Chapter 5
y/n's Pov
''You know I have an idea...........we can act as we always do as best friends......but we will talk about something else cause you know....''I say to aqua. 'You know what that Yuki told to me when you were gone talking to mem-Cho?'' ''What?'' ''she told me that in the last season in the last episode.......the couples kissed, and she told me that in this season she will kiss me in the last episode. 'He told with disgust all over his faces' that sounds disgusting. OH wait ..........................Lemme search last season's members. 'I told. That's when I felt the camera face us. While showing him the picture I told in a whisper. 'Don't look up. We are being shot. Just act as if I showed you my Favorite anime.'' ''I also like demon slayer..Who's your favorite character? 'He started acting.''Ummmmmm.........I guess it would be Giyu Tomioka or Douma. What about you?''I said continuing to play along. 'It's Tanjiro or Akaza.''he replied.I then felt the camera move away.''Ahh''I relaxed. 'You know I have an idea. 'He said. 'What?'' "Why don't we date each other. 'He said with a smile on his face. I tried to process what he just said...not understanding a single word.''What?''I said a little shocked when the words lined up to form a statement.''Hee-hee you are joking aren't you?''I say trying to brush that sentence away.''I don't joke you know that.''He said. 'Fine. Because we don't have another option.''I say now standing up and going towards the producer. 'Was that fine?''I ask him hoping a compliment. 'It was great just close up the distance in the next episode.Thats it for today you can go.''He said with a smile enough to know that I did great.
At Aqua's house
''You know you should just date y/n because she is perfect and she is your type, isn't she?'' Ruby said as she showed my profile to him.''Ruby-san,that's what he suggested, and I agreed to it.''I said while sitting up with the book in my hand.
The next day on the set
''I want to quit, Love for Real' 'Yuki said sadly as if she was on the verge of crying. 'In the middle of the show?Why would you say such a thing?!''Noba said with mixed emotions.''Lately, guys at my school have been teasing me.Its quite scaring you know.I didn't understand it until starring at the show.Having tons of people focusing on you isn't all roses.''She continued facing the window.''Everyone thinks I am airheaded......well I really am though.''Mem-cho stated.Nobu said that if yuki will leave then so will he.....I felt kind of sad for her. 'Please don't go yuki.....Everyone will be sad.''I say trying to comfort her.The camera then stopped rolling.''see this...There is an article about it.''I peared at it.....''I thought you were actually leaving.''I said.''Were you acting yuki-san?''Akane said from beside me....I always felt attracted to her.It was as if I already knew her.''I can't act like you kurokawa....I was just exaggerating the truth.''She said in a matter-of-fact manner.''Ohhhhh so u weren't lying just exaggerating...i see.''Mem-cho said.''Come on lets have something together after all.''Nobu said clinging to aqua....''no,I'm good besides,I have food back home.''He said sighingly.''come on let's go.''yuki said.''Yah,mem-cho said she will treat us to grilled me after all.''nobu said happily.
At the restaurant.
''Alright another top-grade platter coming up.''Mem-cho said enthusiastically as she stood up with tongs in her hand.''here aqua and y/n ,your meats are grilled.''Akane said.''Akane-san please don't worry about our meat.....I see you haven't ate at all...I am worried about you'' I said giving my meat to her to eat.
(time skip to fire work scene).
''Y/n -san you look really pretty.''Akane,yuki,and mem-cho told in unison.I laughed.''Thank you so much......You all look beautiful as always.''hey,y/n you look really pretty.''Aqua said smilingly
you looke like this(skip if u don't like it)(forget the katana )
''thank you aqua-san you look good too.''I say knowing he was acting but a smile crept up my face.We then started the fireworks and it was so pretty and fun.I felt that I was being seen so I looked up from my sparkler. I saw ken(idk the name of the silver haired boy sry) and aqua looking at me.I gave a small smile to both of them.
timeskip to sleeping in bus.
I heard mem-cho and aqua talk.''Don't get your hopes up.''Aqua said.''I think there is someone who we should be worried about.''I say as I opened the curtains to see akane still taking notes.''I will be back soon.''I say as I get up and keep my blanket next to mem-cho and get down.''Hello akane-san.''I say cheerfully.''Hello y/n-san.''She replied.''Please don't add san.It makes me feel like I am a grandma.Afterall I am your age.....sooo.............................Akane did you know akio kurokawa?''I say.''Ummm yeah....She was my elder sister but she was killed years ago when I was very young.''I knew it.I knew I had some connectioin with er...........Ahhhh how I could tell that akio(your name in your past life)was standing in front of her talking to her.I stepped for ward and hugged her gently.''I am sorry.Don't worry I am sure she is with you right now.....''I say as I felt sorry for her.I knew how sensitive and hardworking she was......I had even researched about her agency and how badly they treat her. I will protect her.''Akane.....I will be akio for you.''I say as I pull away from here and look at her with determined eyes.''Thank you y/n.''She says.''I will check on you everyday..''I say.
timeskip at home.
''SHE HASN'T EVEN GOT 10 MINUTES OF SCREEN TIME....I CHOSE HER OUT OF ALL THOSE KIDS WHO WANTED TO DO IT AND YET SHE ISN'T GIVING HER BEST.AT LEAST MAKE HER LEAVE A MARK ON THE SHOW.''I hear the man shouting from the connected transmitter I had planted on akane.''uhhhhhhh the people these days are so toxic.''I say in disappointment. 'I know you are giving your best .Just keep going I will cover up for you.'' I hear her managers voice.''Atleast her manager is good.''I say.I hear kana giving another one of her lectures to ruby about social media.''Kana please keep the volume down I am trying to work here.'' I say wearily as I pop my head out of my room.''Sorry.....blah blah blah.''She then turned and continued in a lower volume.''At least kana is a good twin.''I say and turn my focus towards the audio.
timeskip to the next day at the set.
Me and aqua approach ken and mem-cho''What are you doing?''I say cheerfully''Oh we are making titok videoes.''Memcho says.''We should do that too.''I say turning hopefully towards aqua.''Yah......''he says.''weren't you a titoker before mem-cho?''ken asked
to be continued in next chapter.
a/n:I will update every thursday and friday....basically as soon as possible and thank you for voting and reading this book if any ideas u want u can msg me.thank you
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