Part 22

Alex didn't came back the next day.

Henry waited whole morning to see that black SUV to park outside of Nora's shop for him to exit and smiled his devilish smile knowing Henry had waited for him. But he didn't.

Alex didn't showed up like usual.

He didn't came by for his regular pastries or his usual coffee. Cash didn't come by to pick up his order either, neither of his men did.

Henry gotten worried when the clock strikes noon, Alex still hasn't show and Nora was acting like usual so Henry assumed Alex might have told her where he is otherwise Nora would be the same state Henry's at right now.

It was noon when Henry realized Alex is not coming in today. He felt the time moves incredibly slow as he stood by the window staring at the streets filled with people walking by counting each cars that passes through their shop.

"Henry." Nora called with a tap on his shoulder and Henry flinched, almost dropping the metal tray on the floor but he managed to catch it in time. She wasn't surprised at his reaction considered she has been calling him for minutes now and he didn't hear her.

"S-Sorry." Henry apologized and Nora felt guilty formed in her throat for startling him. She knew Henry is expecting Alex since their date last night. "Lunch?" She asks and Henry shook his head softly at her declined the offer politely. He headed towards the back room to wash those trays when Nora joined him.

"Something's bothering you. Tell me what is it?" Nora pulled Henry's wet hand from the sink and handed a towel for him to dry.

"Nothing." Henry denies as he daps his hands on the clean towel before hanged it dry. Nora stares at him tentatively eyeing his every movement making Henry uncomfortable. "Stop that. You're freaking me out. I'm fine." Henry defends as he clutched his hands to hide the shakes. "You're worried about him. I know." Nora says crossing her arms over her chest.

"What makes you think that?" Henry asks with his head hung low. He couldn't face Nora knowing how he can't lie on her face.

"Well for starter, you didn't answered me when I asks about your date last night. Second you were waiting by the window since morning, which I know you waited for Alex. So something is definitely up." She stated lowering her crossed hands.

Henry cocked his head behind her shoulder to see Emily is busy herself with one of the customers before he turned his gaze back to Nora in front of him.

"Sorry. I was hoping I could see him after last night." Henry says slumming himself on the high stool with his palms rubbed over his face.

"What happened? Did the date ended bad?" Nora asks and Henry smiled shaking his head softly at her. "At first, yeah. But then we ended up making out outside of my home." Henry says and Nora couldn't hide her giggled making Henry's blushes.

"Then what happened?" She asks and Henry smiles disappears.

"Damien say something about a warehouse? Something happened with the boys and Alex left." Henry explained and Nora sighed nodding her head before cupping Henry 's hand in hers over the metal table.

"Henry listened." She starts and Henry looked up meeting her gaze.

"Alex's has other business that he needs to take care off. You don't want to know what it is. He texted me last night and I thought he texted you too." She showed Henry the text Alex had sent him and as he read, his eyebrow furrowed.

"Why would you think he texted me?" He asks and Nora eyebrow raised, "The phone we gave you at Christmas?" She asks and Henry face dropped at the sudden realization.

"Owh." Henry says pulling his hand away from her when she cocked her head at him. "Where is it?" She asks and Henry pressed his lip into a thin line.

"Still- in a- box." Henry mumbles causing her to sigh desperately. "Would you please used it already!" She yelled in frustration before stood up to gathered their lunches.

Later that evening, Henry rushed home to find the phone Nora had gave him still in a box in his dresser. He opened it tapping the button on the next and the screen lighted up almost immediately.

The battery had went down to only forty percents but Henry didn't bothered looking to charge it now, he wanted to see if Alex left him texts to explain himself.

Henry waited for few minutes after the phone turned on and a sudden ping caught his attention. His hand shakes as he grabbed the phone in his palm and saw Alex's name appeared on the screen and he taps the notifications just like Nora had taught him before. Sadly enough only few names is in the contact but Henry couldn't care less. The only person he wanted to talk to right now is Alex and he couldn't stop his heart from thumping loudly against his chest right now.

The text opened to reveal Alex's message almost half of the screen and Henry could feel his throat dries as he swallowed before he read the rest of the text.

Dear Henry,

I know it's corny and I feel like war soldiers writing this to you instead of having to tell you in person. But this is the best way to reach you and I didn't know whether you're gonna read it or not so I just gave my best shot then. Last night was the best night of my life after years of living in the dark. I hated how things turned out that way but I was happy how it ended after. I could still feel the softness of your lips brushing against mine and the way your fingers threading through my curls, I missed that. Fuck I miss you already! Which makes things harder considered all the things I did to you since the day we met. For that I am deeply sorry.

I'm sorry for leaving abruptly after our date. I have obligations outside of my family business that I needed to take care off and I don't know how long would it take for me to deal with it. But know this Henry. Each minutes, each hours I would be counting on returning back into your arms and never letting you go again. Know this Henry, I will find my way back to you and I hope you will be waiting for me with an open arms and I will make each minute counts to pay back for all the bad things I did to you.



Henry must have read that text hundreds of times and by the end of the night, he already memorized all the words written down by Alex. He couldn't sleep that night rereading the text over and over in hope Alex would sent another but the whole night, his phone didn't ring nor any text came through sending Henry into a state of wrecked.

When the morning light came, Henry felt more exhausted and his shakiness won't leave his body. He urged himself to get through the morning each day in hope that today was the day Alex returned, just like he promised him.


A week.

For one fucking week Henry waited for Alex to come by the shop and yet he didn't. Henry felt more and more anxious as days goes by going in to work then going home in hope the next day he could get to see Alex.

But as days goes, Henry was yet welcomed by another disappointment and each day followed up with more text in hope Alex would finally reply but he didn't. Henry had been holding on to the phone attempting to call Alex but each time he taps on the number, the line would be disconnected.

Each day Henry stared at the screen of the phone like his life depends on it hoping that Alex would reply to his texts.

Please tell me you're alright.

Are you even alive at this point?

Henry last words hovering on the screen with no signs of delivered nor read by Alex. Henry could feel his anxiety has welcomed back his old shadows back in his life and lingering around in the corner of his room watching him sleeps.

Henry hadn't had a decent night sleep since Alex left and Nora could see it on his face. The dark circles under his eyes with swollen eyelids. Henry had new nightmares he to deal with right now. In his nightmares, he could see Alex was hurt, bleeding out from his mouth and his eyes before he was dragged into the dark abyss.

Henry couldn't remember the time he woke up screaming and had panic attacks from his dream. It was worst than those dreams he had since in Broadmoor. He would rather have nightmare of himself being hurt rather than seeing Alex gotten hurt instead.

Nora noticed the changes in Henry since Alex disappearance and couldn't help worrying as well. She tried calling Cash and Damien but they both went silent and the last thing they texted her was that he is safe. They didn't elaborate more when she asks and never heard from them since. That was almost a week ago since she heard from them.

"Henry." Nora taps on his shoulder surprised he didn't flinch like he used too. He turned his head slightly to face her with his eyes are bloodshot from tearing and the look on her face reminded everything of Alex.

"Where is that jerk Nora?" Henry asks somehow causing her to chuckle instead.

"He's safe. That's all they're telling me. You need to know that they won't let anything happened to him Henry. I'm more worried about you." Nora slides her hand over Henry's shoulder.

"Why are you so calm? Aren't you worried too?" He asks her and she smiled pressing her lips into a thin line.

"I am but I had encountered this more than you've had. Sometimes he would disappear for days, weeks, sometimes months. But he always comes back." Nora reassured him but Henry wasn't convinced easily.

"Where did he go when he disappeared?" Henry asks. Nora shrugged her shoulders before she replied. "I don't know. Best that I don't cause if I do, I'm responsible to what he did. He never wanted me to know anyway." Nora explained.

Henry inhaled his breath deeply before exhaling. Nora has walked away from him heading back to her baking letting Henry handled few customers with Emily. He couldn't stop thinking the whole day at what Nora's word meant.

Henry was wiping the table cleaned after the last customer had left when the door bell chimed behind him. He gathered up his strength to smile after Nora pointed out how his solemn face had made few complaints.

As he turned around to face the customer, his jaw dropped at the sight of Alex standing in behind him in his usual long black coat but it wasn't his presence that surprised Henry. It was the bruised, the cuts over his face that made Henry gasped. He wasn't wearing his usual expensive suit like he used to but rather a simple white shirt and his black slacks underneath those coats.

"Hey baby." Alex whispered with a strained voice forcing a smile on his painful face. Henry didn't even realized he was holding his breath when Alex stepped closer and the scent that he had missed for a week finally hits his nostrils that made Henry's breath hitched.

Henry stood in silence, feet frozen on the ground when Alex closing his distance on him. He raised his palm cupping Henry's cheek and Henry gasped as soon as Alex's warm skin touches his cheek pulling him back into the reality.

"Alex?" Henry felt like he is standing in one of his dreams with Alex stood there before bloods starts seeping through him. But Alex's touched is real and warmth like he remembered and in his dream, Alex isn't bruised up like this.

"Are you going to give me a hug at least?" Alex asks spreading his arms lightly for Henry. He could see tears flooded in Henry's eyes before he finally crashed into Alex's arms. Henry's whole body shudders in Alex's embrace hiding his teary face in the crook of Alex's neck. Alex exhaled a sigh of relief burying his nose into Henry's neck when he finally gotten Henry back in his arms.

"I'm right here baby. I'm right here." Alex whispered in Henry's ear letting him wrapped him tightly in his hug. Alex pressed his lips over the side of Henry's temple inhaling his scent that he had missed. He brushes Henry's back with soft circles hushing soft words into his ears.

He could hear Henry tried to hide his trembling self as he wrapped his arm tighter around Alex's body causing Alex to wince in pain. "S-Sorry." He pulled away almost immediately from Alex's hug not wanting to hurt him but Alex smiled pulling him by his neck and crashed their lips together.

"God I missed you." Alex whispered letting his breaths ghosting over Henry's thick lips with their foreheads leaned against each other. Henry pressed his lips together savoring the mint taste from Alex although he could feel the cuts on Alex's lips brushing against his.

"About time asshole!" Nora chirped from behind Alex and watched as they both pulled away from hugging each other at her loud voice. But she was the one that gasped when he finally turned to see her. "What the fuck Alex? What happened?" Nora cupped his cheek turning his head side to side before Alex stopped her.

"You should see the other guy." Alex joked leaning over so she could hugged him but she pushed him away with a shoved on his chest. "That's not funny! Where the hell were you?" Nora yelled hinting worries in her tone but Alex dismissed her worry instead.

"Has that question made any difference in the past?"Alex asks as he pulled away from her. She turned around to see Cash standing by the door with the same amount of bruising and cuts over his face. He had a sling on one arm and he looked equally bashed as Alex does only Alex got the worst part of it.

"Are you okay at least?" She sighed running her small hands over Alex's cheek. Alex smiled nodding at her before he pulled Nora into another hug. "I'm fine." He whispered in her ear before pulling away again. Alex slowly traced his fingers clutching over Henry's hand on his side before Alex faced his best friend again.

"Can you spare him for today?" He asks her with a croaked voice and she sighed nodding her head. "Of course. I'll see you later?" She asks and Alex nods back.

"Come on." Alex pulled Henry's hand but Henry pulls back and Alex noticed that he released his apron tie free letting Nora grabbed it from his hand. Henry didn't questioned him and instead followed him in silence.

Cash opened the car door to let them in and Henry jumped in first before Alex followed behind him. He saw Alex was holding on to his pain when he climbed into the car after him. His arm crossed over his stomach clutching on his side with his teeth clenched and Alex's eyes shut tight forming a wrinkle on the side of his temple.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you should go to the hospital." Henry asks as Alex pulled his seatbelts on still holding on to his side.

"I'm fine." He said briefly without glancing over Henry on his side. Henry wanted to ask further but he knows Alex is not in a mood to talk especially being in such state of pain. Henry jumped when Alex tangled his fingers in between Henry's rested hand on the seat before he pulled it over his lap. Henry could only stare at Alex's side leaning his head on the side window with his eyes close.

Henry returned his gaze forward to see a different person drives Alex's today. Usually Damien's crew cut brunette hair that Henry had familiarized himself with but today, it was a bald sharp scary looking gentleman driving Alex instead.

"Where's Damien?" Henry asks seeing a new driver turned his head slightly over to his side to face Cash. Cash glanced over his shoulder to face Henry before he replied, "Gone." He said before turning his head forward again.

Henry frowned unable to comprehend by the meaning of that word. But when he shifted his gaze towards Alex, somehow deep down he knew what it meant. Alex had his eyes opened again but staring into spaces with his eyebrow crooked still holding on to Henry's hand over his lap.


Alex brought Henry back to his loft and Cash immediately disappeared right after Henry got inside. The moment the door closed, Alex stepped further into the living room trying to shrug the coat off but it stuck on his shoulder causing him to hiss in pain.

"Here, let me." Henry grabbed Alex's coat by the shoulder helping him to pull his arm out of the sleeves. He thanked him in whispers watching as Henry disappeared into his closet to hang the coat. Alex swayed holding on to the couch frame to hold himself steady waiting for Henry to return.

Alex could barely stand on his legs when he decides to head into his bedroom to lie down instead. Henry walked in seconds later to see Alex is climbing under his thick blanket when his eyes lingered around Alex's bedroom.

"What?" He asks noticed Henry lingering stares around his spacious bedroom.

"Nothing. Just- never been here before." Henry replied stepping into the dim bedroom, eyes still searched for Alex's taste in each corner of his decor.

Alex's bedroom is the master room in entire loft. Unlike the guest bedroom that Henry had stayed few times over, Alex's bedroom is twice bigger compared to other room. The walls are painted grey and the wooden tile is covered with a massive white woolen carpet in the middle between the bed, the bathroom and the door. Alex's bed is beyond king size with four bed post covered with a thin white sheets hanged from the top.

The side walls are practically glass wardrobe that reflects the rest of the room but Henry knew it hides something larger on the inside but Henry couldn't prey opened without showing his insecure self. So he darted his gaze back to Alex laying in the middle of that enormous bed swallowed by his pillows.

His sheets are satin cream colored with pillows that filled the headboards which Henry assumed Nora's idea of decorating since in between those half of the grey satin pillow sheets, he could see couple of bohemian pillows just like she had in her place. Alex had the grey thick blanket tossed open with his long legs rested on the folded fabric.

"Come here." Alex gestured with his arms out and the other pressed over his stomach. Henry smiled climbing on his bed before he pulled the thick blanket over Alex's body for warmth. He laid beside Alex on the pillow facing him with his palm rests under his cheek.

"Can I get you anything?" Henry asks but Alex shakes his head softly. "I got everything I need right here." Alex says pushing himself closer hiding his face in the crook of Henry's neck. He could feel Henry's soft lips brushing against his forehead followed by a sigh.

Henry sighed wrapping his arms around Alex's shoulder with his chin rested above his curls. He inhaled his scent of Alex's cologne that he yet to figure out that contained hint of musk, vanilla and a little cinnamon. His thoughts wanders while his eyes wanders around each corner of Alex's bedroom.

Months ago, he hated Alex from all the fibre of his being. He resembled everything Henry tried to avoid since he got out from seclusion. But at this moment, with Alex safely secured in his arm and soft snores escaped his mouth made Henry felt that shakiness and the tight knot that won't leave his stomach for a week finally dissipate.


"Are you gonna do something about it?!"

"You've gone soft, Diaz!"

"Maybe it's got something to do with that girl you protecting or maybe that blonde boy."

"Little birdie told me you went on a date Diaz."

"Care to share him with the rest of us?"

"I'm taking over. You are not leading us anymore."







"Alex! Wake up!"

Alex jolted from his sleep to see a figure hovering above him but his visions are blurred by tears that formed in his eyes and he couldn't see the person clearly so his body responded to it as a threat. He immediately shot up, grabbing the person by his throat before slamming it down on the floor next to his bed. He could hear the loud thud followed by a groaned coming from the person beneath him.

His hand reached over the gun taped underneath his bed right after he slammed the person down before cocking the gun and pointed it to the person's forehead.

"Alex. Stop." The voice sounds wounded yet familiar and slowly, Henry's frightened face came in his view when he blinked his blurriness away. He shook his head trying to shake the image clearer when he finally sees Henry's gaping mouth under his gripped.

"Henry?" Alex pants but later shocked when he finally realized he had Henry under a chokehold between his palm and a gun pointed at Henry's head. Immediately he pulled his gun away and drops it on the floor next to his legs.

"Henry?" Alex calls letting Henry's neck free. He could hear Henry coughs violently before scurried himself away until his back hits against Alex's wooden dresser. The whole dresser shook as Henry's back made impact and Alex saw the terrifying look in Henry's eyes that pulls him back to reality.

"Hen I'm so sorry. Please. Oh Christ forgive me." Alex pleads wanting to coax Henry but when he saw how Henry flinched from his touch, he pulled his hands away from touching him. Alex sat on his folded legs staring at Henry's trying to catch his breath still trembling for what happened earlier. It took him a while with Alex patiently waiting by his feet with that guilty expression flashes in Alex's eyes.

There is something about Alex's look that made Henry sobered up pretty quickly. He never seen Alex this fragile or yet broken state before. He always portrays himself being the leader of his men, someone stronger, an alpha and it exudes in him being the protector but right now, all he could see in Alex is someone else. Like a wounded puppy that was tortured for years and finally let free. Alex resembled something, or someone that Henry recognized immediately when he sees him. Alex was him.

"A-Are you okay?" Henry asks still trembling but surprised when Alex broke down in tears shaking his head at him. "No." He whimpered slowly slouching on the floor in tears before Henry grabbed hold of his shoulder and pulled Alex into a hug.

"They killed Damien." Alex cried in Henry's neck after Henry pulled him in between his legs and wrapped his arms around Alex's shaking body.

"I'm so sorry Alex. I know he's one of your trusted man." Henry whispered remembering how Damien was part of Nora's security. He knew how important these men were to him and Henry couldn't do anything to help Alex overcome this.

So instead, Henry wrapped his arms tighter around Alex's body while they remained seated on the floor with their legs tangled in each other.

It took Alex a while, but finally he calms down and stop crying. Henry noticed the silence breathing and the sniffles were gone but Alex still let him wrapped his arms around him exhaling in comfort.

"Are you feeling better now?" Henry asks knowing how stupid he sounds after he asks those questions. He immediately slapped his own forehead catching Alex snickered a laugh at his gestures. "Sorry. Stupid questions." Henry apologized but Alex smiled pulling Henry's hand off from his forehead before leaning in for a kiss.

"Thank you." Alex whispered, and Henry smiled rubbing the pad of his thumb to wipe the residue of Alex's tears that fell on his cheek. He smiled nodding his head before he leaned over for another kiss. Henry moves his knees up accidentally knocking Alex on the sides causing him to wince in pain. Henry immediately pushed Alex by his shoulder and shot his eyes wide when he sees blood stained over Alex's white shirt.

"Alex you're bleeding." Henry pulled Alex's shirt up to reveal more blue and purple bruises over his tanned skin before his gaze landed over the bleeding sutured on the side of Alex's stomach. "That looks bad, let's get back to bed." Henry says helping Alex up from the floor.

But the moment Henry lifted him up, Alex felt giddy almost falls back on his knees if it wasn't for Henry by his side. Henry helped him sits on the edge of the bed but later he disappeared into his bathroom. He returned with couple of small towels in his hand when he rushed towards Alex hunching with his arms clutching on his stomach in pain.

"Let's get you out of this." Henry says placing the towel down on the side before pulling the hem of Alex's shirt up exposing his bruises more clearly over his sculpted stomach. "Can't wait to get me naked can ya?" Alex joked but regretted when his laughs causes pain over his sides.

"See that's what you get for joking around." Henry says pulling the dirty shirt up and out letting Alex naked chest exposed. He tossed the shirt on the floor before helping Alex laid back on the pillows. Henry starts examining the wound and glad that none of the sutures broke but noticed when the blood seeped through the wound possibly due to Alex's rough movement.

Henry took the towel he had earlier and starts pressuring on Alex's wound. He groaned grabbing Henry's wrist in a tight grip. "Sorry. I need to make it stop bleeding." Henry apologized but continues to press the towel over Alex's wound. He watched as Alex clenched his teeth with a hissed, tossing his head back against the pillow.

Henry sat by Alex's side for a while when he finally managed to get the bleeding stopped before he released his hands free. Alex stares at him cleaning off the stray blood carefully without hurting him. He couldn't help but noticed Henry's delicate fingers in cleaning up Alex's wound had somehow triggered questions in his mind.

"You're good at this." Alex complimented him as Henry finishes his cleaning. Henry only smile, carefully wiping off the blood with the soaked towel not letting Alex's gaze distracts him. "I guess I picked the right person to take home." Alex continues.

"So you took me home just so I could be your nurse?" Henry asks still keeping his gaze over Alex's wound.

"Is that wrong?" He asks but Henry kept his gaze low before Alex lifted his chin up with his finger to face him again. Henry eyes scanned over Alex's bruised face before he lowered his gaze down on Alex's chest.

Alex's entire chest are exposed, covered with bruises all over his tanned skin. Henry observes the curves, the smoothness of Alex's broad chest with decent amount of chest hair covering his skin until his eyes landed on the metal necklace over Alex's neck that carries a key that rested right between his solar plexus.

Henry fingers traces over Alex's curved stomach and watched as Alex inhaled his breath sharply when Henry's fingers runs softly through his muscles. Henry could feel Alex's muscles tensed under his touch as he deliberately running his fingertips over the goosebumps formed on Alex's skin. "Tease." Alex joked when he realized Henry finally stopped over Alex's chest before taking the key in between his fingers.

"What's this?" He asks, his voice came out soft and Alex couldn't help breaking into a smile.

"That is the key to my first house in Austin." He explained letting Henry's inspect the key between his fingers. "Why do you carried it around your neck?" Henry asks feeling Alex's fingers brushes over Henry's hand that rested over his chest.

"Because it reminds me of simpler time. We never had this much money back then but we had enough. Just the four of us against the world." Alex says staring back at Henry.

"Then my dad died, leaving us with his inheritance before my mum remarried. Changing my family name to Claremont-Diaz. Oscar was a good dad to me and June. He took care of us, especially my mum." Alex stares in spaces before he felt Henry rested himself over Alex's lap letting Alex continue his stories.

"Business merged, we got richer and people starts to realize who we are. June was the center of attention, being the heiress and all. Every guy wants her but Oscar kept her safe until-" Alex stopped shifting his gaze to the large glass window of his bedroom.

He felt Henry's reassuring palms stroking his hips before Alex turned his gaze back at him. "Like I said, simpler times is a lot better." Alex stated swallowing his throat dryly before Henry straightened his back again.

"I'm glad you brought me here." Henry whispered before pressing his lips over Alex's bruised knuckles. He stood up carrying the towel in his hand then later he picked up Alex's dirty shirt on the floor throwing it in the hamper inside his bathroom.

"Are you hungry?" Henry asks as he walked back to him but Alex shook his head instead. "Not really. If you're hungry just order anything, my wallet is on the table." Alex gestured pulling the blanket over his bare chest.

"Alexander, I'm a grown man. I'm capable of paying for my own meal." Henry protest clicking his tongue while draping his hand over Alex's blanket to tuck him in.

"What?" He asks noticed the smirked formed on Alex's lips.

"I love it when you called me that." Alex says noticed the curved formed on edge of Henry's lips. Henry smiled softly before he leaned pressing his lips over Alex's with his eyes closed. Alex's hand roamed between Henry's blonde hair before Henry pulled away from their kiss.

"Rest. I make you something to eat." Henry says pressing another kiss over Alex's forehead before he stood from the bed. Alex smiles watching as Henry draws the curtain dropped over his bed to let him rest.

Alex smiles faded as soon as Henry left the room with his bedroom door closed remembering how he had pointed the gun over Henry's head. The look in Henry's eyes made his heart ache and he never wanted it to happen again. So he sat up, wincing over the pain on his sides, but chose to ignore them before he grabbed the gun that fell under his bed.

He slides the door of his walk in closet and taps on the security box code before tossing the gun inside and slammed it shut, locking it. He didn't want this thing around him while Henry is near him. He feared that he might hurt him or worst, ended up killing him. 

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