The Movie: Part 2
Alright, off to a good start for the movie. I'll be leaving the link for the movie in each of these chapters from now on. Sadly, it is only in the Sub version for now. If I had a link for the Dub, I would gladly include it as well. And also, if you were wondering, normally, it would be Bakugou who would be at I-Island for winning the sports festival. However, even though Cry won the festival in my story, I will still be including Bakugou and Kirishima. Now I just have to think of a good reason for them to be invited to the island. I'll think of something. Enjoy!
My Hero Academia Movie Two Heroes Sub:
"Wow! All of this looks amazing!" Uraraka said as the four of us walked around the support pavillion. "So all of these items have been used or are going to be used by pro heroes?" I asked as Yaoyorozu answered me. "If my information is correct, this is all prototype gear that pros will one day be able to use." She explained. "I'm sure we'll use some of these one day when we're pros then." I said as Yaoyorozu laughed. "Maybe some day. That's too far away at this point though." She said. "Have you seen anyone else since you got here, Cry?" Jiro asked me but I just shook my head. "Nope. You three are the first. But I couldn't ask for anyone better." I said as I picked Jiro up and put her on my shoulders. "Hey! Cut it out." She said while laughing. However, she soon stopped and looked straight ahead. "Hold on. Put me down for a sec, Cry." She said as I took her off my shoulders. "What's up?" Uraraka asked her as Jiro started to point straight ahead. I looked to where she was pointing and we all saw Midoriya. He was standing with a blonde haired girl, a little older than me, wearing a red vest, and glasses.
"Who's that? I don't recognize her?" I said as Jiro inserted her earphone jacks into the ground. I think she was listening in on what Midoriya and this other girl were talking about. Before Jiro even took out her earphone jacks, Uraraka slowly stepped over to Midoriya, now standing behind his back. The rest of us followed and stopped a few feet behind Uraraka. "You look like you're having fun, Deku." Uraraka said to him with a weird expression on her face. In an instant, Midoriya shot his body around and saw Uraraka. "Uraraka!? What're you doing here!?" He asked her. "You look like you're having fun." Uraraka said again, still with that weird expression. "You already said that." Midoriya said to her as Jiro and Yaoyorozu stepped in. "You looked like you were having a lot of fun." Yaoyorozu said to him. "I overheard you Midoriya." Jiro said, moving her earphone jacks around. "Jiro!? Yaoyorozu!? You're here too!?" Midoriya said, looking a little embarrassed. "You did look like you were having fun, but i'm not here to back you into a corner. It's nice to see you again, buddy." I said as I stepped in between Yaoyoroau and Jiro to give Midoriya a handshake. "Are these your friends?" The blonde haired girl asked Midoriya? "They're my classmates from school. Well, actually the three girls are my classmates. My friend who's shaking my hand is from the same school but he's in a different hero class." Midoriya explained. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Tenshonoma Cryshiki. But please, just call me Cry." I said, reaching my hand out. "Nice to meet you, Cry. My name's Melissa." The blonde haired girl said as she shook my hand. "Uh, anyways, I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding here. U-Um, Melissa is just showing me around the expo." Midoriya explained. The girls looked unimpressed but it didn't really bother me. "He's right. Now, how about we all go get some tea at a cafe?" Melissa asked as all the girls agreed. "Sure. Why not? I was kinda parched anyway." I said as all of us exited the pavillion.
"Oh? You've all had experience working with pro heroes?" Melissa asked us. "It was just training and going on patrols for me." Uraraka said. "I got caught up in an incident but all I did was evacuate people." Jiro said. "For some reason, I ended up being in a TV commercial." Yaoyorozu said as she started to look embarrassed. "Oh come on, you can't do that normally. That's wonderful!" Melissa said, cheering up Yaoyorozu. "And what about you?" Melissa asked me. "Well, I was interning with my mother. She's the number 14 hero in Japan, the Wyvern Hero: Wrath Queen! We took down a few thugs here and there. However, one nnight I was separated from her and I came face to face with the actual hero killer, Stain. Midoriya was there as well. If it wasn't for the number 2 hero Endeavor, we might not have made it out of there." I explained to her. It still hurt saying that Endeavor was the one who took down the hero killer when it was in fact me, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki who beat him. "Oh my goodness. I'm sure glad you both made it out in one piece. And that's amazing to here your mother is the actual number 14 hero." Melissa said, taking a sip of her drink. I looked to the other three girls and they all looked stunned. "What is it?" I asked them. "Your own mother is the actual number 14 hero!?" Uraraka asked me. "Well... yeah! Where else do you think I get my dramatic flare from?" I jokingly said as we all started to laugh.
All the while, Midoriya was sitting at a table right next to us. I peered over my shoulder and saw him receive a drink. "Kaminari!?" I heard him say as I fully turned myself around. He was right, Kaminari was here and he served Midoriya his drink. "What are you doing here!?" Midoriya asked as he then looked down. "Mineta!? You're here too!?" He said as he was right again. Mineta was also serving drinks just like Kaminari. "What do you two think you're doing?" Uraraka asked. "They needed some temporary staff for the expo so we applied." Kaminari explained. "We can go to the expo on our breaks and also get paid. And maybe we can even have wonderful meetings with the cute girls who are attending!" Mineta explained as he locked eyes with Melissa. "Oh jeez. Even I can tell he's thinking pervy thoughts." I thought to myself. "Do they also go to U.A?" Melissa asked as we all nodded. "That's right! We're going to be heroes!" Mineta and Kaminari said. "And are they in your class? Or Cry's class?" Melissa asked, looking at Jiro. "Sadly, they're in our class." Jiro said. "What are you standing around talking for!?" Someone yelled. I turned and saw someone bolting over to our location, moving near the speed of sound. It was Iida. He rushed over to us and bowled over Kaminari and Mineta. "If you're going to take the money, then work harder!" Iida commanded them as they bowed for forgiveness. "Iida!? You're here too!?" Midoriya said to him as Iida turned around and started waving his arms around. "I come from a family of heroes, so we received an invitation from I-Expo. But my family was busy so i'm the only one who came." Iida explained to us. "You too, Iida? I had a similar situation. I had some extra invitations as well so the rest of the girls in our class split them up fairly." Yaoyorozu explained. "The other girls are here too, they just can't come to the party tonight." Jiro said. "Would you like me to show you all around?" Melissa asked as we all got excited. "That'd be great. I'm assuming you go to the academy here?" I asked as she nodded.
But before we could all get up to leave and look around the pavillions, another explosion occurred in the distance. I looked and saw it came from the villain attack simulator. "What's over there?" Uraraka asked. "That's the villain attack simulation arena. I was actually just there before I met all of you." I explained as everyone became interested. "Sounds fun. Wanna check it out?" Jiro asked as everyone nodded. "Can we come too?" Kaminari and Mineta asked. "No, you have to do your jobs. Can't complain with what you signed up for." Iida explained to them as they both sighed. And with that, we all left to the villain attack simulator.
When we arrived, we saw someone had just finished their run. "With a time of 33 seconds... He's in 8th place!" The announcer girl said as the smoke cleared. Revealing himself to all of us was a familiar looking boy with spiky red hair and sharp looking teeth. "It's Kirishima!?" Midoriya said as we watched him climb down the rock formation. "Deku, is he also...?" Melissa tried to ask but he interrupted and said "Yes. He's also in my class." "Now, the next challenger is...!" The announcer girl started to say as we watched the next challenger walk to the centre of the arena. "It's Kacchan!" Midoriya shouted as he was correct. Bakugou was here too. "Ready!? Go!" The announcer girl screamed as Bakugou launched himself up the rock face. He flew towards the robots with ease, blasting each with a powerful explosion to the face. In no time, he made it to the final bot, blasting it to pieces while also yelling, "Die!" He landed back in the centre of the arena and both he and Kirishima walked back to the entrance. "With a time of 15 seconds... He's tied for 1st place today!" The announcer girl said. "Hey! Isn't that Midoriya?" Kirishima asked as both he and Bakugou looked up. They saw Midoriya standing by the railing. Bakugou grew one angry expression and he launched himself up to us. "Damn it! What're you doing here, Deku!?" He asked. Iida stepped in between them both, holding out his arms. "Bakugou, behave yourself!" He commanded but Bakugou clearly wasn't listening. He then looked at me, and he quickly jumped over the railing and walked up to my face. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked me with an even more intense expression on his face. "I was invited because I won the sports festival. And it seems... we're both tied on the leaderboard for this thing." I explained to him as he flipped out. "What!? What do you mean!? I'm way better than you! There's no way you're the one who's tied with me!" Bakugou said as the announcer girl began to shout into her microphone again. "Hey! It's that boy from earlier! The one who can use multiple powers! In case if you weren't here before, he's also on the 1st place mark today! He completed this challenge in 15 seconds as well!" The girl said as Bakugou started shouting in my face. "You were just lucky, that's all! I'd like to see anyone else do better than me! Oh wait, you can't!" He said as Midoriya jumped down to the arena.
"Looks like we have another new challenger! Take your position!" The announcer girl said as Midoriya prepared himself. He started to glow Cyan again. "Ready!? Go!" The girl said as Midoriya bolted up the rock formation. One robot, two, three, they were all being totaled with one punch. In no time he climbed to the top and uppercuted the final robot. He shattered it to pieces and then ran back down to the centre of the arena. "Lets see.... with a time of 16 seconds... by technicality, you're in 3rd place!" The announcer girl said as Bakugou started to look a little nervous. "Looks like someone really doesn't like sharing the spotlight. And seeing how much you despise Midoriya, that must boil your blood to see him get so close." I said as Bakugou started to shake in rage. He turned and face me but didn't mutter a single word. You could feel the tension traveling between us. "Kirishima!? Did you two receive invitations to the expo, too?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Nah, Bakugou was invited because he showed such determination and skill during the sports festival. I just tagged along since he had one extra invite." Kirishima explained as I started to feel a little jealous. "How come the rage monster got an extra invitation?" I thought to myself. But all the commossion was soon distracted when the announcer girl started screaming into her microphone again. "With a time of 14 seconds... we have a new leader!" She yelled as we all looked down into the arena. The whole rock formation was covered in ice! "If I know anyone who would use an attack like that..." I started to think as my eyes met with the answer I was looking for. "Todoroki's here too!" I said as I saw him wiping the frost off of his right arm. Bakugou launched himself back down to the arena and started yelling at Todoroki. "Is he in your class too?" Melissa asked. "Yes. And he's pretty skilled. He came in second place at the U.A sports festival." Uraraka explained. "Wow! You're all so amazing!" Melissa said as she looked over to me. "Do you know if anyone from your class is here?" She asked me as I just shook my head. "Not a clue. Our class hasn't really stood out as much as their class. I might be the only one who's done anything remotely significant so far. And that's actually saying a lot considering everything the other class has done." I said, scratching the back of my hair. "Why the hell are you here anyway!?" I heard Bakugou yell as I turned to see him still yelling at Todoroki. "I'm here to represent my father who was invited." Todoroki explained as Bakugou started flipping out again. Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya jumped down to go and restrain Bakugou before he started going wild. "Well it seems nothing is boring at U.A" Melissa said as the rest of us laughed. "I guess you could say that." I said to her.
When we finally left, we all headed to the space pavillion next. Melissa was being an excellent tour guide, showing us all the attractions and giving us some interesting info in her father. He was the lead designer and creator of most of the technology on I-Island. "We have a zero gravity chamber just up ahead. Anyone wanna go and try it?" Melissa asked as I turned my head over to Uraraka. "Who says we need a chamber when we have someone who can turn the gravity off with a single touch." I said as Uraraka began to giggle. She then walked over to Melissa and touched her waste with her left hand. She then gave Melissa a gentle push upwards and Melissa began to float up into the air. "This is amazing! You can alter the gravity of anything you touch!?" Meliss asked. "Yep! But doing too many things or using it for too long makes me vomit. I'm still learning to surpass my limits." Uraraka explained as she released her quirk, making Melissa fall back to the ground. I stepped underneath her and caught her in my arms. "So... where to next?" I asked as she smiled at me.
-Time Skip: 4 Hours-
The sun had begun to set and we were all getting pretty tired. We had made a quick stop at the academy where Melissa studied. She told us she had to get something for two people. I had no clue what it was though. We all decided that we would call it a day for now so we had time to get ready for the party tonight. But before we all retired to our hotels, we went for one last drink together. We went back to the same cafe that Kaminari and Mineta were working at. We saw that both of them were closing up the cafe and they both looked exhausted. Melissa walked up to them and held up two tickets to their faces. "What're these?" Mineta asked. "Their invitations to the expo. You two seemed to work pretty hard today so I think you deserve these." Melissa said, handing them their invitations. "So that's what she stopped to get." I thought to myself. "Our hard work has been rewarded!" They both said, hugging each other and nearly crying. "I heard that there will be quite a few pro heroes at the party as well. In order to keep from embarrassing the name of U.A, change into your formal clothes and let's attend the party as a group! We'll meet at 6:30 p.m. in lobby 7 of the central tower. Make sure you're on time! I will contact Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki!" Iida explained as I grew curious. "Lobby 7? That's the north side, isn't it?" I asked him. "Yes, it is. I figured we all were staying near there so it would be the ideal place to converge." Iida explained. "My hotel is on the south side of the tower. It'll take me too long to make it. I'll meet you all inside the party." I said as Iida gave me a thumbs up. "If everyone else is good now, then we're dismissed!" Iida said, bolting off towards his hotel. "I guess I should get going too. I've got a fair walk back to my hotel. And it's already 5 o'clock. I'll see you all inside the party." I said as everyone waved goodbye. Jiro grabbed my arm before I left. I turned around and she gave me a kiss. Melissa and Midoriya both looked away, probably feeling awkward. "My, my, look at you two." Yaoyorozu said, giggleing a bit. Uraraka was just standing there, smiling away. "Remember, don't stare too much when you see me." Jiro said as I nodded. I'm sure my face was bright red. "I'll see you soon." I said as I sprouted my wings and took off. And let me tell you, I was pretty excited for this party. Not only for the opening of the expo, but to see Jiro in some real fancy clothing. But that had to wait, because now I had to go and prep myself for the occasion.
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