time for Link and his mother. They'd have brunch, visit a museum, or do nothing but talk. With her the top lawyer at her law firm and in high demand, it meant most nights they barely saw each other. That's why Sundays were their day.
Monica sighed and rested against the kitchen counter, the steam from her mug curl around her face.
"He said he was fine and asked about my latest case and how it was going," she said. "I didn't want to push him. But...he's going to school with Mason, it can't be easy."
She looked to the hallway again and the lines deepened.
"He's handling it better than I expected," Donovan said. He hesitated, debating how much more to say. But seeing how concerned Monica was, he continued. "They've had a run-in, but luckily a new friend of his was there to distract Mason."
Monica raised her eyebrows, surprised. "Is this Carter? He mentioned her a little. She sounds interesting. Does he like her?"
Donovan fought back a smile at the curious gleam in Link's mother's eyes. It was the same look his own mother got when girls were mentioned by any of her sons.
"No," Donovan said. "She's simply a friend."
At the disappointment in Monica's face, Donovan almost told her about Maddy but held it in. Maddy was a topic for Link to share when there was more to share. So far only two interactions didn't say much for the future.
The door to the bathroom opened and Link walked out, dressed and toweling his hair dry. He paused when he noticed his mother and Donovan in the kitchen.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
"Simply stealing your mom's good coffee," Donovan said.
Link headed off to his room and Monica gave Donovan a grateful smile.
"Please let me know if he's not doing all right," she said. "I'm glad this first week wasn't too bad but...I can't imagine he won't have rough times."
"Of course," Donovan said, walking a strange line between being employed by Monica and best friends with Link.
By the time Donovan had finished his cup of coffee, Link returned. The pair grabbed their bags and headed towards the door, Monica wishing them a good day. Link glanced over at Donovan as they stepped onto the elevator.
"Did mom talk to you?" he asked.
Donovan sent him a look and Link sighed.
"What did you tell her?"
"That you were handling it better than I thought."
Link perked up under Donovan's assessment. "I am, which means she shouldn't worry so much."
"She's a mother, that's what they do." Donovan nudged Link's arm with his elbow when Link continued to frown at his reflection in the door. "When someone worries about you it means they are involved in your life enough to know what's going on and care about how it's affecting you. You should be happy you have a mom that worries, too many people don't."
Link relaxed and studied Donovan as if seeing him for the first time that morning.
"Fine but I'm guessing your mom doesn't have to worry about you as much as mine," he said.
Donovan folded his arms. He was isolated, wanting to quit, and possibly on the edge of depression, yeah she worried about him a lot.
But Donovan simply smiled. "Who knows."
"Some would say he was foolish for taking the career choice he did," Mr. Philips said as he paced back and forth in from of the class.
Donovan looked up from the file he'd currently been reading, Philips' remark hitting him. His career. His career had been something he chose when he was only sixteen. Had he been foolish to accept so easily? With an answer of 'Yes, sir' years of his life had been locked away, while more hung in the balance as well, all depending on if Douglas got reelected.
"But I believe," Philips continued. "If you asked him if he could redo it, would he choose differently, he would say that he would have done the same thing."
Donovan glanced at Link sitting beside him, taking notes. His hair flopped over his forehead and his glasses slid down the bridge of his nose. He tried to imagine a life where he didn't know Link, hadn't walked him through the hard parts of his life.
He couldn't do it. Just like he knew he couldn't quit even as he felt tired of staying.
"So, speaking of careers, let this be a lesson to you as career day approaches. The work you choose will become your life, for good or bad. Remember that when you decide what field you will go into."
The bell rang.
"Chapters 23 and 24 tonight. Don't forget the essay due this Friday," he said.
Donovan buried his thoughts, knowing they wouldn't take him anywhere good, and exited the classroom with Link. As they stepped into the hallway, Carter fell in alongside them. Link grinned at her.
Every time he did, Donovan saw the bonds between them strengthening. He hoped it would be strong enough that if Carter ever put together the truth, she wouldn't use it against him.
He still didn't know what to make of her, whether he could trust her. She cared but it was hidden behind a lot of aggression. What side would win in a fight, he didn't know.
"You know, if you keep hanging out with us people will think we're friends," Link said, echoing Carter's words.
"The thought did cross my mind," she replied.
There it was again, a blasé comment masking whether friendship meant anything to her at all. Donovan was slowly getting annoyed with the puzzle of this girl.
As they rounded the corner towards history, an alarm blared through the school. The shrill siren beat against eardrums, making students wince.
As metal shutters slammed down over the windows, Donovan reacted, grabbing Link's arm. This was what he'd expected. After all, it couldn't have been a coincidence that they ended up in the same school as Mason Douglas. This had to be all planned.
A girl shrieked as Donovan shoved open a classroom door and pulled Link. Behind them, voices reverberated off the walls, panic mounting as transfer students swirled around, shouting for answers.
"What is it?" Link said his panic climbing.
"Breathe," Donovan said, guiding to a back corner of the empty classroom and behind a counter.
Donovan nudged Link into a crouch as he formulated a plan. He knew of the tunnels beneath the school and the secure rooms there. He'd told Brock about the transfer but he didn't know it that meant Link's biometrics would be updated into the system. Link curled his fingers and Donovan could tell he was trying to fight off his anxiety.
"You'll be fine," Donovan said, in a soothing tone. "Just stay calm."
Link gave a jerky nod.
"Students," Principal Withers said, his voice crackling over the sound system. "Please return to your homerooms in an orderly fashion. I repeat, return to your homerooms."
Donovan mentally mapped out their route. Down the hallway outside and a left turn there was a janitor's closet. Behind a metal shelf, lay a hidden down to the tunnels. Once the rest of the school was back in their homerooms, Donovan could get Link to the secure room without anyone noticing them.
The door to the classroom squeaked open and Donovan froze, his heart pounding in his chest. Did they already know where Link was? Had they spotted them on the school security cameras? Donovan glanced around him for a weapon of some sort, but there was nothing in sight. Footsteps drew steadily closer and Donovan balled his fist, ready.
When Carter appeared and stared down at them, Donovan paused. Nothing in her stance said she was a threat or that she found the situation of the school unsettling.
"You know, I never pegged either of you as being the skittish type," she said. "Okay, I might have expected it from Link but not Donovan."
Though Link blushed, Donovan showed nothing at all. Her level of calmness stole away Donovan's defense. If a girl trained by a Navy SEAL didn't think there was anything suspicious about the alarm going off, Donovan wondered if he'd been wrong? After all, she'd gone to Hamilton for years.
Carter pointed back towards the doorway. "Are we going to head back to homeroom or shall I join you down there? Who knows? It might improve my reputation to be found on the floor with the school's new hot guy."
Donovan worked his jaw in annoyance, which made Carter laugh. He felt like an idiot. What did he expect, a troop of men to infiltrate the most secure school in the country?
"I'm not sure even that could improve your reputation," he said, needing to regain control over the situation.
"Probably not. Come on. They have to make sure everyone is accounted for."
Looking embarrassed as well as pale, Link stood. "Does this happen often?"
"No, but it wouldn't surprise me if this is a test," Carter said, leading them back into a mostly empty hallway. "We have them every so often, you know, to check response time. How fast does the military show up."
Donovan kept his expression even though he felt ridiculous. Of course, the school had received a new group of students, the administration would have to make sure that they knew what to do in a time of emergency.
"What?" Link asked.
"You do realize the President's son goes here, right?" Carter said. "The second the alarm goes off, an alert is sent to the military and they send out a response team. This is one of the most secure schools in the country."
The statement echoed Donovan's early thought. Was he so bored that he wished for something dangerous to happen? That's almost what he'd wanted when he'd searched his old school with Brock. He let out a low breath. He needed something to change, he just didn't know what.
"Oh," Link said.
The alarm still rang down corridors, urging even the most stubborn back to their classrooms. Carter glanced at her phone. "It's a good reaction time, even with the new students."
The chemistry room buzzed with excited chatter as speculations on what caused the alarm flew around. Though Donovan didn't feel like leaving Link's side, he knew he would be weird if he stayed, so he took his spot in the back of the classroom. When he surveyed the room, he noted the absence of Mason and Smith. That didn't surprise him, drill or not, Smith would have to secure Mason, just in case.
As Mr. Miller called out roll to double-check everyone was there, Donovan pulled up the school files. At least reading these gave him the illusion of doing something productive. But even as he read, he saw Carter's face as she peered down at him. In one look she'd made him feel like an idiot and he hated it.
When Carter, Link, and Donovan entered the cafeteria the noise felt doubled after the temporary lockdown. All anyone talked about was how the school felt eerie with the shutters down and the sight of the military checking the interior. Donovan had tried to spot if Brock was among the men who searched the school but wasn't able to tell.
Before Link or Donovan could face the chaos of the lunch line, Carter offered a part of hers. It was a thoughtful gesture and one that felt out of place for her. But that could be true for a lot of things she did, half of them seeming out of character for the hard-edged girl.
Link easily snatched up Carter's bag of chips, breaking it open. But Donovan didn't reach for anything. It felt too strange. He wasn't sure he trusted her and didn't find it easy to accept her generosity, not knowing what was behind it.
As Link lifted a chip to his mouth, he stopped as Maddy strolled past their table. He followed her path, the chip completely forgotten. Donovan almost smiled then. He looked completely struck dumb by Maddy. With a search of the surrounding area, Link was the only one Maddy had this effect on. At least if Link ever did try to go for it, it meant no competition.
"She thinks you're cute," Carter said, snapping Link from his stunned state. "You should go have lunch with her."
That was not likely to happen. Donovan had seen Link's attempts at flirting. After each one he was more and more reluctant to put himself in that position.
Link blinked, coming back to himself. "What did you say?"
"Go eat with her."
Though Link stared at where Maddy now sat with her friends, he shook his head, shrinking away from the thought. "No. I'm fine."
Donovan's heart went out to him. He'd once thought about demonstrating to Link what he should do, but since that would involve actually flirting with a girl, Donovan didn't offer. He didn't want to give false encouragement to a girl. And if he was being honest with himself, it had been so long since he'd flirted with someone he didn't know how rusty he would be.
"Don't be stupid. Go sit with her," Carter said. It surprised Donovan once again how she could be both supportive and aggressive all at once. "You like her, don't you?" Link shrugged unconvincingly. "You helped her with math homework and talked to her at the museum, you have your in."
Donovan wasn't sure that was true. Link had told him how the talk at the museum had gone and 'talk' was an exaggeration. They'd said hello and exchanged two sentences about the lecture and a lot of silence.
"Go take it before the guy at the next table takes it," Carter finished.
Donovan scanned the surrounding tables. Well, that was an obvious lie. The only guy closest to the table who wasn't already in a conversation with someone else was on his phone. But from the way Link stiffened, Donovan knew he didn't see this.
"Which one?" Link asked, still searching.
"Why should I tell you? It's not like it matters to you since you aren't going."
Donovan pressed his lips together, trying to hide his amusement. She didn't make sense. Pushing Link to take a chance while lying to him to do it. She either enjoyed manipulating people or cared enough about Link to want him to be happy.
"Tell me who it is," Link said.
Carter held Link's gaze, opening her mouth as if you spill the truth, but snapped her jaw shut and shook her head. "Nope, if you're not going to do anything about Maddy, then he should at least get a chance. Who knows? It might be fun to watch him flirt with her. You know, hear how she laughs at his stupid jokes."
Paradoxical. That's what Carter was. Donovan saw her tactic working as Link wavered with indecision until he nodded to himself, his resolve solidifying. He stood abruptly but didn't move, eyes pinned on Maddy.
"You might find simply saying 'hello' will go a long way," Carter said, encouragingly.
Awkwardly, Link climbed over the bench and headed towards Maddy, faltering in his tracks once but finding the determination to go on. Donovan sent a silent prayer after him, hoping this wouldn't end in disaster like so many other interactions had in the past.
Link hovered behind Maddy, then tapped her shoulder. When she smiled up at him, Link relaxed, a goofy grin sliding into place. Maddy scooted over and Link managed to take the seat beside her without bumping her. Donovan relaxed, this showed promise.
When the quiet at Carter and his table grew, Donovan broke it.
"Not a single guy at the table next to Maddy's even looked over when she sat down."
"I know that and you know that, but Link doesn't need to know that," Carter said.
"Why, then?"
"I knew he would find it more painful to watch someone flirt with Maddy then having to go over and talk to her."
When Maddy laughed and touched Link's arm, making him blush, Donovan felt a flicker of hope. Maybe Link could do this.
"Why help him at all?" he asked, needing to understand her.
Carter arched an eyebrow at him. "You mean because I'm such a cold-hearted person I couldn't possibly want to help someone else?"
Yes, that's exactly why it didn't make sense. But Donovan couldn't say that out loud.
When Donovan remained silent, Carter looked away. "I know I come off harsh and blunt, but that doesn't mean I don't care." Donovan studied her profile and for a breathe, he thought he could see tenderness in her face. But it vanished behind a mask of self-confidence. "Besides, Link has lived in the shadow of your good looks for so long he's forgotten that he's attractive in his own right. He just needed a push towards a girl who wasn't interested in you."
Across the way, Link laughed, knocked something over, and fumbled about. To her credit, Maddy didn't act concerned, merely helped him. It seemed her schemed worked.
"He's lucky to have you as a friend then," Donovan said, reaching out to take a chip.
Carter snorted. "Well, that has got to be a first."
Donovan wondered if that were really true.
Hey there Noodly-Noodle!
(That means you're the noodliest of the noodles!)
What did you think of the chapter? 💬💭🗯
I know some of you are probably wondering, "Joy, wasn't there an interaction with an annoying girl in this chapter?"
Yes, yes there was. But it's probably one of the most insulting interactions, I literally make it so the girl can't even find words to respond, 🤦🏽♀️ like it would ever be that bad. So I cut it.
I've thought of cutting it from the original, still not sure yet. I know you might like it, but the amount of stupid girls in the original book bugs me.
You can tell me your thoughts on this if you want. If there's some you think o should cut or not! Go ahead! I'm all ears...and eyes and a nose, and a face, and get the picture.
Vote, comment, follow because you know you want to!
Yup, adorable!
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