Your Heart Is Mine 5

"Tch...can you believe those bastards got released? They don't deserve to be free" Jinah said as she gritted her teeth
"I understand how you feel but there is nothing we can do" Soha said
"And Ume still hasn't recovered her memories..." Jinah said
"Honestly... that wouldn't change anything. Ume would only be devastated and hurt hearing that Yongi died. I mean she knows but'll be the same. I don't know if she'll stay with Alyssa but...yeah nothing will change if she recovers her memories" Soha said
"True but at least Alyssa is behaving herself. We've visited her a few times to check up on her and...well Ume is kinda doing okay" Jinah said
"I...still don't have so much trust in Alyssa. I know she is up to something..." Soha said
"Look neither do I but...nothing has happened between those two" Jinah said
"What is she planning..." Soha said
"Not sure but it's kinda odd that Celeste somewhat sides with her" Jinah said
"What do you mean by sides with her?" Soha asked
"That Celeste is kinda on Alyssa's side. She doesn't disagree with her and goes along with what Alyssa says" Jinah said and Soha thought for a moment
It is true. Celeste said that it was alright to let Ume live with Alyssa even though she knew how hurt Ume was...
"Maybe Celeste knows something we don't. After all they are close friends..." Soha said
"Mm that could be true. Anyways, are you done getting ready? We have to get going soon to that picnic" Jinah said
"Yes. Thank you for helping" Soha said
"Of course but why does your bastard husband not help?" Jinah asked
"He's always busy and I don't care. I don't need him by my side" Soha said as she stood up from the couch
"Because you have me?" Jinah asked as she grabbed her boobs and Soha pushed her away
"Shut up and keep your hands off me. Harumin! Mitsuko! Let's go" Soha said as she went to grab her girls
" used to love it" Jinah mumbled softly and went to grab the bags for Soha
"Mind sending a message that we're on our way?" Soha asked
"Sure" Jinah said and pulled her phone out to send a message to the group. While the two women were on their way, the others were at Alyssa's place
"I see that you're doing better, Ume" Celeste said
"Eh?" Ume asked
"It's because I see your cheerful expression again..." Celeste said
"Oh really? I hadn't realized..." Ume said
"Did something good happen?" Celeste asked
"Mm...well I guess you could say that and no. It's not because of my memories" Ume said
"Still having a hard time?" Celeste asked
"Yes but it's alright" Ume said
"So what happened that made you this way?" Celeste asked
"...we're finally back together" Ume said and Celeste trembled slightly but remained calm
"Together? As in you and Alyssa?" Celeste asked
"Yes. I know it's a bit shocking know I decided to give her one more chance. I's been years and well...I think it's best if we start over. She's been helpful and caring with me ever since I got here" Ume said
"Well I'm glad to hear that. So when did you two officially get together?" Celeste asked
"Yesterday. I was feeling...a bit tired about everything and not able to remember. I don't know what got into me but she was there to comfort me happened. I opened up my heart to her and she showed her love to me. It was truly wonderful..." Ume said as she smiled warmly
"Well congratulations. I hope Alyssa doesn't screw up her second chance. Do you plan on telling the others?" Celeste asked
"...that's the thing uhm...I'm a bit scared" Ume said smiling nervously
"Ah the others?" Celeste asked
"Mhm. I know they're still not on good terms with Alyssa and I understand why. If I told them this then...they'll go nuts. Especially Soha who has been there for me and comforted me back then. She'd get pissed" Ume said
"They'll have to know sooner or later. Or they might find out if Alyssa starts behaving all cute and lovey-dovey towards you" Celeste said
"True so...would you please keep this a secret from them?" Ume asked
"Alright" Celeste said
So Alyssa achieved her goal. The others will surely be shocked but there is nothing they can do about it...
"Mmmh...mah..." The little one year old girl said as she held onto her mother's shirt
"Her curls are so cute" Ume said as she held her hand out and caressed her soft hair. Himeko looked at the woman with her dark violet eyes and smiled a little
"Where is Alyssa?" Celeste asked
"Getting the girls ready for the playdate. She is quite a great and caring mother. Yuzu and Mei seem like great sisters" Ume said and heard footsteps from the stairs
"Yuzu and Mei are ready" Alyssa said as she walked downstairs while holding the two girls
"Mama!" Yuzu said as she reached her arms out
"Hey! Don't lean forward" Alyssa said as she held her close. Ume smiled warmly and held her arms out as Alyssa handed Yuzu to her
"We ready?" Alyssa asked
"All the bags are packed and ready" Ume said
"Shailung and Kallen sent a message saying they're setting up the table" Celeste said
"Are Soha and Jinah there yet?" Ume asked
"They're on their way" Celeste said
"Then we should get going" Alyssa said. The women headed out to the car to get their bags and get the kids in the car. Alyssa looked more calm and happier after achieving her goal
"...looks like you did it" Celeste said as she stood beside her while Ume was getting the girls seated
"Well I got lucky since I didn't mean to get rid of Ume's memory. It might've been difficult if she remembered her happy memories with Yongi..." Alyssa said
"But did it really have to involve Yongi? He did nothing wrong..." Celeste said as she looked down
"He took what was mine. Also I don't get why the hell you're still upset when your daughter is still alive. Himeko wouldn't even be here if you'd go against what I said so...thank you for being a great friend" Alyssa said as she smiled. Celeste felt a shiver down her spine as she held her daughter closely
"You hear that, Himeko? Your mother made the right choice to keep you alive because I would've killed you that day I took care of you" Alyssa said as she touched Himeko's hand and Celeste pulled her back
"Don't touch her..." Celeste said
"Relax. I'm not going to do anything. Besides I already got what I wanted...but you know...Soha's girls might be next if she continues to keep being a bitch towards me" Alyssa said and Ume called them out
"What are you two waiting for? Let's get going" Ume said as she smiled
"Alright" Alyssa said as she went to her lover
"I hope Soha stops..." Celeste said

The two girls whined as they were playing tug of war with the toy
"Hey hey now. Quit fighting you little bitches" Jinah said as she approached the girls. Harumin let go of the toy and looked at the woman before kicking her
"You little fucking stupid bit-ah!" Jinah whimpered as Soha smacked her head
"Why do you keep hitting me?" Jinah asked
"Don't use that language around the kids" Soha said
"Now I understand why your kids hit me..." Jinah mumbled softly
"Anyways what's going on?" Soha asked and knelt down
"Harumi wants to play..." Mitsuko said and Harumin crawled on Yuzu
"Yuzyuz!" Harumin said
"Mine" Yuzu said clenching the toy
"Get off of her, Harumi" Soha said as she grabbed her daughter
"Yuzu, you need to learn to share" Ume said and Yuzu shook her head
"How come you share with Mei?" Ume asked and Yuzu looked at Mei who was sitting down with Himeko
"Mei!" Yuzu said dropping the toy and crawled towards her before pushing her down and got on top of the girl's back
"Yuzu!" Ume said
"Mei" Yuzu said
"Mama!" Mei whined and Himeko started smacking Yuzu
"No!" Himeko said
"Ma!" Yuzu whined
"Yuzu, get off of-" Ume froze as her head throbbed and trembled
"Ume?" Soha asked as she held her as Ume almost lost her balance. Her head throbbed in pain and looked down as she felt her head feel fuzzy
"Ume, will you marry me?"
"I promise to always stay by your side. I will make you happy..."
"Ume...I love you"
"Ume!" Alyssa said as she rushed towards her and grabbed her hand. Ume blinked a couple of times before getting back to reality
"U-Uhm...sorry I...I just felt my head throb for a moment there" Ume said as she smiled a little
"Would you like to sit down?" Soha asked
"Y-yes please. Ah wait! The girls-"
"I got them" Alyssa said as she knelt down to get the girls away from one another
Her head started throbbing? Shit...don't tell me...
"Himeko, don't hit" Celeste said as she held her daughter
"What's with you and trying to get on top of Mei?" Alyssa asked as she separated Yuzu and Mei
"Mei" Yuzu said
"Mama..." Mei whined as she held her arm
"Don't start whining to me now..." Alyssa whispered and held Mei in her arms
" you think she recovered them?" Celeste asked
"...I don't care if she recovers her memories. She can remember him if she wants but there is nothing she can do anymore. If she plans to run away well...I'll go after her weakness" Alyssa said looking at Yuzu. Yuzu looked at the woman and smiled
"You really are crazy..." Celeste mumbled. Meanwhile Ume was resting as she took a sip of water
"Are you feeling better?" Kallen asked worriedly
"Y-yes. It was just a small headache but now it's gone" Ume said and leaned against Soha's shoulder
"Did it have to do something with your memories?" Jinah asked
"I-I uhm...well I-"
"It's okay. Don't think about it or else you might get a headache so just relax" Soha said as she held her. Alyssa looked at the woman and gritted her teeth
"How fucking annoying..." Alyssa mumbled softly and Mei rested her head on her chest
"Jealous?" Shailung asked as he approached her while he held his daughter in his arms
"Hm?" Alyssa asked
"I can tell by the look in your eyes..." Shailung said
"Well...because what's mine is mine" Alyssa said as she smiled
"...why'd you do it?" Shailung asked with a slight cold tone as he locked eyes with Alyssa's. The woman's eyes darkened along with the man as they both let out a cold and dark menacing aura which worried their kids
"Heh...not surprised that you were the first to figure it out" Alyssa said
"...why did you kill him?" Shailung asked
"Oh Shailung...I'm surprised someone like you can feel emotions even though you're a fucking psychopath who kills for a living. I only did what I had to do and get Ume in my arms..." Alyssa said
"And getting rid of Yongi was your only answer?" Shailung asked
"What else could I've done? I hate sharing..." Alyssa said and looked over at Ume with her friends
"Listen Shailung...mind your own business. You'll get nothing by killing me. worried about your own family. Kallen and Shai are the only ones important in your miserable lonely life. But I am would you react if I got rid of your precious family?" Alyssa asked as she looked at Shai and Shailung glared at her with his crystal blue eyes
"Do it and I'll kill you and your child" Shailung said as he glared at the girl in her arms
" it and Ume will be terribly upset and depressed. She is mine now and I'm her only happiness including my own daughter who she loves as her own child. So do it and Ume will probably kill herself so she could be with me..." Alyssa giggled softly and walked past him
"It was nice chatting with you. You still haven't changed one bit the first time I met you..." Alyssa said as she walked away and Shailung sighed in frustration
"That bitch..." Shailung mumbled
"Papa..." Shai whined and Shailung caressed her cheek
"It's okay. Don't be scared...papa will protect you and your mother" Shailung whispered softly. After the picnic was over, everyone went their separate ways heading back to their homes. Alyssa noticed Ume behaving quite different which started to worry her
"Ume~" Alyssa said and hugged her from behind
"A-ah Alyssa..." Ume said
"Are you sure you're feeling okay? Does your head still hurt?" Alyssa asked
"I'm fine" Ume said and Alyssa kissed the back of her neck
"I love you~" Alyssa whispered softly and licked her neck. Ume felt her heart skip a beat and trembled a little
"I-I love you too...uhm...Alyssa? Let's do i-it later since we still have to take care of the girls and bathe them" Ume said as she turned to look at her
"Okay" Alyssa said as she smiled and pulled away from her
Haaah...don't fucking tell me she remembers. I can't fuck her or else she'll be thinking bad of me. I have to seduce her and love her…
Time went by and the mothers finally put their little girls to bed
"Let's head to bed" Ume said and went to their room where Alyssa surprised her with a kiss
"Mm!?" Ume's eyes widened and Alyssa pushed her down on the bed without breaking the kiss. Ume grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away
"H-hey wait..." Ume said and Alyssa kissed her neck softly
"Ume, be honest. Did you recover them?" Alyssa asked and Ume trembled. Alyssa slid her hand up her shirt and Ume shivered feeling a ticklish sensation
"Ume..say it" Alyssa said
"I-I'm not sure what happened there but...I-I might've remembered something..." Ume said
"And that is?" Alyssa asked
"..." Ume only trembled before hugging Alyssa
" it okay for us to be together?" Ume asked
"There is nothing wrong with going back together. We are in love with each other..." Alyssa said as she held her and cupped her cheek
"Is that why you pushed me away?" Alyssa asked
"I-I really didn't mean's just...I was confused" Ume said and Alyssa kissed her lips
"Ume, I love you with all my heart. This time I will make things right and never leave your side. We've been doing well together right?" Alyssa said
"Well...I'm surprised that you didn't immediately come after me" Ume said
"I'd scare you away. That's why I didn't do anything but care for you and support you by taking care of you and your daughter. Because...I truly love you and I want you to be mine again" Alyssa said as she smiled and Ume blushed
"I want to be yours again..." Ume said and Alyssa kissed her. Ume kissed her back softly as she held her closely. The two women kissed each other until they were out of breath
"Hah~ Haah~ Ume~" Alyssa panted softly and kissed her neck
"A-alyssa~" Ume moaned and Alyssa stripped her naked leaving nothing on. Ume blushed deeply and shut her legs tightly
"Ume...spread your legs~" Alyssa said and rubbed her thigh softly. Ume blushed deeply feeling embarrassed and spread her legs revealing her dripping pussy
"Wet already?~ Did you enjoy my kiss that much?~" Alyssa asked
"Sh-shut up" Ume said and Alyssa rubbed her clit slowly. She moved her fingers slowly as she felt how wet she was
"Hehehe~ Listen to the sound it makes~" Alyssa said
"D-don't say embarrassing things~" Ume said as she blushed even more and Alyssa shoved three fingers inside
"Ahh!~ Mm!~" Ume moaned and covered her mouth
"Your pussy seems to be sucking my fingers in~" Alyssa said and pumped her fingers rapidly inside. Ume arched her back in pleasure feeling Alyssa's fingers deep inside. Alyssa looked at her expression and smirked while hitting her sweet spot
"I love you so much~" Alyssa said and moved her fingers around inside
"Mmm!~ Mm!~" Ume moaned. Alyssa leaned in towards her body as she sucked on her boob hard
"Ngh!~ Mm!~" Ume moaned and Alyssa licked her nipple before biting it. Ume whimpered in pain and felt her climax building up inside. She moved her hips at the same pace as her fingers as she wanted more
"Mm!~ Mmm!~" Ume moaned loudly and came on Alyssa's hand
"We've only just started~" Alyssa said pulling her fingers out then licked the cum off of it. Ume felt embarrassed and looked away. She tried to recover from her climax and Alyssa started to strip herself naked before climbing on top of her
"A-alyssa..." Ume said and Alyssa leaned in slowly
"You belong to me~" Alyssa said and kissed her
I win~

The End

Next: Love At First Sight (Hana x Nene)

*Reminder that Hana is an OC character of mine

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