Part 44

Henry dozing on and off between his torture and lost counts on how many hours or days he had been trapped down here with this manic doctor. Nothing ever satisfied him enough whether Henry was quiet or being too loud, nothing pleases him.

Each torture, each time those electrical volts jolting down his body, his mind wanders to end his life rapidly as possible. But each times he fell unconscious, he would woke up again, all alone in that empty room with nothing but coldness and violent sobs.

He could feel his body is getting weaker by seconds. The doctor refused to let him have even a sips of drink just so he couldn't break free from this tortured room. When he felt Henry's heart plummeting to death, he would shot him a dose of adrenaline into his vein. When his sugar drops losing his consciousness, he would shoot him a glucose shot to keep him awake and it would last him hours to keep torturing him.

Most of the times when the doctor is not around him in the room, Henry would only stared into the emptiness in the room with no one keeping him company except for the dead.

He would see June or Bea within his torture but somehow he managed to keep them unattached by avoiding the conversation. But most of the time during the torture, Henry found himself holding on to their words.

"Stay strong love."

"Think of something else Henry. Something nice, someplace nicer."

"Hold on Hen, don't lose it."

"They will come to save you."

"Just hang on."

But most of the times, they are just words. Words that he found useless and helpless especially when the doctor carved into his pale skin with a belly laughter breaks between his art works. The tip of the knife sliced through his torso or his arms or his chest and his legs drowned all the words of hope he hung on too.

He felt pointless, worthless, losing his will to live each day he woke up in that dreadful place. It wasn't just the torture, physically that pulls him down but the doctor never leaves without fully satisfied himself by molesting Henry for his own pleasure.

Henry could never get hard but it didn't stop him. He would climbed on top of him and have his way anyway he wanted it. Henry would fight at first but he would only be greeted with more painful punches through his ribs and stomach causing him to cough out blood for hours, probably days. He couldn't tell since there is no window or skylight to tell him how long since he's been here.

Today, it was like any other day.

His mouth being gagged into a leather strap, his limbs are still tied with the metal cuffs on the stretcher. Each movement would only worsen the abrasion that already harsh on his skin so instead he closed his fist letting his nails digging into his palms absorbing all the pain that he had felt.

"You know what I missed the most when you were gone?" The doctor stood behind his head holding on to the forceps before placing it directly on his temple. He jolted, his body shakes and shivers at each released with his jaw clenched hardly on the leather belt around his lips.

"The way your voice sounded when you groaned. How sweats forms on your skin, I could lick it all day tasting the saltiness on the tip of my tongue. Makes me hard." He whispered next to Henry's ear before letting his tongue traces over the sweats drops on his temple. Henry grunted trying to shake his head off from his disgusting act but the strap over his forehead preventing him from moving further.

"I wonder which part of your brain actually tells me how you were able to see them. But sadly I can't operate it without killing you and I am not done playing with you just yet." He whispered pressing his lips over Henry's cheek. He grunted in disgust but there is nothing he can do to push him off.

Henry wished he could take the scalpel and jabbed it right into his eyes prodding it into his brain watching him convulsed the same way he did when he sent to electrical forceps into Henry's brain.

He tried countless times wiggling himself off to break the rusted metals cuffing his wrist but it only hurts him more when the sharp rusted edge digging into his skin.

His wounds on the other hands might be superficial but he wasn't doing it to bleed him out, he did it so he could have more marks over Henry's skin. He had kinked over scarring bodies that made him turned on even more.

He pulled off the leather belt from Henry's teeth when he's done shocking his brains out before he moves down to his blades and scalpel.

"Hold on Hen. Please, you need to hold on." June's voice echoed next to him and Henry could feel her soft cold hands brushing against his cold fingers. Henry clutched on her fingers feeling each seconds he held her, it felt closer to holding on to real person. Henry knows it was because his own body is getting weaker closing himself to feel them.

"I c-can't- not anymore." Henry whispered silently but it caught the doctor's attention. He turned around holding a scalpel in his hand when he heard him mumbled.

"What's that you can't? Ooh. You're seeing them again, aren't ya?" The doctor chirped happily at the knowledge of Henry's gift and it's always fascinated him when Henry interacts with it.

"Tell me. Who did you see? Is it someone you knew?" He asks before trailing the cold metals over Henry's chest. Henry remained silence, he refused to let the doctor's questions being answered and he intended never to please him with the knowledge he desperately needed.

"Fine, don't tell me. Gives me more pleasure torturing that out of you." He says before jabbing Henry's pale exposed thigh with the small blade in his hand. Henry screamed in pain feeling his throat aches from the dryness and the constant screaming bleeding through his voice.

"Please. Please. Stop. Please, stop." Henry begged countless times since he met him and he knew it was rather pointless to him but somehow he begged. He begged for the littlest amount of humanity he had left but he knew by far, he wasn't human at all but rather a devil in disguise.

"Begged for me darling, I love when you begged." He whispered smirking at Henry crying in pain before he traced the blade further up to his body and starts making an inclined incision across his stomach.

Henry screamed bloody murder gripping hard on his cuffs when suddenly he felt the cuffs loosen by his aggressive movements.

Henry didn't want to attract any attention towards the doctor so he tried to jiggle his way out more when he heard it snapped broken and his left wrist broke free. He didn't waste time before he raised his fist and threw the hardest punch he could gained from his last piece of strength he had towards the doctor's face.

He stumbled back surprised by Henry sudden gesture. He fell right over his own table of supplies before he turned to face Henry sitting up on the metal stretcher with the blade in his hand and as he charged at him, Henry swung over his face.

The blade sliced through his cheek with blood seeping through his skin down to his jaw. He let out a guttural groan in anger before he charged at Henry fighting over his one free arm to let go the scalpel from his grip.

He threw punches over Henry's stomach causing him to groan but Henry was quick to use his own head and slammed it over the doctor's head.

He could hear his ear is ringing from the impact and the doctor had fallen down on the floor when Henry took the liberty of breaking free from the clasped over his wrist and his ankles.

"Run Hen. Run!" June yelled pointing at the door and Henry nodded following her instructions. He climbed down the stretcher and the moment his feet touches the cold ground, his knees wobbled from the lack of strength.

He buckled falling hard on his knees almost breaking the kneecap from the hit but he didn't want to give up just yet. He was almost there for his freedom and he can't let his hunger and his tiredness puling him back.

So he inhaled sharply, before pushing himself back on his feet clutching on the stretcher besides him for balance and starts walking towards the door, more like limping from the pain being stabbed by the crazy doctor.

Before he could reached the doorknob, he could hear June screaming his name in a muffling voice.

"Henry look out!"

Henry didn't have time to see what was she pointing at when he felt the hardest hit on the back of his neck and later the whole room starts to spin and darkness swallowed him before he fell on the ground.


"What do I owe this pleasure?" Phillip gestured the moment they entered the music room and taken his seat over his green wing chair. The room was quiet and the only thing Shan could hear was the grandfather clock ticking on the wall showing ten past four.

"House seems quiet. Where's your darling wife?" Shan asks but Phillip rolled his eyes at him before he stood up headed towards his liquor cabinet. He poured himself a drink couldn't be bothered to offer Shan one and taken a sip before headed back to his chair.

"Talk. Or don't waste my time and starts walking away." Phillip warned but Shan was never intimidated by his tone or his words ever since he knew him. From what he'd witnessed, Phillip is rather intimidated by his presence right now knowing his reason for showing up in the first place.

"You know why I'm here Pip." Shan starts and he could see it brings anger in his eyes.

"Do not call me that anymore!" His words seethed with his jaw clenched tight gripping his glass harder on the sides.

"I know Henry's here. All I'm asking is for you to let me take him away from your hand and you will never sees us again." Shan mentioned straight to the point, not bother to sugarcoated his reasons. Little did he know is when Phillip breaks in a laugh from hearing what Shan had to offer.

"I don't know what you're talking about. What about Henry? Last I heard he was dead. Killed himself from guilts for our sister's death." He smirked while taking another sips of his drink when Shan banged the arm rest and stood up abruptly.

"Stop playing! Tell me where is he or I will call on reinforcements." Shan warned him and he could see his eyes grew wider at his plans.

"What reinforcements?" He asks but Shan smirked at him noticed the fear filled his blue eyes.

"You'd think I came alone didn't ya? I'm not that stupid like you boy." Shan smirked crossing his legs together when he saw Phillip clenched his jaw tighter.

"I know you have him here. Hidden somewhere." Shan says lowly with his eyes lurking around the room. "You can't prove it." He smirked staring back at Shan.

"You're right, I don't. But what makes you think I don't have people scouring the area while I keep you here, distracted." Shan says and saw Phillip's eyes widen.

"How fucking- " Phillip was about to charge at him but Shan was quicker on his feet pushing him over his chest right on the chair, hard. "SIT DOWN!" Shan warned him and Phillip obeyed, surprisingly.

"For years, I watched your hatred and your resentment towards your little brother. Years! You broke your father's promises, you threw him into a life he doesn't deserved! You tortured him because he was different. All I'm asking is for you to let him free. Let him live his life and you know he won't trouble you anymore!" Shan couldn't help raising his voice at him from all the anger he had kept for all the years he had known him.

But he never expects Phillip had the nerve to smirk back at him before raising his hand together and clapped few times.

"That was an excellent speech Shan. Did Arthur paid you to say that or you actually rehearsed that speech for the past ten years?" He smiled sheepishly sipping his drink again.

"Last chance Phillip, where is your brother? Or you will regret this." Shan threatened with his voice low.

Phillip stood up from the chair facing Shan that stood firmly before him before he inched closer leaving a foot apart.

"I suggest you leave Shan, and never come back. You don't want to keep digging. Trust me." Phillip warned him and Shan hesitated for a while before he decides to drop this conversation for now. He needed to make sure his action today doesn't cost Henry anymore trouble.

Shan sighed desperately staring at Phillip's face before he slowly pulled away and headed to the door. He took one last glanced at him before he noticed a picture frame by the end shelves that has Arthur's and Catherine's face with him standing in the middle.

He stared at the frame dated probably years before Bea was even born, much less Henry when Shan felt the tightening grip, tugging in his chest.

"Your parents love you all equally you know." Shan states turning himself to face Phillip behind him again.

"It might look like they focused more on Henry but your brother is sick Phillip. He needed you, more than anything. Yet, you betrayed him. The little brother that looked up to you, expected you to take care of him but instead, you locked him up for years." Shan's eyes began to water but he swallowed his tears away from Phillip's view.

"Henry never talked bad about you. Not once. He could have you arrested for what you did but he never looked back. All he ever wanted was a life. Being loved. But somehow his past is pulling him back because of you."

"Don't say I didn't warned you Pip. I am not leaving without him. I'll be back." Shan told him before taking his steps out of the music room leaving Phillip alone behind, or so he thought.

"What the hell was that all about?" Martha's voice echoed from the other side of the entrance door before she stepped into the music room.

"Nothing. Just business meeting." Phillip dismissed her questions before headed back to the liquor cabinet and poured him more drinks.

"What kind of business meeting that talks about your father and I heard, your brother?" She asks curious. Phillip sighed gulping on his drinks before he poured another. "Just shut the fuck up Martha and forget you heard the conversations." Phillip tone is low keeping his focus on the glass in his grip.

"The hell I won't. I just heard a stranger coming in to our house and begged you to release your brother Pip." Martha edged closer towards her husband standing right behind him staring at his hunched back over the counter.

"I said drop it." Phillips words seethed through his teeth but he still kept his tone low.

"No." Martha protest keeping her ground firm under her feet.

"For years we have been married, I have done nothing but respected you. I never questioned you about your family despite everything. All I ever knew is that they were gone. But now I had to listen to some stranger telling you that you had your brother hidden? Somewhere in the property? What the hell is all that about?" She asks furiously but Phillip could only sighed letting his shoulder slumped further.

"The boys told me you were doing something at the edge of the land. Is that where you've hidden him?" Martha pressed on and she should have stopped when Phillip had told her. Because the next thing she knew is Phillip turning himself around and smacked her on her cheek.

"I told you to drop it. Why do you have to be so damn stubborn!" Phillip hissed when he saw her cheek starts to redden from his own demised. Martha cupped her cheek with tears pooling her eyes as she stares at her husband. For years they have been married, not once did Phillip raised his hand at her but tonight, to her surprise, he did.

"It's true isn't it? He's here. Is that what you've been up to lately." Martha questioned him with her voice breaks. Phillip sighed shaking his head before gulping his drink to the bottom. He threw the glass against the wall and it sent it shattering all over the floor.

Martha flinched at the sound of the glass shattering all over their wooden tiles when she felt Phillip's grabbed her by her hair. Phillip fisted a handful of Martha's hair in his grip before he pulled it closer to his face.

"When I said drop it, just fucking dropped it! Or I will make sure you won't be able to see our boys again. You hear me?!" Phillip warned her, tightening his grip over her brunette hair before she nods in her tears.

Phillip released her hair harshly from his grip before he grabbed another glass and poured himself another drinks before he disappeared into different room down the hallway with phone pressed on his ear.

Martha watched as her husband disappeared into the hallway ordering his men to gather 'him' which she assumed is her brother in law. She was desperate to find out about this and for her children's sake so she followed her husband quietly in the dark in hope he won't find out about her eavesdropping on his conversation.


"So?" Alex asks as soon as Shan drove them off further from Phillip's view hiding from his sight. He sighed gripping the steering wheel harder turning his knuckles white gazing at the green forest outside of their car in silent.

"Shan?" Alex asks since he didn't answered his first question and he worried when he didn't removed his gaze from outside window.

"I can feel him there Alex. I can see it in his eyes. He can never hides it from me. Not since he's a teenager. He's scared." Shan whispered keeping his gaze on the outside window when Alex shifted next to him.

"Shan. What is it?" He asks cupping his shoulder when Shan turned his head back in the car. "Henry's been gone for four days. I don't know how much he can hold on. Knowing Phillip, I don't think we have much time." Shan's eyes glistened with tears before he turned to face Alex next to him.

"We'll get him, tonight. After the sun's down. We already had our men standby. We'll force him to tell us." Alex reassured holding on to the hope that Henry would be safe in his arms by the end of the night.


Martha strides closer towards the end of the hallway following her husband's voice. She could hear him hushing in whispers as she gets closer and found him in one of his office room. She saw Phillip standing by his table sorting out his papers with his back turned facing the doorway so he didn't realized his own wife is spying on him.

"I don't fucking care. We'll move him tonight. There are people looking for him. I know that bastard Charlie is the one blabbed about it!" Martha heard his voice scolding the person over the phone. Her suspicious grew stronger and she wished she could stay longer but somehow deep down, she needs to do something about this, about the person she marries.

So she ran, headed towards her boys room where she found them coloring by their desk together before closing the door behind her.

"Mummy? What is it?" Andrew asks after he saw his mother ran towards their shared bedroom with tears in her eyes and she starts digging through their closet.

"We're leaving. Pack your bags. Now!" She ordered her sons which surprises them greatly when Andrew stood up and start grabbing the duffle bag from the closet for his clothes and Martha helped packing for Jackson's item.

"Mummy what is going on?" Andrew asks her again as he stuffed his sweater vest inside the bag. "Nothing darling, we're gonna go spend time at Poppy's house alright. Daddy need a time out." She briefly explained before finishing packing Jackson's clothes into a bag.

"Did daddy do something bad?" Jackson asks holding on to his bunny on his side with worried eyes. "No darling but we need to leave, right now alright." Martha instructed her boys and as she grabbed the bag from the floor and headed straight to the door. As she blew the door wide opened, she was surprised to see her husband standing right outside with that fury look in his gaze when he saw the bags in her hands.

"The hell are you doing?" He asks softly not wanting the boys to hear him.

"I'm- I'm just- " Martha tries to lie for the sake of her and her children but she knew Phillip can see right through her. Phillip snatched the bags from her hands and tossed it behind her in the room before grabbing her by her arms and dragged her out before shutting the door closed right before the boys could get to him.

"What are you doing?" Martha asks as Phillip locked the door of her son's bedroom before she could stopped him.

"You were gonna take them away from me aren't ya? Well now you will learn your action comes with consequences. You won't get to see your boys again." Phillip dragged her away from the door by her arms which she protest desperately from his grip. 

A/N: Cheers to being stupid by accidentally clicked on stuffs popped up on my laptop without thinking and lost everything that I wrote for the past days. 

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