CHAPTER 1: The announcement

The mass of citizens erupted with cheers as prince Alexander, the crown prince of Utopia, walked towards the tent for the race course. The day was dedicated to the annual horse race of the country, and it is a tradition for the crown princes and princesses from all around to participate. This time, the race took place in Utopia and obviously, he was taking part in it.

He waved and threw flying kisses with a broad smile, soaking himself in the immense pleasure. Suddenly, the cheering stopped and turned into murmuring whispers. His eyes narrowed on the sudden change, turning back to see what had happened. Once the reason became clear, enormous guilt engulfed him, for a chariot had arrived with his sister on-board.

Princess Classandra of Utopia. A woman filled with mystery. Someone who constantly radiates an aura of fear. Her movements, so swift and definite; head held high and hand resting on her sword. A wild horse, that was tame only in her presence, always followed, adding to the aura of fear. She was not your typical princess. No one dared to speak in front of her, but they definitely whispered behind her back. She knew about it too, but never cared enough to give a second thought about it. She always seemed distant, shutting the world out. No one has ever seen her smile, that is, except her brother.

"Hey!" Her brother greeted her once she got near. He held out his hand for her to take it.

"Hey!" She whispered back and took his hand reluctantly.

He led her towards the tent. Once they were inside, he dropped her hand and hugged her.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll try to get them to like you," he said while pulling away from the hug.

"What are you sorry about? It's not your fault. And don't try stupid things. Care about your own business," she said, smiling at her brother's sweet gesture. His face put on a sad smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to participate in this competition? We'll have a better chance of winning with you," he asked her.

She thought for a while, desire in her heart taking over, but recovered quickly. As much as she loved horse riding, she didn't want to participate in the competition. With all the hate from the citizens that has been directed towards her, she didn't want more of it. Besides, it wasn't like she was entitled to participate.

"Don't have second thoughts. You are the crown prince of Utopia and you are the one who is supposed to participate in the competition," she scoffed at him.

"But Clare, I—" he started but was cut off with Classandra's raised hand.

"You are the crown prince, Alex," she said with a stern look.

A silent argument raged between their eyes, only to be lost to Classandra's stern statement. An agreement that has been passed with no words.

"Always keep your eyes on the road, don't get distracted. Don't hit the horse, instead have a good understanding with him. It'll make him go ten times faster. And most importantly, have fun," she advised him with a smile.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said smiling back.

Clare stayed inside the tent while her brother stepped out to attend the competition. The sound of citizens cheering drifted to the tents as Alex entered the arena, and she could clearly see how happy it made her brother feel. He was definitely an attention seeker, but was also a gentleman at heart.

Standing majestically in the arena on his mounted horse, Alex turned towards the tent and called her out to sit at the stands but Clare declined it. He always called her his moral support and that he would do better if she was there, but she knew better. The minute she steps out of the tent, the cheering will stop, which in turn will affect Alex and he'll ultimately lose the contest. She didn't want that for him, yet, didn't want to decline his request, so every time, she just stands inside the tent and waits till he comes back.

Few hours passed as Clare sat patiently at the benches. Alex came in running towards her with a big smile on his face.

"I won!" He exclaimed.

"Congrats," Clare said while standing, more like a statement than a complement. She really was happy for her brother, but wasn't usually the one to show excitement in her voice.

Her brother knew that already. He came towards her and held her in a bear hug. She stood still and lifted just a hand to pat his back.

"They are having an after party in my honor and you are invited," he told her.

"That's OK. I'll pass. You have fun," she told him and started walking, without waiting for a reply.

She didn't want to kill the fun by staying there, so she left. This time, not on her chariot, but on her trusty horse.

She rode Ashwin, her horse, in top speed that even the wind seemed slow, not minding the directions they were headed even a slightest bit. This was one of the moments she could be completely out of control, trusting Ashwin with all her heart.

The horse came to a halt at a mountain top that had a distant view of her home. Her favorite spot in her entire kingdom. She got off her horse and took in the calm and beautiful scenery. Moments like these were worthy of treasuring, away from all the hateful eyes on her. She had no idea why people disliked her. She usually masks her sorrow with a stern look, which, on the downside, inflicts fear in others.

She let her thoughts run free, and time flew by. She saw the setting sun and realized that it was time for her to go home.

The utopian royal castle.

She entered through the enormous gate and left Ashwin in his stable. There were servants who would do this job, but Ashwin always got agitated around them. Besides, she hated the idea of servants working for her. She never lets anyone do her job for her.

She entered through the royal court this time, since it was the fastest route to reach her room. On the way, she stared at her reflection at the well just outside. Her dress was soiled because of the ride. It never bothered her, but it did bother a lot others. She decided there won't be anyone at the court at this time, and went in confidently.

She was wrong.

Her mother, Elizabeth, acting queen of Utopia, sat at her chair, a step below the actual throne, which was empty and always reminded of her deceased father.

No one else was in the court.

"You're late," her mother stated.

"I'm sorry, mother," Clare said in a low voice.

"Why didn't you attend your brother's victory party? He was really worried," she stated again.

"I didn't feel like attending the party, mother," Clare explained, leaving out the worried brother part.

"And look at your dress. I mean, that's not even a dress. Your dress already looks like a man's outfit, but I let it slide since the coat you wear over it resembles a dress, but now you've soiled it too. A dirty look never gives a person dignity Classandra. Stop being so nonchalant and start worrying about yourself," her mother said, raising her voice in rage in every consecutive word.

Clare wasn't happy about her mother's outburst. She walked out in rage of her own, towards her room without giving her mother a reply.

"You do not walk out on me, young lady!" She heard her mother scream at her but she didn't care.

She went straight towards her room and closed the door shut behind her. She slid down the door slowly and sat on the floor. She felt like crying but not a tear escaped her eyes. She practiced not crying so much that she wasn't able to cry even when she wanted to.

Few moments passed. She heard and felt the knocking on the door behind her. She stayed quiet and strangely still.

Another knock. She still didn't respond.

"It's your brother," she heard Alex say.

She thought for a second and moved slightly away from the door after opening the lock.

Alex squeezed in through the small opening.

He looked at her sister who was sitting in the darkness with absolutely no expression on her face. Considering the situation, he closed the door and locked it again, and sat near his disturbed sister.

Clare leaned against the door again and remained silent.

"I heard you walked out on mom," Alex stated.

Clare simply nodded.

"Are you alright?" He asked her again.

She didn't reply. Instead she suddenly became so interested in the dirt on her hands.

"Why did you walk out on her?" He asked, knowing she wouldn't answer his previous question.

"I became so furious that I couldn't reply to her questions and snarky comments," she said in a low voice.

Alex put his hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

"You know she means well, right?" He asked her, concerned.

She nodded slowly.

Silence prevailed. Clare laid her head on his shoulders and let herself feel a little vulnerable. This was a very rare moment.

"I'm sorry about not attending your party. I didn't want to upset you. I just—" she started to explain, getting a little frustrated.

"Don't worry about it. I know you and I know you love me. And I definitely know you mean well. I won't ask you to do something that you're uncomfortable with," Alex said, cutting his sister off, knowing her condition.

Clare simply hugged her brother in reply.

Alex got up and started lighting the place. Once he was done, he called out to her, "let's go for dinner."

"I'm not coming," Clare said sternly.

"Why not?" Alex asked, confused.

"She'll be there," she said bitterly.

"Oh Clare! Come on!" He ranted.

Suddenly they heard a door knock. Clare was reluctant to get up from the door and Alex just stood there helpless.

There was that knock again. No one responded.

"Princess! This is Wallace, the butler. The queen has ordered me to tell you and the prince that today's dinner is mandatory. She has arranged for a royal gathering," they both heard a voice say.

Clare immediately got up and opened the door. The poor guy stumbled and jerked back with wide eyes. Clare felt sorry for scaring the guy but she remained quiet and maintained her stand.

"What gathering?" She said in a commanding voice.

"I— I'm not sure p–princess. B–but the queen ha–as invited a–all the ministers and n–nobel men for–r dinner," the poor guy stuttered.

"We'll be there. Thank you," Alex said calmly.

Wallace, the butler, looked at him and nodded with a smile. Without meeting Clare's eyes, he left.

Clare turned towards her brother angrily and scoffed, "I'm not going."

"Well, you are going 'cause I'm the crown prince and I'm ordering you," Alex said sternly.

Clare just shook her head like she didn't like the idea.

"Go change your dress. Now," he ordered her.

"Get out then. I'm not changing with you in," Clare stated.

"Alright, but don't try to fool me. You are not allowed to lock the door. I'll be standing guard right outside and will burst inside if you take more than 10 minutes," Alex stated.

"You don't have to treat me like a baby," she said, pushing him out and locking the door behind her.

A part of her wanted to stay in and call it a night but the other part didn't want to betray her brother. She knew he would be standing outside, waiting for her. He always tried to be the glue between her and their mother, but they always ended up going in the opposite direction. Still, his efforts were not in vain. He always managed to make them stand in the same room.

Keeping her brother's words in mind, she changed her outfit. The dress looked the same as the previous one, except for the change in colour. A tight shirt and pants over which a coat was worn which gave the perspective of a dress. After the outfit change, she started dressing her hair, but then remembered her brother who was waiting patiently for her outside the door.

Her sweet lovable brother who always cared for her well-being.

So, she went to the door and unlocked it and swung it wide open. Just as expected, her brother was standing there, as if he was her personal bodyguard.

She looked patiently at him, and once his eyes found hers, she left the door open and went inside. Getting the message, loud and clear, he went inside and closed the doors. Clare went back to the mess of her hair.

There was absolutely no conversation. Only sounds heard were footsteps and the clattering of things. Alex sat on Clare's bed, with a determination to not leave this room without his sister.

Clare was finally done. She looked at her brother to indicate her completion. She was obviously giving him the silent treatment. Typical Clare, he thought. They started walking towards the dining pavilion, hand to hand.

"Talk or I'll mess up your hair again," he said in a serious tone.

Clare stayed silent.

"You want me to mess up your hair, don't you?" He asked her.

"You know me so well," she remarked, feeling astonished with his question.

 "Ah! You finally talked. Good to hear your voice again," he said sarcastically.

Clare just shook her head at her brother's quirkiness and kept walking.

They entered the dining pavilion and found it to be already filled with people. Ministers and noble men sat around the table.

"Prince Alexander, crown prince of Utopia and princess Classandra of Utopia," one of the butlers announced. Everyone's attention turned towards the royal siblings.

"Well! Prince Alexander! You never leave your little sister's side now, do you?" One of the ministers joked.

"What can I say, minister? I just love her so much to leave her alone," Alex joked back. Clare was trying so hard not to roll her eyes.

She immediately took her seat without a single word. Alex quickly followed and sat between her and their mother. The minister looked appalled by her behavior.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Now that everyone is gathered, I would like to start by explaining why I called you all here," Queen Elizabeth said. Everyone gave her their undivided attention except Clare, who kept her eyes fixed on the empty plate in front of her.

"A toast for my son, prince Alexander, for he has come of age and is ready to ascend the throne. The coronation ceremony will be held by the end of this week," she exclaimed, with as much enthusiasm as she could. Clare was happy for her brother and smiled internally. The whole place became noisy as everyone congratulated the crown prince, soon to be king of Utopia. The butler started pouring out drinks for the toast.

When one of them came to fill Clare's glass, she casually placed her hand over it to indicate she didn't want the drink.

"What's the matter, princess? Aren't you going to toast for your brother?" A minister asked. The whole place became pitch quiet. Each and everyone's attention was on her.

"No. I just don't drink wine. That's all," Clare said.

"Yeah. She doesn't like the taste," her brother chimed in.

"Then how are you going to toast, princess?" A lady asked.

Clare was getting nervous within but took an oath to never show it out. Her brother squeezed her hand, which was under the table, reassuringly. She saw her mother's face, which looked calm, but she knew better. Behind those eyes, a void of fury was being created because of Clare's actions.

Clare turned nonchalantly towards a butler standing beside her and said in a low voice, "get me anything but wine."

"Would orange juice suffice, princess?" He asked her back. It sounded stupid to Clare but she had to do something to get out of this situation.

"Yes. Yes it will. Get it quick," she blurted and the butler hurried off to carry out the orders.

Soon the orange juice was brought out and the glass was filled. The surroundings became calm. Everyone raised their glasses and the queen yelled, "to prince Alexander, the future king of Utopia."

"Hail the prince," everyone yelled back. Alexander's face was lit with joy, but there was guilt sitting within him, buried so deep that it was impossible for anyone to look at, for he knew more than anyone else here did. This time, it was Clare's time to squeeze his arm in assurance.

The rest of the dinner went normal. The room was filled with the sounds of chatter and laughter. Alex participated in everything quite enthusiastically, but Clare, poor Clare, just wanted all this to end quickly. She felt suffocated in this room. All the social interactions were making her uncomfortable. No one paid her any attention but once in a while, darting eyes fell on her, scanned her, judged her. She was done with her dinner but couldn't get up due to the fact of ill name that would fall upon her. Slowly, the surrounding voices faded as the princess of Utopia went into her own utopia.

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