Part 37

Henry tried to avoid Alex's suggestions to go to the lake house for days. But he knows he can't hide away from him especially when they both living in the same place together. When Alex tried to ask him about going to Austin, Henry would divert their conversation and pretended that he had to use the bathroom but not like he can use that excuse each time he brought it up. He had to improvise.

Henry tried hiding away in the bathroom causing Alex to worry he might do something he had feared and even threatened Henry that he might took the doors out if Henry didn't come out so he did and decides to divert Alex's mind by pleasuring him instead.

Henry felt sick to his core manipulating Alex like this but he knows Alex mean well in keeping his promises to ensure Henry's safety. So by the fifth day of dragging the conversation, Henry finally surrendered to discuss it with Alex at their living room.

"Why are you so dreading to the idea of going to Austin with me? Are you afraid?" Alex asks staring at Henry sitting facing the TV in front of him while he had his whole body facing Henry on the side. It was typical night when Alex got home from work and they both had dinners together but before headed to the bedroom, they would stay on the couch watching some show to fill their night.

The living room falls silence only with the sound of people chatting in the show play lowly in the background about some cooking mishap filled the spaces between them. Henry swallowed his throat with his gaze low on the tea mug placed on the coffee table, besides it lays Alex's thick whisky glass that was half filled.

"I'm not afraid of going to Austin. I'm afraid of what's your expectations on me while we're there." Henry mutters twirling his fingers over the hem of Alex's sweatshirt that he had grew accustomed to wear.

"My expectations? What do you think I would expect from you there?" He asks clearly hinting his confusion in his tone.

"Honestly, everything. I can't pictured myself being naked with you most of the time we're being intimate. What makes you think going to a secluded place would have me think about us?" Henry asks finally turning his gaze to face Alex on the couch next to him.

He could see him sighed, then scoffed before he turned his body around grabbing his half filled whisky glass on the table later gulping it in one breath.

"Is that how low you think of me Hen?" He asks slamming the glass down on the table causing it to clang loudly making Henry flinched. Henry wonders how on earth did the glass didn't break at all.

"We don't have to go if you don't want too. All you have to do is say no to me instead of running away from the question." Alex says angrily shaking his head at Henry.

"Sorry." Henry mumbles quietly with his gaze back on his fingers. He knows Alex is angry at him right now but at least Henry won't have to run away from his questions anymore.

"Look, I know its scary and I'm pretty sure I'm not pleasant to be around either but we don't have to be hiding from each other. I can always convince Nora to go with us." Alex offered and he could see Henry contemplates for a second.

"She won't." Henry whispered surprises Alex on the spot. "How would you know? I haven't asks her yet." Alex says.

"Going back to the place where your childhood photos surrounded the whole house? I'm pretty sure she's excited to be there surrounded by June's smiling faces around it." Henry says sarcastically which Alex snorted by his words.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not convinced to go there myself if you weren't there either." Alex says leaning himself back on the couch before Henry scooted closer to his side. He noticed nowadays Henry had gained his appetite back to eat although still small and best part of all is that his shoulder doesn't affects him much anymore. He's not even wearing the sling anymore and his arms moves freely as he wants.

He smiled when Henry placed himself closer to his side without having him flinching by Alex's movement. His arms draped over Henry's shoulder before Henry rested his head over Alex's broad chest wrapping his arms around Alex's torso. Alex let out a breath of relief when he inhaled the scent on Henry's blonde hair from using one of his shampoo. Even though they are using the same soap or the same shampoo, somehow Henry had his own scent that Alex couldn't explain.

"I promised you, I'll be safer here rather than anywhere in the world right now." Henry whispered clutching on Alex's shirt. "No doubt that. My loft is a fortress for you my prince." Alex pressed his lips repeatedly over Henry's top of his head. Henry chuckled softly by Alex's gestured before he tilted his head facing Alex again.

Their eyes locked into each other before Alex leaned down pressing his lips over Henry's mouth. Their eyes are closed shut but their mouths moves involuntarily into a deeper kiss.

Henry moves from Alex's side and began to straddle Alex without even breaking from their kiss. Alex's smiled when he felt Henry starts grinding over his semi hard members underneath his sweatpants. "You know, for someone so inexperienced, you surely are insatiable." Alex pressed his palm against Henry's hip pushing him to grind harder.

"I'm inexperienced?" Henry pushed him harshly by his chest against the couch stunned Alex out of sudden.

"Well- not in particularly." Alex defends but Henry had that look in his eyes staring down at him. "You thought I'm some kind of a virgin?" Henry asks grasping Alex's collar tight in his grip but Alex smirked at Henry's questions.

"Nooo, I did not say that. I said inexperienced, not a virgin." Alex corrected him but Henry wasn't amused by his word. "Would an inexperienced guy would know how to do this?" Henry whispered leaning over Alex's side of the neck nibbling over his skin. Alex moaned when he felt Henry's hot breaths fanning over his neck right beside his pulsating veins.

Henry trailed his kisses down on Alex's collar before he pushed the hem of Alex's shirt up and off from his head in a swift moves. He was thankful his shoulder doesn't bothers him much nowadays otherwise slight movements would caused him to wince. Although he careful enough not to swing his arm widely or rapidly to prevent pain.

Henry couldn't help staring at Alex's sculpted muscles letting his fingers traced over the curves of Alex's abs. Henry slides down in between Alex's knees before he pressed his lips over Alex's chest. Alex winced when Henry bit the hard muscles on Alex's stomach before lowering himself over his tented pants.

Henry slipped his fingers into Alex's waistband pulling it off from Alex's waist letting it pooled around his ankle. Henry eyed Alex's hard member twitching at Alex's movement fixing his posture on the couch.

Their eyes locked when Alex noticed the hesitation in Henry's eyes again before he grasped Alex's manhood in his hand. He cupped Henry's chin between his fingers pulling his gaze back at Alex with that uncertain look on his face.

"Keep your eyes on me." Alex whispered in a command with that sultry tone. Henry obeyed, keeping his hazel orbs focused sharply at Alex's before slowly lowering his mouth over Alex's tip.

Alex watched as Henry stroked his member dreadfully slow tightening his grasp on and off before guiding it into his mouth. Alex witnessed how his tip disappeared behind those thick pink lips feeling Henry's hot warm breath swallowing his members till he reached at the base of his shaft before pulling it back towards the tip.

He groaned when Henry gripped his member tightly in his grasp before he repeats it over and over sending him to oblivion. "Ahh, Hen- " Alex winced when Henry starts moving faster and stroked his member harder feeling the tightening muscles pooling over his lower abdomen.

Henry paused, still keeping his eyes staring over Alex's lustful gaze with his jaw fell opened, panting. Henry continued, twirling his tongue over Alex's tip before swallowed deep triggering his gagging reflexes. Alex saw how Henry's eyes starting to redden and filled with tears from gagging but he didn't stop and instead, he kept continuing his works.

Alex could feel he's going to explode in seconds from Henry's current stroke. He tried pushing Henry's wrist covered sleeves but Henry pushed his hand away from stopping him. "Hen- you need uhm- God! You have to stop." Alex pleaded trying to push Henry from keep sucking on his cock.

Henry smirked when he witnessed Alex was a writhing mess under his touch before he went faster and harder on his strokes.

Alex's moaned grew louder and his grunt filled their living room before Henry heard his final loud groaned and exploded his hot semen into Henry's mouth causing Henry to stop. Henry swallowed each drop inside his mouth tasting Alex's cum in his throat still not letting his gaze shifts from staring at Alex's panting in his breath.

Alex finally came down from his high locking his gaze back at Henry still in between his legs with some of his cum drips down on the corner of his lips. Alex rubs the pad of his thumb over the dripping cum by Henry's chin, wiping the cum cleaned before Henry sucked on his thumb lustfully.

Alex still pants catching his breath before he pulled Henry into a deep kiss. He could taste himself in Henry's tongue when they exchanged kisses. As Alex was deep in his kiss, Henry suddenly shoved him hard on his chest back against the couch surprising him.

"Who's inexperienced now sweetheart?" Henry teased before lifting himself from kneeling between Alex's leg on the floor, leaving him breathless and in shock.

Alex watched as Henry walked away leaving him on the couch stunned and speechless still half naked before he disappeared into their bedroom.

Alex literally jumped from his couch puling his pants up his waist before he followed Henry into their bedroom.

He entered his bedroom thinking Henry is lying in bed but it was empty before he realized Henry was in the bathroom with the running faucet is turned on. He smirked widely before he stepped into the bathroom finding him hunching forward over the large marble top sink gargling his mouth with his minty mouthwash.

Alex stepped behind Henry closely waited for Henry to finish with that smirk still hooked on his lips. Henry straighten his back and gasped when he saw Alex stood behind him from the mirror grasping his chest in fright almost stumbling backwards but Alex held his arms steadily.

"Jesus fuck! You fucking scared me! When did you even get here?!" Henry yelled at him through the mirror about to turn around to face him but Alex held him firm with his both hand gripping over Henry's upper arm.

"You'd think you can screw me like that and leave?" He says keeping himself closer before draping his arms over Henry's chest. Henry's breath shudder when he felt Alex's hot breaths fanning over his neck. Softly, he lowered his lips over the crook of Henry's neck still keeping his gaze over Henry's at the mirror locking their eyes together.

"Alex." Henry whispered his name feeling Alex's hand roamed around his chest then later down to his stomach before he rested right at his waist.

"Fuck Hen, I could never get tired of hearing you calling my name." Alex whispered tracing his kisses down over Henry's shoulder where it used to be broken. Henry smiled leaning his head back against Alex's chest twisting his head around to reach for his lips.

"No. Turn around and keep looking at your beautiful self on the mirror." Alex says pushing him forward before trailing his kisses over Henry's nape.

Henry obeyed but somehow he failed to see himself the way Alex wanted him to see. He stared at the mirror reflecting his messy disheveled self with that sunken eyelids and chapped pale lips, it was nothing to be considered beautiful and he failed to see what Alex wanted him to see.

His palm rested over the counter top gripping on the edges when Alex noticed the silence. He looked up from kissing Henry to see him staring at the mirror with no slight movement. His eyes are staring straight into his own reflection but Alex knew his mind is elsewhere. "Henry." He called pulling him back into the reality earning him a little gasped when Alex draped his arm back over Henry's chest.

"Stop thinking about it." Alex whispered into his ear before planting another kiss by his temple. Henry inhaled sharply faking a soft smile on his lips before he replies, "You don't even know what I'm thinking about Alex."

"As the matter fact I do." Alex whispered lowering his hands over Henry's waist pressing him close to the counter.

"You think of how on earth someone like me would love someone like you." Henry eyes widen by Alex's word almost as if he could read his mind.

"You think you are not beautiful enough to look at the mirror." Another kiss planted by Henry's temple with their eyes locked.

"You think you're not enough." Alex whispered again and noticed the glistening tears returned in Henry's eyes.

"You're enough for me Hen. More than enough." Alex whispered tracing his fingers over Henry's palm pressed on the cold marble. "You're enough." He whispered once more in Henry's ear causing him to exhale his breath shutting his eyes closed.

Henry could feel Alex's hand roamed around his front grazing over his half hard cock through the pants before he slides his fingers over his waistband pushing it down on the floor. He watched through the mirror Alex bent him slightly forward before grabbing the lube from the cabinet next to his head.

He watched Alex squirted some amount over his fingers before guides it towards Henry's entrance. He gasped at the coldness of the lube hitting his skin but Alex held his back firm before he pushed him lower against the counter.

Henry gasped when Alex's fingers thrusted into his entrance slowly causing him to grip the edge harder. "Ahh." Henry winced in pain over Alex's thrusting fingers to adjust him which later turned into a moaned.

"Shh, a lil bit more." Alex whispered pressing his lips over Henry's clothed back before he thrust another fingers inside Henry's warm tight entrance.

Once he's fully satisfied that Henry is prepped enough, he pushed his own pants down squirting some more lube over his finger before rubbing it over his tip. He can't believe how fast he was hardened again even after Henry already making him cum earlier.

He watched as his tip disappeared inside Henry's readied entrance and gasped when Henry clenched around his shaft after he fully inserted it.

"Tell me when you want me to move." He whispered clutching on Henry's shirt on his back when he saw Henry's grimaced face through the mirror. Henry looked up to meet his gaze with his jaw fell opened before he slowly nodded at Alex giving him approval to finally moves his hips around.

It started slow, with few soft strokes inside Henry before Alex felt he was ready enough for him to move faster, slamming himself harder into him.

He pulled Henry back against his chest wrapping him arms around Henry's shoulder, both panting in their own breaths as Alex kept thrusting into him.

"You are beautiful my love. The most beautiful person I've met." Alex whispered noticed the tears starts to fall on Henry's cheek when he said those words.

Henry sniffled his tears clutching on Alex's hand over his chest before they both got lost in their act again. The bathroom echoed with the sound of the skin flapping and their small grunt filled the air.

Henry noticed the sloppiness of Alex's thrust as he closes to his released. He could feel his own edging closer with Alex's hand stroking over his hard members from behind.

"God. Oh God! Fuck- I'm coming." Alex grunted through his teeth as he stroke Henry's member faster and slammed his hips harder into Henry.

"Come with me. Come with me baby." Alex whispered in Henry's ear causing Henry to finally closed on his own released and within few strokes later, he finally did and so did Alex exploded his own release into Henry.

They both pants staring at each other over the mirror before they both broke into a small laughs. Henry turned around facing Alex behind him before he draped his arms over Alex's waist pulling him closer. Alex smirked staring at the small beads of sweats over Henry's forehead before pressing his lips over Henry's mouth.

"Let's get cleaned up shall we?" Alex says wanting to pull the hem of Henry's shirt up but Henry stopped him by his wrist. "N-No. I can do it myself. You go first." Henry suggested pushing Alex by his chest causing Alex to frown.

"Or we could go together? Save time and the water bills." Alex hinted already turning the shower faucet on before he adjusted to the warm setting.

"I'm good. You get cleaned up first." Henry says trying to pull his sleeves over his fingers after pulling his pants back on which Alex took noticed. He wanted to push him, asks him further but he knows the more he pushed, the more Henry will hides so he settled on showering first.

"Fine. Suit yourself but you're missing shower sex." He joked before stepping into the cubicle pulling the curtain noticed the smile on Henry's lips.


"Took you long enough." Charles greeted Phillip as he arrives from his flight and finally reached the hotel he had them both meet.

"What do you got?" He asks and Charles smirked handing him a piece of note in his hand.

"I tipped the maid and she confirmed it, Henry is definitely living with him." Phillip stares at the address in his hand before his eyes widen at the photo in between his fingers.

He remembered this guy came to him months ago looking for Henry. He never questioned him nor asks him why he was looking for Henry, he was too preoccupied by the thought of Henry escaped, so he chased them away from his home.

"Oh and by the way, they are more than living with each other." Charles hinted again causing Phillip to frown in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" He asks.

"You know what I meant." Charles winked at him and it dawned on Phillip. He remembered his brother sexual orientation back when they were at school. "Oh. I thought years in that place might have fixed him straight." Phillip says crumpling on the paper in his hand before he looked up meeting Charles' face.

"Thank you. Here." He handed him the cheque he had promised him and Charles took it eagerly staring at the large numbers written on the piece of small paper.

"Nice working for you." He says and Phillip had that look on his face.

"I might have one more for you." Phillip adds which Charles smiles widely at his offer. "Name it." He says and Phillip smirked. 

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