Puppy 2

After bathing, Yuzu was sitting down on the table with Mei sitting across from her
"I hired a chef to cook for us. I know you're a great chef but...I don't want to see you hurt" Mei said and Yuzu looked at the chef before looking back at Mei
How much did she pay him to keep his mouth shut...or does he even know? I rather not risk it and say anything or else...I'll get beat
"Thanks..." Yuzu said
"Anything for my love" Mei said as she smiled a little. Yuzu lowered her head as she trembled a bit and soon heard the television turn on
"Please...I-If you have any information about my daughter. Please...please call us. I-I can't lose my baby...she means too much to me. I-I pray that she's doing alright and that w-we find her soon..." Ume cried and Yuzu trembled as she looked at the television. Her vision blurred up at the sight of her crying mother
"M-mom..." Yuzu mumbled
"The police are still looking for the culprit who assassinated the young woman. They believe this culprit is also the one who is keeping Yuzuko Okogi hostage. If you have any information about them please contact the police immediately" The reporter said. Yuzu was shaking and began to breathe heavily
"T-turn it off..." Yuzu said
"What? Don't you want to hear them?" Mei asked. Yuzu covered her ears as she began to shake even more. Tears built up in her eyes as she began to cry a bit
"St-stop it...stop it...stop it!" Yuzu exclaimed as she stood up from her seat. She fell on her knees before sobbing while covering her ears
"Do you really have to be such a crybaby?" Mei asked as she turned off the television and walked up to Yuzu. She knelt down and patted her head softly
"Hey...look at me" Mei said and Yuzu trembled a she looked up to her with teary eyes
"You don't have to be sad because of her. Your mother doesn't need to be dragged into this nor do the others right? As long as you love me then nothing will happen to them. Either way you never needed them. You need me. You want me. You love me. I'm the only one for you. The only person by your side and who'll take care of you forever...so wipe your tears" Mei said as she cupped Yuzu's cheeks and leaned in licking her tears
"M-mei..." Yuzu trembled and Mei helped her up before sitting her down on the chair
"Now calm down..." Mei said as she rubbed his shoulders. She lifted her head and saw the chef walking towards them with their meals
"You can set them all here" Mei said and the chef placed all the plates down on the table
"Thank you" Mei said and the chef nodded before walking back to the kitchen. Yuzu's stomach growled as the scent of food filled her nostrils
"Bon appetit. Eat as much as you want. You deserve it for being a good girl" Mei said and Yuzu stared at the delicious food in front of her. Her mouth watered as she began to eat the food. She hungrily devoured the food as she enjoyed the taste of food
It's been so long since I've had any delicious food!
"Hey hey slow down. There is enough for you" Mei said and Yuzu paused before nodding
"S-sorry" Yuzu said as she gulped down her food. Mei sighed and heard the phone ring. Mei ignored it as she began to eat her meal
"Y-you're not going to answer?" Yuzu asked. Mei paused before putting her utensils down and stood up from her seat. She walked to the house phone and picked it up. Yuzu watched her leave and looked down at her plate
If I...use all my energy and just...run...then...will I have a chance to escape?
"Hello? Oh hey Himeko" Mei answered the phone. Yuzu reached up to her neck as she felt the electric collar. She trembled and glanced at the chef who was only washing the dishes. His eyes met up with the blonde and looked away
...it seems like he doesn't want to get involved...
"Oh the funeral? When?" Mei asked
"...funeral..." Yuzu mumbled and clenched her fists tightly
I can't submit...I just can't! Sh-she...she killed Harumin...
Yuzu gritted her teeth before standing up and ran
"I see..." Mei said and soon pressed the button which shocked Yuzu's body
"AGH!" Yuzu cried in pain and Mei knocked down the lamp
"Meimei!? Is everything okay?" Himeko asked
"Ah fuck...sorry Himeko but I need to hang up. My little puppy decided to make a mess. I'll call you later" Mei said and hanged up. Yuzu trembled as she cried and Mei pressed the button again electrocuting her
"AAAGGGHHHH!!" Yuzu cried in pain even more and Mei stopped
"How disappointing...you really enjoy pissing me off. I was hoping after lunch we could watch a movie and have sex but no. You keep running away and crying. I know I still have to train you but come on already...you should know the consequences for your actions" Mei said and Yuzu trembled tears rolled down her cheeks
"Time for your training..." Mei said

"A-agh...ugh..." Yuzu groaned as her body was hanging by her arms that were tied up on the ceiling. Her naked body was shivering and shaking since the basement was quite cold
"I must say you have such a beautiful body. You could've definitely succeeded as a model" Mei said as she walked up to her and held out a knife. She slid it down her chest towards her abdomen
"I-I'm sorry..." Yuzu whimpered and Mei kept sliding the sharp knife lower as she reached towards her leg
"Don't worry I know you're sorry..." Mei said and hugged Yuzu's hanging body
"I-it hurts..." Yuzu said
"Hang in there for a little while longer...besides...you haven't gotten your beating yet" Mei said and looked at the knife
"W-will you be stabbing me?" Yuzu asked
"Nah...not yet. Or...well you'll see" Mei said and put the knife aside
"Anyways...let's start. Now listen carefully...from now on you will only bark. I better not here any talking from the pretty mouth of yours. Don't ask why okay? Your punishment will last for 2 minutes. Each time I whip you. Bark. Make sure you count in your head how many times I hit you because after those 2 minutes are up I will ask you how many whips I gave you. Did you get all that?" Mei asked
"Ye-...woof!" Yuzu said and Mei smiled softly
"Good girl..." Mei said
So cute...
The sound of the loud whip echoed through the basement along with the whimpers from the girl
"Woof!" Yuzu barked. Mei raised her arm before whipping her back
"W-woof!" Yuzu barked
"Hahaha...this training definitely helps you become an obedient pup eh? I should do this more often..." Mei said and whipped her back multiple times
"Woof! W-woof! Woof!" Yuzu barked as she tried to keep up with the whips
"Keep barking, bitch!" Mei said as she whipped her back harder leaving more red marks all over her back
"Woof! Woof!" Yuzu barked and cried in pain a bit
M-make it stop damnit!
Suddenly the timer went off and Mei dropped the whip
"Hahahaha...so cute and beautiful" Mei said as she stared at her body. Tears rolled down the girl's cheek as she whimpered in pain
"So...do you know how many whips I gave you?" Mei asked and Yuzu whimpered
"...ten seconds to answer" Mei said
"U-uhm...92?" Yuzu said. Mei caressed her body and planted a soft kiss on her back
"Mmm...not bad. Unfortunately...wrong answer" Mei said and walked away
"H-huh?" Yuzu asked
"You were close..." Mei said as she went to grab a gun. Yuzu heard the pistol getting charged and tensed up
"Wh-what do yo-"
Yuzu shut her eyes tightly as she was terrified but soon realized that it wasn't her
Huh? Sh-she...didn't shoot me?
"Now let's start again..." Mei said
"Wh-what?" Yuzu asked and gasped as Mei spanked her ass
"No talking allowed..." Mei said
"Bark..." Mei said as she held the gun and Yuzu trembled
"W-woof..." Yuzu said
"Good. You don't have to worry about the gun or why I'm not shooting you..." Mei said and looked at the bleeding body by the wall. A smirk formed on her lips as she let out a soft giggle
"...your question will be answered soon" Mei said and set the gun down. She picked up the whip once again as she restarted the timer and started whipping Yuzu's back hard
Fuck! My b-body won't be able to handle this! My arms hurt!
"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Yuzu cried out in pain as she felt her stinging back get even more red with each hit
"You're such a cute puppy" Mei giggled as she whipped her harder making her bleed a bit from the marks
"Woof! W-woof! Woof! Ugh! W-woof!" Yuzu barked as she struggled to keep up
"Come on puppy...don't fall back. Keep up" Mei said and whipped her again. Once the timer rung, Mei dropped the whip and asked the same question
"How many whips?" Mei asked
"...112?" Yuzu said and Mei kissed her stomach softly
"Mmm...wrong answer" Mei said
"A-again?" Yuzu asked
"Hopefully you'll get it right next time" Mei said and grabbed the gun before aiming it at the body. She pulled the trigger and set it aside
"W-wait my back i-is hurting. I-I want a break..." Yuzu asked whimpered
"Oh...I'm sorry but I can't do nothing. The only thing I can do though is use the front. You don't have any marks or anything so maybe it'll be better" Mei said
"N-not there! I-it'll hurt even more!" Yuzu said
"Well it is a punishment after all" Mei said
"N-no! But it hurts!" Yuzu cried
"Shush. Let's continue with the punishment" Mei said
"N-no! Please! Mei!" Yuzu cried
Please just let this end!
Minutes passed by and the girl struggled to bark as she felt the stinging sensation on her chest
"Keep barking..." Mei said and whipped her stomach
"A-ah! W-woof! Wo-agh! Ah! Woof!" Yuzu cried and Mei kept spanking her her chest repeatedly
"Almost done..." Mei said and raised the whip before giving it one last hit on her stomach
"Wo-agh! Woof! Ahh!" Yuzu cried and the timer went off once again
"...how many was it this time?" Mei asked. Yuzu sniffed as tears rolled down her cheeks
"...1..145" Yuzu said as she tried to stop crying and Mei giggled
"Correct" Mei said and soon Yuzu felt her body collapse to the floor since Mei released her
"Agh! Ahhh! Waaahh!!" Yuzu cried in pain as she was lying on the cold floor
"Quit being a crybaby. It wasn't that big of a fall" Mei said
"I-it hurts!" Yuzu cried and Mei sighed before helping Yuzu sit up
"Ah! N-no it hurts!" Yuzu cried and Mei helped her up on her feet
"I'll let you take a break..." Mei said as she took Yuzu to her mattress. She dropped her on the bed still blindfolded and her wrists tied together
"C-can you take this rope off?" Yuzu asked and Mei tilted her head
"Not yet. We'll be doing something later..." Mei said and Yuzu grabbed the blindfold to remove it until Mei kicked her stomach
"Ugh! Ahhh!" Yuzu cried
"Did I give you permission to remove it? No. Now lie down and rest. I will be back since I have to call Himeko..." Mei said as she walked away leaving the girl alone with the body which she didn't know. Yuzu groaned before leaning in and started biting the rope. She tugged on it as she was hoping to loosen up the rope to be able to escape. Her body throbbed in pain from the whips she earned during the punishment
Yuzu kept pulling the ropes as she tried to loosen them up. She struggled as she tried to break free and paused as she heard a muffled noise
What...was that?
"Hello? I-Is someone there?" Yuzu asked
"M-mm...mm..." Someone spoke and Yuzu grabbed her blindfold before lifting it up but realized it was pitch dark
Shit! She turned off the lights!
"You're probably gagged..." Yuzu said
"M-mm...mm...mm..." The person cried a bit and Yuzu sighed
Fuck...just how tight did you put these damn ropes?
"Alright. I'm back" Mei said as she returned and switched the lights on
"H-hey Mei..." Yuzu said
"Yes?" Mei asked
"...when you left...I wasn't alone...right?" Yuzu asked. Mei walked up to her before kneeling down and patted her head softly
"Correct" Mei said
"...wh-who is it?" Yuzu asked
"Hmmm maybe it's best to find out...later" Mei said
"Wh-why?" Yuzu asked
"No reason...now let me take care of your body" Mei said as she held the first aid kit
"...do I know them?" Yuzu asked
"Ah we're still talking about your roommate here? Yeah you do" Mei said
"You said you'd leave them!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Listen puppy...if you behave then no one gets hurt. You broke the rules by trying to run away. Kinda stupid if you ask me but you were always a dumbass" Mei said
"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Just leave them and hurt me! I'm the one who fucked up! They shouldn't be hurt because of my mistakes!" Yuzu cried
"But this seems like the only way you'll obey and listen. See? You're being such a good girl..." Mei said
"B-but they don't deserve this!" Yuzu said
"Jeez why are you so loud? Do you even know who your roommate is? It could be a stranger you know...or perhaps a friend...family?" Mei asked
"Anyone but them! Please! You can beat me up but not them!" Yuzu cried and Mei sighed
"It was supposed to be a surprise but I get they wouldn't stop making noise" Mei said as she looked at the body who was trembling
"Enough crying..." Mei said as she kicked Yuzu on her stomach
"Agh!" Yuzu groaned and Mei stepped on her face
"Let's make a deal. I will give you one final chance..." Mei said and Yuzu whimpered softly
"Wh-what is it?" Yuzu asked and Mei smiled warmly
"You'll see exactly what I'll be doing..." Mei said
I can't wait to see what kind of expression she'll make...

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