Part 6
Henry has already showered around five in the morning and made himself a simple breakfast, toast and eggs with his usual morning tea. He barely could sleep last night but any night is no different to him. But the last couple hours he managed to shut his eyes and rest before his body woke him again.
He left the house early in excitement to start his day working at Nora's bakery shop. By the time he arrived, the shop is still close and he contemplates whether Nora would open her shop today since her injury yesterday might prevented her from doing so.
But as his thought wanders, he saw her pulled up parking his grey Prius on the side of the curb before she stepped out with the smile on her face. As Henry approached her, he can see the bruised on the right side of her high cheekbone. The memory of last night flashes in his mind and he worries whether she should be working right now.
"That looks bad ass on you." Henry says with a smile and she giggled. "I thought I told you to come a little later." She says pulling out her stuff from the back seat. Henry helped grabbing the flat boxes in her hand and she thanked him.
"Couldn't sleep. Thought I start early so you could start teaching me on stuffs." He says and Nora pulled up her sunglasses on top of her head to gaze on Henry's tall figure.
"Never had an eager staff before. Come on." She guides him inside and told him to place the stuff on the table before she pulled up a batch she finished making last night after Henry left. He eyed her bakes she placed on the metal table and waited for her instruction.
"I also made booking order. Not much but only my closest friend or family. So I had an order booked for today which is the reason for me to stay late last night to finish it. But I guess that's on me for not locking the doors." She whispered the last words.
"Need help?" He offered and she nods. "You can help me put the tarts in this box and I will start writing on the cake." She unfolds the card box into a medium size box before handed it to Henry. He pulled the gloves from the compartment and start sorting the tart one by one carefully inside the box before moving on to the other.
Nora couldn't help but smile at his delicate fingers and his soft movements placing the tart carefully in the box. His move looks slow but by the time Nora was done finished the icing on the cake, he was finished sorting the tarts out and start washing on the trays.
"You can help me open the store." She says looking down at her watch on her wrist. Henry nods before he went to the front side of the store and start flipping the door sign opened and unlocked the door. Not a minute later a customer began to flood in and Nora was already behind the counter handling them.
Nora teaches Henry on the basic stuff which she is surprised that he's already skillful enough to fill the job so later she taught him on making the coffee. It wasn't even that hard for him since her coffee is basic one not the fancy one Henry heard once after he arrived her in New York. After almost ten years in isolation, he wonders what was wrong with this people and normal coffee order.
The coffee is dispensed by the coffee maker by only a pressed of a button and the only thing he needed to do is pour the milk out depends on which milk of their preference and whether its ice or hot. The tea, well the tea is kind of his expertise since Nora had various carton of tea bags for the customer to order.
"Mate it's coffee, there is no reason for you to put so much sugar in it. You might as well just asks for a cup of sugar and hot water." Henry corrected one customer that orders four pumps of sugar with three pumps of caramel in his caramel macchiato. The guy was not impressed by his suggestion and stares at his face in annoyance before Henry turned to face Nora chuckling on his side.
"One medium size sugar, coming up." Henry taps on the cashier monitor letting the guy taps on his card to pay.
By lunch Nora had rule of shutting her store for an hour so they could have free break during lunchtime. She didn't want her staff being interrupted during lunch break and she didn't mind losing customer for having an hour break.
Henry met her other two staffs, Emily and Jacob and they are more than happy to have Henry around instead of Trevor. They were surprised by Nora's story of what happened and how Henry had saved her.
"Girl I told you so many times not to stay late alone. Imagine what could happened if Henry wasn't here." Emily told her as they were enjoying lunch around the table at the back. Nora would treat her staffs with lunches and today they are having New York style pizza. Henry never felt so hungry and Nora loves when he finally eats two slices.
"So Henry, which part of England you're from?" Jacob asks turning all their attention towards him. Nora noticed his face fell uncomfortable from answering personal question but he jutted his chin high before he answered him. "Uhm- London." He noticed they were gonna start asking more questions about family and siblings or girlfriend but Henry only replied his brief answer with a simple yes or no.
Nora noticed the awkwardness when Henry tried to avoid their questions and his eyes lowered on his empty plates. So she distracted them by asking other things and luckily enough they dropped their questions and their focus went back to her instead of Henry.
They were almost halfway into their breaks when a knock surprised them and a tall, buffed tanned skinned guy walked in wearing a black long sleeves shirt and black pants. "Miss Holleren." The guy called and Nora groaned rolling her eyes up at his sight.
"What is it now D?" She asks and Henry is surprised that she knew him. "Shop closed at eight starting today, no more late night bake alone. Alex's order." He said and Nora grunted stepping out from her stool. Henry has heard this guy's name three times now since he met her but he never met him in person and he could sense how protective this Alex guy is over her.
But Nora is not someone who listened to instruction and definitely not someone who like being told. So when she shoved her little fingers over the guy that is twice her size, Henry almost jumped from his seat worrying he might hurt her.
"Listen here, you Sasquatch. You can tell Alex he is not to interfere with my business or whether I want to stay late or close my shop at whatever time I want. Not his! If he wants to fight me on this, he can come and tell me that himself." Nora was practically yelling at the poor guy for delivering the message but he stood still towering over her with his tall build.
"Mr Diaz's order. Not mine, and I am here to make sure that it happened and to escort you home. From now on, I am your new security." The guy explained and it angered Nora more than earlier. "Listen here Damien. I am not some damsel in distress that Alex needed saving. I am fine on my own and I don't need his-"
"His order, not mine. And he told me that if you disobeyed, he will have you locked away at the loft until he returned." The guy cuts her off and Henry could feel the temperature between these two just drop degrees lower.
"Please miss. It's bad enough I have to see those bruised and not telling him. You were the only family he had left and I hated to see the last piece of his humanity lost if anything would have happened to you." The guy whispered so the rest of her staff didn't hear him. But Henry was closer enough to actually did but he acted like he didn't.
He could see Nora's furious gaze softened after she heard him. It seems that she forgot that she was the only person on this planet that Alex get to call a family.
"Fine." She says before turning on her heels back to work. Henry eyed her walking away from the guy as he turned to exit the door. They were all stunt by the drama that they had witnessed but he knew better than to ask her right now. So instead, they all cleaned up the empty boxes and get back to work.
Jacob is only there few hours a day when he didn't have classes. Apparently Nora took pity on him when he struggled to pay his college tuition so she hired him. After lunch only left him and Emily with sullen Nora in the store and little after six there were basically less customers. Henry helped loading the fresh pastries that Nora made into the glass compartment since she made few new batches. Emily told him that whenever she's sad or worried or had an overthinking thought in her, she would continue to bake until she's snapped out of it.
As Henry was loading up the breads one by one juggling the tray in his arm, he felt the coldness hits behind his neck. He stood there frozen feeling his both ankles strapped on the ground while still holding on to the tray on his arm.
Henry could feel the hair behind his neck stood and chills run down his back feeling his blood running cold through his entire body. He didn't want to alert anyone in the store about his behavior nor worrying Nora about his impending panic attacks. But the moment he turned his head towards the tall glass window on the side of the store, his gaze fixed and his face had turned shades pallor.
There's a woman standing from outside the store wearing a blue running jacket and a shorts. Her back was facing Henry and the moment Henry's eyes set on her, almost as if she knew Henry could see her so she turned around to face him inside the store. The horror filled Henry's chest after he saw the woman covers in blood from her head down to her neck. Her stomach practically painted in red and her shoulder busted with scratches and ripped clothes exposing the wound underneath her jacket.
Henry immediately turned his gaze forward and his eyes sets on the garlic knot in front of him, he tried to focus on the twisted knot Nora had made with her own hands to ease the pain that he felt in his chest right now.
He focus solely on the knots not wanting to remind himself about the woman that still standing by the window when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and he jumped. He dropped the whole tray on the ground spilling the remaining four breads all over the floor.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I have been calling you for the last few minutes. are you alright?" Nora tell him and Henry was on the floor trembling with his shaky hands trying to pick up the dirty bread back into the tray.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He kept muttering apologies with his head lowered to the ground. "Hen, what is it? What's wrong?" Nora tried to touch his arm again but he flinched and backed away from her. His eyes kept turning towards the window where Emily stood right before the bloodied woman. But she couldn't see her, no one could, except for Henry.
"There's been an accident. I think a pedestrian got hit. A woman in blue jacket. Oh God she's dead I think. They are covering her on the ground." She says still had her eyes fixed on the outside of the store. There was a large crowd starts to fill outside of the store blocking her view.
Nora frowned at her comments but she is more worried about Henry shaking in fear still kneeling on the ground. He finished picking up the bread on the floor and ran towards the back passing Nora on his way. She huffed desperately at his behavior but she was curious to know what actually triggered him. It wasn't the first time she had to see someone at the verge of breaking. So she followed him towards the back leaving Emily to watch the store.
"Henry?" She called when she didn't see him anywhere but she could hear whimpering from the corner behind the boxes that she stacked with her parchment paper rolls and few other things. "Hen?" She called again when she sees his legs folded on the corner and Henry is rocking his body back and forth with his arm covers over his head and ears.
"Henry." She crouched before him palming his arm with her small hand. Henry shot up, eyes blood red and his face is wet with tears. His breathing is ragged when he saw her.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He kept muttering more apologies and Nora felt bad for his guilt. "It's okay. It's fine. They fell. Emily dropped them sometimes. I dropped them most of the time. You should see me before I was this good." She tried to reassure him but Henry's breathing didn't exactly settled. His hand moves down to his chest and Nora saw him clutching on the shirt he wore with his bandage hand.
"Henry breathe with me. Okay? Listen to my voice. Tell me your name." She instructs.
"He-Henry F-" he paused.
"Henry Han-over S-Stuart." He continued.
"That's good. Okay, hold my hand. Tell me where we are right now?" She held out her palm and Henry eyed her small open palm in front of him before he took it shakily. "Y-Your shop." He breath out his words.
"Squeeze my hand. I'm not going anywhere alright. I'm right here. Whatever you're thinking, it's not there anymore. It's gone. You hear me?" She says and Henry nods closing his eyes for a few seconds before he opened them again. Tears cascading down on his cheek after he shuts his eyelids and Nora wishes she knew what is going on inside his head right now.
"Breathe with me Henry. Focus on my voice." Nora instructed him and he tries, although it took him few attempts only to finally manage to calm his breathing down.
"What did you see?" She asks curious after when Henry finally calms down and they both sat on the floor covered with the boxes.
Henry didn't exactly response but looking straight into the box in front of him with Nora by his side. "Just my past haunting me." He whispered. His voice croaked and Nora watched his throat bobbed up and down. "Was it like an ex thing or something?" She asks and Henry shook his head weakly without looking at her.
"Guys?" Emily's voice peaked behind the boxes and later she saw them both sitting on the floor leaning against the wall next to each other. Henry looked like a mess with his wet face and pale lips and Nora was frowning when she saw Emily's head peaking behind the box she had arranged to cover them.
"You know if you wanna shag, you could have at least wait till the store is close." She says causing them both to shot their head up at her. "EMILY!" Nora yelled but wasn't even surprised by her foul mouth.
"What? Just saying!" She defends but Nora was already up and dust off her butt from sitting on the floor although to Henry it wasn't even that dirty. Nora made sure her store is cleaned thoroughly each day and each week.
Henry followed her steadying himself over the walls with one hand and he could still feel the shakiness running down his legs as he stood.
"With all due respect Emily, I'm gay." Henry told her and they both shot their head back at him with surprised look on their face. "Really?" Nora asks and to Henry she looks a bit disappointed. "For as long as I remembered. I might be out of luck in those area but I'm pretty sure I'm still gay and I am not attracted to girls." Henry says as they walked out from the corner and stood around the kitchen.
"You? Out of luck? Do you have any idea how many guys or girls handed me their phone number to give it to you today? They're all coming back tomorrow, I'm sure." Emily says with a smile and a nervous laugh escapes Henry's breath. "Yeah, I'm not interested in dating anyone. Thanks." He says and Nora frowned.
"Why?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest, "Did you got out from a bad relationship or something?" Emily asks him.
"Or something." Henry's shoulder stiffen at the thought and she wanted to push him further but Nora beat her to it. "Why are you you back here? Who's mending the store?" Nora asks Emily and she rolled her eyes at her.
"The wifi is not working again. Can you fix it?" She asks. Nora sighed pinching her temple with her lips pressed. "I'll do it." Henry says and both were caught in surprise. "You remember how I taught you this morning?" Nora asks and he nods. "Yeah. Simple tasks." He sense Emily another eye rolled at him but he couldn't care less. He needed to get away from her burning questions.
By the time Henry stood at the cashier counter, there was a line up and pretty much angry looking customer which Henry apologized for the delay and fixed the wifi router immediately. He glanced at the window to see the bloodied woman had finally disappeared and Henry breathe out a sigh of relief after.
As promised, Nora had to close her store at eight and it's not like she had any choice. D or his real name, Damien was standing outside the door like a bouncer preventing anyone to enter and told them the store is closed.
Emily had gone for the night and Nora told Henry he could leave if he wants but of course Henry being the gentleman he is, he won't leave Nora alone to clean the mess in the store. This is the reason he was hired so he finishes his job while Nora did her inventory.
"Thank you for today." Henry spoke softly as he swept the floor. Nora turned her gaze from typing on her laptop when she heard Henry. "You're welcome." She says with a soft smile.
"You've got experience in handling people like my cases before?" Henry asks. She smiled turning her gaze back at the laptop before she shuts it down.
"Remember my best friend Alex? He had it a lot growing up. Especially after his parents died. He was a wrecked." She explained. Henry somehow felt connected to this guy before he even met him. He probably heard about Alex more than he might have heard about Henry.
"Is he- Did he still have 'em?" Henry asks keeping his gaze fixed on the floor.
"Sometimes. When things are hard. I think it was harder when his sister's gone too." Henry eyes flickered at this guy's tragic story. It wasn't just that he felt connected to him, they are practically each other's tragic story. Both parents dead, sister also dead. If he has a brother, that's jackpot for Henry.
"What happened to his sister?" He asks and Nora turned to look at Henry again, "I'm sorry but it's not my place to share. Maybe one day if you guys met, who knows. Maybe he'll opened up to you?" She says and Henry turns to frown. "Why would he opened up to me?" He asks her.
"I don't know. You seemed like his type." She said with a smile and Henry was finishing his sweep putting the broom back on the hanger. "I doubt it." Henry whispered as he placed the broom behind the door.
"Ready?" He asks and Nora smiles placing her laptop back in her bag and jumped from the stool. "Let's go."
"Sir, what exactly are we doing here?" Cash asks Alex as they both stood in front of the Broadmoor building that morning. They arrived few days ago but spent their time studying the building and the structure so they won't get caught trespassing while exploring.
Alex chose to go straight to the hotel first and after his depressive phone call with Nora few nights back, he barely got any time to sleep. The whole night he's arranging for her safety and Cash lost how many times Alex asks whether or not he should go back.
To him, he never did mind Alex going back. Nora is important to him and he respects that. Losing Nora would lose his humanity entirely. So the first day, he let Alex sorting things with Damien back in New York for Nora. He told him specifically what to do and his alternative plan if Nora being stubborn as she is, to no surprise she will protest.
Alex stood frozen at the sight of the abandoned building in front of him. The red brick wall covers with moss surround it with few sights of the window broken and it broke Alex's cold heart to be here. "Can you imagined being trapped here out of your will?" He asks.
"I can't Alex. What that boy's brother did to him, was unacceptable. I can't imagined how he lived here for years." Cash joined him standing on the cobbled covered ground staring at the building. The cold air crisps between them and Alex felt nothing but sorrow and hollowed in his heart. The place had drained any amount of joy in anyone who stood here.
They walked inside the building to find empty hallways that scattered with papers, old beds and wheelchairs blocking the path. Alex stood in the middle of the intersection with his head twist right to left before he walked down the hallway to his right. Cash followed reluctantly not knowing where he's heading. His questions earlier still unanswered.
As they walked down the hallway, Alex stopped in his track holding his hand out to stop Cash. "I thought you said this place is abandoned." He whispered and Cash nods but soon frowned when he heard voices coming from downstairs through the staircase.
They took the emergency stairs to descend down until last floor where a light shine from behind the door and Alex opened the door slowly in hope no one is on the other side.
They were in luck when they sneaked out and hides behind the walls. Alex peaked his head to see if the hallway is cleared before he signed Cash to follow behind him. Cash hated how they were sneaking around like this with no back up. But he had to protect Alex at all cost. Finding this guy is his sole purpose and he wanted nothing more than to be done with it.
As they passed the doors along the hallway, Alex couldn't help but peaked through the glass window on one the doors. It was dark on the other side which Alex assumed it was unoccupied. But he was wrong when a head slammed against the window leaving red marks on the glass that surprisingly didn't break after the impact.
"LET ME OUT!" The guy's voice were muffled and Alex assumed due to the sealed doors and the padded room.
"You told me it was empty!" He half yelled at Cash and he was equally shocked at the sight of the guy that slammed his body against the door. "It was! Unless it was underground operational." He whispered back.
There were voices coming from the end of the hallway and Alex hides behind the corner with Cash besides him. He sighed when he saw an old janitor humming his tuned while pushing the car in front of him. Alex waited for him to pass by before grabbing him by his neck and slammed him against the wall.
He cupped his palm around the guys mouth shoving the tip of the gun to the janitor's cheek. The guy is as old as this place and Alex felt bad when he uses force against him but he had to make sure he find out the answers he seek before he leaves.
"I just need answers. Don't scream." He whispered and the old guy nodded frantic in his grip. Alex let go of his palm slowly and lowered his gun from the guy's cheek. The guy is barely reaching Alex's chest when he straightened his back.
"I'm looking for Henry Fox. Is he here?" He asks in a low voice, didn't want to give away their position. The guy scoffed at him like he just made a bad joke but immediately corrected his face when he saw the deadly gaze on Alex's face.
"Gone." He whispered. Alex frowned at his answers but the guy pushed his way out of Alex's grip. "What do you mean gone? Where?" He asks and the guy shrugged. "God knows. Anything that happened at this place, stays at this place. I came by morning of my shift and his room is empty. No one says anything about anything." He said before pushing his cart again.
"Where is his room then?" Alex asks and the old guy turned to face him behind his shoulder. "End of the hall, 205." He whispered before pushing the cart again. Alex turned to face Cash that was as clueless as he is.
As they walked down the hallway and followed the numbers at the slots on the door, they finally found the room that belong to Henry Fox.
Alex held the metal bar and slides the door opened before he stepped inside the small room. Cash followed behind him standing guard as he walked around the small space. His eyes lingered around the corner wondering why his room is not padded like any of the others. It has no bed, no mattress and there was a metal chain strapped into a small hook by the corner of the room with a small urinal in the corner. He sighed seeing the condition of the room is ten time worst than a prison. The walls are faded green and the floor is not tiled, it's basically cold hard cement.
Alex eyed the corner that has the chained hanged on the hook before his eyes spotted a carved sentence. It was small but it was carved on the corner of the room where the metal chained hanged above it.
"The wicked will not go unpunished."
Alex traced his fingers over the words noticed how soft the walls has been. It must be years ago when the guy carved this, he thought. He continued to examined the room when his eyes caught at the piece of old photo that fell on the floor. He crouched to pick it up to see an old crumple family photo. A parent with three children and they all shared the same highlight blonde hair and same facial features. The small boy carried by the father in his arm smiling his toothless smile. Behind them a house as big as a mansion and by the end corner, a name carved on the small mail box.
Alex eyes lingered around the room that has no window, except for the vent that gives ventilation through the small air escape. His heart fell deep in his stomach as his trying to imagined the life in this small space. The image of this guy curdling by the corner in the cold strapped by the metal chain like some kind of animal. Alex knew he wasn't that innocent himself for what he did to his victim but his killed them with purpose and in his mind, Henry barely an adult when he was thrown in here to rot.
"He's gone." Alex whispered placing the photo into his coat pocket and turned to face Cash by the door. "I'm sorry Alex. I know how much you wanted to find him." Alex nods weakly trying to hide the tears building inside his eyes. "Let's go." He says and right before they left, he took one last glanced at the hollowed room trying to imagine the life this guy had to endure for living in this place for years.
"That was a waste of time." Cash said as soon as they entered the car. Alex was quiet ever since he got out and it worries him. "Alex?" He called bringing his attention back into the car with him.
"I wanna see him." Alex says out of sudden. "Who?" Cash asks and Alex turned to face him, "Phillip." He replied.
"Are you fucking crazy?! Why on earth would you wanna go and see him?" He asks keeping his eyes focus on the road. "I just- I don't know. Maybe I'll know once I see him." Alex said briefly leaning his head back against the headrest.
"Well let me find some information. I'll drive you back to the hotel." He says and Alex nod thanking him.
It took him few days to gathered the information and Phillip Fox was not an easy man to find. He didn't actually live here in London anymore after he got married. He lives in Birmingham with his wife and two kids and sold the family house right here in London.
So they took another trip after booking a meeting with him. Cash may had lied to get him the appointment since he refused to deal with anyone that isn't from the UK and especially a businessman from the US is the last person he wanted to see.
They arrived at his family estate here in Birmingham around evening when Alex saw him coming around the garden on his horse. "Mr Claremont-Diaz?" He asks. His British accent and his golden light hair reminded Alex on the boy in the alley.
"Mr Fox. Thank you for meeting me." Alex says and held out his hand for a handshake but Phillip didn't exactly accept at first. He eyed these two gentleman standing before him and took out his glove after he got off his horse only then he finally grabbed Alex's hand for a shake. "Nice meeting you too." He says hesitantly.
They were lead inside into the music room where he had various of collection of hunted animals on displayed with multiple long range guns and musket he had arranged on the wall. The room exudes masculine but to Alex, it's just showing off his wealth and his hunting skills.
"Are you a hunter Mr Diaz?" He asks Alex as he took a sip of his tea that was prepared for them by his maid. Alex grabbed his although he never like drinking tea, he accepted the offer just so he could gain his trust. "Not animals." Alex answered him and he smirked at Alex's replies.
"So I assumed you hunt human?" He asks and Alex glanced over Cash that sat next to him taking a bite on the biscuit with a smile.
"Something like that." He adds.
"To what do I owe you this pleasure of our meeting. I assure you I had nothing nor any any interest in your kind of business." He says and Alex was rather impressed he did a background checks on him.
"Like I told you, I hunt humans, not animals. I am here to query regarding someone." Alex continued and Phillip who had taken another sip of his tea smiles nodding his head at him. "Sure. Who?" He asks.
"Henry Fox." The words slipped through Alex's lips but it almost felt like he just dropped a bomb in his home that made Phillip stopped drinking and his eyes widen. "What for are you looking for him?" He asks placing the cup down and Cash nothing the gripped on Phillip's hand grew tighter against the arm rest.
"I needed his help with something." Alex says before he leaned closer towards Phillip that sat next to him. "I know he is special." He whispered and Phillip turned his gaze at him slowly before he broke into a laugh.
"Are you that daft? Or are you that desperate?" He asks and Alex's face dropped. No one has ever called him daft or to his own understanding, stupid but he held himself strong from strangling this man before he could get his answer.
"I am that desperate." He says and Phillip smiled.
"He's gone. I'm sorry to say this but you came all the way here for nothing." Phillip continued. "See that's what I don't get. Everybody keep saying he's gone but where exactly has he been? I know he's not at Broadmoor-"
"What do you mean he's not at Broadmoor?" Phillip gaze sharply at him when he heard Alex. "Uhm- we went, he's not there." Cash says and Phillip scattered on his feet before grabbing his phone from the desk behind him.
"Charlie Townsend please." He says into the phone. They waited confused by his actions. It was seconds later when he spoke again. "Tell me he's still there." Phillip whispered into the speaker and Alex can see how hard he gripped the phone clutched in his hand.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me sooner?! How long?!" He screamed.
"Find him! I don't fucking care! Find him or I'll have you arrested for running that place illegally." He whispered the last sentence before slamming the phone down. Alex shot a concerned look over Cash but then turned to face Phillip again.
"Thank you for telling me this. I assure you I can't help you. My brother is a sick man and there is nothing I can do about it." Phillip says rubbing his palm against the cheek before he went to his liquor cabinet to pour himself a drink.
"I can help you. I have my resources." Alex says and Phillip took a swift gulped before he poured another glass. "No need. I handled my business alone. I think it's best for you both to leave." Phillip suggested but Alex was not going to listen. He stood from the chair abruptly facing him. "No. I didn't come all the way here to be strike down like this." Alex says but Phillip couldn't care less.
"Listen here mate, I don't mean to be rude but you don't know me and I certainly don't know you. My family is my business and I don't need a stranger to come here and tell me how should I handle my business." Phillip's voice is stern and fixed with no fear in his eyes. He doesn't know Alex like other did but certainly not someone whom should making a bad impression on the cartel boss.
"I didn't come all the way to go home empty handed. I have been looking for him for months. I need to find him." Alex edging closer towards Phillip that stands with the drink in his hand. "Whatever you're needing him for is a waste of time. Henry is not who he is. Everything that you heard is wrong. He lies about it after our parents death to seek attention. After our sister's death? He became completely manic and starts walking around the house with knife in his hand."
"He wasn't seeing our sister's dead soul walking around, it was the drugs. If I were you. I would stay the fuck away from him. He's dangerous and he is mentally unstable. Leave this to my team to handle. Take your leave. Find someone else to help with your problem." Phillip stares deeply into Alex dark brown eyes. Alex exhaled desperately at him after what he heard and truthfully, he didn't want to acknowledge that this is the end road on finding him.
"What are you gonna do if you find him?" Alex asks and Phillip jutted his chin out gripping on the glass in his palm. "What I should have done ten years ago." He says slamming the glass down on the counter. "Leave. Don't ever come back here again." Phillip left the room with Alex and Cash stood still confused at his words.
Alex turned to face him from behind the couch, "What do you think he meant by that?" Alex asks and Cash shrugged. "Whatever it is, let's just go. These people are lunatic. I don't want us to get in the middle of this." He says and Alex nods in agreement.
"Didn't you noticed that none of the frame has his pictures on it? I mean after all he's family. I even have my bullies photo displayed from my lacrosse team. You don't see me cutting Billy's face out." Alex says as they walking down the hallway on their way out.
"Some family. I had my uncle ran over my aunt with a mower they still showed up for Thanksgiving." Cash adds earning Alex a snort.
"Well this is pointless." Alex raised his glass of bourbon in his hand as he sprawled over the couch with Cash organizing the suite for their leave.
"Well at least I get to visit merry old England and visit some abandoned asylum. You don't get to see that everyday." Alex chuckled shaking his head at him. "I should pack our stuffs then. Shall I book tomorrow flight?" He asks and Alex was staring at the spaces before him. "Yeah, maybe." He whispered.
"Sir may I?" Cash offered standing by the end couch staring down at Alex still in his suit with the bourbon in his hand. "Yep." He replied.
"Take a vacation. Rest for a bit. You have been working non stop. A little vacation won't do you any harm. I'll take care of things while you're away." Cash can see the idea linger in Alex's mind. He was thinking about it and it was a good thing too.
"I don't think so Cash. I'm tired - yes but I don't think I can enjoy being alone right now." He sat up leaning his elbow over his thighs as he placed the empty glass down on the table. "Try. Relax your mind a bit. How about LA? You can go back surfing. Or here, some country silence perhaps." Alex grunted running his hair over his curls.
"Anything but here. I've gone mad too." He says mimicking their British accent and Cash turned to chuckle.
"Tell me where and I'll book you the ticket Alex." Cash asks and Alex sighed lowering his head down.
"I just want to go home Cash. I need to check on Nora. Plus that guy she's hiring, do you have any backgrounds on him yet?" He asks but Cash could only shook his head at him.
"Surprisingly, no. He just showed up in the system and there is no previous record of him. None criminal, no school, no college. He came in with UK passport but no records of him here." Cash explained continued to pack their stuffs in the luggage. Alex remained quiet but in his mind, it was chaos.
A month passed since Henry worked at Nora's bakery store. He still had nightmares in his sleep sometimes but if he was too exhausted after got back from work, he managed to sleep for few hours before he woken up again. Sometimes he would woke up due to the sounds outside traffic or the people arguing over the sidewalks.
But the one that he hated the most if he woke up to the shadows lurking at the end of his feet. He still hasn't be able to sleep on his bed due to him sleeping on the floor for years. But each night he left a lights on in his living room table that he bought after he got his cheque from Nora and he hasn't seen the shadow again after.
Henry was the happiest when he received the cheque from her. All of his hard work had paid up although Nora was worried that it might be too little for him but for Henry it was enough. He saved up some money after put aside for utilities and bills with his monthly grocery spend. With Pez's money combined, he can save up more in case he needs to leave this place.
Nora's friend came back about a week ago and Henry hasn't had a chance to see him. The thing is, he had heard about him more before they even met in person. Usually, Nora would open the store early for them to chat and went home a little early for dinner if they both made plans with each other. Henry could see Nora was happier when he came back but somehow frustrated by each of his action. The more Henry sees it, they are more like siblings rather than lover.
Henry was loading the boxes in the storage unit when he heard Nora giggling outside of the store. He bet her best friend came to visit so Henry let her have their moments alone. Usually whenever he came for visit Nora would close the shop for them to spend time with each other and Henry was not the one to question her why, she must have her reason.
Emily didn't show up today after she called Nora this morning to call in sick but she knew it was because of her late night partying that made her skipped her shifts. Jacob had full day classes so only left with Henry and her took care of the shop today.
Henry smiled when she heard her rambling and her friend's Alex grunting in annoyance at her pushing him around to meet him.
He finished locking the storage room when he turned to see Nora pulled the tall caramel skinned guy that Henry met about a month ago in her small palm and their eyes immediately locked in each other. Henry's breath hitched upon seeing him in this light and forgot how much attractive he is, especially in those expensive suits that covers by his long trench coat.
But Henry barely could register what had happened when he was slammed against the storage unit door hitting on his back with a strong hand gripped over his neck.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
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