Tormenting You 4

"Another day having to deal with her..." Shai groaned as she rubbed her eyes long has it been? Two weeks? My body still hurts...
Shai jumped hearing footsteps and turned around seeing her mother
"Shai? Sweetie, is everything okay?" Kallen asked as she noticed Shai's expression. Shai looked at her mother before forcing a smile
"Yes mom. I'm fine. I'll be going now. Ah also I made breakfast for you too" Shai said. Kallen looked over at the table seeing the plate and smiled warmly
"Thanks Shai. Love you and have a great day" Kallen said and Shai nodded
"Thanks mom. Love you too" Shai said and stepped out of her house. She was walked out of the house and met up on her way the blonde girl along with her little sister
"Morning Shai!" Yuzu said as she waved at her
"Morning" Shai said as she smiled a little. She walked beside them until she heard nearby footsteps
"Meimei!" Himeko said as she hugged Mei from behind
"H-himeko-san? Hey don't hold onto me so tight" Mei said as she looked at her
"Ah sorry Meimei" Himeko said as she smiled warmly and glared at Yuzu
"What's with that dirty look, Momokino-san?" Yuzu asked
"It's because I don't like you" Himeko said as she looked away
"Waaahh! So mean!" Yuzu whined
"Himeko..." Mei said
"Sorry Meimei" Himeko said
"Apologize to Yuzu" Mei said
"Ah...uhm...I'm sorry Aihara-san for my behavior" Himeko said as she bowed down and Yuzu smiled
"It's alright" Yuzu said and Himeko glanced at Shai who kept avoiding her eyes
Himeko walked over to Shai as she walked beside her
"Morning Shai" Himeko said
"A-ah morning... Momokino-san" Shai said
"Eh? Why so formal? I told you before that you can call me by my first name" Himeko said and wrapped an arm around Shai's arm. Shai trembled a little as she felt her touch
"R-right" Shai said as she kept looking forward
Don't look at her...
"...are you guys dating?" Yuzu asked which startled both girls
"EH!?" Shai exclaimed
"I'm just asking" Yuzu said
"N-no! We don't have that kind of relationship!" Shai exclaimed
"She's not my type..." Himeko said
"Hmm I don't know. It's because I've seen you two getting close lately which I know it's normal between friends...but I was only curious if there was something going on between you two" Yuzu said
"I also had that thought as well" Mei said
"Eh? Meimei, you too?" Himeko asked
"It was only a thought. I didn't actually think you two were dating" Mei said and Shai gulped as her heart started beating rapidly hard...wh-why?
"Shai? You alright?" Yuzu asked as she noticed her expression. Shai flinched as she felt her shoulder and smiled
"Hahaha y-yeah" Shai said and Himeko smiled a little. She grabbed Shai as she pulled her away
"I just remembered I have something to discuss with Shai. See you later, Meimei" Himeko said as she smiled softly and walked away with Shai
"H-hey what are you doing?" Shai asked as she trembled and Himeko only smirked
"You know what I want from you..." Himeko said and Shai blushed seeing her eyes. She looked away as she sighed
"What if people sees us? I mean you already heard from them that they think we're dating" Shai said
"So? I don't care what they think about us. So shut up and keep walking" Himeko said and Shai obediently followed her inside the Academy. On their way, the two girls bumped into Hinria
"Ah...Shai" Hinria said
"Hey..." Shai said and Hinria looked over at Himeko noticing their arms linked together
"Excuse us...we need to talk in private" Himeko said and Hinria reached out grabbing Shai's other arm
"Shai wait! I-I...uhm...go out with me!" Hinria confessed and Shai's eyes widened as she blushed
"H-huh?" Shai asked and noticed the other students looking at them
A-ah...everyone is looking I-I don't-
Shai felt a light pain as Himeko tightly gripped her wrist. She glanced over at Himeko who wore an expression that said 'You're mine'
"U-Uhm...Hinria I...m-mind if I tell you my answer after school? I would like to think about it..." Shai said slightly nervous
"Okay..." Hinria said and released her arm. Himeko gritted her teeth before taking Shai away from the scene
That bitch...really isn't going to give up huh? annoying...
Himeko soon let go of Shai before kicking her
"Ow! H-hey!" Shai whimpered and Himeko grabbed her cheeks as she pulled her into a kiss. Shai's eyes widened and stepped back as she felt her back touching the wall. Shai trembled feeling her lips against hers and grabbed onto her shoulders. Himeko licked her lips and broke the kiss. She grabbed Shai's hand before placing it on her chest
"Hey Shai...touch me please" Himeko said panting softly and Shai trembled as her face reddened
T-touch her!?
Blood dripped from Shai's nose and she whimpered before looking away using her sleeve to stop the bleeding
"Eh? You're have a nosebleed?" Himeko asked tilting her head
"N-no..." Shai said as she trembled and Himeko sighed before loosening her tie. She took off her tie before unbuttoning her shirt
"H-hey! Not in a place like this!" Shai whispered screamed
"Hm? Why?" Himeko asked
"Wh-why?! Do you realize we are in the middle of the hallway!?" Shai exclaimed and covered her mouth
"Yeah if you keep screaming like that then they'll definitely come here" Himeko said and Shai trembled before grabbing Himeko taking her to a nearby bathroom. Luckily for them it was empty which was a great opportunity
"Let me wash myself up" Shai said as she went to the sink to wash herself up. Himeko only kept unbuttoning her shirt until she revealed her bra
"Hurry up" Himeko said
"Why do-" Shai froze seeing Himeko with the mirror and turned around seeing Himeko's body. Shai gulped and shook her head
"W-we can't do it here" Shai said and Himeko grabbed Shai pulling her into a stall. She closed the stall door and grabbed Shai's tie pulling their faces close
"I'm not letting you go..." Himeko said and Shai kissed her. Himeko kissed her back and once again grabbed her hand placing it on her chest. Shai began to rub her nipples as she slid her hand inside her bra. She added her tongue in her mouth while Himeko stuck her tongue out as well. Their two tongues danced and wrapped around one another deepening the kiss
"Mm~ Mmm~" Himeko moaned softly and whimpered slightly as Shai started to pinch her nipples gently. Shai broke the kiss and leaned in towards her neck as she started sucking on her neck
"No marks allowed~" Himeko said as she held her head closely
"...okay" Shai said
I really can't say no...

After school, Hinria was waiting for Shai outside of the Academy but only saw Himeko heading towards her
"M-momokino-san?" Hinria asked
"Hey" Himeko said as she forced a smile
"Wh-what are you doing here? Where's Shai?" Hinria asked
"Ah Shai? Well...she sent me to tell you to kindly fuck off" Himeko said and Hinria only glared at her
"I would like to hear it from her instead of you" Hinria said
"Just please fuck off from my little toy okay?" Himeko said
"Wh-what? You think Shai is some kind of toy to you?" Hinria asked as she grabbed her by her shirt
"Hey...I suggest you fucking let go of me" Himeko said as she glared at her
"This has nothing to do with you yet you always interfere in our relationship" Hinria said
"Relationship? Please...don't make me laugh. Just what kind of relationship do you think you're with Shai?" Himeko asked
"Our relationship certainly has nothing to do with you" Hinria said and Himeko punched her gut making her let go of her
"Ugh!" Hinria groaned
"I told you to let go...and also..." Himeko paused as she grabbed her shoulder
"Please don't get in my way and leave my toy alone. She is mine..." Himeko said as she walked pass her. Hinria felt a shiver down her spine as she hugged herself and gritted her teeth
Crazy bitch...who does she think she is? It's not like they're dating right? Shai would never go out with someone like her...
Suddenly Hinria caught the white haired girl walking towards the school gates. Shai looked at Hinria before walking closer to her
"Hey Hinria. about your confession I uh...I'm sorry" Shai said as she looked to the side
" it because of her?" Hinria asked as she clenched her fists tightly
"Wh-what?" Shai asked
"Are you going out with Momokino-san?" Hinria asked and Shai only stepped back
"I-it's...uhm...well kinda complicated and confusing to explain's none of your business. Anyways I have to get going..." Shai said
"C-can't we go out for one-"
"Shai! Hurry up" Himeko called out and Shai sighed
"Sorry Hinria. Have a nice day..." Shai said as she walked away and Hinria only teared up. Shai winced in pain as Himeko pinched her arm
"H-hey quit it..." Shai whimpered
"Move your ass" Himeko said
"Can...we not today?" Shai asked
"Hm?" Himeko asked
"I-I...don't want to do it t-today" Shai said looking down and Himeko glared at her before grabbing her tie
"Then take me to your place..." Himeko said
"E-excuse me?" Shai asked
"We'll do it at your place if you don't want to come home with me" Himeko said
"I-I don't want to do it!" Shai said raising her voice and Himeko kicked her
"Mmgh!" Shai groaned and Himeko held her hand
"You don't have a fucking choice..." Himeko hissed
"Tch...I don't fucking want to be with you! Leave me alone!" Shai said as she pushed her away and began to run away
"Shai! Come back!" Himeko said and Shai ran away heading back home. Himeko only stood in the sidewalk before her eyes darkened. She gritted her teeth before stomping on the ground
"You...must do as I say. You're mine..." Himeko mumbled before smirking
...I'll make you pay...for ditching me
Meanwhile Shai arrived home and rushed inside
"Shai? Is everything okay?" Kallen asked
"'s nothing. I-I was just running..." Shai said panting heavily
"Would you like to eat?" Kallen asked
"N-no thanks. I-I'm fine" Shai said as she headed towards her room. She got to her room shutting the door behind her as she shut her legs tightly
"I-I hate this...I hate this...I-I hate it..." Shai whimpered as tears rolled down her cheeks and went to the drawer pulling out a bottle of pills. She took some pills in her mouth and closed her eyes. She plopped on the bed as she felt a huge relief and sighed softly
Why does Himeko want me so bad?
Time passed by until there was some banging against the door. Shai woke up from the noise and rubbed her eyes
"Eh? Who is it?" Shai asked before walking out of her room. Kallen opening the door and stepped back seeing officers
"G-good afternoon officers. How may I help you?" Kallen asked slightly nervous
"Mom?" Shai asked as she walked downstairs and the officers looked at the girl
"Shai are under arrest for the murder of Hinria Quinn" The officer said
"P-pardon?" Shai asked as she trembled as her heart dropped
H-hinria? Dead? B-but I...I didn't do it!
"N-no! Not my baby! She's innocent!" Kallen exclaimed as she hugged Shai
"There's no doubt she'd do it. Especially because of that bastard's blood running through her veins. Get her" The officer said as they stepped in. Kallen held onto Shai and she hugged her mother back
"It'll be okay mom..." Shai whispered softly and felt the officer touch her shoulder. Shai swung a punch before grabbing the officer's gun. She aimed at the officers pulling the trigger as she shot their shoulders
"Agh! Get that psychopath!"
"We need backup!"
Shai dropped the gun before running away. She panted heavily as tears built up in her eyes
Why is this happening!? I didn't kill Hinria! I didn't do it! Right!? I know damn well I didn't do it!
'That pipsqueak... must've framed us'
Shai gasped as she stopped on her tracks
"H-himeko..." Shai said and clenched her fists tightly as she ran away heading towards the direction of the girl's mansion. Meanwhile in the mansion, Himeko was eating dinner while Pucchi was eating his meal as well
"I wish I was there to see her reaction. It would've been so hilarious" Himeko said as she laughed softly. She took a sip of her drink until she heard some banging against her door
"She's here..." Himeko said as she smiled before standing up and walked to the door
"Himeko! Please come out! Please!" Shai said banging on the door
"What's all the loud ruckus for?" Himeko asked as she opened the door. Shai trembled before falling on her knees. She lowered her head as she began to beg
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Himeko! Pl-please don't let them take me away! I-I can't go to prison! I have to take care of my mother! I have to stay! I-I will do anything! I will listen to you and only you! I won't talk back and I'll do anything you say! Please! I'll stay by your side forever and let you do whatever you want with me! Beat me! Rape me! Hurt me! I don't care! I'll listen!" Shai cried loudly and Himeko was trembling as her heart started racing
O-oh feeling thrilling!!!
Himeko knelt down as she reached out patting her head softly. Shai cried softly and Himeko embraced her as she comforted her
"It's okay, Shai. I will take care of everything for you. All you have to do is stay with me...forever" Himeko said

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