Your Heart Is Mine 3

"Why the hell did I agree to this..." Ume asked herself as she stared at the huge house in front of her. Yuzu was in her arms playing with the doll and looked at the house
"It'll be okay..." Ume said as she walked towards the house and knocked on the door. The door opened as Alyssa answered it
"Ah Ume! Thank you for coming. Please come in" Alyssa said as she smiled softly and Ume smiled a little as she stepped inside the house
"Thank you" Ume said and looked around the place
It's quite big...
"Anyways said you wanted to tell me something?" Ume asked
"Right. Let's talk in the living room" Alyssa said as she guided Ume to the living room where Ume found a small baby sitting on the carpet while playing with her toys
"That's have a child..." Ume said
"Mei, say hi to our guests" Alyssa said and Mei looked at the two strangers before whining slightly
"Ah don't cry please. Anyways you may take a seat" Alyssa said as she went over towards Mei to keep her calm. Yuzu started squirming around slightly as she whined a bit
"Hm? What's wrong?" Ume asked and put Yuzu down. Yuzu got up wobbling slightly before walking towards Mei
"Eh?" Alyssa asked as she saw the little girl heading towards her daughter before sitting down. Mei backed up a bit as she felt slightly scared and looked at her mother
"Mei, this is Yuzu. Say hi" Alyssa said as she waved and Mei looked at Yuzu before waving at her
"Hi..." Yuzu said as she kept staring at her and Mei looked away
"Would you like a drink?" Alyssa asked
"U-uhm sure" Ume said. Alyssa nodded before walking away to the kitchen. Ume looked at the girls and Yuzu pointed at the girl
"Mama..." Yuzu said
"Her name is Mei" Ume said
"Mmm...mei" Yuzu said as she looked at Mei who looked down
"Mmgh..." Mei whimpered a bit
"Don't get too close to her okay? You're going to scare her" Ume said and Yuzu looked closer before Mei pushed her face
"Yuzu, I said don't get too close" Ume said
"Mei" Yuzu said and smiled. Mei pulled her hand away and looked away
"I'm back" Alyssa said as she smiled warmly with a tray and set it down by the coffee table that was close to the couch
"Ma..." Mei whined a bit while the other girl was playing with her toys
"Hahaha don't be scared of her. She is not going to hurt you or anything" Alyssa said and patted Mei's head softly
Mei, don't ruin this opportunity for me with your whiny cries and whimpers. Behave...
"Your daughter...really looks a lot like you" Ume said as she looked at the girl
"I always hear that everyday when I take my daughter out" Alyssa giggled softly as she sat down on the couch
"Thank you for the drink" Ume said as she picked up the drink from the tray and took a sip of it
"You're welcome" Alyssa said as she smiled
"So...what is it that you wanted to discuss?" Ume asked
"Okay so...first of all I want to apologize for my behavior back there. I...guess I wasn't thinking straight since it's been so long since we've seen each other. The last time I saw you your wedding" Alyssa said
"Yeah...and you never showed your face again" Ume said mumbling a little
"I-I can explain why I never showed up again. It's because of the stupid family company and having to deal with business stuff. It got worse when my daughter was born and well...the main reason why I asked you to come here is because I need someone to take care of Mei for me and I want that someone to be you" Alyssa said
"P-pardon?" Ume asked
"You see...ever since my husband died-"
"Wait...your husband...died? Wh-when? How?" Ume asked as she looked shocked
"When Mei was born. He was murdered" Alyssa said
"O-oh gosh... I-I'm sorry I didn't...u-uhm know" Ume said as she looked away
"Don't worry. It's okay. Obviously I never loved him but he was sure a good man that didn't deserve to go. I understand why you didn't know since you wouldn't want to know anything about me but...back to the topic. I am going to get busy handling both my family's company and the Aihara Academy. Sho was the chairman but after he died his father took over again and handled everything. Meanwhile I was stuck with my newborn baby and taking care of Mei on my own. My parents rarely helped but Mei's grandfather seemed to be a caring man. I guess it's because he'd like Mei to become the next chairwoman of the Academy" Alyssa said
"So he already planned her future?" Ume asked
"You could say that. My family would like Mei to handle the family's company as well but I told them to wait until she is older and see how everything goes. I don't think I'd want her to work on both the Academy and the company" Alyssa said
"So...why are you asking me to take care of her?" Ume asked
"Like I said I'm going to be busy handling my family's company and the Aihara Academy. I know it may sound a lot but I made a promise. I told them that I'd work again once Mei was a little older since you know how newborns are and without her father well...I needed to stay with her. If you're worried about handling Mei then don't be. Mei is quite calm and quiet. She only gets whiny when she needs to change or when she is hungry. She'll calm down after you change her or feed her. She takes naps easily and I suggest you stay quiet when she is sleeping" Alyssa said
"How old is she?" Ume asked
"She'll be turning one next month" Alyssa said
"Oh next month? So Yuzu's older than her by one month" Ume said
"Yes so I'm hoping you're able to look after her. I mean you stay at home since Yongi provides for you right? And Yuzu might get along with Mei" Alyssa said
"Wh-why me though? Can't you get a maid or something? A babysitter?" Ume asked
"I tried and...let's just say Mei didn't like them one bit. Since your daughter likes to make friends well...I thought that you wouldn't have a problem if Yuzu keeps Mei company. Besides I trust you a lot to take care of my daughter" Alyssa said as she smiled
"B-but I mean-"
"I'll pay you well" Alyssa said
"A-ah no need. I-it's alright" Ume said
"Nonsense. I'll pay you right now for the first week. I will bring my daughter to you around 7am and return to pick her up around 8pm. If you have any problems then contact me whenever even if I'm in a meeting" Alyssa said as she smiled warmly
"A-ah uhm...o-okay" Ume said as she surrendered
"I knew I could count on you. Thank you very much for your help, Ume" Alyssa said
"U-Uhm yeah. No problem" Ume said
I was worried for nothing. She only asked me to look after her daughter.
"Hey Ume. You don't mind staying a while longer? I mean...the girls seem to be getting along so why not a small little playdate for them?" Alyssa asked
"Sure" Ume said. The day went by and the two girls soon fell asleep next to each other
"Look how cute they are" Alyssa said as she took a picture of the girls
"They exhausted themselves" Ume said
"That's the best part. You're finally able to relax and enjoy some time alone" Alyssa said and sat down on the couch. Ume looked at her watch checking the time
"Seems like it's getting pretty late" Ume said
"You're leaving?" Alyssa asked
"Yes. I have to get home to make dinner" Ume said
"Well alright. Thanks for coming and agreeing to take care of my daughter" Alyssa said and hugged her. Ume tensed up a bit as she blushed a little and Alyssa pulled away smiling softly
"Ahem do you need help in putting your child in the car?" Alyssa asked
"No need. I'm good but thanks" Ume said as she stood up from the couch and picked up Yuzu who was asleep. Alyssa took Ume to the front door and opened it
"Thanks again for being there for me..." Alyssa said
"It's what friends are for..." Ume said
"O-of course. Get home safe. I'll be seeing you Monday" Alyssa said
"Okay. Bye Alyssa" Ume said
"Bye...Ume" Alyssa said and closed the door. She sighed as she leaned against the door. She clenched her chest tightly feeling her heart beating rapidly
Damnit...I wish I was able to just pin her down and fuck her but I must be patient. I need to wait for the right moment...
Alyssa walked to the living room seeing her small daughter peacefully asleep
"Thank you for being such a good girl, Mei" Alyssa said and picked her up to put her in her room. She put her in her crib before walking away leaving the baby to sleep. She went downstairs to the living room to pick up the toys and put them back in place
"Seems like that Yuzu girl actually likes my little girl. Good. That way they'll be great siblings" Alyssa said while cleaning up the living room. After cleaning, she sat down on the couch before leaning back. She let out a soft giggle before she let out a soft laughter
"Oh how I wish that day would arrive already. I want that bastard dead..." Alyssa giggled softly

After three weeks, Yongi was getting off early from his work
"I'll give you three days off since tomorrow is your special day" His father said
"Thanks father. Will you be attending the big party?" Yongi asked
"Of course. Besides your mother and I would like to see our little granddaughters" His father said
"Will Otojiro come this time?" Yongi asked
"I will make sure he attends" His father said
"A-ah there is no need to force him" Yongi said
"Why not? That boy needs to understand that we're a family and we will always be there for one another" His father said
"Well alright but I don't want to force him if he doesn't feel like it. Anyways I'll be heading out" Yongi said
"Have a great rest of the day with your family" His father said
"Thanks" Yongi said as he walked towards the elevator. He held his phone out and called his wife
"Hey Yongi" Ume said
"Ume great news. I'm getting off work early and I was given three days off work" Yongi said
"That's wonderful! You'll finally get to spend time with us" Ume said
"I know. I was thinking of going somewhere. Sure we can do the party but we should spend some time alone together as a family. What do you think?" Yongi asked
"Yuzu will definitely love that" Ume said and got another call
"Oh Yongi, mind if I hang up? Alyssa is calling me right now. I'll call you back okay?" Ume asked
"Sure" Yongi said
"Love you" Ume said
"Love you too" Yongi said and the call ended. He went to his car and got himself ready before starting the car. Two other men were in the parking lot inside a car as they watched Yongi drive away
"Let's go..." The man said before starting the car and drove away. Meanwhile Ume was having a talk with Alyssa on the phone
"Oh you're getting here early?" Ume asked
"Yes. I will be there in around 15 minutes. I'm just calling to let you know and all. Has Mei been doing well?" Alyssa asked
"Oh she's amazing. She's actually been more active and playing along with Yuzu" Ume said
"Glad to know Mei is opening up more instead of being shy. Okay I'll see you soon" Alyssa said
"Okay. I'll pack her things" Ume said and hanged up. She went to get Mei's bag ready with her things
"Ah! Yuzu get off of her" Ume said as Yuzu was on top of Mei
"Mei" Yuzu said and Mei began to whine a bit
"Don't play so roughly with her" Ume said as she got Yuzu off of Mei. She decided to put them in front of the TV screen and made them watch a movie together
"Sit here and don't get on top of her again" Ume said as she looked at Yuzu. Yuzu replied with a nod before staring at the screen. Ume went back to getting Mei's things ready and heard loud banging against her door
"E-eh?" Ume asked and walked to the door to look through the peephole. Her eyes widened seeing three unknown men and backed away
"Open up!" The man shouted
"Wh-what?" Ume asked
"Let us in damnit!" The man exclaimed as he banged on the door again. Ume trembled and grabbed the two girls before going to her room where she locked herself in then grabbed a drawer to barricade the door. The girls began to whine a bit as they looked at the panicked woman
"I-it's okay. Everything will be okay" Ume said as she tried to stay calm and called 911. She flinched hearing the banging get louder and the men broke in
"Upstairs! Quick!" The man ordered. Ume teared up as she tried to get through the call
"911, what's your emergency?" A woman asked
"There's three men inside my house and they just broke in! I'm in my room with two children! One's my daughter and the ot-" Ume paused as she heard the banging against her door and the men broke it open
"Get her! Quickly!" The man exclaimed and pushed the drawer as he tried to get in. Ume held tightly onto the girls as she teared up
"Ma'am? I need your address right away" The woman said
"WAAAHHH!! Waaahh!" The girl started to cry as they were scared and Ume trembled before one of the men grabbed her
"AHHHH! L-let go! Get away!" Ume cried as she moved around and dropped her phone
"Quit moving bitch before I fucking beat you up" The man said as he held her tightly
"Wh-what do you want from me!?" Ume cried as she moved and the man accidentally let Ume go making her hit her head against the edge of the table
"A-ah shit!" The men exclaimed and Ume felt her head throb in pain before blinking
"U-ugh..." Ume groaned
"Waaaah!!! Waahh! Waahh!" The girls kept crying loudly. Ume trembled with blood dripping from her head and looked at her daughter before everything went pitch black
"Y-yu...zu..." Ume mumbled and closed her eyes. The three men only trembled as they looked at the unconscious woman.
"F-fuck what do we do?" One of the men asked while the other man hung up the phone
"J-just calm down. Sh-she's just unconscious not dead. Let's wait for Miss Nishihara..." The man said
Fuck...we were only supposed to scare her while Miss Nishihara rescued her. Damnit...we are in trouble for this...

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