Part 33
"Are you sure you're alright? You barely touch your lunch?" Nora asks and Henry smiles trying to mask the worry in his face. "I'm fine Nora. Just tired. I underestimated the power of the painkillers." Henry lied again but Nora could see he was trying his best to hides his gaze from her.
After lunch they all went back to their routine handling orders and customers until the end of the day, Nora still can see the changes in Henry's behavior that worries her. He started to space out again and one of the customers had to knock on the table to get his attention which he apologized repeatedly after.
Henry was distraught by the thought of June's words earlier this afternoon when Emily gasped behind the counter startling him from spacing out.
"What?" He asks walking closer to her behind the counter. The store just closed few minutes ago and Nora is at the back cleaning when she heard her the same time as Henry does. "What is it?" She asks and saw her staring at the opened cash register.
"It's gone." She says causing Henry and Nora to share the same expressions before their eyes blown wide surprised by the empty cash drawer.
Nora looked up from looking down to meet Henry's surprised gaze beside Emily with the same amount of surprised in his eyes. "I swear Nora, I had nothing to do with this." Henry says but Emily scoffed back at him.
"Who else would it be then? You're the only one responsible for it the whole day!" Emily starts raising her voice at him and Henry backs away from her sudden accusation.
"You can say a lot of things about me Emily but I would never ever do this to Nora." Henry defend and he can see Nora is still staring down at the empty cash register. It might not be much money since most customers paid through cards but there were quite some amount of money that yet to be counted at the end of the day and most days it would be up to few hundreds and some days would be lesser. But they haven't even started counting today's earning when they realized it was already gone.
"Do you actually gonna let him go this time? How many times exactly have you turned on blind eyes on him Nora? He's going to ruin your business!" Emily yelled and Nora still keeping herself silent.
"Nora you have to believe me." Henry plead but Emily had other plans.
"Fine! Let's prove your innocence then!" She yelled grabbing Henry's bag pack that Alex lent it to him for his personal use since Henry left most of his stuffs back home. Henry was about to protest but Emily already snatched the bag away from the bottom space below the counter and starts unzipping the bag in front of Nora.
The moment the bag uncovered, there were few amount of crumpled dollar bills inside the bag and Emily shoved it into Nora's chest. "SEE! I told you he was not that innocent! You are so naive Nora!" Nora eyed the dollar bills inside Henry's bag as Emily continued to put words in her ear.
"Nora you have to believe me. Please. I would never-"
"What's going on?" Alex's voice stunt them all especially when he sees how upset Henry were standing next to his best friend with Emily yapping next to her.
"Alex." Henry called with eyes glistening in tears and his arm still in a sling. He was glad that Henry kept his promise in keeping his arms in a sling until the end of the shift but he was curious to see what's the commotion all about.
"What is it?" He asks stepping closer towards them when Emily stood between him and Henry.
"I thought you had trust issues. Why did you let yourself being fooled by someone like him? He steals from Nora and yet after everything you both did for him, this is how he replied your kindness." Emily yapped causing Alex to turn his gaze towards Henry with a furrowed look. Nora still keeping her gaze deep inside the bag in between her hands while Henry backing away into the corner.
"I swear I didn't do this. You both have to believe me." Henry plead but Alex couldn't understand why Nora is keeping herself quiet.
"He must have taken it during lunch time when you were gone! God knows what else he steals from you both." Emily claimed crossing her arms over her chest.
"That's enough from you missy. Stop this accusation now." Cash stepped in between them as he had enough Henry taking the blame while both Alex and Nora stared at each other.
"He had you all wrapped around his fingers and even you Cassius? I'm not surprised." She laughs devilishly at him before grabbing her bag from the counter and placed it over her shoulder. She didn't exactly say anything else except glaring over Henry in the corner before pushing the front door opened and slammed it shut right after she left.
"Hen, if you need money all you have to do is asks- "
"I DIDN'T DO THIS ALRIGHT! I might be poor but I would never ever steal for living! I would never do that to you, I swear!" Henry cries screaming at Alex before he even finished his sentences.
Nora turned her gaze towards Henry and still couldn't find the right words to tell him. Her jaw fell apart with her eyes glistened but she couldn't say anything making this situation a lot worst than it already is.
"I'm sure there is an explanation towards all of this and everyone just take a breath. Let's just wrapped up and go home alright?" Cash stepped in between them trying to ease the tension between all of them when Nora suddenly spoke.
"Is that why you were being weird this afternoon after I got back?" She asks and Henry gasped in tears. His lips trembled at the accusation and nothing hurts more than having no one believed him. He remembers the exact moment when Phillip accused him and made everyone believes he was mentally unstable causing him to ended up in Broadmoor. The situation he stand in right now, feels a lot like it.
"I'm done." Henry whispered before he walked away from Nora and Alex and headed to the back door to escape. He can hear Alex screamed for his name but the only thing he wanted right now is to be far away from them as possible.
"You honestly think he would steal?" Alex asks after he failed to catch Henry from running away from Nora's store. For someone that still in recovery, Henry is a fast runner and Alex couldn't catch him in time, so did Cash.
"I-I don't- I don't know." Nora stuttered still in shock after Henry left but Alex was curious as to why Nora didn't defend Henry like she used too.
"Seriously Nora? You would be all protective towards him and now suddenly you said you don't know?" Alex asks and Nora kept staring at the back door where Henry had fled from earlier.
"Nora!" Alex yelled startling her from her stares when she darted her gaze back at him already by the door with Cash waited outside.
"Your choice. Trust Henry and come with me to find him or stay and lose him from your life forever." Alex gave her the ultimatum and Nora contemplate before she drops the bag on the floor and grabbed her coat to join Alex to look for Henry.
Henry ran home as fast as he could. He already had plans in his mind starting from grabbing his stuffs including his passport and his money that he hides in the mattress and get himself out from New York. He had been dreading that idea since he heard June told him that whoever is coming for him and he couldn't make that decision to leave everything behind. But after what happened just now, he finally decides and wanted to leave this place and everything else behind including his feelings for Alex.
He can't stop the tears from running down his face when he packed all his stuffs in a duffle bag he had with him since he arrives in New York almost eight months ago.
It took him a while to pack since he only had one good arm to pack and the pain that throbbed on his shoulder grew as he rushed himself to finish packing in time.
"Henry." Henry gasped at the coldness that blew past his face when he heard her voice.
"Not now June. Please. Not right now." He says not wanting to get himself distracted when he knew she was right at the corner watching him packed.
"Don't do this. Don't leave them like this. Please." She pleads with her voice echoed in Henry's bedroom, or perhaps only in his ear. Henry swallowed feeling the tightness grew but choose to ignore it and starts grabbing his bag over his uninjured shoulder.
"I have no choice June. It's better this way." Henry says staring at her faded figure in the corner. It was the first time since Henry had saw her few months ago before she disappeared and wonder why is she fading like dust in the abandoned room. She usually appears in front of Henry like a normal figure and Henry couldn't differentiate her with the actual person cause she is the only person that Henry felt different than any other spirits.
"He's coming for you Hen. You need them to protect you. You can't do this alone." June whispered further causing a wave of dizziness hits Henry as he walked out of the bedroom with a bag slung over his shoulder and his arm wrapped in a sling in the other.
"I will protect myself June. Just like always. I can't count on others but myself. I shouldn't have trusted anyone." Henry says swaying over the exit before he crashed into the door frame. He shake his head trying to ease the dizziness away but the whole room began to spin and the floor was starting to feel like water under his steps.
"You're too weak Henry. You can't do this alone. You can't fight him alone." June's voice whispered again next to him and Henry tried to keep his balance by holding on to the doorframe when he heard the horrifying cackled in the room that brought goosebumps under his skins.
"You are weak Henry." That familiar cackles and negativity starts to muffled June's voice and the only thing Henry could hear right now is her voice and her laughs.
"Thieves! Ha-ha! You keep digging holes that you can't cover Henry. Why don't you just dug a grave for your own? It's the better choice to end all of this!"
Henry tried to shake that voices from his head but he knew that is never going to happen knowing how much he was afraid of her. He tried to escape from her cackles and headed to the door but the more he walked, the further the door distance itself away from him.
"You can never escape Henry. You are part of us. I will always be here, inside your pretty little fucked up head baby brother." Bea whispered into his ear and Henry tried to shake her off only to fail repeatedly.
"Stop. Please stop." Henry plead losing his grip over his balance before he fell on his knees and tried to crawl himself out from his own apartment.
That was the last thing he heard before he felt the carpeted floor before him turned darker by each blinked and the air in the room seems to thin out causing him harder to breath and finally lose consciousness before he even could escape.
Alex wasn't sure why Emily starts blaming Henry for stealing Nora's money but he could see how disturb Nora was by that incident and she was contemplating on to trust Henry or Emily that she knew for years before Henry showed up into her life.
"Did I do something wrong?" Nora asks finally coming down from her shock and Alex sighed pressing his fingers over his lips. He could feel his fear raging in his heart from losing Henry and before he could do anything, he needs to make sure Henry is safe.
"You chose to question him instead of believe in him. You broke that trust Nora." Alex says and he could feel Cash burning gaze from the front view mirror staring at him.
"Was I wrong to not trust him? It was in his bag Alex. How am I supposed to feel about it?" She asks him and Alex sighed clenching his jaw tight without glancing at her.
"It doesn't matter how it happened Nora. I told you before to put camera in your store now you don't have a solid proof on anyone that did it." Alex could feel her leaning back on her seat in silence before turning his gaze at her.
"What your heart tells you?" Alex asks her and she looked up to meet his gaze.
"Henry would never betrayed me like that." She says with tears pooling in her eyes.
"Exactly. Why would you think the other way?" He asks and Nora shakes her head at him.
"Because Emily said I turned blind eyes when it comes to Henry." She whispered and Alex huffed his breath before he glanced over at Cash on the front seat.
"You know now why I never like that girl?" He asks shortly and Nora sat there in silence.
The car came to a halt and Alex didn't waste any time before he climbed out and ran towards Henry's home. After the incident he still couldn't get the image of Henry's lifeless body lying on the snow covered ground and each time he stood by the steps, it was the only thing he sees.
But this time, he chose to ignore that image and ran down the steps with Cash and Nora followed behind when he noticed the front door halfway opened.
After what happened to Henry, he had hired his men to fix the door and Henry hasn't been back here ever since so he was sure enough Henry would comes back here to his safe place and he was right. But little did he know when he pushed the door opened, he saw Henry lay on his stomach right on the floor trying to crawl his way out before he passed out right in front of Alex.
Henry could hear whispers around him. Chattering, whispering and he could feel his chest were pressed softly from right to left and more chatters followed after. He tried to open his eyes to see but he felt his eyelids were too heavy for him to even pry it open.
"Henry." Another cackled.
Leave me alone.
Let me go,
Let me go,
Just let me die.
"Henry, come back to me. Please baby. Don't leave me please."
"Alex. I'm so tired."
Alex watched as Henry tossed and turned muttering words he couldn't comprehend. Henry was telling someone, having dreams about his past to let him go, let him die and it broke Alex's heart when he heard him softly repeated that words over and over. He could feel the pain in his voice when he heard him plead for his death that made his heart shattered.
He couldn't sleep that night with Henry lying next to him in bed after he carried him home and he even told Nora to stay away from him for now so he could take care of Henry and he promised her that he would allow her to see Henry once he allowed her.
Cash didn't agree with his idea since Nora is the only person Henry trusted most but after last night, Alex doubt Henry wanted her around him. She broke his heart deeply and Alex couldn't let anyone hurts him further.
When the morning light came and shined into the bedroom, Henry's angelic face was the first thing he sees in the glow of the yellow sun lighting up the paleness of his skin.
He stares at Henry peaceful and calm face after a whole night of him staying awake calming Henry down from his nightmare. Alex was beyond exhausted when he woke up but the moment he saw Henry next to him, all of his worry and his fear fades. His arm draped over Henry's waist with his face pressed over the side of Henry's neck counting each breaths Henry took and exhaled until he could feel him stirred to wake.
Alex raised his head staring at Henry slowly fluttering his eyes opened before shutting it close again from the light blinding him. Alex could see finally Henry jolted to wake in shock and regretted when his shoulder hurts him from the sudden movement.
"Easy. Don't move so fast." Alex says pushing Henry back in bed next to him but Henry flinched turning his head sharply at him.
"Wha- Wher- Why-" Henry stutters confused by the fact that he's in Alex's bed and not on the floor of his living room before Alex pushed him slowly by the chest to lie back down on the bed.
"Breathe Henry. Slowly. Don't spin out like that again." Alex says pressing his palm over Henry's thumping chest. He could feel his heart is racing against Alex's warm hands before he raised his glossy eyes at him.
"Alex I swear-" his lips whimpered chocking halfway in tears before he could even finished his sentence.
"I know. You don't have to explain yourself to me baby. I know you wont do such thing." Alex told him still keeping his palm against Henry's chest.
"N-Nora-" Henry's lips trembled trying so hard to find words but Alex hushed him softly.
"Don't worry about her. Just breathe Henry." Alex told him and only then Henry realized he was starting to have another panic attack.
"Breathe into your nose, hold it. Now released." Alex instructed him and Henry tries to follow. Slowly and softly Alex's calming words soothe Henry from having panic attacks and finally breathing in a calmer pace. They were still in bed laying next to each other in silence especially for Henry.
"Don't do that again Henry." Alex finally breaks the silence after Henry calms down.
Henry turned his gaze towards Alex next to him with his eyebrow furrowed. "Do what?" He asks and he can see Alex shifted in his bed propping himself up on his elbow facing Henry still lying next to him.
"You wanted to leave me. Don't you ever do that." Henry sighed staring at Alex's furrowed gaze. "I had too. There is nothing left for me here if both of you chose to turn against me." Henry defends.
"I'm not talking about you leaving the city. I mean- we'll talk about that later but I'm talking about you wanting to die Henry." Henry can see Alex's eyes starts to redden but he kept his gaze lowered from Henry's confused stares.
"I- " Henry didn't even remember he says those words and he hoped he didn't say anything else that would gives his secrets away.
"You were already thinking of leaving me Henry. Without giving me a chance to prove myself in this relationship. You were so ready to die." Alex tried not to break in tears in front of Henry by shifting his gaze away from looking at him. But he knew nothing would ever hides this pain he felt in his heart especially at the thought of losing Henry from his life - forever.
"I'm sorry." It's all Henry could say but Alex shot up his head at him.
"I can't lose you Hen. You said you were tired." Alex whispered slowly cupping Henry's cheek in his palm. "I don't remember saying that." Henry whispered.
"You talk in your sleep. You scared me to death Henry. Do not do that again, please." He plead pressing himself back against Henry' side before wrapping his arms around Henry's waist. Their legs tangled in each other and he could feel Henry's body stiffen by his sudden gesture but soon relaxed when he convinced himself that it was only Alex.
"I didn't think someone like you would be scared of anything Alex." Henry whispered stroking Alex's shoulder with his uninjured arm.
"You scared me." Alex whispered.
"How?" Henry asks without glancing over him.
"You're the only person that doesn't fear death but fear of living. I can't convinced you to live if you're ready to leave me behind." Alex says pressing himself deeper into Henry's neck. Henry can hear him sniffled his tears away before tightening his grip over Henry's waist.
"I'm tired of convincing people that I'm innocent my whole life Alex. They didn't even hear my truth and instead of giving me a chance, they decides to betray me. Locked me up for years for something I didn't do. I'm so tired having to prove myself to everyone and I just want to rest." Henry voice breaks as tears falling on his temple.
Alex raised his gaze towards Henry's side of his face before he wiped his tears with his thumb.
"I believe you." He whispered and Henry turned his gaze to meet Alex's brown eyes. Their eyes locked in each other and Henry can see the shades of Alex's brown orbs turned darker as he stared into his hazel eyes.
"I love you Henry." Alex blurted out all of sudden and Henry pulls back his head with a furrowed gaze.
"Alex, don't- " Henry tried to say something but Alex pressed his lips with his fingers.
"Shh, just listen to me." He starts.
"I never met anyone like you before Henry. You intrigued me. You never live to impress others. You stayed in the corner waiting for that light to shine on you but it never comes. But I saw you Hen. I saw you, in those darkness, I saw how wounded, messed up and fragile you are. Like a wounded soul being chained on the wall, I saw how terrified you were at starting a new life. But you did. You crawl back and gained control over your life and I am so proud of you for fighting."
"I don't know how to explain myself when I started to feel this feelings before but I know for fact, there isn't a day I want to survive without having to see you Henry. The way your hair looks in the morning, your eyes searching through each rooms, the way your lips curved each time I made you smiled. The fact that you never took advantage of me and Nora for helping you, and until today, you never cease to amaze me." Alex could see the smile returned on Henry's lips and he could feel relief flooded in his chest.
"You made me want to change myself. Be a better person and I starts to see a future with you Hen." Alex raised himself back on his elbow brushing his fingers over Henry's lower lip. Henry was tempted to say something but Alex stopped him again.
"I know its ridiculous but hear me out first." He says pulling his palm away from Henry's mouth.
"Before I met you, I thought I was gonna ended up dead at some alley for so many people I hurt in the past coming back to haunt me. Then I met you, for sure I think I would kill you for interrupting my business." Henry scoffed before breaking into a smile.
"But then I get to see you, the boy that tries to hide away from the world from seeing him but somehow you were to bright for me not to see. It feels like I'm in a dark tunnel and you were the light at the end of it." Alex smiles deepened when he saw Henry soft gaze smiling back at him.
"I love you Hen. I don't care if you don't but I do." Alex whispered and noticed the lowering gaze from Henry's eyes towards his lips.
"I think I love you too." Henry whispered softly before pulling Alex by his neck and crashed their lips together. Alex was caught by surprise when Henry pulled him into a kiss but soon melted when he felt Henry's soft lips brushes against his. He could feel Henry's hand roamed around his neck down to his chest before he pushes Alex softly parting their lips from sealing into each other.
"What?" He asks surprised by Henry sudden rejection.
"I need to catch my breath." Henry says in a pants which Alex smiled before leaning back to press his lips over Henry's cheek. His body hovers over Henry's letting his hand travels down to Henry's stomach slightly brushes his thumb underneath Henry's shirt.
He could feel Henry gasped lightly at the touch of Alex's fingers over his stomach but immediately catches Alex's wrist from pulling his shirt up.
"Don't." Henry plead refused for Alex to expose him which he understood completely. "I'm sorry." He apologized before he pressed his lips over Henry's lips again and later trails his kisses below Henry's jaw down to his neck.
"Alex." Henry whispered his name and Alex could feel Henry's grip over his curls tightened as he reached below his navel pressing his lips over Henry's slightly lifted shirt over his exposed stomach. He could feel Henry's bucking his hips against Alex's touch and the midline of his sweatpants grew under his palm.
"Alex, stop." Henry plead again and Alex did, respecting his choice. He knows Henry wanted this, otherwise it would not feel the hardness building under Henry's pants.
"Let me take care of you Hen." He whispered pulling the waist band lower but Henry catches his fingers again before he could pull further. Their gaze locked and Alex noticed Henry's fretful gaze searching for something, or rather someone else between his legs.
"It's me. Alright. No one else. Just me." Alex says pulling Henry's hand covered in the sleeves of his sweatshirt before planting a kiss over his palm. He placed Henry's hand over his curls letting him feel the softness of his hair brushes against Henry's fingers.
"It's me Hen. No one else." Alex reassured him and Henry nodded before he let Alex pulls his sweatpants off revealing his pale thighs that had more marks over on his skins. Henry tried to cover with his hand but Alex pushed his hands off from covering his semi hard cock and his lower thigh from him. "Stop looking at those scars Alex." Henry tried to push him off but Alex was a lot stronger.
"You're beautiful Hen. This doesn't makes you ugly." Alex reassured and softly pressing his lips over Henry's scar line. Softly, carefully, one kiss after the other over Henry's inner thigh, the sides and right under his waist, he planted his kisses in hope Henry would feel more comfortable in showing those marks at him.
Alex pulled Henry's pants all the way down and unhooked it from his ankle wanting to take the socks away when Henry pulls back. "NO! Leave the socks on." He says and Alex smiled at the socks he's wearing that has a gingerbread man knitted over the ankle. He remembered this sock well, it was a Christmas present from Zahra that she claimed she knitted herself.
Alex chose not to believe her when that woman couldn't even get the water to boil. But the look on Henry's face when Alex kept it made him happy.
"Fine, socks on." He says climbing back to press his lips over Henry's before he feels Henry's fingers brushes under his shirt. He pulled back, straddling Henry in between his legs before he pulled his shirt above his head exposing his tanned sculpted skin.
Henry raised himself carefully with his one arm still pressed over his stomach but the other starting to trace his fingertips in between Alex's curved.
Henry pressed his lips over Alex's line in the middle of his stomach causing him to gasp at the touch of his warmth breath. His hands buried deep into Henry's blonde hair as he felt Henry's tongue licking up between his lines. Henry looked up to meet Alex gaze with his swollen lips parted.
"God you look so sinful." Alex says before crashing into Henry's lips and pushed him back on the pillow behind him.
Henry watched as Alex trails his kisses down on his shirt covered stomach before he pushed it slightly and continued to kiss his lower half. He gasped when Alex grabbed his hard member in his calloused hand and starts stroking firmly but slowly.
Henry never figures what type of person Alex is in bed after all he portrays himself as the alpha and in Henry's mind, Alex is assumed rough in bed.
But he never figures Alex was this gentle, soft, caring kind especially the way he kept checking up on Henry if he feels uncomfortable in any way. But he won't deny how skillful Alex is in bed especially after years of being treated like a sex doll in Broadmoor for his youthful look, he never thought he would be having those intimate moments anymore.
Henry gasped when the memory of the orderly in Broadmoor flashes before him and instead of looking down at Alex between his legs, it was him. The military buzzcut hair wearing white shirt and white pants with keys dangling on the side climbing on Henry's bed almost every night having his way with him.
Henry clenched his teeth tight with his hand gripped over the sheets turning his knuckles white as he kept his gaze staring at the dull covered ceiling above him.
Henry tried to muffle the voices calling him in the dark as he kept staring at the peeled paint over the ceiling and the dark water spots in the corner.
Henry ignored the call trying not to remember the scruffy voice calling him in the orderly pleasured moment.
"You're so beautiful."
"You're so tight."
"Fuck you're so handsome."
"Do you like it when I touch you like this?"
"Did you see your dead sisters when I fucked you Henry?"
It goes on and on and Henry could remember the sound of his keys rattling on the bed as he thrust into him. Henry could only laid there, frozen being chained on the bed by his wrist and his ankle letting him have his way with him.
"Henry. Love." Henry gasped at the sudden touch on his cheek when he realized he was no longer in Broadmoor but rather Alex's bedroom and his concerned eyes looking back at him. "You're not there. Wherever you are. You are not there. You are home, with me." Alex whispered softly and Henry broke in tears.
Henry noticed when Alex already grabbed the condom pack on the side table before he rolled it over his hard member covering his pink tips.
"If you want me to stop just tell me right now." Alex signed still kneeling between Henry's leg and Henry looked up to meet his gaze. He shook his head pulling Alex by his necklace around his neck crashing their lips together.
Henry felt Alex's cold wet fingers that he had some gel squirted on his forefingers rubbing his entrance. Henry gasped when Alex pushed his fingers inside of him as he hold on to the pain of his finger stretching him.
"Breath." He says before he pushed the second finger and Henry gasped again.
Their forehead leaned with their eyes closed before Alex pushed the third finger in and Henry yelped in pain.
"You're doing good baby. Just breathe. I don't want to hurt you." Alex whispered pressing his lips over Henry's forehead. He felt Henry had stretched enough when he pulled out and squirted few more gel on his fingertips before rubbing it over his hard tip.
Gently, he thrust into Henry while he watched as his whole shaft disappeared into Henry's entrance. When he reached the base, they both exhaled a breath of relief and their eyes once again locked.
Alex waited till Henry softly nodded at him before he moves his hips thrusting back and forth watching as Henry writhing beneath him like a goddess himself.
The bed frame hits against the wall as Alex thrust over and over inside Henry and soft moaned began to break in the room with sounds of skin flapping invades the air. Henry's pants mixed with Alex grunt were the only music they needed to hear as Alex coming to his release.
"It's just me Henry. Focus on me." Alex says through his teeth when he sees Henry shuts his eyelid tight before he grabbed him by his jaw.
"Opened your eyes and look at me darling. Look at me." Alex whispered keeping his thrust even without coming so early. Henry finally shot his eyes opened revealing his hazel eyes staring back at Alex. "I'm right here Hen. No one else but me. Focus on me." He whispered keeping his hand cupped over Henry's cheek with his pelvis thrusting deeply into Henry's.
Moments later he could feel Henry's hot pants became more shallow and Alex's stroke became more sloppier to his released. His hand stroked over Henry's member as he kept his hips thrusting into Henry.
"Come with me Hen. Together." Alex says pressing his forehead over Henry with his hand stroking Henry's faster and his hips thrusting harder, deeper.
They both grunted in their release with Alex feeling his hand spread with warm milky substances while Henry felt fullness in his entrance after Alex release. Their body shudders in their climaxed with his jaw fell apart catching their breaths.
"Fuck how long has it been for you?" Alex asks looking down at the mess Henry made all over his hand and his waist. "A while." Henry replied shortly in embarrassment but Alex smiled when he noticed Henry is blushing.
He grabbed the shirt he had on earlier wiping the residue on his hand before he helped cleaning Henry off and tore the condom from his now soft member. He tossed the tied condom into the trash can in the corner of his bedroom before he plopped down next to Henry and wrapped his arm under Henry's neck pulling him close to his chest.
They both laid in bed wrapped in each other's heated body feeling their breaths calming down and somehow fall asleep in each other's arms. With Henry's top covered with his sweatshirt but his lower half naked tangling his legs in between Alex's. It felt right, it felt safe as if he is home, just like Alex told him.
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