10 Decisive Bet

Luring out Yoshino would be the easy part, but finding her was a whole different story. Using the same technique as when I needed to locate Aine and Aurora. This time though the stakes were higher and there is a lack of perception of her thoughts; unlike the twins, she didn't babble a lot. She literally straight out attacked us, and doesn't even give a f**k for the bystanders. So from this perceptive I assume it's safe to guess that she still wanted us all dead, probably thought we would become a thorn in her side in the future. Or did she already view us as a thorn in her side? But what I did know for certain was that if we didn't strike first, we would die.

Miracles aren't reliable because you never know when it will happen, or else it wouldn't be called a miracle would it? Well there we were standing inside an area 5 sky train station looking like a bunch professional teenage cosplayers. Everyone was giving us sideways glances and some where even taking out their phones. If Yoshino had lookouts among the bystanders, it wouldn't take too long for her to come and crush us like gnats.

"I don't like our chances." Aurora said at the last moment.

"Neither do I, but unless you can come up with some genius plan right now. I suggest you be quiet and follow me." I said tensely.

She seemed as if she was about to say something, but then decided not to. We started making our way towards the dock and every step my worry increased. The walk took twenty minutes walking and by the time it we were there, the last rays of the sun had died out. It looked as if the sky had been killed.

"I doubt the plan." Aurora said straightforwardly, as we dodged past a series of surveillance cameras and wandering security guards.

"No turning back now, all you have to do now is do your part and trust in the G." I said quietly. I pressed a finger to my lips to signal her to be quiet and reluctantly, surprisingly she obeyed.

"What is it?" Aine asked.

"You see that giant crane over there?" I gave a little a space for the girls to see as I pointed.

"I see, so one of us has to go there and stand by until the target is lured into our trap." Aurora replied.

We went over Yoshino's abilities before this, it's basically function as a very powerful invisible vector force, with a power level over 9000. From what I saw during the previous encounter with her, I picked up a few things that could potentially be her weakness. Sadly I wasn't able to get close enough to read her mind and verify them. Mostly because my head was all wired about escaping from being crushed. Anyway I wasn't able to get more information about her. Back to her potential weaknesses: 1. the range of her ability is about fifty meters spouting from any part of her body. 2. She cannot move from her spot while she is using her ability. And that's about everything I know, but even I highly doubt myself at this point. One mistake and we could all be dead.

I don't need any of that on my mind right now, and I had more important things to do. I knew how the crane would play a vital role in the plan but I hadn't decided who would be using the crane. I wished it would be me and at the same time I didn't want to have anything to do with that crane. If I was in the crane I wouldn't have to face Yoshino, sadly I was the only person who could bait her into coming to the trap. Also the downside of being in the crane was that it would be impossible to escape if Yoshino realized what we were doing. As for Aurora, the more rational cool minded twin, this would be the ideal job for her. However the circumstances were different. Aine's ability was much better for high damage, large AOE, and cool boss end fight explosion. But her ability was going to be rendered useless if Yoshino summoned Ryusaki for protection. As soon as Aine runs out of fuel Yoshino could just simply switch into offensive mode and sweep in for the easy kill. Unlike her destructive twin, Aurora's ability is to generate ice would come in handy. She could use ice to create snowflakes or even a blizzard to create a distraction.

I realized it must have so much more potential than this. If the laws of physics apply properly to all these mystic powers, then generating an invisible force like that would require a lot of energy. How it's generated is a whole different topic; but our main concern is how to stop the power from being generated. I've thought about that for a long time, and it will work...hypothetically. If Aurora creates ice out of thin air, that must mean she has the ability to lower the temperature around her for a short period of time. Once the temperature has gone beyond a critical point, blood will flow slower and eventually stop. After blood stops flowing people begin to lose conscious. And I think that lower the temperature the weaker her power. Once her ability was rendered useless, she will become a frozen corpse or human barbecue...sad, a waste of body like hers. That's the least of my concern about this part. First of all I don't know how far Aurora abilities can go, before she tires out herself completely.

Yoshino won't just stand there like a sitting duck while Aurora slowly freezes her to death. She will definitely retaliate. No shit Sherlock. I felt so dumb thinking about that. I felt that our first encounter with her was just a tip of the iceberg. I can't even imagine what she's truly capable of. She still might have an ace or two up her sleeve, or several and that worries me. This is the best and last shot we will have. Chances are, if we don't defeat Yoshino tonight, we won't live to see the dawn. I don't know why that crazy b**** wanted to kill me, but from the instant I read her mind I knew she was serious. And as for the crane, I decided to let Aine take care of it. Yes, Aine, literally the hot headed arrogant girl was going to save the day. I didn't like it but I didn't have anyone else to take her position. The best I could do was to just go with it. Even though chances are she is likely to fail, f**k my life, she is more likely our only hope.

"Alright here's the plan, Aurora and I will be the bait, and we'll try to lure Yoshino to the crane. Aine your job is to be in the crane, and I want you to drop a container on her as soon as I give you the signal, got it?"

"Who put you in charge!? You are forgetting your place servant!"

"Please, we don't have much time to argue."

"My dearest sister Aine, I am afraid he is right. We do not have much of a choice."

"Fine. But if the plane doesn't work I will roast you alive on a stick!" Aine gave me an evil look before she took off for the crane. As childish her temper is the threat was still there.

"I guess that's that," I turned and said to Aurora, "Just stay behind me and cover me while I lead Yoshino into the trap. So clear?"

"Very well, may spirits guide us."

We moved out, and with just a couple turns around the corner we ran into the open and saw Yoshino, who was in the middle of dismounting her bike. She seems to be alone, which was probably the best, since we don't want any extra trouble. When she turned and saw us her lips turned into a sharp wicked grin, but she stood her ground.

"All of you bastards just saved me the trouble to look for all of you, I can't believe you were stupid enough to come on to my turf. And my turf, my rules. And the penalty for trespassing is death!" she said as she whipped out her katana and pointed it at us. That caused a strong gust of wind to blow right in our faces.

"We came here hoping we could talk to you, I am sure this is all a big misunderstanding right?" I said trying to buy us some time.

"It seems that not only are you stupid, you are also insane. Talk? Do you think that will solve anything? My ancestors back in the days, did not earn their place with petty words. They won it with this." She held up her wooden katana for us to see.

"A wooden sword?" I mocked, knowing those words would probably get me killed.

"No you idiot! My ancestors earned their place through strength and power! And I mean to follow in their footsteps. Now let me show you bastards a taste of true power!" She really meant it this time, we were about 30 meters apart when she brought her katana down. The ground in front of her split in two, even though I was nowhere near the centre of the attack but I was still thrown of balance by the shockwave. Aurora, seemed to regain her balance just as I did. Without speaking or looking at one another, we came to an understatement almost instantly; Run.

I didn't even turn and see, if Yoshino was after us or not, I just ran. After a 100 meters or so, somewhere between that I lost track of where Aurora was going meaning I was on my own. I took cover under one of the cargo boxes breathless. I was going to be found, it was only a matter of time. Ultimately this won't damage the plan. As long as Yoshino comes to the designated position. If she is after Aurora...let's just hope that girl runs quickly.

"Not only a bastard, but a coward too," Yoshino's voice surprisingly came from behind me. For a moment I thought my cover was exposed but then I realized, she was just as confused as I was.

"Come out and face me if you are a man! Did you not grow a pair of balls when you are born?"

Well I can take that, but the plan can't. Timing is crucial, even if it meant exposing myself I had to act. I honestly hate myself. I muttered for Eji as I crawled into the open and let myself be seen.

"To be fair, I do have a pair of balls." I stepped out of my hiding spot.

Yoshino seemed shocked, but quickly went back into clam mode.

"Well you won't be needing them much longer anyways!" she swung her arm towards me with the theatrical dragon snake thingy attached. With Eji I managed to foresee her attack; Snake thingy attacking at 12 o'clock; I dodged sideways just in time, as the place I was a second ago became nothing but a few iron splinters and a giant crater. She didn't stop there, she slashed out at me several more times Only with Eji as my guide did I manage to juke all of them with ease. Her attack patterns were mostly all the same and it took her a lot time to reset from the previous attack before launching a one anew. I didn't even feel like I needed to summon my avatar at all but I did just in case.

"Stay still you coward!" She screamed slashing at me again.

"Nah, I don't want to die." I said, realizing I had the advantage now. She was amazing she almost all of my obstacles. I was had a clear path.

"STOP MOVING!!!" she screamed again giving chase.

I am almost to the spot, with Yoshino trailing behind me mercilessly. Upon reaching my destination, Eji had almost reached her limit. She was going to withdraw soon. I needed to move quickly I raised my hand up in the signal. Seconds passed... No response from Aine, wtf? I looked around frantically for the crane. When I saw it I wished I was drunk, or hallucinating. There is not a single f****** person inside the crane. One job, she only had one job, and she managed to f*** it up perfectly...

Well I guess, it was my fault for having high hopes in Aine. I shouldn't have trusted her to do her job. I guess it was just too much to ask. Anyways I was cornered with cargo to my back and on either side. There was no way she would miss this one even if she went blind. Unless a meteor came down and hit her on the head. That would probably kill me too. I didn't see any way out of the situation.

"It seems your allies have abandoned you, a fit end for a cowardly bastard like yourself." She swung down her katana snake dragon whatever at me one last time. I swear it was the end for me, I ducked and covered my body as much as I could with my arms. I closed my eyes and waited... and waited. But it never came i was probably dead and in heaven. Instead when I open my eyes, I found myself looking face to face with Yoshino who had been crushed under a collapsed crane. Wtf? I got up slowly and rubbed my eyes hard several times. Eventually realized that this wasn't an illusion, it was all real.

"I didn't like your stupid plan, so I did it my way." Came Aine's voice from behind me, sounding all high and mighty.

"What did you do?" I asked, as I turned and faced her slowly.

"I got to the crane, then threatened the worker into leaving. He was quite obedient. All the buttons in the cockpit, gave me nothing but headache, so I just simply burned its bases down."

A grim smile spread across my face, "When you burned the bases down, did you consider the fact that it could possibly be me that was going to be crushed?"

There was a long stench of pause, long enough to make me uncomfortable. Finally Aine replied, "Don't think about it, I guess there wasn't much to lose in a servant or two." Aine shrugged and added: "even one who cooks like you do."

That was more sympathy than I would have ever expected of her, but I still couldn't help but let out an irritated sigh.

"So what do you plan do with her?" Aine asked me with a lighthearted voice.

"The cops will be here any time now, so it's best if we leave the scene right now and come back for your sister later."

"NO!" she shouted with such ferocity, I instinctively took a few steps back, but she wasn't done. "I am not going anywhere without my sister! If you're going to stop me, then I am going to burn you down and whatever stands between me and my sister, so get out of my way!" I noticed there were tears in her eyes and despite her lazy attitude most of the time, I realized how inseparable the twins were. And how attached they were to one another. They were humans after all.

"There won't be need for that." came Aurora's voice.

"Sister!" Aine screamed as she threw her arms around her sister in a bear hug. It almost knocked Aurora to the ground with its intensity.

"I believe that is enough." Aurora said slowly pushing herself away from her sister. Then she cleared her throat and continued, "Ying is right, we have to leave right now. I saw Yoshino's men and the cops several blocks away so we don't have much time."

"Don't ignore me you little bastards! Once I get out of here, I will find every single one of you and have the pleasure of crushing you into small squishy meat pies!"

We didn't really bother to hear her carry out every single one of her threats or taunts, as we began to leave, her angry screaming and curses faded into the background. We may defeated her for now, but what about the next time and the time after that?

I glanced back at Yoshino one last time, then decided on my own, to solve the problem permanently once and for all.

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