Side Effects Of The Blue Crystal


"This Is Such Bullshit Mom!"

A hour or so later, bat at the camping sight with the Rustbucket RV, once Nicole Lenti has awaken, the first thing she noticed that her pills were gone, and after realizing those were gone, she did not hesitate to get confrontational and wasted no time yelling at her mother, Marissa Lenti.

"I Found Those Pills Fair And Square!"

"I Will Not Have My Daughter Take Strange Drugs That Turns Her Into A Monster!"

"I Can Do Whatever I Want, You Bitch!"

"Don't Talk To Me Like That Nicole!"

Though Nicole and Marissa were having their mother-daughter arguments inside the Rustbucket, back outside, both Maxwell Tennyson and Jessica Mills could be seen sitting together on a log, in front of the campfire. The older gentleman couldn't help but look worried and awkward about the situation, while the young girl seemed to ignore everything that was happening, simply looking bored at her phone, texting.

"Are... They always like this?"

Max, both trying to strike up conversation, as well as ask for Jessica's opinion on the matter.

"Mhm, I still think it's a better relationship than with me and my dad."

Jecka shrugs as she gives her response, not caring that much and seems to think everything was fine.

"What do you mean?"

Though what she said only made Max both confused and more concerned.

"Oh you know, he will threaten me with breaking my teeth with a metal baseball bat if I get bad grades."

And the more Jecka reveals about herself, the more Tennyson understood what she meant when she said "Marissa and Nicole have a better relationship", which was upsetting for him.

"That, a father shouldn't say that to their children?"

Max frowns deeply, already not liking how or who Mills' father was.

"Don't worry, I usually do good in school, so he never follows through with it, the worst I got was having my hair pulled and shoved on the floor, which just ruined my hairstyle for the entire day, but I was able to fix it."

There was a moment of heavy silence after Jecka finished explaining her life back at home, the older man just didn't really know what to say or react to all this information, no doubt it was just a lot to take in.

"... Would you like some marshmallows?"

And so, Max just did what he knew best, which was just to be nice and hoping things would get better in the future, starting off by offering the pink blonde some marshmallows.

"Are they sugar free?"

Jecka tilts her head when she looks at the marshmallows she was being offered.

"It's marshmallow, it's entirely made of sugar?..."

Max raised an eyebrow, as now he was struggling to process something else about Jessica.

"Hmmmm, you know what, sure, nothing wrong with treating myself once in a while."

But in the end, Jecka just accepts the marshmallow, taking one and just enjoys herself with the sweet treat.

'I know it's none of my business, but I just can't ignore this.'

Max then sighs and pinches the bridges of his nose, taking in the moment to collect his thoughts and analyzing everything that he has learned so far.

'But how should I help them?...'

As Max was trying to think of a solution to all these unforeseen complications he was discovering, he was quickly distracted by Mills again.

"Ok, I'm full~"

Maxwell turns his head and looks at Jecka, noticing that the marshmallow she was given had only a few nibbles on it.

"But you only took a small bite?"

Before Max and his pink blonde friend could say and do anything more, they both started to feel the ground starting to shake, which instantly caught their attention.

"Um, are there supposed to be earthquakes at this park?"

Jecka was at first confused about why everything around her was shaking, but it didn't take long for her confusion to be answered. Both she and Tennyson suddenly heard and saw a certain Mechadroid knock away some trees and stand before them.

"No, it couldn't be..."

As Max wore a shocked expression, and Jessica was beyond horrified but couldn't help taking a picture, the sound of the Rustbucket door opening caught everyone's attention.


And Marissa and Nicole were also extremely surprised and startled by what they were seeing. When the large Mechadroid noticed them, it didn't hesitate to activate and aim some kind of blaster on its palm at them.


Both Lenti were able to hear and do as Max said, running and jumping away just in time to avoid getting blasted by the Mechadroid, though the Rustbucket wasn't so lucky as it was instantly blown to bits.

"Good thing I parked my car somewhere else..."

Jecka stares at what remains of the Rustbucket, feeling relief that this didn't happen to her own car, a feeling not really shared by the older man, though she doesn't have time to think about that right as the mother and daughter run up to him.

"Why Is There A Giant Robot Trying To Kill Us!?"

Marissa was freaking out, obviously not knowing what was going on, and being very afraid, especially when the Mechadroid noticed that they had survived. Maxwell stood protectively before the group, trying to push them back from the incoming killer drone. He quickly looked around, desperately thinking of a solution. The hope of their survival seemed bleak and pointless until he looked directly at Nicole and suddenly remembered something.


Max, with little options, spoke and got Nicole's attention.

"Can I trust you?"

What Max said immediately confused everyone.

"What kind of stupid question is that, don't you see we're currently-!"


Nicole was about to say something crass to Max, but he didn't have time for her insults and yelled at her, which surprised and caused everyone to flinch.

"... Yes, you can trust me."

Once Nicole said this, Tennyson, still a bit hesitant, reached in his pocket and pulled out a familiar looking pill bottle.

"Don't let me down."

Which Max then placed in the young Lenti hand, who was clearly not expecting to be given the Narcotrix back to her.

"B-But Maxwell, We Can't Just-"


Marissa attempted to protest for her daughter to be given the Narcotrix, but her opinions were interrupted by the sound and sight of Jecka being suddenly grabbed by the Mechadroid.


Max didn't hesitate to rush in, hoping to save Jessica, while Mari just stood back, watching everything in horror and fear. The blue emo simply stared at everything that was going on before looking at the Narcotrix in her hand.

'Trusting me huh? He should know better than to trust a bitch sociopath like me?'

Nicole's immediate thoughts were to just run away with the Narcotrix, abandoning everyone and letting them die, while also imagining herself making a lot of money selling these pills. It was easy for her to picture what kind of life she would have if she did this. However, what made her hesitate was the old man's words, "Trust." For some reason, it just made her frown, even more so when she realized he said it to her with a look of pure sincerity.

"Fine, I won't be an asshole for once..."

Against Nicole's better judgment, instead of just simply worrying about herself, she instead opened the bottle of the Narcotrix and grabbed a pill inside.

"H-Hey robot guy?"

Meanwhile back with Jecka, she was seen being held up high and in the face of the Mechadroid, who just scans her with its red glowing eyes.

"U-Um, I know a good vending machine you could fuck, w-would that make you happy?"

As Jecka tried to negotiate with the Mechadroid, who was just about to crush her body and move on, both were interrupted by a loud shout and flash of light.


And a moment later, a large crystallized woman, who goes by "Crystal Meth," could be seen jumping and slamming into the body of the Mechadroid, knocking it back and causing it to drop Mills, who screamed loudly when she fell, but luckily she was saved before she could hit the ground.

"You ok?"

Max, being the one to save the pink blonde, gently put her down back to her feet and made sure she was safe and ok.

"I-I'll be fine."

Jecka stumbles to her feet, trying to regain balance as well as calming herself down from nearly dying not too long ago.

"W-Why did you give Nicole her pills back?..."

Once Jacka was mentally put back together, she looked up at the older man, confused about why he would give Lenti pills back. He just smiled slightly as he looked in the direction where Mechadroid and the diamond creature had gone.

"Because I have faith in her."

"... Did you hit your head Mr Tennyson?"

Back with the Mechadroid, after stumbling for quite a bit, was able to regain its balance and stand up straight again.


Just in time, the Mechadroid noticed Crystal Meth jump towards them and was about to punch again, but the large drone countered by simply grabbing Crystallized Nicole mid-air.


Crystal Meth suddenly covered her body with large, sharp shards, stabbing through and completely destroying the hand of the Mechadroid, which caused it to drop her. Once she landed, she quickly turned one of her hands into a large, diamond blade.


Crystal Meth then charges forward and attempted to slice the legs off the Mechadroid, but it dodged the attack by jumping high in the air.

"Uh oh."

Was all Crystal Meth could say before the Mechadroid landed and slammed itself on top of her, though once she was pinned down, she slammed her hand into the ground, and almost immediately, a diamond construct formed and grew from the ground, wrapping around the legs of the drone. The drone noticed this and tried to stop it by grabbing the Transformed Lenti and shooting its laser while holding her, which sent her flying very far, crashing through multiple trees and cars. However, she was able to catch herself and stick the landing.

"W-What the hell?"

The Narcotrix user gets startled and turns her head to see a very surprised and shocked blonde girl, with blue green jacket, white shirt and jeans.

"Oh! Hi Emily! Thank you again for my FUCK Belt!~"

Crystal Meth instantly recognized the blonde, now known as Emily, much to her even more surprise.


Before Emily could question what was going on, both were interrupted when they saw a laser blast coming at them in blinding speed. The blonde only had enough time to cover her face in fear, waiting to be hit by the blast. However, after a moment of waiting, it never came, which confused her more. She looked up and saw that the Crystallized Nicole standing before her was not only blocking but deflecting the laser blast with her crystal hand.


Once Crystal Meth saw this, she instantly wore a very evil smirk, as if she had a devilish plan.

"Heheh, you're so fuck now you reject anime bad guy~..."

Crystal Meth glared back at the Mechadroid, who was still stuck because of the diamonds and all it could do was keep firing its lasers.


And with a simple movement, Crystal Meth was not only able to aim the laser away from herself, but she also aimed it back at Mechadroid, who was too late to recognize what was happening before getting sliced up by its own attack and then exploding.

"Hell Yeah! You did it!~"

Emily claps and cheers for the Transformed Lenti for managing to defeat the Mechadroid.

"Hmph, and that's why you never mess with the baddest bitch on earth~"

Crystal Meth huffs and crosses her arms, no doubt doing all this just increased her ego by a lot.

"Hey, are you still selling those belts?"

But Crystal Meth was able to quickly move on and looked back at Emily, curious if she was still selling the same kind of belts she was currently wearing.

"Oh yeah, I think I still have a few of them."

Though just as Emily was about to reach into her bag and give the Narcotrix user what she wanted, both were interrupted and immediately surrounded by a lot of people who were also at the park during the robot attack.

"Woah! So Awesome!"

"Look Mom! A Real Hero!"

"Thank You So Much For Saving Us!"

"How Can We Ever Repay You?!"

"Can I Get A Selfie With You?!"

As all the people started to admire, praise, and basically worship the Crystallized Nicole, she couldn't help but not only accept the fans but also love all the attention she was getting.

"Well look at that, looks like you're popular again~"

Emily hums as she now considers doing business with this new opportunity she was given.

"What can I say, it just comes naturally for me~"

As Crystal Meth took in all of her new adoring fans, looking smug while doing so, it didn't take long for Jecka, Marissa, and Maxwell to arrive at the scene and see what was going on. Everyone had mixed reactions, though Max seemed the most worried about all this.

"Oh no..."
Last Chance: Should Nicole become famous or not?

("Random Fact" I made up, Methanosian/Swampfire species have the "Bloom Form", as seen in Omniverse, but it works differently for each gender, the males it stays the same, but for female Methanosian, they don't change appearance that much, except growing moss and flowers on their body and head/hair area.)

[BTW, for the Stinkfly/Heroin, the name and side effects is still the same, but now the pills help her with allergies and stuffy nose, it just makes more sense]

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