Sup Bitch


"Hello Nicole Mom, my name is Jessica Mills, but you can call me Jecka, and thank you for letting me join you on this road trip."

A pink, roofless car could be seen pulled up in front of the house, and out came a young blonde, around her early teens, with blonde hair, amber eyes, a pink shirt, and short shorts. She was known as Jessica Mills, or Jecka for short, and she was currently greeting someone known as "Nicole Mom."

"Please, call me Marissa, or Mari, and no need to thank me, I should be the one thankful for you being my daughter's friend, I know she can be a real handful at times."

"Nicole Mom", a middle-aged woman, around 40 or 50, maybe younger, with dyed blonde hair and teal green eyes, wearing a long-sleeve shirt and black pants, she was known as Marissa Lenti, or Mari for short. She seemed happy to meet Jessica, even thankful to have her as her daughter's friend.

"Yeah, she really can be..."

Jecka lets out a small sigh, as if aware how much of a handful Nicole is.

"Um, not to sound rude, but your Son won't be coming, right?"

Jecka was worried when she mentioned Marissa Son, clearly not looking forward to meeting him again.

"Don't worry he won't, he's currently in prison for, um, "Talking", to underage girls..."

Luckily Mari explains how her Son was arrested and won't be around for a while, much to the relief of Mills.

"Which is another reason I'm glad you decided to come, even though me and my daughter don't see eye to eye, I would still prefer she had someone her age that she can spend time with during the trip, again, thank you."

Marissa once again thanks the pink blonde, as well as smiling happily towards her.

"No problem Mari, so, where is Nicole?"

Jecka just simply accepts the thanks, though she was curious on where Nicole was, as she noticed she wasn't around.

"In her room, hopefully almost finished packing."

Marissa sighs softly, almost annoyed that her Daughter wasn't done yet and could only hope she would be soon.

"If you don't mind, can I go meet up with her?"

Jecka decided to meet up with her friend instead of waiting for her.

"Of course, I'll let you know when it's time to go."

Marissa nods and allows Jessica to enter the house.

"Nicole, I'm here, are you still packing, do you need help?"

Since Jecka knew her way around the house, she was able to quickly find the room of her friend with no effort.


Unfortunately, when Jecka entered the room, she was immediately met with a young girl, around the same late teen age, with black hair, blue eyes, a blue shirt, and black pants. She was the infamous Nicole Lenti, and she was currently in the middle of holding a rope tied into a noose.

"You know, debating whether or not to kill myself now or later."

Nicole answered calmly, and almost boredom, as if it was a normal thing to casually say.


Jecka could only groan loudly in frustration.

"What's your problem?"

Nicole raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms at her friend's disapproval reaction.

"You Trying To Kill Yourself For One!"

Jecka yelled at her friend with great annoyance.

"Also, do you have any ideas what I have to go through to be here? The amount of begging and arguing with my Dad and Mom?!"

Jecka grumbles and pinches the bridges of her nose, feeling like her effort to come here would be a waste if her emo friend killed herself.

"Also why are you trying to kill yourself in the first place? I thought you were also excited to go on this road trip?"

Jecka then sighs, now curious on why Lenti was even doing this in the first place.

"Well, I was, but that was before I learned that this whole trip was organized by Mom's new boyfriend."

Now it was Nicole turn to be annoyed and grumbles when she explains her reasons for wanting to commit suicide.

"Oh? She has a new boyfriend?"

Jecka was now interested and curious with this newfound information she just received.

"Yes, do you understand why I want to kill myself?"

Nicole expected her pink friend to understand her plight once she finished explaining her troubles.

"I mean, is he abusive? Or a predator? Racist? An asshole of some kind?"

Though it only made Jecka confused, since her suicidal BFF didn't really explained a lot.


Nicole shrugs.

"Probably? So you don't even know?"

This made Jecka even more confused, and almost started to get frustrated again with her emo friend.

"I mean, given the track record of all the men we met and dealt with throughout our entire highschool years, I wouldn't be surprised if he's at least one or all of those things."

But Nicole brings up an unfortunate good point on why she has her suspicion towards such people, especially towards older men.

"Well, can't say you're wrong..."

Something Jecka couldn't help but agree with, sighing softly to herself.

"But have you at least met or talked to Mari's boyfriend yet?"

But despite this, Jecka still wanted to know if Marissa's boyfriend was actually a bad person or not.

"I mean, no, but I am supposed to meet him today."

Which Nicole still doesn't know since she hasn't met the person yet.

"Look, can we at least wait and see what he's like first? To at least see if it's worth killing yourself over."

Jecka decided to just recommend and suggest to at least hold off on the whole suicide thing, at until they actually meet the person that her friend seemed to already hate.

"Ugh, fine, I'll at least see if he's a bearable dickhead."

Nicole whines and groans at this, but reluctantly agrees to the idea, since it would be a waste to kill herself if the person wasn't an asshole enough to make it worthwhile.

"But if he starts groping me, I will make sure to kill you first before myself."

"Sounds fair."

After a while, once Nicole finally finished packing, with some help from Jecka, both beautiful older teens walked out of the house and once again met with the Mom herself again.

"Nicole, you sure took your time packing."

Marissa could only sigh and shake her friend with her daughter, already exhausted with how difficult she was being.

"Sorry, I was trying to figure out whether or not I should bring a rope or not."

Nicole shrugs, which just made Jessica sigh in exhaustion as well, feeling the same pain as Mari.

"Well, I have some rope in my Rustbucket, so you don't have to worry about that."

However, catching the attention of both teens, they immediately noticed a certain older gentleman, much older than the others, standing next to and slightly behind Mom Lenti. He was tall and had a mix of round yet muscular body shape, gray hair with slight wrinkles, and wore a Hawaiian shirt.

"Um, Mom? Who's this old guy with you?"

Nicole was very confused when seeing the older man, clearly not recognizing him.


Though Marissa got mad with how rude her Daughter was towards her boyfriend when calling him a simple "Old guy".


But this only resulted in Nicole being shocked as well, her eyes went wide in disbelief to finally realize who her Mom was dating.

"Sooooo, does this mean I won't get stabbed?"

Jecka, not as invested in the reveal, just whispered to her friend and wondering if this means she won't be killed for this, this of course resulted in Lenti glaring at her.

"I am so sorry for my Daughter's behavior."

Marissa quickly tries to apologize to her boyfriend, who just laughs it off, clearly not bothered by this.

"No need to apologize, I understand her confusion and concerns, I mean, not everyday an old man dates someone as young and beautiful as you."

The older man smiles toward his so-called girlfriend as he expresses such a reassuring yet warm look, which makes the older woman blush softly in response.

"Oh you~"

Marissa giggles softly and hugs the arm of her boyfriend and kisses his cheeks, making him laugh nervously and blush lightly as well.

"... Where's my knife?"

"Oh Goddammit..."

Nicole had enough of this and quickly searched for her knife to kill her friend then herself with, much to Jecka dismay.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself."

But before the emo girl could overreact, the boyfriend walked up to the Daughter of his girlfriend and started to introduce himself to her.

"My name is Maxwell Tennyson, but you can call me Max."

Maxwell Tennyson, or just Max, reached out his hand towards Lenti, hoping for a shake, but was met with a harsh glare.

"What? Not gonna make me call you Father? Or maybe you want me to call you "Daddy~" instead, hm?"

Nicole seemed to already hate Maxwell and already rejected him as a father figure, which of course made her Mother upset and was about to once again yell at her for being so impolite.

"You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable, I might be dating your Mother, but I'm not trying to take over the family, all I can hope for is for us to get along together and maybe bond a little during our trip."

However, Max was able to stop his girlfriend and wanted to reassure her. He wanted her to know that he understood he needed to earn his place in the family. He seemed determined to do so, but not by force or anything violent. This made the emo teen raise an eyebrow in surprised interest. She was clearly not used to someone acting so calm and reasonable.

"Come on Nicole, at least give Maxwell a chance?"

Marissa, after calming herself down, tries to beg her Daughter to at the very least not be so hostile toward her boyfriend.

"Yeah, he doesn't seem that bad, I mean, maybe a little old, but at least he isn't like the teachers at our high school."

Which Jecka agreed with the Mom Lenti, as she points out how Tennyson didn't seem so bad so far, unlike those they met before, her emo friend could only continue to glare and frown deeply, very obviously not happy about all this.

"... Fine, but I will stab your wrinkled ass face if you do anything shitty to me, my friend and Mom."

But in the end, Nicole decided it wasn't worth getting upset about and just accepted it, though she made it very clear that she still didn't like the old man.


Much to Marissa's anger, growling at her Daughter and planning to punish her for such negativity, though Maxwell held her back by placing a hand on her shoulder and just laughed it off.

"Don't worry, not the first time dealing with rowdy teens."

Max still didn't seem bothered, even taking this as a form of challenge to earn the trust, and he starts it off by reaching in his pocket.

"Here Nicole."

Max then pulls out a box and holds it out towards Lenti.

"... What's this?..."

While Nicole expressed hesitation, she still took the box, and opened it up.

"You can think of this as a bribe, as well as forming a truce between us, I would rather us work together instead of against one another."

Max simply explains and desires them to at least not be enemies with one another, not exactly expecting friendship, just simple neutrality at the very least.

"No freaking way..."

Nicole went eyes wide when she opened the box, revealing a very advanced touch screen phone, a fresh and newer model.

"Wow, you managed to get one of the newer models, imagine all the high quality only fans you could make with that phone."

Even Jecka was impressed at the type of gift that her friend was given, even expressing jealousy.

"Nicole, what do you say?"

Marissa seemed to smirk at this, hoping that this was enough to at least make her Daughter start being more respectful toward her boyfriend.

"Thank you Daddy!~"

Nicole decided that she liked Max, specifically what he might be able to offer her, so she wasted no time trying to be nice and loving towards him, going so far as to hug him fully and call him "Daddy," though while he did accept the hug, even patting her back, he still expressed hesitation and discomfort when being called "Daddy."

"No need to force yourself to say that, kiddo."

"Yeah, you're right, still not there yet."
You could probably guess what I have planned, lol, BTW, this takes place after graduation from the Highschool, I was originally planning to take place in the beginning of the "Class Of 09" story, but given it has multiple routes and ending and all that, I just think it would be to much of a headache to deal with.

(SORRY TO SAY! But besides Jecka and Nicole family, I will not be including any of the Class Of 09 characters, well, at least not all of them, i mean not to sound rude, but a lot of the characters are just the worse, i mean funny and entertaining in the game, but you could probably assume why i don't plan to include them)

/Full Names Of Important Class Of 09 Characters\

Marissa Lenti: Nicole Mother.

Nicole Lenti.

Jessica Mills: Jecka.

(I try to do research, but unfortunately I got nothing, so let's just hope they don't give me the characters name after a few chapters later lol)

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