One down two more two go Mr and Mrs. Choi Lee.

Everyone assembled in the living room. I was standing in the center.

"Guys, we are gonna do the same thing just as our fathers did".

"Me, Y/N ahh and Hoseok Hyung will go to the gas station".

"Taehyung and Jin Hyung go the brothel club".

"Yoongi Hyung, Jungkook and Namjoon Hyung. Go to drug distribution areas".

"Burn down the brothel club send all the girls safely to their homes. Inform the police and take them with you guys".

"Same goes to the drug distribution areas. Burn down the places and destroy all their connections and handover the criminals to the police".

"Ok Jimin ahh, we'll do it". They all said confidently.

"We three will go to gas station. And evacuvate the place as soon as possible before Mr. Choi Lee arrives there to blast it. There are many innocent people in that area".

"Mr. Choi Lee planned to play with our weakness. He knows very well that we'll protect innocent people with our hearts. Still he's stooping so low. Bastard".

"Taehyung ahh, when you go the brothel club. If you see Mrs. Choi Lee over there bring her to me. I have some unfinished business with her". Y/N said smirking. I guess she has planned something huge for her.

"Ok Y/N ahh I'll bring her to you". Taehyung said showing thumbs up winking.

"So guys let's get this done".

"LET'S GET IT". We all shouted in unison.

After an hour of preparations we all left the mansion. And separated in our ways.

As planned Taehyung and Jin Hyung blasted the Brothel club rescued all the girls there, handed them over to the police and sent them safely to their homes.

Yoongi Hyung, Jungkook and Namjoon Hyung destroyed the entire drug distribution connection and killed some criminals who were trying to stop them. After that the police took control of the situation.

In the gas station, we three emptied all the petrol, diesel and kerosene there. We filled the tankers, refilling and filling machines with water. We completly removed all the flammable items and did necessary precautions to prevent the fire.

All my Hyungs quickly joined us back. Everyone were here. But, there was one extra person. That was Mrs. Choi Lee. She was struggling from Taehyungs hold. Jungkook gaged her immediately and muffled her screams. Y/N ahh was so happy to see this scene happening in front of her eyes.

"Y/N ahh, see I did as you said. Now what should I do ?" Taehyung as he held her tighter.

"For now put her in our car trunk".

"Done ! ". She was kicking the car vigorously. Namjoon puched her hardly, slapped her and she fell unconscious.

"What a bitch ! Her voice is screeching in my ears". Namjoon's face became -> 😤.

By the time, everything was all set. We relaxed a bit.

But then we saw Mr. Choi Lee coming to the gas station along with his bodyguards. He stepped out of the car and he came to us.

"Ahh Mr. Park Jimin what are you doing here ? And the boys are  here too. Wow what a surprise".

"What makes you so surprised Mr. Choi Lee ?"

"It's beacause I'm gonna give you guys a surprise".

He took out his pistol and shot the tankers which were at a distance continuously thinking it would blast. But to his surprise it did not blast.

"May be that tanker was empty". He shot another tanker. It was also empty.

"Mr. Choi Lee, you planned to blast the entire gas station right ? And kill all the innocent people living in this area heartlessly".

"No matter how much times you shoot at the tankers, refilling and filling machines it won't blast because we filled each and everything with water. Nothing will blast here".

"How did you know that I'll be coming to blast this gas station". Mr. Choi Lee asked confused.

"Your dear friend, Chief told us everything and now don't think.of killing him. Y/N ahh killed him few hours before. Now it's turn for you and your wife".

I showed him Mrs. Choi Lee lying unconscious in car trunk.

Mr. Choi Lee surrendered to us willingly when he saw his wife.

We took both Mr and Mrs. Choi Lee to our manison.

There Mrs. Choi Lee became fully conscious. Y/N ahh took her to the investigation room in the upstairs alone.

Other members were here with me. Mr. Choi Lee was trembling in fear not knowing what's waiting for him.

We seven took him to another investigation room.

He sat in the middle. I sat right in front of him. And the members sat in half circle behind me.

Mr. Choi Lee's hands were tied right in front him spread widely. And his legs were also tied tightly.

"So Mr. Choi Lee, how are you feeling ?"

"Terrible". He answered dumbfounded.

"Ok". I began to caress both of his hands. He looked at me confused.

"So these are the hands that pulled the trigger to kill my father, to rape my mother and my sister (noona). Right ?"

"I want you to have a painful death , wanna kill you slowly that you should regret touching them with your filthy hands'.

I grabbed a tool box and took out 'Needle nose pliers'. I'll be the only one killing you today. The members won't touch you, they'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

I slowly held his right hand index finger with the piler. "This is the finger that pulled the trigger to kill my father right". Without even letting him speak.

I twisted his index finger, broke it and pulled it out with my piler. His voice was echoing in the room.

"Those remaining fingers touched my mother and sister's bodies lustfully, slapping them, forcing drugs into them and to rape them right ?". Mr. Choi Lee realised what was going to happen.

I twisted, broke and pulled out each and every finger ever so slowly. Enjoying his screams.

His hands had no fingers. And I took up an axe and chopped both his hands.

"This is what happens when you think of touching someone or raping someone. This is my punishment to you".

"I'm honoring my parents and my sister's death because of you I lost everything in my early ages. And now I've taken my revenge on you".

"My parents and my sister's soul will now rest in peace".

"Rot in Hell !" I shot him, making a hole in middle of his eyes.

His lifeless body, fell down along with the chair making blood puddle.

"Jimin ahh, we'll take it from here." Namjoon Hyung said patting my shoulder.

With that I left the room and went to see Y/N ahh.

There I saw Y/N ahh standing in balcony looking down.

I went up to her and put my hands around her waist.

"Y/N ahh, what are you looking down ?"

She told me to look down.

When I leaned to see what happened, I saw Mrs. Choi Lee lying dead on ground blood flowing from her head.

"How did this happen Y/N ahh ?"

"When I dragged her along with me, she got away from my hold and told she's gonna kill herself. She said, she didn't want to die painfully. So she ran upto this balcony and jumped from here. So she died".

"Ok Y/N ahh. That was easy".

"Yeah, what happened to Mr. Choi Lee ?"

"He's dead I killed him painfully slowly. I chopped all his fingers, his hands and shot him in his forehead".

"They both are dead Y/N. Everything is over now".

"Yes Jimin ahh. Now your family and my brother will rest in peace, peacefully".

She leaned on my shoulder, I caressed her back.

"It's over".


"Aish !!! I'm so happy that everything came to an end". Jungkook was relaxed.

"Yes it was one hell of a ride". Jin said exhausted.

"We cleared all those bodies, we all have to take bath for sure. And get rid of those sinners blood on us". Yoongi said with disgusted face.

*They all made their way to upstairs. All of them stopped suddenly seeing Jimin and Y/N hugging eachother and Y/N pressed to Jimin's chest in the balcony *.

"They both waited patiently for everything to be over, poor them. And now they deserve to enjoy eachothers company and have a long lasting love forever and ever. Both Jimin and Y/N kept their words and controlled themselves". Jin said getting emotinal.

"Hey Jimin Hyung and Y/N ahh. Kick start your love with lots of happiness and joy. And Jimin Hyung take good care our Y/N ahh. Don't hurt her, if you do something like that we will beat the shit out of you. Be careful Jimin Hyung". Taehyung said playfully serious. Making other members to laugh out loud.

"Take good care of her". Everyone said in unison.

Then we all came in together for a group hug.

               ( Including Y/N😊 )

It's a new beginning for us Y/N ahh.."

"Yes it is Jimin ahh..."

"I love you Y/N ahh ♡ "

"I love you too Jimin ahh ♡ "

We kissed eachother, making other members to make weird sounds behind us.

Funny guys.

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